The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 63: Song Jiaoren Was Assassinated


In the cold winter of spn12, the number of people participating in industrial production increased significantly. Due to the continuous construction of railway lines, Huadong Group scattered factories in the railway line area. Many were organized by local governments to build roads, water conservancy, and free warehouses.

At the same time, Jiang Yu, the inspection envoy of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, also spent 5000 million yuan this year to control the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, especially the Yellow River area. The embankment will be reinforced, and the Yellow River channel will be dredged.

The dredging of the Yellow River began in ancient times, and China's Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods also triggered a great unification due to the Yellow River disaster.

At that time, there was a voice that the countries in the Yellow River Basin must unite to control the Yellow River.

During the Ming Dynasty, the government organized the people to dredge the Yellow River on a large scale. However, the efficiency of dredging in China in the old era was not high, after all, it was pure labor input. [

This time, Jiangyu organized more than 2000 vehicles and nearly [-] tractors for dredging. At the same time, explosives were used on a large scale, which greatly improved the efficiency of dredging.

It's just that the excavator is not used, and the efficiency is still not so high.

At this time, Huadong Machinery Manufacturing Factory has started to study hydraulic engineering machinery based on the technical information provided by Jiang Yu, and has overcome most of the technical links.

Due to lack of governance in the Yellow River area during the Nationalist period, dike bursts and breaches occurred very frequently.

At the same time, locust plagues in the Yellow River area have been repeated. Since this year, Jiangyu has established the Yellow River Locust Control Brigade, and even used planes to spray pesticides in the Yellow River area.

Pesticides are indeed the most effective control method, and the Yellow River locust plague in later generations was completely wiped out.

The Yellow River Locust Control Brigade also combines the locust control methods accumulated by ancient ancestors to control the locusts directly from the eggs, and at the same time closely monitors the rainwater situation, and will enter a state of emergency response in case of drought.

At the same time, Jiangyu began to build reservoirs and hydropower stations on the Yellow River, but Jiangyu did not carry out any sand-blocking projects, because the sand-blocking projects were not very reliable.

If you want to stop it, you have to stop it at the source. Relying on reservoirs to stop sand is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and it also hinders the natural land-making activities in Shandong.

Sediment deposition is not difficult to deal with, just digging the river deeper every year.

To control sediment, we must control it from the source, but this is a large project, and it is not possible to change the soil erosion on the Loess Plateau with the current national strength.

In the late Qing Dynasty before Jiang Yu entered the Beiyang Great Era, China had never organized such a large-scale construction activity as in the winter of 12.

Almost all the labor forces that can be recruited in rural areas are required to work and contribute, which is a bit like the ancient corvee, but this time the corvee does not require the people to provide their own food, and at the same time they can get a few cents of wages every day. Some daily necessities provided by Huadong Group can be selected.

For ordinary people, building roads and water conservancy in their hometown is doing things for themselves, and the management of the Yellow River is to ensure the safety of their lives and properties. Therefore, this kind of activity with the nature of corvee has not caused any public complaints. , but was praised.

And the first congressional election also gradually came to the result under this winter's wrangling and violent activities. The East China Chamber of Commerce almost took over most of the seats in the House of Representatives.

The final result was reached in March 1913. Among the final 3 members of Congress, the United Party led by Tao Chengzhang and Zhang Taiyan accounted for 596, the Republican Party accounted for 160, the Democratic Party accounted for 96, and the KMT only accounted for 65. Partisans made up 53, while partisans made up 51.

Partisans accounted for the most, and these people are supported by the East China Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the United Party, the Democratic Party already belong to the party controlled by the East China Chamber of Commerce, and 96 of the 56 members of the Republican House of Representatives have defected to the East China Chamber of Commerce. Among the cross-party people are Twenty-six people were recruited to the East China Chamber of Commerce, and 26 congressmen from the Kuomintang were secretly recruited to the camp of the East China Chamber of Commerce.

The number of members controlled by the East China Chamber of Commerce has reached 490, accounting for 822% of the members of the House of Representatives, and it has absolutely controlled the members of the House of Representatives.

The election of senators was dragged on like constipation. In March, the results were finally drawn. The National Party won the national senatorial elections, accounting for 103 seats, the Republican Party accounted for 55 seats, the Fine Arts Party accounted for 12 seats, and the Democratic Party won 8 seats. Accounting for 21 seats, 75 seats across parties, and [-] people from parties. [

After the activities of the East China Chamber of Commerce, the Republican Party was divided into 32 congressmen. In addition, 61 people from different parties and parties were recruited. The number of senators controlled by the East China Chamber of Commerce reached 113. Almost completely divided the Republican Party.

It's just that people can't see it on the surface, because people don't know how many people are controlled by the East China Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, in this general election, people think that the Kuomintang won the election of the senator, and the election of the representatives was won by the United Party. won.

