The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 28: Agricultural Monopoly Policy


spn "Oh! Have you achieved any results?" Jiang Yu immediately stood up. Agricultural machinery is undoubtedly one of the issues he is most concerned about. If we want to take advantage of China's population, we must liberate the labor force from agricultural production.

"Of course! And it's a great achievement. After we adopted the new internal combustion engine and tires, various previous designs have been realized. Large-scale agricultural machinery is no longer a dream. One person can complete the labor of hundreds of people in a day." Palin said excitedly.

Jiang Yu was also very excited, so he immediately went to the agricultural machinery factory.

In the agricultural machinery factory, Jiang Yu saw the first tractor with mature technology. This kind of tractor is basically the same as the later generations of tractors, except that the technology of some parts is backward, such as the internal combustion engine is bigger.

With a tractor, agricultural production is very convenient. [

At this time, the rural areas used carts, ox carts and other means of transportation, but because the people were generally poor, animal power was often unaffordable, and human power was still used.

The efficiency of human transportation is very low. Taking food as an example, a lot of food will be consumed on the way when transporting food on land. At present, the transportation efficiency of water is relatively high.

Furthermore, even if it is human and animal power, the vehicles they use have no tires, which is very difficult to pull.

During the busy farming period, due to the pressure of transportation, it is basically impossible to plant three crops of rice, and at most two crops can only be planted, and it has to be exhausted.

Farmers in this era are the most miserable. During the busy farming season, they sweat and cry, because the purchase price of grain is very low at that time, and they have to rush to sell money to pay taxes.After a busy year, how many fruits of labor are left.

At this time, with tractors, the rural transportation capacity will have a rapid development. Whether it is transportation of food, chemical fertilizers, building materials, etc., it will be much more convenient.

In addition to tractors, there are also large cultivators.

After the large cultivator started, the diesel engine made a rough bang bang sound, which was a bit loud.However, the performance is very reliable. I saw that the driver pressed down the plow rake device, and then drove it forward, and the soil clods on the ground were turned up.Moreover, this cultivator uses a double rake. After the first rake turns up the soil clods, the second rake chops the soil clods.

Its efficiency is dozens of times that of animal power!

There are also harvesters and cotton pickers.

Harvesters are divided into rice combine harvesters and wheat combine harvesters.

The rice combine harvester adopts a crawler design, which is suitable for operation in paddy fields.

The successful development of these large-scale agricultural machinery has increased agricultural productivity by hundreds of times. A farmer who can skillfully operate agricultural machinery can complete the workload of hundreds of people by himself. Moreover, as the size of agricultural machinery continues to increase, its efficiency is even higher. will continue to improve.

The cost of agricultural production with agricultural machinery is very low, because the cost of agricultural machinery is not only the cost and fuel consumption.

No matter how high the construction cost is, the cost of fuel consumption is even lower. The cost of oil exploration and refining itself is not high. The so-called high oil prices in later generations are all caused by government taxes.

At this time, more than ten oil wells have been drilled in the Suzhou Oilfield, and the output of crude oil has been increasing. After the oil has been refined, it can not only guarantee its own supply, but also export kerosene to foreign countries.

The reserves in the Suzhou oilfield area are sufficient for development, and the consumption of oil is not high these years, so it can fully support it, and it can be exploited in other oilfields in the future.

As far as China's domestic oil reserves are concerned, there is no problem at all supporting it until the end of World War II.

In addition to these advanced large-scale agricultural machinery, Huadong Agricultural Machinery Factory has also built various non-motorized agricultural machinery, such as foot-operated threshing machines and the like. [

You must know that these days, after people harvest the rice, they actually separate the rice from the straw by beating.

Rice threshing is done with feet, and the more advanced ones use water power, which is not very efficient. The only advantage is that the processed rice is more delicious, better than electric processed rice.

At this time, the productivity of the agricultural technology controlled by the East China Group has taken a huge leap.What needs to be done now is to spread these advanced productive forces in the jurisdiction.

Ordinary owner farmers are unable to replace these most advanced production levels, because owner farmers cannot afford large-scale agricultural machinery, and their land is not enough, so it is useless to buy them.

Therefore, it is necessary to support those large-scale land reclamation companies, and form an additional agricultural machinery team to provide mechanical farming services for those self-cultivating farmers and family farms.

At the same time, farmers are encouraged to buy tractors and other small agricultural machinery. If they don’t have enough money, they can borrow money from the bank to buy them. Of course, they need some land as collateral.

Jiang Yu is not merciless when it comes to land annexation. He dares to affect the interests of those big landlords in terms of policy, but he dare not affect the interests of those self-cultivating farmers.

But in terms of commerce and finance, they are also annexing the land of the owner farmers.

Because the land is scattered in the hands of the farmers, it is not conducive to the improvement of productivity and will cause a waste of human resources.And after these lands are annexed by Huadong Group, they can use the most advanced productivity.

