Fairy Road

Chapter 19 bullying the small with the big

Wang Hao returned to the Fearless Valley again. For several days in a row, he just retreated and practiced, and did not move around in Xuantianzong.During this period, Ye Qingqing came only once to tell Wang Hao that there is no need to worry. His teacher Leng Qiuyue has joined forces with the other four of the Xuantian Eight Masters. A total of five Jindan stage masters went to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest to search for Chen Yuzhen.After Wang Hao heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but after all, he had seen the power of the Nascent Soul Lion, so he was still uneasy.

Ye Qingqing just exchanged pleasantries with Wang Hao, and then told Wang Hao that he had already touched the bottleneck in the late stage of foundation establishment. This time, he heard Master Leng Qiuyue's words about the catastrophe in the cultivation world, and in addition, the revenge of his relatives had not been avenged. He was eager to improve his cultivation, so after returning to the valley this time, he planned to retreat again to attack the late stage of foundation establishment.

After expressing these meanings, Ye Qingqing hurriedly left Fearless Valley.Just when he was leaving the valley, he smiled at Wang Hao and said, "Brother Wang Hao must also practice hard. I hope that in the near future, Qingqing can join hands with you to enter the world of cultivation!"

Wang Hao said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, this time Master encountered a dangerous situation, and I can only stand by and watch, which made me more determined to improve my cultivation. It's just that the Xuantian Conference will be held soon, sister, don't you plan to participate?"

"The rewards for the top three in the Xuantian Conference are nothing more than three magic weapons. Even if you win the first place, you will only get one middle-level magic weapon from the sect. So I decided not to participate this time. It's just that if you don't participate in the Xuantian Conference, you can't participate." It’s a pity to hold the great event of the cultivation world one year later—the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference. But in order to get revenge earlier, I can’t care about these things.”

After hearing this, Wang Hao nodded slightly, waved lightly, and sent away this beautiful woman.

Before starting to practice again, Wang Hao sorted out the spirit weapon and the demon core of the monster in the sky-filling ring. The azure blue sword left by his father has already lost its spirit weapon at this moment. It seems that if he does not re-sacrifice, It can't be used anymore, and I haven't learned the method of refining spiritual weapons so far, so I can only throw the small blue sword aside, and think about it later when I have a clever method of refining.

Fortunately, in addition to the offensive spiritual weapon of the small azure blue sword, Wang Hao also received a high-grade spiritual weapon "Purple Gold Sword" from Wan Qianqiu, so that he was not so poor that he had no spiritual weapons to use.Apart from this high-grade spiritual weapon, there is only the soul-inducing bell, Wang Hao smiled wryly, he is really poor.However, if he could sell all the thousands of demon cores obtained in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest this time, it would be quite a fortune.As for how many spirit stones these demon cores can sell, Wang Hao has no idea. After all, he has been cultivating in the sect since he really entered the cultivation world, and has never set foot in any market that can be traded by monks. .

In addition to the spirit weapon and spirit stone, Wang Hao sorted out the skills and supernatural powers he had learned again. The Great Destruction Fist has already been practiced to the point where it can be done at will, but he doesn't know that Chen Tuan's spirit energy supply in the absence of the sky-replenishing ring Under such circumstances, how many moves can I use... and the Xuantian Nine Transformations Art is already well understood. Since entering the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, I have been relying on this exercise in my cultivation. Hao found that the amount of spiritual energy he had absorbed had indeed increased a lot, and the energy in his body had also become more solidified, but the speed of cultivation had slowed down a lot, which caused him quite a headache.

In addition, the "unnamed exercise" recorded on the bellyband is still obscure to Wang Hao, but the more he can't understand it, the more Wang Hao has greater expectations for this exercise.

Wang Hao once thought of waking up Chen Tuan or Guanggui in the Butian Ring, and asked them to help him see the origin of this "nameless technique", and hoped that they could see what the magical "Yu Wu Jue" he practiced was. What kind of martial arts and supernatural powers, but in the end they didn't succeed.After the light ghost's vitality was severely injured, it disappeared directly in the sky-filling ring, and no information about it could be captured.Wang Hao probed into the sky-filling ring several times, and found that apart from a few spiritual weapons and a large number of demon cores, it was Chen Tuan who had been sleeping soundly and was difficult to wake up.Where did the light ghost go? Wang Hao was really puzzled...

Take a long breath and stop thinking about other things. Continuous practice is the most possible way to improve yourself.

one day, two days, three days

.It has been seven days since Wang Hao sat cross-legged in the Fearless Valley without moving. During these seven days, Wang Hao repeatedly hit the bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but this bottleneck was as stubborn as a thousand-year-old meteorite, and Wang Hao failed countless times. .