In Senators and House of Representatives combined, the National Party has a narrow advantage over the Fine Gael Party.

According to the European "cabinet system" practice, Song Jiaoren, who led the Kuomintang to victory, will form a cabinet as the leader of the party, and Yuan Shikai also sent a telegram inviting Song Jiaoren to go north to discuss the formation of a cabinet.

However, a conspiracy was brewing, and Jiang Yu didn't notice it at all.

In his opinion, history has changed, so he is more optimistic that the second revolution will not break out again. Just in case, he specially sent a company of armed police to the scene on the day Song Jiaoren went north. .

History seemed to have really changed, and Song Jiaoren boarded the train safely.

However, shortly after Song Jiaoren boarded the train, there was a sudden gunshot in the train, and a bullet shot into Song Jiaoren's abdomen, and Song Jiaoren fell to the ground on the spot.

"I'm in great pain, I'm afraid I won't be able to afford it." Song Jiaoren cried out in pain, and passed out immediately.

The scene was chaotic, and the railway police on board captured an assassin on the spot after a struggle.


At this time, it is the first month, that is, the Yin month. Yinzhong Zanggan Jiamu, Binghuo, and Wutu are all positive, and the existence of Binghuo also makes the wind of the first month no longer biting, but has a gentle feeling. also started to rise.

Jiang Yu is playing with his precious daughter in the garden, and at the same time savoring the knowledge in life. Since crossing, Jiang Yu has observed the climate and found that spring and autumn have obvious climate characteristics.The temperature in Yin, Mao and February warms up faster, but it is colder in Chenyue.And when autumn comes, the temperature will start to drop in the two months of Shenyou, especially in You month, and it will even be very cold for a few days, but it will turn hot again in Xu month.

"Chenyue is a reservoir, storing dry Guishui, which is the remaining air of winter water, so Chenyue is rainy and cold. Xuyue is a fire reservoir, storing dried Dinghuo, the remaining air of summer fire. As Taoism said, Qi In order to take shape, the change of yin, yang and five qi will inevitably have a corresponding impact on matter." Jiang Yu couldn't help thinking, and after time travel, he found that life is full of knowledge, and before time travel, he was ignorant of many things before he came into contact with Chinese arts.

"Marshal, something big happened, something big happened." Sun Zhendong rushed in from the outside in a hurry, and Jiang Yu asked strangely: "What is so anxious about?"

"Song Jiaoren was assassinated." Sun Zhendong said hastily.

"What? Song Jiaoren was assassinated?" Jiang Yu was shocked, and his mood at this time could only be described as 'I'll fuck it', and he asked quickly: "Damn it! What's going on? Did you send a company of armed police to the train station?"

"The assassin did not assassinate at the train station, but followed Song Jiaoren on the train, and the train that Song Jiaoren was on was operated by foreigners, and no pistol was detected. After boarding the train, the murderer shot Song Jiaoren with a pistol. The gun was shot from the abdomen." Sun Zhendong reported.

"Then how is the person now? Is he dead?" Jiang Yu asked quickly, but his heart quickly calmed down. If you are stabbed, you will be stabbed!This can only be blamed on Song Jiaoren's inability to escape this fateful day.

"He hasn't died yet. Fortunately, we sent a group of military doctors north to guide the Beiyang Army to build a field hospital. They happened to be on the train. Song Jiaoren was rescued immediately after he was assassinated. The details are still unknown."

"Let the military doctor try his best to rescue him." Jiang Yu immediately ordered, "Has the other murderer been caught?"

"Caught it, but in the hands of the railway police." [

"Send the troops there immediately, and we must control the murderer in our hands to prevent being poisoned." Jiang Yu immediately thought of the history that Wu Shiying was imprisoned in a prison in Shanghai and poisoned after assassinating Song Jiaoren. .

Historically, Shanghai was an area controlled by the Kuomintang. It would be unreasonable to say that Yuan Shikai had someone assassinate Song Jiaoren and silence Wu Shiying. No matter how long the hand is, it can't be stretched out.

At the same time, Yuan Shikai didn't pay much attention to this election at all. In the eyes of Yuan Shikai Group, as long as there is military power, a group of politicians are nothing?How could it be possible to assassinate Song Jiaoren.

In addition, Song Jiaoren was pro-Yuan Shikai, wouldn't it be chilling for Yuan Shikai to kill Song Jiaoren.

"Yes, my subordinates will do it right away." Sun Zhendong said and rushed out in a hurry, but Jiang Yu didn't know that a bigger conspiracy was coming to him.

Song Jiaoren had just been assassinated, and the "Minli Daily" actually publicized that the reason for the outbreak of the assassination was that the United Party controlled by Jiang Yu was furious because of the defeat in the election, and thus sent assassins to assassinate Song Jiaoren.

The second is coming!

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