Because the interests of the big landlords were mobilized before, coupled with subsequent purchases and mergers, the Huadong Group already owned nearly 500 million mu of land in the Lianghuai area.

The areas where these lands can be cultivated by machines have been enclosed, and they are still leased to tenant farmers for the time being. However, after the agricultural machinery and funds are in place, they will be directly operated by the land reclamation company of the East China Group.

And those lands that are not suitable for mechanical farming will be auctioned to qualified buyers. For example, Huadong Group will ask how high the productivity must be used for production after purchasing this land, either as a family farm or as an orchard, Or it can be used to grow vegetables to supply the city and so on.

Although productivity has increased, it can only be said that it has just started in terms of agricultural development. Before the Revolution of [-], Jiangyu was divided into local administrative powers.

On the contrary, it has already reached a considerable scale in the breeding industry.

Since Jiang Yu returned to China, he has vigorously developed the breeding industry. Today, there are hundreds of breeding farms under the Huadong Group.

The broiler chickens, meat pigs, and beef cattle raised in these farms are all sent to their own slaughterhouses, and then sent to the monopoly markets in various counties.

Huadong Group has monopolized sales of pork and even agricultural products such as fruits.

Because there are too many hawkers, that is, no one can make much money, and it causes a waste of labor. Instead of doing this, it is better to clean up these hawkers and let them go to work in the factory.

There are different methods of monopoly. Pork sales are a trust, all controlled by the East China Group.The sale of agricultural products such as fruits is a cartel, that is, under the auspices of the Huadong Group, each fruit shop agrees on distance and price.

And these monopolistic cartel businessmen are all peripheral members of the East China Chamber of Commerce.

Small merchants who are peripheral members must also abide by the rules of the East China Chamber of Commerce, otherwise their business will not be able to continue.

If they can abide by it and show a relatively good management ability and moral level, then someone from the East China Chamber of Commerce will pull them in to make their business bigger and at a higher level. [

The rectification of the market by the Lianghuai Administration did not arouse much public resentment, because those small vendors who lost their original livelihoods were all arranged to work in factories, and some nail households were arrested and sent to reform through labor.The Lianghuai Administration General Administration treats the people with a good side and a sentimental side.

As the saying goes, use key points in troubled times. Laws in troubled times make people afraid of you, while laws in prosperous times want to make people more honest. Therefore, Jiang Yu did not construct laws completely in accordance with the common law system.

It's a troubled time these days, and I don't have much time to argue with you about everything. It's just a quick cut. Those who don't obey the government's general policy and cause trouble will be arrested and sent to reform through labor for a few months.

Still dare to make trouble?

Continue to reform through labor, sorry, this time it will not be a few months, at least you will have to reform through labor for a year or so.

There is no doubt that monopoly is the full utilization of labor power.Of course there are times when a monopoly loses momentum, but that's not a problem.

While monopolizing, they can also compete with each other.

For example, in an industry monopolized by Huadong Group, Huadong Group can set up two or three companies to let them compete with each other, and it is healthy competition.

At the same time, there will be some challengers in the market, for example, some people squeezed into the monopoly industry and can survive under the superior competitiveness of the East China Group, which proves that their business methods are very successful, and the East China Group can acquire them. Under such a behemoth as the Huadong Group, under the pressure of black and white, there is no enterprise that does not compromise.

Of course, being acquired by Huadong Group has greater benefits. This kind of acquisition is not to sell all the shares. After Huadong Group takes control, the operator can obtain huge funds and contacts, and there will be no more targeted vicious competition.

This model is not new, and the American International Consortium is doing it.

Naturally, there are monopolies in agriculture. At the same time as Guangning Agricultural Machinery, Jiang Yu is establishing a syndicate.

It is not obvious to use trust monopoly in agriculture, but syndicate monopoly is more appropriate, that is, to establish a unified raw material purchase and sales channel.

Every member of the syndicate must produce according to the command of the East China Group that controls the syndicate.

At this time, the Huadong Group has controlled agricultural machinery and chemical fertilizers, and gradually controlled railways, roads, and oil. It is too easy to establish a syndicate.

Landlords who do not join this group, first of all, the prices of agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizers and other production necessities are more expensive, and second, if you produce agricultural products, you must transport them by road!The toll booth charges are enough for you.In addition, using agricultural machinery has to burn oil, right?How can you compete without fuel subsidies?

How to compete without agricultural machinery?

This is a proposition to be solved, and the only way out is to join the agricultural syndicate.Agricultural syndicates are divided into various syndicates, such as rice syndicates, wheat syndicates, soybean syndicates, cotton syndicates, and so on.

With the agricultural machinery, it completely paved the way for Jiang Yu to establish a syndicate.

The third is here!

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