The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 266 Capital Exports from China



The fourth is here!There is one more chapter before midnight!

Entering winter, the construction of the Republic of China in the Beihai administrative region has come to a halt, as has the construction in the northern part of the Central Asian administrative region.

However, in the traditional southern administrative regions and the newly-added Nanyang administrative regions, the construction has just entered a climax stage.

In the southern region, the second half of the year is the most construction time, because there is less rain and it is not very hot at this time, which is a good time for construction. [


Zhu Zhenlin, he is a landlord in Guangdong in his 30s.

His ancestor was a senior official in the Qing Dynasty, and his family had more than 2000 mu of land. Since the Huaxia Central Bank adopted the monetary easing policy, at the same time the country introduced

Under the coercion of Britain, the suzerain country, the Australian government could only give in and compromise.

The Australian government can only open up important areas such as the financial market, electricity market, communications market, and pharmaceutical market to Chinese capital, and at the same time allow Chinese businessmen to invest in railways, highways, factories, mines, pastures, and farms in Australia.

The door of Australia was wide open, and Chinese ethnic businessmen immediately flocked in.

Followed by a large number of Chinese employees.They came to work in Australia with their families, some became executives, and some were skilled workers.Some are self-employed, and the commercial projects they operate are not low-level.

A large amount of investment has been poured into Australia, which has naturally created a large number of jobs, and soon created a scene of prosperity in Australia.

But white Australians are too lazy, and Australia is rich in resources.You don't need to work much to live a good life.But Chinese bosses don't like the lazy work attitude of these white people.Therefore, a large number of laborers were recruited from China, and the wages were very high.

This has led to more Chinese workers coming to Australia.

Soon the white people in Australia discovered that these Chinese workers, even laborers and laborers, had different wage levels from them.

First of all, in the industries invested by Chinese, those with high income are all Chinese.In low-paying jobs, Chinese workers also get more money than they do.

And more and more Chinese people are entering Australia.

A large number of farms and pastures have also been bought by the Chinese. Now the farms and pastures are thrown on the street cheaply, because the agricultural products cannot be transported out.

The Chinese took the opportunity to buy a large number of farms and pastures, and then handed them over to their nationals for production.

Australia is a country that is very suitable for the development of animal husbandry, because there are large tracts of pastures and abundant groundwater.

This is a country that rides on the back of a sheep and sits on a mine cart. It should be said to be the British Dominion now.

At this time, Australia has not yet been fully developed, the population is pitifully small, and most of them are concentrated in the southeastern region.After China's surplus capital poured into Australia, it first encloses all the undeveloped land, and then overhauls railways, highways, and ports to develop the central and western regions of Australia.

Large tracts of pastures have been opened up by Chinese businessmen, and large tracts of undiscovered mines have also been bought by the warlord and oligarch consortia in Jiangyu at extremely low prices.

The key area for China's development is Western Australia, where 90% of Australia's iron ore is located, that is, more than 300 billion tons of iron ore.

At this time, the development level of Western Australia was very low, and there were few railways. The relatively high development level was in the southeastern region of Australia, where there were more copper mines and the like.

The main force in the development of Western Australia is the consortium of warlords and oligarchs in Jiangyu. After the iron ore resources here are closed, China's iron ore resources will be more than sufficient.Moreover, most of these iron ores are rich ore with high iron content.

Western Australia has been developed by China. In less than a year, the Chinese population here surpassed the white population, and the population continued to increase. [

A large number of Chinese people poured into Western Australia, and white people couldn't get in at all, as if they were separated.

In South Australia, the Northern Territory, and Queensland, many Chinese people have also poured in. In addition to mining, the most common one is to run ranches.latest chapter.

in New South Wales and Victoria.This is the area with the highest concentration of white people in Southeast Asia, and here are a large number of Chinese operating in finance, communications, medical care, electricity, and sales industries.

Chinese businessmen have a lot of money.Many assets were bought by Chinese businessmen, and even the newspaper office was quickly controlled by Chinese businessmen.

It didn't take long for Chinese capital to penetrate into various fields in Australia.

The tax revenue of the Australian government seems to have increased a lot, but what makes the Australian government very sad is that the White Australia policy has also officially declared bankruptcy.

Maybe not for long.This place will soon become 'Huangao'.

Australia, originally in the eyes of white Australians, this is a paradise, but after turning into yellow Australia, the situation here may be completely different.

Today's Australian government is very embarrassed, after the door is opened.They can't stop the Chinese from developing Australia.

Once the entry of Chinese is restricted, or gangsters and differential taxes are used to target Chinese, serious diplomatic disputes will immediately arise.

This diplomatic dispute is very serious.

Chinese troops may land in Australia on a large scale within a few days.And completely destroy the Australian government, and then there will be no benefits as the ruler of Australia.

In Australia, many parliamentarians have been bought by Chinese capital, and some high-level politicians have also turned to China.

Previously, Australia was mainly controlled by the Rothschild consortium, it should be said to be half controlled.The Rothschild consortium has not invested too much money in Australia, because Australia is just a source of raw materials for the United Kingdom.

Instead, a lot of money has been invested in the United States.As a result, the Juncker consortium took advantage of the situation.

Facing the attack of Chinese capital, the Rothschild consortium was almost defeated in Australia, because at this time the main energy of the Rothschild consortium was on the European war.

At the same time, Europe is too far away from Australia, and European merchant ships have been sunk in large numbers. China has merchant ships that can transport personnel and equipment to Australia. At the same time, Chinese capital has money, technology, people, and commodities.

With the combination of many advantages, the defeat of the Rothschild consortium in Australia is only a matter of course.

The Rothschild consortium controls four things in Australia: railways, ports, mines, and finance. However, Chinese capital can build railways, ports, and mines by itself, and banks can also be opened everywhere.

After Chinese capital gains the upper hand in Australia, it will inevitably extend to Australia's politics. Many politicians see the benefits, and either actively or passively rely on Chinese capital.

The Rothschild consortium's control of public opinion in Australia is not perfect. After Chinese capital spent money, it directly acquired most of the newspapers and successfully controlled Australian public opinion.

At the same time, China has built movie theaters in every city in Australia, which is also a very important position for public opinion, and making movies can still make money.

And public opinion further influences politics.

Chinese gangs also wanted to pour into Australia, and soon developed into the largest and most powerful gang in Australia, and became the dominant force in the Australian underground.

In just one year, about 500 million Chinese people have poured into Australia, and the capital exported from China to Australia is also the largest among the regions that export capital.

With the infiltration of Chinese capital into Australia's political situation, this British Dominion has gradually become a Chinese Dominion.

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