Fairy Road

Chapter 183

Qin Yuan used the supernatural power of "Five Colors Killing Wind" and Wang Hao's "God's Palm" to hit the eye of the Nine Ghosts Soul Devouring Formation at the same time. After a crisp sound, all the black energy in the formation was dissipated immediately , replaced by a piece of Qingming.

Wang Hao already understood in his heart that the "Nine Ghosts Soul Devouring Formation" was broken by himself. Looking up, including Wu Huang, the nine late-stage Nascent Soul experts were all bleeding from their seven orifices at this moment, without the slightest trace of pain. vitality.

Seeing this situation, Qin Yuan frowned, and said: "Master, these monks presiding over the formation must not understand the danger of this formation, and even resorted to 'blood sacrifice' to increase the power of this formation. I don't know that as long as the 'blood sacrifice' is used, even if the formation is not broken, it will be very difficult for them to survive!"

After Wang Hao heard Qin Yuan's words, the shadow of the man in black flashed in his heart, and the black hand behind the scenes must be this person.Although at this moment, Emperor Wu had been killed by himself, but the man in black was still missing.Wang Hao unfolded his consciousness and covered the entire imperial city, but found that there was no trace of monks in the imperial city at this moment. It seems that most of the monks with low cultivation bases are probably already dead at this moment. escaped from the imperial city.

Um?Ordinary people in the imperial city were so scared that they hid in their rooms, why would there be one person who dared to walk outside unscrupulously?Moreover, although this person does not have the slightest aura of a monk, his walking speed is much higher than that of ordinary people.Wang Hao's heart moved, and he thought to himself: Could it be that this person is the man in black who used a secret method to hide his breath?Thinking of this, Wang Hao's figure flickered, and he flew towards the place where the person was.Seeing this, Ye Qingqing and the others also followed behind him.

"It really is you, huh! You actually hid your aura, do you think you can escape from ascending to heaven by doing this?" Wang Hao caught up with the man, and recognized it at a glance. It was the man in black he had met in the sea .

Wang Hao saw through the whereabouts of the man in black at this moment, but he no longer hid himself, exuding a destructive aura all over his body, and said sinisterly: "Hmph! Ignorant junior, do you think it's just a matter of you little fish and shrimp?" , can you deal with me? Hehehehe...It's really whimsical, anyway, today I will let you know the gap between the transformation stage and the Nascent Soul stage!" The man in black said, his hands suddenly swelled up, a pair of skinny hands, He grabbed Wang Hao's shoulders directly.

When Wang Hao saw this, a blue light flashed in his hand, and the Blue Rain Sword slashed at those big skinny hands, causing those big skinny hands to shrink back. The man in black gave a strange cry, and at this moment There was already a small black banner, and a ruthless look appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph! Junior, I still lack a few powerful souls on my banner of myriad ghosts. I didn't want to use it lightly. Now that you are pressing me every step of the way, I will take your souls as the masters of my banner of myriad ghosts." Soul, hahahaha!" the man in black said, throwing the small black flag in his hand high.

The small banner flew in the mid-air, emitting endless ghost energy, and gradually increased dozens of times, even the sun in the sky was covered by it, and above the heads of Wang Hao and others, it suddenly became a cloud. Total darkness.

Countless black air emerged from the small banner, and then turned into powerful ghosts one after another, fighting towards Wang Hao and the others. These ghosts seemed endless, boundless, and overwhelming.So even if Wang Hao and others wanted to kill, they didn't know where to start.Seeing that these ghosts were about to engulf Wang Hao and others.

"Qinyuan and Lu Da, we each guard one side, Qingqing and Hong Sheng, you two work together to guard one side, and try to kill these ghosts with all your strength! Although there are a lot of ghosts, they are by no means endless. Time!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice, raised his hand and slapped the ghosts that were rushing towards him.

