Fairy Road

Chapter 2 Marriage

Chapter 2Marriage

"Daddy, did brother offend the guest just now?" Ye Qingqing walked over gracefully, her voice was like a yellow warbler, and her face was like a peach blossom in March, Wang Hao couldn't help being stunned.

"Qingqing, don't mention your useless brother anymore, come on, let me introduce you." Ye Buhuan said as he took Wang Hao's hand and said, "This is Wang Ping, whom my father mentioned to you. Uncle's son, Wang Hao."

"I've met Miss Ye." Wang Hao blushed and didn't dare to look directly at the girl in front of him. Although he was only 15 years old, he already had a love for beauty, and this Ye Qingqing was indeed glamorous.

"Earlier, my father always mentioned Uncle Wang. He said that Uncle Wang had been kind to his father. Brother Wang Hao doesn't need to be polite. Just now, my brother offended him. I will apologize for him." Ye Qingqing's generous court Wang Hao saluted.

Wang Hao was about to reply, when Ye Mansion's servants came to report that Miracle Doctor Jiang had arrived, Ye Buhuan hurriedly followed the servants out to meet him, and in his haste, he just told Ye Qingqing to send Wang Hao to rest in peace, and would send someone to inform him if there was any news Wang Hao.

"Brother Wang Hao came with me. I heard that Uncle Wang was injured. This genius doctor Jiang is famous far and wide, and he will definitely be able to heal him."

"I hope so. Thank you, Ms. Ye, for your concern!" Wang Hao regained his usual calmness that was far from his age.

"Brother Wang Hao, why do you call me so unfamiliar? Since you are the son of my father's close friend, you will call me Qingqing from now on." Ye Qingqing smiled after speaking, revealing the unique playfulness of a girl.

"The character of this girl is quite different from that of her brother." Wang Hao thought about it and replied, "Then it's better to be respectful than obedient."

As the two walked along, Ye Qingqing was very lively and asked Wang Hao many things.When talking about cultivation, what surprised Wang Hao was that this delicate girl in front of him actually had the eighth level of Qi Refining, which really made Wang Hao feel ashamed for a while.

When Wang Hao lamented that Ye Qingqing's cultivation is not ordinary, Ye Qingqing said with a smile: "As the saying goes: the twelfth level of Qi refining, it is difficult to build a foundation when you are old! Daddy has stayed on the [-]th level of Qi refining for many years I heard from my father that only those who have reached the level of foundation building can be called immortals. However, there is no one in a hundred who can build a foundation in Qi refining! People like me who are on the eighth level of Qi refining are not You can easily grab a handful, hehe..." As he spoke, he grabbed a handful in the air with his pink fist.

"Even if it's the eighth level of qi refining, it's much better than me, the idiot who is on the second level of qi refining!" Wang Hao sighed as he spoke, thinking: I can't say that I am not hardworking in qi refining, but entering the realm is not. It's so slow that people don't understand why.I don't know if it's a problem with the exercises, or I just don't have the material for practice!

"Brother Wang Hao, don't underestimate yourself. There are many late bloomers in the world. As long as you persist, you will surely achieve something!"

"En!" Wang Hao nodded emphatically. This sentence is exactly the language he often encourages himself. Now that he said it from the mouth of the extremely charming little girl in front of him, Wang Hao naturally felt that he and the girl in front of him seemed to be much closer!

Ye Qingqing brought Wang Hao to an elegant and quiet guest room, explained a few words, and left.Wang Hao smelled the girl's body fragrance left in the house, and was slightly absent-minded.Thinking of the uncertainty of father's life and death, I couldn't help but feel anxious and melancholy.I and my father have lived together for more than ten years, and my father is always happy and sad.Especially when Wang Hao asked about his mother, Wang Ping was even more irritable. He either lost his temper, or simply replied: Your mother has long passed away!There will be no more words.Over time, Wang Hao could only bury his mother's affection deeply in his heart.

"I hope my father can wake up. Even if he loses all his cultivation, I am willing to serve him forever!" When Wang Hao thought of the gap between his cultivation and his peers, he couldn't help sighing again: "The one who is younger than myself Ye Qingqing actually has the eighth level of Qi refining, is she really so stupid? When my father wakes up, he must ask why he didn't teach me the exercises he practiced." Thinking Here, there was another burst of irritability in my heart, and I hadn't been running around for a long time, and my body actually felt a little exhausted.At this time, another warm current flowed out from the piece of warm jade worn on the chest, spreading from the sea of ​​qi in the middle of the mutton to all the limbs and bones. I felt a burst of relief all over my body, and even the exhaustion from running around all day disappeared without a trace. gone.

Wang Hao couldn't help playing with this piece of warm jade. He once heard his father say that it was a relic of his mother.Wang Hao has always worn it on his chest in his memory, and there has never been any abnormality.Since his father's accident, Wang Hao traveled day and night, and whenever he felt unwell, this piece of warm jade could release warm currents and relieve the fatigue in his body.It seems that what my mother left for me is actually a treasure, and I must cherish it.Wang Hao knew the truth of the crime of Huaibi, so he hid Nuanyu between his underwear.

