The First Warlord of the Republic of China

Chapter 85: Prospects for the World's Second Industrial Power


SPN's method of controlling grain prices is very simple, that is, to increase inventory. At this time, the grain supply in many areas of China has been controlled by Jiang Yu.

While controlling grain prices, the large-scale railway construction activities of the East China Group and the Northwest Group in 1914 became more extensive.

The first is the participation of private capital. As the railway stocks soared all the way, in 1914, Chinese railway companies collected nearly 20 billion yuan in the stock market, making it possible to build a railway in just 14 years. A total of 31 kilometers of railways were built, which once again broke the record in China's railway history, an increase of 13 kilometers compared to 13.

By 1915, the total length of China's railways had reached 68 kilometers, basically connecting all provinces, and China's railways were built at a miraculous speed.

In the same 15 years, the railway bubble burst, railway stocks fell to freezing point like a roller coaster, and the railway myth was shattered like paper. [

A large amount of funds of the middle and small bourgeoisie are locked up in the stock market, and there are also a lot of ordinary people's money locked up in the stock market.

The money was all seized by the East China Group.

You can't blame the government for this kind of loss, you have to invest the money yourself.

A large number of bourgeoisie and ordinary civilians went bankrupt because of stocks. Originally, after the myth of the railway was shattered, the economy would fall into a period of downturn. However, with the outbreak of the First World War, a large number of orders flew to China, and the Chinese economy immediately emerged from the railway bubble. Get out of the crisis.

For Jiang Yu, this was a beautiful campaign to raise money. Not only did they build the railway in the gap before the outbreak of World War I, but it also made the consortium a lot of money.Although the control of the railway was no longer in the hands of the consortium, as the value of railway stocks fell all the way to freezing point, these stocks were bought back at a very low cost, allowing the consortium to regain control of the railway operation.


In March 1914, the last section of the Northwest Railway, from Lanzhou to Urumqi, Xinjiang, was officially opened to traffic, and the main line of the Northwest Railway was basically completed.

From the end of 12, the National Defense Forces began to enter the Northwest in large numbers. The banditry activities in the Northwest were definitely the most violent. In order to eliminate horse bandits, a large number of ethnic minorities were transferred to inland provinces in pieces.

Throughout the northwest region, most of the herdsmen were turned into workers in an organized and planned way. The National Defense Forces sent them to work in factories and lived a life of stable income ever since.

At the same time, with the completion of the railway, the great immigration of the Wehrmacht to the northwest began.

The gears of history are turning again, and the descendants of Yan and Huang once again entered the northwest, the place where their ancestors lived, on a large scale.In the past, the Yanhuang tribe migrated from the northwest to the Yellow River Basin, and some of the tribes that did not migrate became the later Qiang people, who were also wiped out after Xixia.

During the Han and Tang Dynasties, a large number of Han people migrated to the Northwest, but they all lost the Northwest due to wars and foreign invasions.

The Northwest was originally the territory of the Han family, so Jiangyu began to plan a large number of immigrants to the Northwest. After the railway was officially opened to traffic, all conditions were met.

Especially in the Outer Mongolia area, 14 Han people immigrated to Outer Mongolia immediately after the railway was completed in 80.

In the Xinjiang area, millions of Han people immigrated in 14, and the Xinjiang governor Yang Zengxin also stepped down, but he was invited to be a lecturer in a university.

Yang Zengxin is a traditional bureaucrat. He suppresses new learning in Xinjiang, hinders the development of industry and commerce, and vigorously fools the people.Of course, this is all recorded in history books. In fact, Nian can tell what kind of official he is from a poem written by Yang Zengxin.

"Don't ask about the affairs of the world in the Central Plains, I would like to be the people of the Primal Chaos."

Yang Zengxin intends to create a simple atmosphere in Xinjiang in the ancient times. If it was in the ancient times, Jiang Yu would definitely give him a big award.

But in this era, material development has surpassed spiritual civilization, and the magic box of science and technology has been opened, and resisting within oneself is like deceiving one's ears and stealing one's bell. [

Therefore, Yang Zengxin, who fell from power, was invited by Jiang Yu to be a lecturer in the university.However, some of Yang Zengxin's policies of obscuring the people were still carried out by the newly appointed officials.

A large number of immigrants, as well as the development of industries and mines in the Northwest region, stimulated the economic development of the Northwest and made the Northwest region develop rapidly.

The environment in the Northwest has also gradually stabilized due to the large amount of returning farmland to grassland and forests, as well as a certain number of tree and grass plantings every year.

Northwest agriculture has also developed rapidly due to the construction of the railway. Among them, the southern plains of Shaanxi are used as a commercial grain base, the Hexi Corridor of Gansu is a commercial grain base, and Xinjiang is being built as an important cotton production area.

The newly established Northwest Group has become a new monopoly group in Northwest China, but few people know that the oligarch shareholder of this group is also Jiang Yu.

The oligarch consortium established by Jiang Yu has begun to use various methods to conceal.

