Fairy Road

Chapter 193 fierce battle

In less than half an hour, dozens of Vajras in the "Vajra Subduing Demon Formation" formed by Fa Hai and others were easily beheaded by Wang Hao and Qin Yuan. At this time, Fa Hai and others were also pale and trembling After retracting the seal knot, he retreated a few feet away, staring at Wang Hao and Qin Yuan from afar.

Fa Hai and the others were even more puzzled at this time: Wang Hao was only besieged in the formation. Why did two people appear after the formation was broken, and the extra woman was actually at the stage of transformation.How many terrifying tricks does this young man in white have?At this time, Fa Hai and the others were fighting with heaven and man in their hearts, and they sacrificed Buddhist vessels one after another. These Buddhist vessels all shone with golden light, covering Fa Hai and others in it.Obviously, at this time, Fa Hai and the others had already developed a deep fear of Wang Hao in their hearts.

However, at this time, the formation formed by Shang Changhe and others had already been broken by those Nascent Soul stage Buddhist cultivators, and the monks from the two sides fought hand to hand, and they were already caught in an extremely sinister battle.Although Shang Changhe and the others are also veterans, it is difficult for Naihe to compete with those Buddhist cultivators in terms of cultivation, and they are already at a disadvantage at this time.Seeing these situations, Wang Hao summoned Baritie with a thought.

Pitie suddenly appeared next to Wang Hao with a mace in his hand, causing Defahai and others to panic again. They didn't feel relieved until they saw that Pitie was only at the peak of Yuanying's late stage cultivation.However, I still kept thinking in my heart: what kind of supernatural power does this person have, that he can summon a monk with extraordinary cultivation, it is beyond his imagination!

As soon as Pie Tie came out, he yelled and rushed towards Fa Hai and the others without hesitation. Wang Hao couldn't help but frowned, and secretly said: "Pie Tie, do you want to challenge several cultivators of the transformation stage by yourself?"At this time, Bi Tie just raised his head to look at Fa Hai and the others. After seeing it, he couldn't help shivering, and ran back to Wang Hao's side, bowing and asking, "Master, where is the target?" Looking at this stupid man, Hao couldn't help but smiled wryly, pointed at the battle circle of Shang Changhe and the others, and said, "Go and help them!" At this time, Ye Qingqing and Fang Rou also joined Shang Changhe and the others. In the battle circle of people, the two women back to back, echoing each other, fighting with two Buddhist cultivators, they are not at a disadvantage!

As for Lu Da and the Buddhist cultivator who was in the early stage of transforming into a god, he didn't know where the battle went at this time, and they had already disappeared.Wang Hao looked towards Fa Hai and the others, and jokingly said: "Grandmasters, what other formations are there, why don't you use them one by one, so that I can see what the mysterious formations in the Tianzhu Continent really are? What's so great about it?"

Fa Hai was uncomfortable being stared at by Wang Hao, but this time he was riding a tiger, and the current situation was a dilemma.Entering, the white-clothed boy in front of him has endless tricks, and these people don't seem to be his opponent at all; retreating, it is even more difficult, this white-clothed boy will definitely not let himself and the few escape easily. It is really unknown how many of the senior brothers can survive.

After thinking about it for a long time, Fa Hai finally decided to fight this young man in white. After all, even if he and the others managed to escape by chance, they would definitely not be able to escape Master's punishment after returning to Tianzhu Continent.Master has always been strict, I'm afraid this punishment will be several points worse than death.It's better to fight here, maybe there is still some hope.

"My benefactor, although your cultivation level is advanced, we are not easy-going people. Take it!" Fa Hai said as he sacrificed a radiant Buddha lamp. That is to say, they continuously sprayed out flames one after another towards Wang Hao.At the same time, Fa Ping and others also sacrificed Buddhist artifacts, some sacrificed a blue and white rosary, some sacrificed a Zen staff, and a Buddhist monk actually sacrificed a scripture.After the scripture was sacrificed, there were continuous voices in the air, attacking Wang Hao and Qin Yuan's consciousness.

Wang Hao was immediately flustered by these Buddhist practitioners, especially the Buddha lamp and scriptures.It caused Wang Hao a headache, Qin Yuan was fine, her consciousness would not be affected at all, but Wang Hao was different. After his consciousness was affected, the power of the Blue Rain Sword and Weeping Frost Sword would be It's hard to play.For a while, Wang Hao was actually at a disadvantage.

Fa Hai and the others sacrificed the Buddhist artifacts. They originally wanted to fight Wang Hao desperately, but they never expected to put Wang Hao at a disadvantage. They didn't expect that the joint attack would make Wang Hao flustered. Even the power of the magic weapon was overwhelming. It weakened a bit, and his confidence suddenly increased, urging those Buddhist artifacts, and kept attacking Wang Hao alone, but he didn't care about Qin Yuan.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Yuan ruthlessly fanned out the "Five-Colored Killing Wind" to help Wang Hao resist the flames emitted by the Buddha lamp, which relieved Wang Hao's pressure a little.However, the attack on Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness by that scripture could not be alleviated, and Wang Hao was also secretly distressed at this time: the impact of the scripture on his spiritual consciousness actually made him unable to distract himself from extracting the essence in the sky-butting ring. Naturally, he couldn't fully use his attack at this time because of the spirit of the fairy spirit. He could only manipulate the Blue Rain Sword and Weeping Frost Sword, struggling to support them.

