The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 61: Industrial Explosion


The military industry of the spn East China Group also developed rapidly in 12, especially the Sino-Russian War greatly affected the development of the military industry of the East China Group.

After the end of the Sino-Russian War, the munitions produced by the East China Group had the problem of excess production capacity, but these production capacities were quickly digested through exports.

Arms can be sold no matter what era it is in.

Especially in terms of guns and guns, the sales volume is very high. In addition, the sales of light machine guns and heavy machine guns also surged due to the Sino-Russian War.

The Chinese version of the "Old Scalper" Maxim heavy machine gun has been welcomed in overseas markets, and the bz-26 light machine gun is also selling well. In addition, Chinese mortars are also famous in the Sino-Russian War and have a good market. . [

Today's Huadong Group Arsenal not only supplies equipment for the National Defense Forces, but also supplies equipment for the Beiyang Army, and at the same time exports equipment, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time in China, after Jiang Yu's crazy borrowing, followed by crazy railway repairs, and the shipyard is a very steel-consuming project.

At this time, China needs a lot of steel. In order to meet the needs of production, it is followed by crazy mining and crazy steel smelting.

During the national large-scale election, some construction sites can be seen in all provinces of the country, among which the East China region has the most, and China's industry has entered a period of great explosion.

Chambers of commerce have begun to infiltrate all provinces across the country. The railway alone plans to build [-] kilometers within three years, thus basically completing the construction of the main line connecting East China, Central China, North China, and West China.

However, the railways in South China, Southwest China, and Southeast China have not been repaired for the time being. Only one Sichuan-Han Railway was taken over by Huadong Group.

With the end of the autumn harvest, the cold winter is gradually approaching. However, most of the construction sites across the country are still under construction. There is only one railway line leading to the northwest, which is divided into six sections and built at the same time.

The construction of Wuhu Iron and Steel Plant and Handan Iron and Steel Plant has reached the fourth phase and the second phase respectively. At the end of 12, the construction of the second phase of Wuhu MTR Plant was completed ahead of schedule.

The annual steel production capacity has increased to 50 tons, which has already exploded the amount of steel produced in Japan.

At the same time, four major iron and steel bases, Hangzhou Iron and Steel Base, Wuhan Iron and Steel Base, Baotou Iron and Steel Base, and Taiyuan Iron and Steel Base will be added, plus Wuhu, Maanshan Iron and Steel Base, and Handan Iron and Steel Base, and six major iron and steel bases will be formed in the future.

Among them, the iron ore needed by the Hangzhou Iron and Steel Base is mainly imported, and in the future it will mainly be exported. Considering that it is not easy to mine iron ore after the First World War, the planned construction scale of the Hangzhou Iron and Steel Base is relatively small.

In terms of oil exploration and refining, Jiangyu approved the construction project of Shengli Oilfield. Shengli Oilfield is located in the Yellow River Delta on the coast of the Bohai Sea in the north of Shandong Province. It is mainly distributed in Dongying, Binzhou, Dezhou, Jinan, Weifang, Zibo, Liaocheng In the territory of 8 counties (districts) in 28 cities including Yantai, the main working area is about 44 square kilometers, and it is the second largest oil field in China.

Shengli Oilfield has much more reserves than Jiangsu Oilfield. In 1995, the output reached 3000 million tons, far exceeding Jiangsu Oilfield. However, Shengli Oilfield is no longer called by this name, but Shandong Oilfield, which is more convenient for people to remember and identify.

The exploitation of Shengli Oilfield and the formation of oil refining capacity in Shandong will ensure the oil supply in East China.

In Central China, it is planned to exploit Zhongyuan Oilfield and Henan Oilfield. These two oilfields are located in Henan, so they are collectively called Henan Oilfield, with reserves exceeding 6 million tons.

In North China, it is planned to exploit Huabei Oilfield, which is distributed in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, and Mongolia. The production capacity in the future once exceeded 1700 million tons and remained at 1000 million tons for ten years.

In the northwest region, it is planned to exploit the Changqing Oilfield and the Yumen Oilfield. At the same time, the second phase will be to exploit the oilfields in Qinghai and Xinjiang. The exploitation of the oilfields in the Northwest region is mainly for the needs of foreign wars. In the event of a war, it is obviously more convenient to transport oil directly from the northwest to the front than from East China.

China's oil reserves rank eighth in the world. It is not a country with a lot of oil reserves, but in this era when the industry is not too developed, China's oil reserves are enough to be self-sufficient.

