The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 251: The Big Wave of Immigration



The Nanyang region is a region that can accommodate the most immigrants.

China does need aborigines in the Nanyang region, because plantations need aborigines to engage in manual production of cash crops, but there is absolutely no need for aborigines who can resist, and at the same time they don’t need those aborigines who are still in a tribal form or even eat people.

Therefore, the Chinese side has begun to coordinate with the Japanese "government", preparing to form a Japanese army to go to Nanyang to clean up those monkeys that are in the way.

This is definitely a difficult task. Jungle combat is far from comfortable. Maybe you can’t walk ten kilometers a day, especially the annoying insects and sultry, rainy climate in the tropical rainforest.

Domain immigration area Immigration area:

The consortium has acquired a lot of land in those vassal states, and at the same time, those vassal states also have a lot of undeveloped land, which can be occupied by immigrants.

At the same time, the industrial development of the vassal state also requires a lot of skilled workers and managers. These high-income groups can all immigrate from the country.

The last immigration area is the immigration area composed of Myanmar, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and India. This area is actually within the scope of China's attack.

In this area, China's navy, land and air forces can protect the interests of citizens from infringement.

Chinese people can swarm in like locusts, especially in Australia. Today, the population of Australia is only about 600 million, and there are only 600 million people in a place that big.Australia's industry is very backward. First of all, there is not much heavy industry, and even less light industry. The mining industry has developed, but the scale is limited to the southeastern region.

At this time, Chinese goods are flooding Australia, and at the same time, Chinese consortia have established large tracts of mines and ranches in Australia.

'Yellow Australia' plan is being implemented.

When 2000 million Chinese immigrants pass by, Australia will be China's Australia, without any suspense.

The Republic of China has planned 7 major immigration areas, 6 of which are announced, and the immigration plans to India, Myanmar, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand are carried out secretly.

After the announcement of the immigration area, the immigration work in the Republic of China began in an orderly manner.

Those areas that are relatively cold will not immigrate until the spring of next year, but in places such as Nanyang, the immigration will start immediately.

After the Republic of China laid down those sites, it started planning very early. The immigration points were marked on the map one by one, and the specific areas have also undergone preliminary construction, especially in the Nanyang area. For example, some houses were built for the immigrant population. wooden house.

In Central Asia, you can only live in tents, and the Immigration Bureau is stepping up planning.

The reason why there was no large-scale immigration to Nanyang before was mainly because there were not enough merchant ships.After overtime construction in the first two quarters of 1918, merchant ships with a displacement of 150 million tons were manufactured in the two quarters, and the tonnage of China's ocean-going merchant ships rose to 650 million tons.

The launch of these merchant ships also provided a large number of jobs for the Republic of China. [

In this immigration process, what is the best way to immigrate?Many people can't make up their minds. People in this era are confused. When it is difficult to make a decision, they usually ask Mr. Bazi.

Mr. Bazi has a batch of horoscopes. Those who lack gold naturally go to the west, those who lack water naturally go to the north, those who lack fire naturally go to the south, and those who lack wood go to the east. Southerners lack water and go to the sea to eat, and northerners lack The fire generally runs to the south.In terms of eating habits, southerners drink herbal tea, while northerners drink white wine.

In ancient times, Chinese people ran to Sichuan when they were short of money, and went to Sichuan to do business and so on.People from Sichuan ran to the south of the Yangtze River when they lacked wood.

A phenomenon can be seen from the population distribution of the two continents, China and Africa, that is, people in the north are generally tall, people in the east must be tall and slender, and people in the south are relatively thin.

This distribution is related to Yin Yang and Five Elements.

However, Europe and the Americas do not have such "representation". Europe itself is not a continent that spans too wide, and the native Indians in the Americas were massacred, and the remaining Indians are all matrilineal descendants.

However, there is a dispute in the martial arts circle about Australia, because Australia is in the southern hemisphere, so how to use the compass?

In Australia, how is the north and south divided?Once the definition is wrong, such as Feng Shui Kanyu, the calculated things are all wrong.

Finally, after some investigations, the Chinese martial arts community has come to a unified conclusion that it is enough to use the compass upside down, and regard the Antarctic as the northern part of the southern hemisphere, and the place close to the equator as the southern part of Australia.

Ordinary people who are willing to immigrate read their fortunes, and after choosing their goals, they set foot on the road of emigration one after another.

As the saying goes, if people move living trees and die, if they are not doing well in the country, then just emigrate!As long as you are willing to immigrate, there are jobs available.

More and more factories need a large number of workers. Working in a factory does not require such hard work all day long, and they have better benefits.

You can also have a stable income, the family is safe and sound, and you don’t have to worry about survival issues. The monthly salary is enough for them to live a good life. Food and clothing are not the most basic, even eating meat every day is basic. It doesn’t cost much to eat. If you want to eat better, you can eat fish and meat every day, but you have to save the money for your children to go to school, buy a house, or even buy a car.

If you want to get some property for your family, then go to be a farmer and build a few hundred acres of land, that is to turn yourself into an owner.

Of course, these days, no one will give you tenants, and you have to buy machines for production. China’s agricultural production methods have undergone tremendous changes, and this change is rapidly spreading to the south where tenants still exist.

Originally, after the mandatory regulations of the "government" in the country, the tenant rent was already very low, even so low that the tenant farmers could live a good life.

However, after the introduction of the immigration policy, the tenant farmers in the south generally feel that it is unreliable to be a tenant farmer, especially after the "Agricultural Reform Law" came out.

The "Agricultural Reform Law" is a law that gradually includes the country's cultivated land and gardens into planning and agricultural reform. Many rice fields in the south are areas that have not yet been mechanized, and the irrigation system does not meet the requirements of the "government" agricultural reform.

Landlords in the south will carry out agricultural reform on their land within a few years. If the land is reformed for every money, please give up the land and sell it to investors who have money for agricultural reform.Or financing for agricultural reform, each holding some shares.After raising enough funds, you have to buy agricultural machinery, repair sprinkler irrigation systems, and so on.

There will be no need for sharecroppers at all.

Therefore, after the promulgation of the immigration law, many tenant farmers in the south also went to the immigration bureau to sign up and become tenant farmers for others. They might as well go to Nanyang to get a piece of land of [-] mu, which is also used to grow rice without paying rent.

Of course, when you arrive in Nanyang, you have to consider the issue of loans, as well as the issue of "government" taxation in the future.However, it must be true that the land is yours.

The third is here!

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