Fairy Road

Chapter 164 Mysterious Space

After the old devils left one after another, Wang Hao and the others let out a long sigh of relief.

"Old five, you are so majestic just now, hahaha, you can deal with the nine old demons of the transformation stage alone. I'm afraid even Shui Yuntian of Sanxian Mountain can't do it!" Although Zhou Qing looked tired at this time, , but still said excitedly.

"Fourth brother, in fact, it was not me who frightened the old devil just now, but the heart of swordsmanship!" Wang Hao said, the blue sword in his hand trembled, and then flew into the air.

"So that's it!" Yue Bufan and the others nodded at the same time. After all, Wang Hao's cultivation is only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. It is really unreasonable to say that he can fight against demons alone.However, in this way, this big blue sword made everyone look sideways. What kind of divine sword is it that can injure several old demons at the transformation stage at the same time, and even break the seal.

At this time, everyone looked at the blue sword and suddenly became respectful.

"You don't need to guess. There are some things that you don't need to hide from you. I am a fairy sword. As for why I came to the Yanhuang Continent, you don't have to ask. After all, there are some things that you still know less and more. Good." The blue sword suddenly said at this moment.

"In that case, we won't ask any more questions!" Yue Bufan said in a deep voice, then turned to Wang Hao and said, "Fifth brother, what should we do now? These demons have entered another space from this black hole, Are we just here aimlessly waiting for Shui Yuntian and the others to break the seal and let us out?"

After Wang Hao heard this, he couldn't help frowning. At this time, Wang Hao's heart was already turbulent, because he faintly felt that the sky-replenishing ring on his chest was swaying, and it seemed that it was because the black hole was against him. its attraction.Because, Wang Hao tried to take a few steps closer to the black hole, and unexpectedly felt that the vibration of the sky-filling ring became more intense.

What is the space outside the black hole that makes Butianhuan so yearn for.However, those old demons have just entered that space, if we enter now, we will be in great danger...

"Fifth brother, what are you thinking?" Yue Bufan continued to ask when Wang Hao was silent.

"Uh...Brother, I want to go into the space outside the black hole and take a look!" Wang Hao said suddenly.

"What? You mean to enter the space that those old demons entered just now?" Yue Bufan was taken aback, and the other four were also colleagues staring at Wang Hao in surprise. There was even a lot of worry in Yan Miaozhen's eyes. look.

"That's right, because I feel something calling me in that space, and I want to go in and see what's going on." Wang Hao said in a deep voice, "Those old devils have all suffered from that sword qi, even if it is If we met in that space, they would not dare to attack me easily!" At this moment, Wang Hao already felt that the Mending Sky Ring seemed to be about to separate from his chest and fly into another space.

"Fifth brother, this matter is too dangerous, it's better not to try it lightly! Although those demons are afraid of you, we don't know what the space outside the black hole is like. If something happens, I'm afraid... ..." Liu Qingyun persuaded with a solemn expression at this time.

"Yeah, the devil has receded, there's no need to take risks anymore!" Meng Feiyang said.

At this time, Wang Hao could no longer control the sky-butting ring. The sky-butting ring was on his chest, jumping non-stop. Seeing that he was about to leave Wang Hao's body, Wang Hao was extremely anxious. There are Ye Qingqing and others, if they are separated by them, what should they do?

"I've made up my mind, so I don't need to persuade you anymore. Don't worry, I'll go check it out and I'll be back soon!" After Wang Hao finished speaking, his figure flashed and he flew towards the black hole, his mouth still Said, "You just wait here, I will go back as soon as I go, don't follow me! I have a fairy sword in my hand, you don't have to worry!" When Wang Hao left, he swept his consciousness and found that everyone's faces were dignified, He looked extremely worried, so he tried to persuade them to prevent them all from entering the black hole with him.

"Old Five!" Seeing Wang Hao disappearing into the black hole regardless, Zhou Qing stomped his feet angrily, wanting to fly away with Wang Hao.And Yan Miaozhen also had an anxious face at the moment, her figure flickered, and she actually floated towards the entrance of the black hole.

"Stop!" Yue Bufan yelled violently, and everyone was shocked, even Yan Miaozhen froze, "Fifth brother insisted on going to that space, he must have his plan, and He has a fairy sword in his hand, even if he encounters those demons, he is enough to retreat. At this moment, we must not act rashly, just stay here and wait. If the fifth brother still does not come out of the black hole after a day, we will do it again Plan. We will only add trouble to him if we rush there now!"

"Brother is right, let's wait for now. After a day, we will make further calculations! Maybe by then, the fifth brother may have returned!" Liu Qingyun said with a solemn expression at the moment.

After some discussion, everyone calmed down, calmed down, and began to slowly repair the injuries in their respective bodies.It's just that at this time, the other four people didn't notice that Yan Miaozhen's beautiful eyes were actually glistening with crystal tears, and her body trembled slightly, looking extremely difficult to calm down!

At this time, Wang Hao had already entered another space outside the black hole.Fortunately, they didn't meet those old demons.

This space is already chaotic, and it is difficult to distinguish the direction, but compared to the sealed place just now, there is an extremely rich aura of heaven and earth. In the space, there are auras floating like drizzle. Wang Hao took a deep breath, feeling extremely comfortable immediately.At this time, the restlessness of Butianhuan had gradually subsided, but Wang Hao's consciousness seemed to have received the slightest message from Butianhuan, hoping that Wang Hao would move forward in one direction.Wang Hao's heart moved at will, and he flew towards the direction pointed by the sky ring.In this space, I did not see any breath of life.The shadows of those old demons are no longer visible.Wang Hao let go of his consciousness, and found that this place was still like that seal. It was difficult for his consciousness to spread beyond one mile, but at least within one mile, it was certain that there was no danger at all.

Wang Hao kept moving forward, to Wang Hao's surprise, the aura of heaven and earth became more and more intense at this moment.Wang Hao even felt that there was a trace of fairy spirit in the sky-filling ring at this moment. It seems that this place is extremely beneficial to the cultivation of monks.At this moment, Wang Hao also wanted to stop his body shape and practice directly, maybe he would be able to break through to the late Yuanying stage soon.However, the information sent from the sky-filling ring guides him to keep moving in that direction.

After flying with all his strength for nearly two hours, four forked roads suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao, and each forked road was filled with rich aura of heaven and earth, which made people yearn for it.

Wang Hao stopped and pondered. He stared at the four forked roads, his eyes shining everywhere.At this time, the sky-filling ring no longer transmits the message of which path to choose, and it is as calm as if it has never moved.

"Which of these four roads should I choose, or don't choose any of them, just practice here and break through to the late stage of Nascent Soul. Then, return to the original road!" Wang Hao kept thinking for a long time. A look of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his eyes.Then, with a flash of his body, he disappeared at the intersection of one of the forked roads.

Wang Hao continued to move forward, but he didn't know what was waiting for him in front of him?However, Wang Hao knew very well that if he stopped at the intersection and didn't make a choice, he would lose a huge opportunity. This opportunity will most likely determine whether he can find his mother in the future...

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