Fairy Road

Chapter 129

"Wu Huang!" Fang Rou exclaimed.With a thought in Wang Hao's mind, he sent a voice transmission to Fang Ju: "Stand back!" At the same time, he said to Lu Da: "You protect Fang Rou!" Lu Da responded, and dragged Fang Rou behind Wang Hao for a few seconds Husband.

"You are Wang Hao?" Wu Huang asked in a deep voice.

"You are Emperor Wu?" Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"Kill my prince, this revenge must be avenged!" Wu Huang gritted his teeth and said, Wu Huang always believed that his two princes were killed by Wang Hao, but in fact one of them was killed by a priest of the royal family.

"If you destroy my sect, this enmity is even more irresistible!" Wang Hao's eyes were already full of anger at this time, and he was planning to wait for the Sanxianshan incident before coming to the Wu Kingdom, but he didn't expect the Wu Emperor to act first.

"Destroy your sect?" A strange look suddenly appeared on Wu Huang's face, but it was quickly replaced by a look of hatred, "Hmph! Cut the nonsense, none of you three can leave today!" After finishing speaking , stretched out his right hand, and turned into a ghost claw that covered the sky and grabbed towards Wang Hao.This Wu Huang's current cultivation base has already stepped into the stage of transforming gods with one foot, which is not much better than Tang Ru's!However, at this time, Wang Hao had also cultivated to the second stage of "Nine Demon Training", and the Nascent Soul had already solidified, so he could fight against it!

"Huh! Get out!" Wang Hao yelled violently, and his fist hit the phantom claw of Wu Huang's right hand.The fists and claws intersected, and the two phases canceled out immediately, but in the midair, it seemed like a muffled thunder rumbled, and the vitality splashed everywhere.

"Huh? Sure enough, it has some strength!" After Wu Huang finished speaking, there was already a golden sword on his right hand, and he sneered: "Today, the emperor will use the top ten magic weapon in the cultivation world-Chijin The sword will kill you! If you die under this sword, you will be considered worthy of death!"

"Great Five Emperors Swordsmanship!" This set of swordsmanship is a low-level supernatural power passed down from generation to generation by the royal family of the Wu Kingdom. The imperial general.Coupled with the magic weapon "Red Gold Sword", which ranks tenth in the cultivation world, the power is doubled!

When Wang Hao saw Wu Huang using the "Great Five Emperors Sword Technique", his complexion changed immediately, and there was also a small blue sword in his hand. The sword trembled extremely nimbly, which was transformed by countless drops of sword energy. The blue raindrops attacked Wu Huang.Although Wang Hao doesn't have any supernatural powers in swordsmanship, relying on the magic of the Blue Rain Sword, he can still compete with Wu Huang's "Great Five Emperors Swordsmanship".In the midair, countless drops of blue rain and red gold sword light were entangled together, neither giving way to the other, neither of them could suppress the other.Wang Hao's Yuan force was extremely abundant, and when the Yuan power exploded, another burst of blue rain attacked and killed him.And Wu Huang was waving the "Red Gold Sword" in his hand, and the sword moves at this time were even more exquisite. The sword light of the "Red Gold Sword" had already turned into a purple dragon with a length of several feet, rolling in the air without hesitation. With his mouth wide open, he kept devouring Lan Yu!

"Hahahahaha, boy, although Tang Ru's Blue Rain Sword is powerful, why can't you use the power of this sword in your hands!" Wu Huang roared. Devour them all.

Wang Haoyuan forcefully urged, and countless blue raindrops shot away, but Zilong was already very powerful at this time, as long as he encountered blue rain, he would definitely swallow it in one gulp. The profound meaning of the "Great Five Emperors Sword Art" is to sweep and devour all directions.This set of swordsmanship supernatural powers, used by the emperor in the world, really has the power to swallow the world.

Zilong roared and came to Wang Hao's body, wanting to devour Wang Hao in one bite.Wang Hao retreated violently, chanting the mantra in "Demon Saint Transformation". After a breath, a man like an iron tower stood in front of Wang Hao. The mace in his hand swept across, smashing Zilong into the air It kept rolling, and countless purple fires spewed out from the dragon's mouth.

"Master, Lao Tie is here to help you! Hahahahaha." Barie Tie laughed wildly, stepped over with one step, and the mace in his hand danced countless stick shadows, colliding with Zilong.