Just when Wang Hao started to attack the bottleneck in the middle stage of foundation establishment again, a loud laugh came from outside the fearless valley, and then a yin and yang voice came in: "Mr. After escaping from the beast forest, I started to cultivate crazily again, but I want to advise you, uncle, the speed of improvement is too fast, be careful of unstable foundation! Hahahahaha..."

snort!It turns out that Wan Qianqiu's uncle, Wan Feng, came here now, eight out of ten to help Wan Qianqiu get ahead, and wanted to get back that "Purple Gold Sword", hum!Now that Master and Uncle Leng are not in the sect, this Wan Feng is very good at choosing the right time to bully the small, but it is not so easy to get the "Purple Gold Sword" back from his hand.Thinking of this, Wang Hao flew up, in mid-air, and bowed directly to Wan Feng, a skinny man outside the valley, and said, "Wang Hao has seen Master Wan, thank you for reminding Master Wan. I just didn't know that Master came suddenly, What is the matter?"

"Haha, Martial Nephew Wang is really quick to talk. When Master comes here, why don't you invite Master to enter the valley and serve you a cup of spirit tea, as a junior?"

"Master was joking. Since my nephew lived in the Fearless Valley, he has only devoted himself to cultivating. He has never drank wine or tea in the valley, so I'm afraid I will disappoint Master." After Wang Hao finished speaking, he spread his hands and did not ask The meaning of Wan Feng entering the valley.

"Forget it, since Martial Nephew Wang doesn't want to see the elders so much. I won't force my uncle, but I really have something to discuss with Nephew Wang when I come here." Wan Feng saw that Wang Hao was not cold to him. Not hot, his face changed, and he said coldly.

"Oh? Is what the uncle said related to senior brother Wan Qianqiu?"

"That's right! Nephew Wang is indeed a smart man. This time, nephew, you competed with my ineffective nephew in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts. During this time, you received the high-grade spiritual weapon "Purple Gold Sword" passed down from my Wan family. Can my nephew give me face and return the "Purple Gold Sword" to my Wan family? I won't let my nephew suffer, and I will give my nephew some spirit stones as compensation. After all, you are just competing with each other. It's not a battle of life and death."

Hearing Wan Feng's sinister voice, Wang Hao thought to himself: Sure enough, it is for the "Purple Gold Sword"!

"Master Wan is really good at joking in the competition between the same sects. During the competition, will you use the 'Yimu God Thunder Talisman'? This talisman almost killed me. After the suzerain returns from the God of War Palace, I will If you want to meet the suzerain and report this matter," Wang Hao replied with a sneer.

"Oh? 'Yimu Shenlei Talisman'! This talisman was indeed refined by me and given to my nephew for self-defense. I didn't expect my ineffective nephew to be cruel to his nephew next time. I have to ask my nephew to accompany me here." After Wan Feng didn't change his mind, he cupped his fists slightly towards Wang Hao and said, "I will definitely teach him a lesson when I go back this time, but I still hope that my nephew will hand over the purple gold sword to Wang Hao. Me, so that I can give an explanation to the Wan family. Although this is only a high-grade spiritual weapon and not a magic weapon, it is after all a family heirloom of my Wan family in the secular world! I'm going to be angry!"

What a combination of hard and soft!Seeing Wan Feng's tricky words and ugly face, Wang Hao felt sick in his heart, and said loudly: "This matter was originally a festival between me and Wan Qianqiu, if my uncle insists on participating in it, I won't be afraid to take on the burden of the future." The notoriety of bullying?"

"Hey..." Wan Feng sneered, "What a big hat, I didn't see it, Nephew Wang is really thoughtful! But since the old man is here, he is not afraid of being scolded for bullying, after all, the old man wants to What I want to get back is the ancestral property of my Wan family!" As he spoke, his whole body tightened, and a coercion directly imposed on Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's figure fell from mid-air to the ground, and his knees trembled, as if he was about to kneel at any time. "Master is so majestic!" Wang Hao sneered with pain, "I just don't know if you will dare to behave like this in my fearless valley after my master and uncle Leng come back!"

"Good! Good! This kid actually dared to threaten the old man, and the old man will let you taste the punishment you deserve for threatening your elders!" Wan Feng gritted his teeth and said, raising his hands, ready to attack Wang Hao.

"Uncle Wan, why are you fussing with a junior here?" A voice as gentle as water came over, and at the same time a burst of Yuan force hit Wan Feng's coercion, Wang Hao suddenly felt light all over, and looked up Then, a dreamy red figure appeared in the midair of the Fearless Valley.

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