Maybe it won't take many years for China to become the country that consumes the most fuel in the world.Because at this time, the East China Group has already started mass production of automobiles, agricultural machinery, generators and other equipment. [

At that time, it will be necessary to expand outward and seize new oil producing areas, and Jiang Yu is obviously targeting Russia and the Middle East.

And Jiang Yu has gradually begun to transfer the military industry to the inland and northwest. Although those sites are not controlled by Jiang Yu, it is no exaggeration to say that the East China Chamber of Commerce has a detached position in the country.

Any warlord who dares to touch the interests of the East China Chamber of Commerce will be beaten badly, so Jiang Yu opened the factory outside the territory.

Except for regions with relatively strong Japanese influence such as the Northeast, and border provinces where the border provinces are more dangerous, it is obviously the safest to set up important military factories in inland provinces.

The East China region is mainly responsible for the production of naval equipment and equipment for export, and retains part of the army's military industrial production capacity.

The reason for transferring the distribution of the military industry is to meet the needs of China’s future westward expansion, and on the other hand, East China is not very safe.

It is easy to be bombed in East China. Although it is unlikely after the first development of the air force, it cannot be just in case.

The reason why Germany was finished in World War II was mainly caused by the bombing of the Allied forces. The Allied forces did not have any technical skills in the war, and the victory was completely piled up with industry.

And all Jiang Yu's development behaviors at this time are to deal with the second world war of unprecedented scale in the future.

Whether China can turn salted fish over depends on that unprecedented war.

At this time, a large number of industrial construction projects have brought a large number of employment opportunities to China, and a large number of rural populations in Shandong, Henan, and Hebei provinces have transferred to construction sites.

At the same time, the land reclamation company of the East China Group focuses on building commodity grain bases in the northern plains, which are most suitable for mechanized farming.

Perhaps more than ten years later, most of the scattered villages on the northern plains will disappear.

Although working on the construction site is very hard, the income is still good. Jiang Yu still increases the wages of those workers who do coolies. Generally, there are at least 5 silver dollars per month.

Working as a coolie earns hard money, and it is not easy, so the demographic dividend in this regard is not so much.

At the same time, it is also to encourage more labor to go to the construction site, so increasing the salary can improve the social status of these coolie workers.

As for factories in labor-intensive industries, the remuneration is generally not very high, but these factories have some benefits, such as housing and medical care.

Workers working on the construction site also have some benefits, mainly medical benefits, but not housing.

Once the agricultural population turns into an industrial population, it will be registered at the Lianghuai Administration, no matter which province it is.After registering as an industrial population, you can enjoy certain medical benefits, and at the same time, you can receive living security benefits when you are unemployed.

This unemployment insurance already existed in Germany at this time, and the popularization of this system in China is mainly to attract more rural people to leave the countryside.The unemployment insurance system does not require the Lianghuai Administration to pay much money, because when workers receive unemployment insurance, as long as they have normal working ability, they will be told that there are many jobs for these workers to choose from.

Given the current situation where large-scale construction is happening everywhere, it is very difficult to lose a job.It is also difficult to take advantage of unemployment.

If workers lose their ability to work due to work-related injuries during the production process, the Lianghuai Administration will also provide them with long-term subsidies. [

If it is a work-related injury, all medical expenses will be waived.If it is not a work-related injury, you will pay your own medical expenses for minor illnesses, and you can apply for reimbursement for serious illnesses.

However, the medical industry is monopolized by Huadong Group.

It doesn't matter how much the reimbursement is, even if the hospital wants to embezzle the government's money, it doesn't matter, because the money is all from Huadong Group.

The consortium is the actual ruler of the country. It doesn’t matter how much money the government owes the consortium. As long as it provides preferential policies to the consortium to maintain the monopoly, there is no need to repay the money, and the consortium can continue to lend money to the government, thus forming a virtuous circle.

In fact, if you look at the medical expenses and reimburse the expenses, the cost is not much, although the figures look scary, so it is still affordable to reimburse the medical expenses of the workers.

It is necessary to provide workers with better medical conditions, because a healthy labor force can create more value, while an unhealthy labor force cannot create much social wealth.

The increase in workers' income has also driven the country's business to gradually prosper. With the large investment of the East China Group and the Northwest Group, China's provinces have shown a thriving economic situation for a while.

The common people suddenly discovered that as long as they are willing to go out of the countryside and work hard, it seems that it is not so difficult to have a full stomach, is very easy.

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