Fairy Road

Chapter 142 The meeting of the wind and clouds

"Huh! Within three breaths, let that person go and get out of the sphere of influence of my Sanxianmen, otherwise, I will die!" The sharp voice sounded again!

"Yes... I'll let it go, I'll let it go." Patriarch Baihua had already deeply felt the unfathomable cultivation of the person behind him, and that person had a divine weapon in his hand, which locked him, and he could use it at any time. Harvest your own life.Therefore, he immediately promised obediently.Then, as soon as the Yuan Li was released, Wang Hao no longer felt imprisoned, but Baihua Patriarch's whole body exploded, turning into countless flowers, and then disappeared directly before Wang Hao's eyes.

And what appeared in front of Wang Hao was a stunning girl of seventeen or eighteen years old with bright eyes and kind eyes. This girl was wearing a moon-white palace dress and was holding a golden hairpin in her hand at the moment. One after another terrifying breath.

"Are you here to participate in the selection of my disciples of the Three Immortals?" The stunning girl asked suddenly, her voice had already become as sweet as the sounds of nature.

"That's right, I'm here to attend this event! However, I would like to thank the girl for saving me!"

"That's not necessary. I came here on order. The grand meeting has already begun, but two people didn't come. Master ordered me to come and look for it. Now I have found one. You go to Tulong Island by yourself, and I still have to look for it." Another person!" The stunning girl said, and was about to leave.

Wang Hao said quickly: "Wait a minute, I think you don't need to bother anymore!" After speaking, with a thought, Ye Qingqing and the three of them appeared directly in front of the girl.Wang Hao pointed to Ye Qingqing and said, "She is another candidate for the event!"

"Eh? You actually cultivated a small world inside your body?" The stunning girl saw Ye Qingqing and the others suddenly appearing, and stared at Wang Hao in confusion.Then he shook his head and said to himself: "Impossible, your cultivation is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and you can only condense into a small world in your body in the late stage of transformation. It seems that you have a space treasure on your body. However, It is unheard of that a space treasure can allow life to enter." The stunning girl thought for a while, then stared at Ye Qingqing and asked, "Since both of you have been found, follow me to slay the dragon quickly." island!"

So, everyone followed the girl in the palace costume and flew towards "Tulong Island". Along the way, the girl also told Wang Hao and others that she was a disciple of Penglai Mountain in the Three Immortals Sect. It is composed of three sects.The three sects are: Penglai Mountain, Yingzhou Island and Fangzhang Peak.Among the three sects, there is only one lineage, that is, there is only one disciple in each generation, and this girl named Yu Xi is the lowest generation disciple in Penglai Mountain.As for why the Three Immortals sect made an exception this time and each of the three sects recruited three disciples, Yu Xi did not explain.Instead, he told with great interest the origin of the name of the island called "Dragon Slaying Road" that he went to this time.

It turned out that the main purpose of the Sanxian Sect's establishment on the Overseas Sanxian Mountain was to protect the Yanhuang Continent from being invaded by the devils in the Outer Sea Demon Territory.Thousands of years ago, a demon dragon from the Demon Realm of the Outer Sea sneaked into the Yanhuang Continent and evaded the detection of the Three Immortals Sect. The great supernatural power slaughtered it, so the island got its name from it.

Before they knew it, everyone came to an island that was extremely rich in aura. In the middle of the island, there was a huge square. At this time, the square was densely packed with monks.In the middle of the square, there are three old men with immortal demeanor and faint aura. Behind these three people is a bronze mirror.This bronze mirror is ancient and fragrant, exuding an ancient and distant atmosphere.As soon as Wang Hao and the others fell down, they saw a golden flash in the bronze mirror, and a monk in a green shirt was ejected from the bronze mirror with a bitter face.The three old men shook their heads at the same time, and one of them said lightly: "You failed the first round, you can linger on this island for three days, and you must leave after three days!" After speaking, his eyes turned towards Wang Hao and the others , Seeing Yu Xi, just smiled slightly and asked, "Yu Xi, have you found him?"

Yu Xi smiled lightly and said, "Master, both of them have been found. The reason why these two arrived late was because they were besieged by a cultivator at the early stage of transformation, which is not considered a violation of the rules of the conference!" The old man nodded. , Said: "Well, you wait for a while, the first round of tests, the two of you are the last to appear!" As he spoke, his eyes glanced at the other monks in the square, and he said lightly: "This time, all the major forces in the Yanhuang Continent have been selected. Nearly a hundred outstanding disciples came to my Sanxian Mountain to participate in the Sanxianmen Disciple Selection Conference. I thought there would be some surprises among these disciples, but the first round of the test has already gone through more than half, and none of them can pass smoothly. Alas... ...It seems that the cultivation world of the Yanhuang Continent has really fallen!" After the old man finished speaking, the faces of the two old men beside him also showed deep regret.

However, as soon as the old man's words fell, those young leaders from all schools and factions in the Yanhuang Continent began to discuss.Among them, of course, some geniuses showed disdain on their faces.Some people looked at Wang Hao and others.

Naturally, these people included Hong Sheng and Lin Qier. At this time, the faces of the two were full of surprises. Judging by Hong Sheng's appearance, it should be that they had not yet participated in the first round of tests.Sure enough, Hong Sheng's sound transmission immediately rang in Wang Hao's ears: "Master, you came in time! I really wanted to hear that you were besieged by the masters of the transformation stage, what's going on?"

"It's a long story, and I'll talk about it when I have time. You haven't done the first round of testing yet?" Wang Hao replied.

"Well, not yet. But, it's coming to me soon, and I'm drawing the No. 58 lottery!" "Well, get ready!"

Apart from Hong Sheng and Lin Qi'er, Yan Nantian and Qin Chong also stood in their respective camps and cast venomous gazes at Wang Hao.At this moment, both of them felt resentment and anxiety in their hearts.I tried my best to get rid of Wang Hao, but Wang Hao came to this Dragon Slaying Island by chance.

"Could it be that Elder Jin's plan to lure Wang Hao to Xuantianzong failed?" Qin Chong frowned, suddenly feeling cold, "Fang Rou is actually following behind him, is it...impossible, absolutely impossible, How could Wang Hao be able to rescue Fang Rou from the net laid by Elder Jin!" Qin Chong was in a turmoil at this moment.

And Yan Nantian was even more anxious at this time, he had just heard the character female disciple of the Three Immortals Sect say that Wang Hao was besieged by a master of the transformation stage, it seems that Patriarch Baihua must have been shot by that female disciple He left in shock, but why didn't there be any news from his younger brother Yan Nanxing, and the sound transmission jade slips he sent failed to find his younger brother. Could it be that Nan Xing... Thinking of this, Yan Nantian gritted his teeth and looked at him viciously. Xiang Wang Hao thought to himself: Wang Hao, if Nan Xing is killed by you, I will try my best to blow myself up and leave your life here!

Wang Hao naturally felt the fierce eyes of these people, but Wang Hao ignored them all.When you get here, it's all right for you to keep yourselves safe, if you think about it any more, I don't mind leaving your lives here directly.However, Qin Zhong must be killed. This person helped Jin Kemu design and frame me, causing Ziyan to be seriously injured and unable to recover.Thinking of this, Wang Hao's gaze turned towards Qin Zhong as if it were real, and Qin Chong was also looking at Wang Hao at this time.When the eyes of the two met for a moment, Qin Chong's consciousness felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle, and all the energy in his body was in chaos!

"How could this Wang Hao's cultivation improve so quickly!" Qin Chong's expression had become ugly at this time!

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