The more Fa Hai and others fought, the more they felt that Wang Hao was not as powerful as they imagined, and their confidence increased greatly, and they actually surrounded Wang Hao.Fazhen really shouted: "Boy, so you are just a paper tiger, hahaha, let's see how your Buddha will refine you!" As he said, the Buddha artifact in his hand suddenly shone golden, and it kept attacking Wang Hao.

Wang Hao suddenly felt more and more pressure. If this continues, within half an hour, he will definitely end up falling here.At this moment, a tiger's roar came from not far away: "Leader, the Sa family is here to help you!" It turned out that Lu Da flew towards Wang Hao in a hurry, and it seemed that the Buddha Xiu Ding had been captured. Lu Da beheaded.

When Fa Hai and the others saw Lu Da flying towards them, they knew that their junior brother must have suffered a tragic accident, and their faces were filled with anger. Two of them roared angrily, and then manipulated the Buddhist artifacts to meet Lu Da.Wang Hao's pressure suddenly eased a lot.

"Wow, die for the Sa family!" Lu Da waved the magic weapon, and fought with the two Buddhist cultivators, and for a while, he didn't lose the wind.At this time, Wang Hao was still at a slight disadvantage against the five early stage Buddhist cultivators.

The impact of that scripture on Wang Hao is really too great, and Wang Hao's strength is at least [-]% lost because of it!Even with Lu Da coming to attract two early stage cultivators, Wang Hao still couldn't completely overcome the disadvantages.

At this time, the Blue Rain Sword and Weeping Frost Sword in Wang Hao's hands had already danced into two impenetrable sword nets, blocking all the attacks of Fa Hai and others from the sword nets. Compared with the majestic vitality of the monks in the middle stage of Huashen, I am afraid that they have already exhausted their fuel and fell on the spot.And Qin Yuan alone could only block the attack of Fa Hai's Buddha lamp, and he still looked very strenuous.

However, although Wang Hao's side was at a disadvantage, Baritie's side had recovered their disadvantage at this time and started to fight back.Although these Nascent Soul cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance have different levels of cultivation, they have a common characteristic, that is, they have rich combat experience and are ruthless.Often a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator puts his life together desperately, just to make a late-stage Nascent Soul Buddhist cultivator scramble.At this time, although the Cultivation Alliance had already lost several Nascent Soul stage monks, there were also five late Nascent Soul stage monks on the side of the Buddhist cultivators who fell on the spot.Moreover, the cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance fought more and more fiercely, forcing those Buddhist cultivators to barely defend and rarely attack.

Wang Hao also made a real fire at this time. Facing the attack of the spiritual consciousness produced by this scripture, he was very annoyed in his heart. It directly hit one's own spiritual consciousness, and he really took advantage of this fleeting opportunity to use the fairy energy in the sky-replenishing ring to kill the Buddha's cultivation method that released the scripture with lightning speed. Under the Blue Rain Sword.Fa Nian let out a miserable cry, and his whole body was crushed into powder by the blue rain sword that teleported over.At the same time, Wang Hao also let out a muffled groan, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his consciousness was also injured a lot, and he couldn't use the spirit energy for a while.However, with a single thought of the law, the scripture immediately became a thing without an owner. With a thought in Wang Hao's mind, the Weeping Frost Sword swiped across like a silver dragon, and directly took the scripture into Wang Hao's hands.Wang Hao lowered his eyebrows and saw that there were three big golden characters engraved on the scripture: Diamond Sutra!

"Thief dare! Hand over the 'Diamond Sutra' of my junior brother Fa Nian, or you will be killed today!" Fa Hai shouted furiously when he saw Fa Nian die.

Hearing Fa Hai's cry, Wang Hao showed a sarcasm smile, flipped his right hand, put the "Diamond Sutra" into the sky-replenishing ring, and said slowly: "Want to take my life? Then come here!" Let's see how many of you can leave alive today!" Said, the Blue Rain Sword in Wang Hao's hand made another move, charging towards Fa Hai.At this time, in the Blue Rain Sword, there was still a little bit of the fairy spirit left just now. There was only a flash of blue light, and the Blue Rain Sword teleported again, directly in front of Fa Hai. Fa Hai suddenly changed color. It was already too late to dodge, Lan Yu's sword shaped like a ghost and went straight to Fa Hai's head.In desperation, Fa Hai had no choice but to put his heart on the line, use his supernatural power "Golden Body of Invincibility", and put his arms across his face, trying to resist the fatal blow of the Blue Rain Sword!

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