Fairy Road

Chapter 191 The Strong Enemy Attacks

For several days, Wang Hao has been trying to figure out how to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, but got nothing.In desperation, he had no choice but to leave his room, and walked a few times around the headquarters of the alliance representing the strongest power among the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation, and found that although there were many monks missing in the Cultivation Alliance, All the checkpoint defenses were still in order, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly, secretly admiring Shang Changhe's organizational ability.

Then, Wang Hao went to Fang Rou and Ye Qingqing's rooms separately, checked their situation, and found that the two girls were concentrating on cultivation, but they didn't bother them.Turning to the cliff at the back of the mountain, and seeing Lu Da's seemingly lonely figure standing still, he couldn't help shaking his head.Every monk has a different way of understanding the laws of heaven and earth, and it is impossible for him to meditate quietly like Lu Da.

Wang Hao pinched his fingers and counted the days. Today is the deadline for those foreign monks to the Cultivation Alliance, but those monks are late in the future. Could it be that they know that they will not be able to return to the Cultivation Alliance.Even if they knew that they were returning to the Cultivation Alliance, they would not change their original plan just because of their own strength.Thinking of this, Wang Hao mobilized his energy and sent sound transmissions to all the cultivators in the Cultivation Alliance including Shang Changhe. He was ready to deal a severe blow to those invading cultivators!

At this time, Shang Changhe also came over via sound transmission and told Wang Hao that everything had been arranged properly.The twelve strongest Nascent Soul stage monks in the alliance have even practiced a relatively sharp combination formation, and now they are waiting for the arrival of those Buddha cultivators.After Wang Hao heard Shang Changhe's sound transmission, he also smiled and came to the gate of Yuenv Peak, on the highest cliff, sat down cross-legged, and waited for the enemy.

Sure enough, just after noon, Wang Hao's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light flashed into the distance, and he murmured: "Finally it's here...

Half a minute later, in front of the gate of Yuenv Peak, dozens of strangely dressed monks flew over in black. These monks were all wearing a large yellow robe with bare hair on the top.These monks came aggressively, and the leaders were indeed early-stage cultivators who were far away, releasing the coercion of the early-stage cultivators, and forced them towards the Cultivation Alliance headquarters on the Yuenv Peak.

At this time, dozens of figures flew out of the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, and among them was Shang Changhe. He said in a loud voice: "Who dares to come to my Cultivation Alliance headquarters to act wild?" As he said, he let out a roar, and then dozens of monks behind him also roared in unison, with overwhelming power, trying to overwhelm the pressure of the few early-stage monks on the opposite side. offset.

Among those foreign buddhist cultivators, a chubby, early-stage cultivator with eyes full of sinister eyes sneered and said, "Hehehehe, there is a saying in your Yanhuang Continent, which is: When the scar is healed, forget the pain. Old thing, it seems that this sentence is about you! Why? Your injuries are all healed! It seems that you still have masters lurking here!" The cultivator could tell at a glance that Shang Changhe's injuries had already disappeared. Healed, and deduced from this that there are masters lurking in the cultivation alliance, he really has a vicious vision and a meticulous mind.

But Shang Changhe ignored the provocative words of the Buddha cultivator, and said in a deep voice: "No need to talk nonsense, if you retreat now, let go of everything, if you don't turn back, you will stay here with your life!"

"Hahahaha..." At this time, dozens of Buddhist practitioners on the opposite side laughed in unison, and one of them said, "Look, a group of ants are arrogant to a group of elephants. I really don't know what you have What kind of support?" As he said, he slapped the air and hit Shang Changhe. This palm seemed to be an understatement, but in fact it implied extremely majestic power, even if it was as powerful as Shang Changhe. It is also difficult to take over the monks of the late Nascent Soul.

At this moment, a black shadow soared into the sky, exuding an aura of looking down on the world, laughing wildly and flying towards Shang Changhe's side, with a casual palm, it was to dissolve the attacking palm of the Buddha cultivator.The man waved his palm and shouted loudly: "You thieves are bald, if you dare to come to Sa's house to be arrogant, get away from me!" The momentum of the early monks.

Sitting on the cliff, Wang Hao leaned over to look down, and murmured, "This Lu Da has succeeded in transforming into a god. I really don't know what kind of shit luck he has had!" Speaking of which, Wang Hao himself couldn't help laughing, he thought hard, but there was no way to transform into a god. He didn't expect that a reckless man like Lu Da would succeed in transforming into a god so easily!

"Huh? It seems that you are the backer of these Nascent Soul cultivators!" The white and fat Buddha cultivator, who seemed to be the leader of these people, asked seriously at this time.