"Who are you!" The appearance of Ba Tie surprised Wu Huang, and the "red gold sword" in his hand trembled slightly. This man like an iron tower is really born with supernatural power. How could the power on the mace be so powerful? .

"I'm your grandfather!" said in a low voice, and the mace smashed on Zilong's dragon head, and Zilong's seven orifices suddenly burst into purple flames. When he turned over, he returned to the "red gold sword" In the sword, Wu Huang also let out a muffled snort, took a step back, and stared at Baritie with a vicious face.He said coldly, "Hmph! No matter who you are, today is one word: death!" As he spoke, his aura suddenly changed, and a cold and evil feeling came from Wu Huang's body. Then, Wu Huang In the hands of the emperor, there were actually multiple small banners with a ghostly look.

"Everyone is going to die!" As he said that, Xiao Fan shook and rose against the wind.Countless yin winds appeared within a radius of several miles along with the swing of the small streamer, during which ghosts cried again and again, like hell on earth.

"Master, be careful, this is the 'Gathering Ghost Banner', which is the supernatural power of the Ghost Sect in the God Realm. I don't know why it appeared in this lower realm!" The tooth stick swept towards Wu Huang.

Wang Hao's heart moved, the ghosts of the God Realm, why do things in the God Realm appear in the lower realm, could it be the God Realm Creature Mending Sky Ring in his hand, which attracted the attention of everyone in the God Realm.

"磔磔磔磔..." At this time, there were already hundreds of rays of light emerging from the 'Ghost Gathering Banner', and suddenly there were dots of light in mid-air, with a ghostly aura.In an instant, there are hundreds of ghosts with the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, surrounded by barren iron.

"No, Master, this 'Gathering Ghost Banner' has already been refined to the realm of a thousand ghosts by this person. I can't stop you, old iron, so hurry up!" Baring Tie shouted, baring his teeth. The ghost claws of a ghost hit Pitie's body hard.However, the body of the iron is also extremely hard, and he swung the mace unknowingly, and instantly smashed several ghosts into the air. .

"Let's go!" Wang Hao snarled, the Weeping Frost Sword under his feet flashed with silver light, pulled Fang Rou up, and fled towards the distance quickly, while Lu Da also let out a low growl, offering his magic weapon and followed closely behind .

"Want to run?" Wu Huang sneered, and another gloomy little flag appeared in his hand.

"Go!" Wu Huang shouted, the speed of the small flag was extremely fast, it surpassed the three of Wang Hao in an instant, and spread out in front of it, hundreds of ghostly ghosts flew out of the flag, covering all the escape routes of Wang Hao and the three of them. Siege.

"Kill!" Wang Hao sacrificed the Blue Rain Sword, and countless blue raindrops shot towards the surrounding ghosts.Lu Da was also holding a huge black axe, and slashed fiercely towards the surroundings.But Fang Rou heard Wang Hao's voice transmission at this moment: "Give up resistance, I will put you in the storage space!"

Fang Rou suddenly relaxed, and with a "whoosh", she appeared in the empty space of the Sky Mending Ring!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and the ghosts screaming one after another.But these Lan Yu couldn't destroy these ghosts. Soon, the ghosts hit by Lan Yu could re-condense into ghost bodies, and continued to attack and kill Wang Hao and the two of them.

"Huh?" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he felt in the sea of ​​consciousness that the iron that he had summoned had completely disappeared, and he had to wait until a day later if he wanted to summon it again.The ghosts who besieged the iron were also mad at this time, rushing towards this side.

"Hahahahaha, kid, you're going to get caught without letting go!" Wu Huang laughed wildly.

"Leader, the Sa family can't stop..."

"Puchi..." Lu Da's chest was hit hard by a ghost, Lu Da spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body suddenly wobbled.

"Relax your mind!" Wang Hao quickly sent a voice transmission to Lu Da, and the next moment he received Lu Da into the Sky Mending Ring.At this time, Wang Hao couldn't care less about keeping the secret of Butianhuan.

Chi chi chi chi... Wang Hao's body was hit by ghosts several times in a row. If he hadn't cultivated the "Nine Demons of Heaven" to the second level, Wang Hao would have been seriously injured by now.Even so, the Yuanli in Wang Hao's body was also in chaos.The Blue Rain Sword in his hand froze for a moment, the blue raindrops suddenly decreased, and countless ghosts rushed to Wang Hao's body screaming.


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