Fairy Road

Chapter 181 Ambush

Wang Hao and the others stopped for a while in Tongzhou, a small border town of the Yan State, and then rushed to the Wu State with all their strength.The previous hatred of exterminating the clan made Wang Hao's chest burn with anger.However, at this time, there were already sufficient preparations in the Wu Palace.

The man in black was the monk who had secretly assisted Emperor Wu to intercept and kill Wang Hao. After being startled away by Wang Hao's three palms, this man fled frantically and returned to the palace of Wu Kingdom as quickly as possible. A concubine lying on the harem kept shaking her body.

The man in black snorted coldly, only then did he startle Wu Huang up.Wu Huang pulled the dragon robe around his body and pushed the concubine away.He bowed to the man in black and said, "Honorable Envoy, why did you come here late at night?"

"Hmph! The reason why this envoy came here overnight was not to save your life!" The man in black still looked embarrassed at this time.

"Save my life? Is someone going to kill me?" Wu Huang asked in shock.

"That's right! Do you still remember the monk named Wang Hao that you failed to kill?" the man in black said through gritted teeth.

"Wang Hao?" Wu Huang was in a cold sweat when he heard Wang Hao's name, but this person had the strength to assassinate him.Thinking of this, Wu Huang hastily said to the man in black submissively, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for coming to save me!"

"Me?" said the man in black, "I can't save you!"

"What? How could the envoy not be able to save me? Although Wang Hao's cultivation level is slightly higher than mine, you are absolutely powerless to fight back against the envoy!" Wu Huang flattered.

"Hmph! Did you know that this time the envoy went to the outer sea to look for the sacred artifacts of the sea clan, but he met Wang Hao. This person's current cultivation level is no longer inferior to mine, and this person can actually use the spirit of the fairy. It forced me to run away in a hurry. Even the disciple I just accepted was captured by Wang Hao!" The man in black said, exuding a destructive aura from his whole body, obviously hating Wang Hao very much.

"What? Yue'er, she was actually captured by Wang Hao?" Wu Huang exclaimed.This woman named Yue'er is a concubine of Emperor Wu. Because she has spiritual roots and is especially suitable for practicing the skills of the man in black, she was accepted as a disciple by the man in black. Unexpectedly, she went out for the first time. They were captured.

"Nonsense, if she hadn't been captured, how could I be so sure that the monk named Wang Hao would come to kill me soon!" the man in black said, taking out a jade from the storage bag. Jane said, "The current plan, there is a way to kill the monk named Wang Hao! This jade slip records a formation called 'Nine Ghosts Soul Eater Formation', which must be There are nine late-stage Nascent Soul monks presiding over it. You quickly mobilize all the power in the palace, select nine late-stage Nascent Soul monks, and then set up this 'Nine Ghost Soul Eater Formation' in front of your bedroom. If Wang Hao dares to Come, I will definitely tell him to come and go!"

Hearing what the man in black said, Emperor Wu suddenly showed a satisfied smile on his face, took the jade slip, and said: "Don't worry, your envoy, although there are only eight late Yuanying monks in my palace, but with myself, we can Make up nine, I will call all the monks and set up the formation immediately!"

The man in black nodded, staring at Wu Huang's back, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, he murmured: Since the number of people is not enough, and you volunteered yourself, then no wonder you are doing this, hehehehe!However, this Wang Hao's cultivation is unfathomable, I still want to report this matter to the Lord.Thinking of this, the man in black directly took out the sound-transmitting jade slip from the storage bag, sketched it a little, and then activated his energy, and the jade slip flew away immediately.

After the man in black sent out the jade slips, he smiled again, and walked towards the shivering Concubine Wu on the bed.Then, he grabbed the naked woman, opened his mouth and bit the woman's neck.After a few breaths, the originally round and smooth body turned into a look of withered bones.The man in black licked his lips in satisfaction, and said to himself: "That kid's fairy art is so powerful that it actually damaged my innate ghost spirit. Now, I have to suck the blood of 99 women to get rid of it." Restoration, it really kills me!" The man in black shattered the withered bones into powder, and then flew towards the southwest direction of the palace, where all the concubines lived.

After Wang Hao and others flew with all their strength for three days, they finally arrived at the capital of Wu State—Suhang!After some discussion, everyone decided to directly break into the imperial city and take the life of the Wu emperor.So, the five flew directly above the imperial palace, spread their momentum, and fell directly into the imperial city.

As soon as he entered the imperial city, Wang Hao unfolded his consciousness and found that there were indeed many Nascent Soul stage monks in the royal family of Wu Kingdom. Among them, there were nine Nascent Soul stage monks gathered in one place, and Wang Hao's heart moved , Secretly said: Could it be that Wu Huang is already prepared, but how can the nine late Yuanying monks stop me from taking revenge.On the contrary, it just exposed Wu Huang's whereabouts.Thinking of this, Wang Hao stepped forward and walked towards the nine late Nascent Soul cultivators.

Along the way, I met a large number of monks, including some monks in the Nascent Soul stage. However, these monks were easily dismissed by Lu Da. The current cultivation level of Lu Da is already comparable to Tang Ru, the former leader of the Cultivation Alliance. , Dealing with these monks who have not even arrived at the late Nascent Soul is naturally easy.

"Wu Huang!" Lu Da went all the way, and finally brought everyone to the deepest part of the palace. At this moment, Wang Hao recognized Wu Huang among the nine late Nascent Soul cultivators at a glance!

"Hmph! Wang Hao, you changed your appearance and broke into my palace, aren't you afraid that you will never return?" Wu Huang had already set up a large formation at this time, and he spoke confidently.

"Afraid? Hahahaha, even if it is a dragon pool and a tiger's lair, I will make a breakthrough for the revenge of the master, let alone a few late-stage Nascent Soul monks, do you think a few late-stage Nascent Soul monks can save your life? When Wang Hao spoke at this time, he naturally had an aura of contempt for the world. After all, he had fought against the monks in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, so that Wang Hao now faced these late stage Nascent Souls. Be unusually calm.

"What a big tone, good! Good! I will let you guys who don't know the heights of heaven and earth have a taste of the 'nine ghosts and souls'! Nine-ghosts-eating-souls!" Wu Huang said, reading out An obscure formula, and the eight Nascent Soul Late Stage monks beside him kept changing the formula at this moment, and several bursts of black air suddenly appeared in front of them.

Wang Hao frowned, and thought in his heart: Sure enough, there is some support, but at this time, Fang Rou and Lin Qier, who have the lowest cultivation base, have already entered the Sky Mending Ring, while Lu Da, Ye Qingqing and Hong Sheng Naturally, you don't need to worry about your own strength, but you can give it a go. Thinking of this, Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "I'm going to break the formation, you hold the formation here for now!" Into the big formation.

As soon as he entered the formation, Wang Hao suddenly felt dizzy and unable to distinguish the direction. Moreover, the surroundings were full of ghosts, as if there were countless evil spirits rushing towards him.However, at this moment, Wang Hao didn't panic at all. The blue light of the Blue Rain Sword flashed in his hand, instantly dispelling the ghostly aura.

However, as soon as the ghost energy was removed, Wang Hao immediately discovered that there were at least hundreds of evil spirits in the late stage of the Nascent Soul attacking him. Inside the blade of the Blue Rain Sword.

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