"Kill!!!!!!!!!" At this time, Lu Da's eyes were red and he started to fight, and the pair of colorful wings behind Qin Yuan kept flapping. The ghost screamed again and again.In fact, Qin Yuan's cultivation at this time is not in his best state. If Wang Hao can successfully transform into a god, then Qin Yuan's "Five Colors Killing Wind" can be promoted to "Seven Colors Killing Wind". It is power multiplied.Both Hong Sheng and Ye Qingqing were manipulating magic weapons to snipe and kill these ghosts, but their cultivation was not high, so it seemed a bit difficult.However, Wang Hao, who was the most relaxed, was able to free his hand at this moment, and sometimes he would strike out with a palm to help Ye Hong and the two of them repel those ghosts!

After such a fierce fight, half an hour soon passed. Wang Hao and others secretly calculated in their hearts that at least hundreds of thousands of ghosts had been killed. These ghosts really seemed to be endless and could never be killed. It's exactly the same, it has been continuously gushing out from the Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner, and kept rushing towards Wang Hao and the other five.

At this time, the man in black had a complacent look on his face, and there was a ruthlessness on the corner of his mouth, and he kept calculating in his heart: If he could refine these five people into the masters of his "Myriad Ghost Banner" Soul, then the power of this "Thousand Ghost Banner" must be multiplied several times.Thinking of this, the formula in the hands of the man in black became more rapid and complicated.

The black air on the "Wan Gui Banner" is even more intense at this time, and the entire imperial city of Wu Kingdom is already shrouded in a huge dark cloud at this time, causing the people in the entire Suzhou and Hangzhou city to panic. Kneeling down on the ground, praying to the heaven, don't come disaster!

At this moment, a more powerful aura suddenly appeared on the city of Suhang, and a dark cloud rolled from a distance, even mixed with a trace of lightning.Seeing such a scene, the people in Suzhou and Hangzhou were so frightened that they dared not even look up to the sky.And those monks in the city, at this moment, secretly mobilized their energy to resist the coercion coming from midair.

The dark clouds are gradually approaching, and all the monks below the Nascent Soul stage in the city are spitting blood at this time, and they are pale and collapsed on the ground, and those monks at the Nascent Soul stage are also pale at this moment, trembling all over, and their hearts are full of pain. He was even more terrified: who the hell is this person who can bring such a great pressure? If this person gets angry, he may destroy the entire Suzhou-Hangzhou city in an instant!

The entire city of Suzhou and Hangzhou has been plunged into fear at this moment.

That group of dark clouds finally stopped churning and stopped above the imperial city of Wu.The monks in Suzhou and Hangzhou were even more terrified at this moment: Could it be that Emperor Wu offended some important person and came here to destroy the imperial city?

At this time in the imperial city, the man in black already had a look of joy and respect, and shouted upwards: "Supply Lord!"

In the dark clouds, a hoarse voice came out at this moment: "Hei Yi, you mere juniors, you actually want to use this 'Wan Gui Ban', do you know that the power of this banner is enough to affect Yuanli thousands of miles away, So that the monks within a thousand miles can feel the situation in Wuhuang Imperial City!"

"My lord, this subordinate is also out of helplessness. That kid named Wang Hao is able to control the aura of the fairy, and this subordinate has suffered a lot!" said the man in black helplessly.

"Wang Hao? Just the little guy with the holy object on his body?"

"That's the man!"

"Idiot, since it's him, it's no surprise that he can control the aura of the fairy. The holy object itself has the ability to transform the aura into the aura of the fairy! This just shows that the holy object is in that kid's body." Why, why don’t you refine them even when you use the 'Wangui Banner'?" The hoarse voice in the dark cloud seemed a little excited.

The man in black broke out in cold sweat immediately, and said: "The subordinates are incompetent, but if you give them a little more time, they will definitely be able to refine them and become the main soul of my 'Wan Gui Banner'!"

"Hmph! I'll give you some more time. Do you think all the monks with a radius of thousands of miles are fools?" The hoarse voice paused for a moment, and then suddenly a bolt of lightning shot out from the dark clouds, heading towards the "Thousand Ghost Banner".

"Your 'Wangui Banner' still lacks a few main souls, so I will fulfill you!"

After the bolt of lightning struck the "Wan Gui Banner", that big banner, as if it had taken some kind of tonic, immediately increased several times.At this moment, Wang Hao and others are under double pressure.Especially Ye Qingqing and Hong Sheng, who are already at the end of their life!

"Master, what should we do, we can't take it anymore!"

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!)

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