About an hour later, Wang Hao was led by the servants of Ye Mansion to the place where his father was treated.The genius doctor surnamed Jiang told about his father's condition: "Your father has no energy in his body at this time, but he can still keep his soul. It's really strange! After thinking about it, the old man guessed that he must be a person with great supernatural powers. It was caused by some kind of strange sealing technique." Speaking of this, Miracle Doctor Jiang sighed slightly.

"Doctor Jiang, how can I revive my father?" Wang Hao's voice was a little trembling. After all, he was still a teenager, and the life and death of his only relative was uncertain, which really made him lose his senses.

"Brother Wang, don't be impatient. Although this old man doesn't have the ability to wake up your father, as long as you can find an expert in the Foundation Establishment Stage and remove the seal from his body, your father will wake up immediately."

"Yes, nephew, just now the old man also tried to remove the seal in Brother Wang's body according to the method of doctor Jiang. Although he failed due to insufficient cultivation, I can clearly feel that the person who left this seal is only stronger than the old man. In order to be slightly superior, if there is an expert in the foundation building stage, he will be able to dissolve it."

Hearing Ye Buhuan's words, Wang Hao felt a little relieved, but he muttered, "Where can I find that expert from the Foundation Establishment Stage?"

"Brother Wang Hao, don't worry. Qingqing's master is at the foundation-building stage. Every August, her old man will come to teach me the formula for the next year's practice. It is now the middle of July. When the master comes half a month later, Uncle Wang Then we can turn the crisis into safety." Ye Qingqing said with a smile as she stood behind Wang Hao at some point.

"Yes, nephew, you can stay here for half a month with peace of mind. Everything will be solved when Qingqing's master comes."

Wang Hao nodded and thanked those in front of him.Seeing that Wang Hao was unhappy, Ye Buhuan led Ye Qingqing to send Miracle Doctor Jiang away.Wang Hao sat quietly beside his father, looking at his father's resolute face, he couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

"Father, Hao'er must work hard to cultivate, and never let you suffer like this again in the future!" When he secretly made up his mind, the warm jade on his chest moved again, Wang Hao only felt fever all over his body, and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, it was already dusk. Wang Hao tidied his clothes and was about to get up when he suddenly felt spiritual energy surging in his body. The bottleneck of the third layer of Qi refining, which had not been broken through for three years, began to loosen. He immediately sat cross-legged and meditated. Start attacking the third layer of Qi Refining.

After a cup of tea was over, Wang Hao opened his eyes full of doubts. "Why is the bottleneck of the third layer usually so solid, yet so fragile at this moment, that he broke through to the third layer of Qi Refining without any effort, and faintly felt that he was about to touch the bottleneck of the fourth layer." Wang said. Hao was about to meditate again, when the servant of the Ye Mansion outside the house called: "Young Master Wang, the master invites you to the living room for dinner!"

After arriving at Ye's living room, Ye Buhuan and his family had already taken their seats. Seeing Wang Hao coming, Ye Buhuan introduced the family to Wang Hao one by one, and it was inevitable to exchange pleasantries.Wang Hao noticed that neither Ye Kai nor Ye Qingqing had come over, and it was inconvenient to ask, so he ate dinner while exchanging pleasantries.After the meal, Ye Buhuan didn't keep talking anymore, but just let Wang Hao have a good rest. Wang Hao felt a faint look of anxiety from Ye Buhuan's brows, so it was naturally inconvenient for Wang Hao to ask more. (First release on Zongheng Chinese website)

After leaving the living room, Wang Hao didn't let the servant lead the way, and walked to the guest room alone.Walking to a pavilion, Ye Kai's rough voice was heard from a distance: "Sister, if you don't want to, brother will go to the Han's house for you and cancel this marriage. Who dares not, I beat him so badly that he lost his teeth!"

"Brother, don't say any more, let me think about it. Just now I heard from my father that the head of the Han family has broken through to the foundation-building stage. If he divorces, it may bring disaster to the family." Ye Qingqing's voice of resentment also came over, Wang Hao Can't help but slow down.

"It doesn't matter if he builds chickens or ducks! No matter what, you can't marry Han Zheng, a bastard. I heard that this bastard already has four concubines and often takes over women from ordinary families. Sister, I'm going to talk to Dad about this." Go!" Ye Kai said and got up and walked towards Wang Hao, just in time to meet Wang Hao head-on.

"It's you again, a coward. You didn't dare to fight last time, and I was scolded by my father. If you have a chance, you will beat me all over the place!" Ye Kai said without stopping. "Waiting for you at any time!" Wang Hao said with a smile, thinking: Although this young master of the Ye family has a hot temper, he is not a shameless villain.

"Brother, go as long as you want, why are you provoking me here again?" Ye Qingqing stomped her feet and said, "Brother Wang Hao, my brother has such a temper, please forgive me."

"It's okay." Wang Hao looked back at the back of Ye Kai leaving in a hurry, and asked unconsciously, "I just took the liberty to hear that Qingqing seems to be in trouble?" After asking, Wang Hao began to regret: bumping into each other It was already rude to speak, but Wang Hao felt ashamed because he was unable to help when he came to ask again.

(First release on Zongheng Chinese website)

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