The mineral resources and major agricultural resources in Northwest China have basically been seized by the Jiangyu consortium.

At this time, China's population was only over 4 million, and agricultural resources were still very rich. At least in the northern plains, it was possible to feed most of the population after using machine farming.

Coupled with the more productive agriculture in the south, it is not difficult to assist some small-scale agricultural machinery production models with lower labor efficiency to feed and clothe [-] million people.

Since the popularization of the agricultural syndicate model, those landlords finally feel at ease with Jiang Yu, otherwise they would be worried all day long, for fear that Jiang Yu would implement a land confiscation policy.

However, for Jiang Yu at this time, directly confiscating the land is too untechnical.For land annexation, he has a new approach.

At present, this railway stock is a good opportunity to acquire land.

You can fool those landlords to mortgage their land to bank loans to buy railway stocks!After the railway stocks fell below the freezing point, wouldn't these lands belong to the consortium.

This method is just a small trick, not a killer move. Some landlords will be tricked, and some landlords will not.

Of course, there are still some farmers who are protected, such as those small farms in the family farm model. This kind of small farm that is not in a large-scale grain production area is very productive, and large-scale agricultural machinery is not easy to deploy. The place will be handed over to the self-employed, and the consortium will guarantee their market benefits.

Another kind is like cotton farmers. The consortium also distributes some cotton planting subsidies. It may not take long. The money for this kind of subsidy will come from the central government.

However, in some mountainous areas in the south where mechanical farming is not allowed, production is carried out according to the situation.

In mountainous areas that are too remote, the population is directly transferred to industrial population, and the mountainous area is closed for afforestation or the primary forest is directly reserved for wild animals to live.

It is not so remote and can be used to develop commercial crops such as fruit planting.Or carry out agricultural reforms so that farming machinery can be driven in.

The current development is based on the railway. When the railway is built in a certain place, the conditions for agricultural mechanization will be met in that certain place, because then grain can be transported to other places by railway.

However, after the transformation of agricultural mechanization in the local area, a large number of agricultural population will inevitably be unemployed, and the unemployed agricultural population will turn into industrial population, enjoy the welfare protection of industrial population, and then invest in industrial production.

The increase in the industrial population and the influx of a large number of people into the city will drive urban construction, thus forming a big wave of development, and agriculture is the foundation of the foundation. [

Without agriculture, this is a castle in the air.

It is precisely because Japan's agriculture is too weak that it has only 10,000+ workers. At this time, after only a few years of development, China's industrial population has grown to more than 800 million, and it has begun to enter a state of rapid growth.

Among the more than 800 million workers, most of them are unskilled laborers, engaged in coolies on construction sites, or engaged in such types of work as miners.

There are still relatively few skilled workers, but they are also developing rapidly.

At least in China at this time, the system of technical schools has been established and perfected. Various technical schools and evening schools have been opened continuously. Many coolies have begun to transform into skilled workers, especially young workers who do not have to support their families. They generally choose to study a technical trades.

Nowadays, being able to become a skilled worker and pass the grade assessment is very popular, and factories everywhere are scrambling for it.

If you can become an eighth-level technician, your monthly salary will be at least 150 yuan. Although the salary income is not as high as in Europe and the United States, the things you can buy are definitely not less than those senior technicians in Europe and the United States.

A large number of coolies have supported the current industrial infrastructure in China. If there were not so many people, the railway would not have been built so quickly.

Once China completes the comprehensive agricultural reform, the result will be at least [-] million industrial population, which is more industrial population than any other country.

Even if the entire industrial population of Europe and the United States is added together, it is not as large as that of China.This is exactly where China hopes to catch up with Europe and the United States in industry.

Since 11, Huadong Group has decided to carry out a large-scale mechanized agricultural reform in Anhui, Henan, and Shandong. By 14, it has entered the end of the project. Anhui and Shandong have been completed, leaving only Henan, which will soon Finish.After the mechanization of agriculture in these three provinces alone in this year, the industrial population will be increased by about 2000 million.

In the report provided by Zhao Haizhou to Jiang Yu, he pointed out: "Nowadays, the railway has been repaired into Sichuan. Once the mechanized agricultural reform zone in the Sichuan Plain and the mechanized agricultural reform zone in the Hanjiang Plain in Hubei are completed, at least 14 million industrial populations can be added. Adding the call If the agricultural population of other provinces goes to cities or goes out of the province to work, it should be able to form hundreds of millions of industrial population in 5000 years."

Hundreds of millions of workers who are not engaged in agricultural production but dedicated to construction will support China's road to industrialization.

At the meeting, Jiang Yu unfolded this grand blueprint and said to the high-level leaders of the East China faction: "Once this plan is successfully implemented, our China can quickly throw off Japan, and quickly overtake European countries, becoming the second largest industry in the world after the United States." big country."

Jiang Yu's words made everyone excited, and Jiang Yu changed the subject, "However, the drastic social changes brought about by hundreds of millions of industrial population will be unprecedented. Once we fail to protect the interests of workers, our system may be destroyed by workers. Turn over." (to be continued)

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