"That's right, it's Sajia, what do you do?" Lu Da took a step forward, and slapped the Buddha Xiu with his palm.Lu Da's palm was more powerful than the palm that that Buddha cultivator slashed at Shang Changhe just now, whistling and rolling up clouds, he went towards the white and fat Buddha cultivator.

The white and fat Buddha cultivator didn't feel nervous at all, he was still smiling from the corner of his eyes, and said in a low growl: "Amitabha, so kind!" As he spoke, bursts of golden light radiated from his body, enveloping the whole person In the meantime, it looks very sacred and solemn.

"Brother, what a golden body that will last forever!" a Buddha cultivator behind him praised.At this time, Lu Da's palm had already hit the layer of golden light, the mask formed by the golden light trembled slightly, and then returned to its original state without causing any damage at all.

"Almsgiver, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right away. I think you are physically strong, and you are just right to be the Dharma protector of my Kuchan Temple. Why don't you come back to the Tianzhu mainland with me and join my Kuchan Temple?" Foxiu spoke slowly, but he seemed to spit out bright lotus flowers from his mouth. It was really a golden lotus with a brilliant tongue, which greatly shook Lu Da's Taoist heart.

At this time, Lu Da, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, asked: "I don't know what to call this fellow Taoist?"

The fat white Buddha gave a slender smile and said, "Poor monk Fahai." At this time, several monks at the transformation stage behind him stepped forward one after another, with golden lotuses gushing out of their mouths.

"Amitabha Buddha! Poor Monk Dharma! If the almsgiver takes refuge in my Buddha, he will definitely be able to achieve a positive result!"

"Amitabha Buddha! Poor monk and Falun! If the benefactor converts to my Buddha, he will definitely be able to rank among the Golden Body Arhats!"

"Amitabha! Poor Monk Dharma Light..."

"Amitabha! Poor monk Faxing..." A very tempting Buddha's name suddenly lingered in Lu Da's ears. Willing to go with you!" He was about to blurt out!

At this moment, above his spiritual consciousness, Wang Hao suddenly shouted: "Lu Da, since he has transformed into a god, why is his mind so unstable?"

Lu Da suddenly became alert all over his body, and the blurred vision in his eyes disappeared without a trace, replaced by eyes full of anger.

"Well, you bastards, you dare to shake your grandpa's Taoist heart, and almost let me be doomed! I will die for my grandpa!" Lu Da said, sacrificed the magic weapon, and attacked Fa Hai and others.And Shang Changhe also greeted the monks behind him, and set up a powerful formation in front of the mountain gate.

At this time, Fa Hai, with a flash of light in his eyes, avoided Lu Da's magic weapon, and headed in the direction of the Cultivation Alliance headquarters, and said loudly: "Which master is hiding nearby, please show up!" Suddenly, on the forehead, there is a slender vertical eye. This is the supreme magical power in Buddhism, "Tianyantong". It is a supreme supernatural power.

Fa Hai moved his "Tianyantong" to sweep across the main rudder of the Cultivation Alliance, but he never found a monk above the late Nascent Soul. people only.At this moment, Fa Hai couldn't help frowning, and thought to himself: Could it be that this seemingly reckless man can actually break his own Buddhist secret method "Polo Attraction Technique"?

When Fa Hai was hesitating, Wang Hao was also observing the cultivation of the following Buddhas, and he was even more surprised in his heart: Fa Hai, Fa Xiang?Kuzen Temple!It seems that these people are from the same continent as the Fatian whom I once beheaded, and they are all monks from the same sect!However, among these monks, the strongest is Fa Hai, who is only at the peak of the early stage of transformation, and has not yet reached the middle stage of transformation, so it should not be difficult to deal with it by yourself!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao let out a long cry, and in a flash, he appeared in front of Fa Hai who was hesitating secretly, and said to Fa Hai with a smile: "Master, what are you looking for? Use your eyes!"

After hearing Wang Hao's joking voice, Fa Hai's expression froze immediately, and the vertical eyes on his forehead glanced at Wang Hao. After realizing that he was only a late Nascent Soul cultivator, he waved his hand at Wang Hao disdainfully, and a pounding Majestic Yuanli immediately spewed towards Wang Hao, and said, "I don't know if I'm alive or dead!"

What happened next was far beyond Fa Hai's expectations. He thought that with a random blow, he would be able to knock the little guy in the Nascent Soul stage into the air in front of him. It didn't seem to be affected by his own blow.Still standing in front of him, with a smile on his face, he even said: "The wind blown by the master is really cool!"


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