Fairy Road

Chapter 28 Challenge the Hidden Dragon List

Under everyone's contempt at the beginning to the astonishment now, Wang Hao resorted to the "Hua Yuan Gong" taught by Chen Tuan to himself. The vitality in his body was burning, and the aura exuding from his body became stronger and stronger. .

"Is this the price of wasting 50 years? Although there is no golden core in the body to condense into shape, the Yuanli condenses into an air mass similar to the golden core..." Wang Hao clenched his fists. It's not ordinary horror!

Qin Chong, who was extremely arrogant on the opposite side, also looked dignified at this moment. He didn't expect that there would be so many Jindan stage disciples among the three generations of disciples of Xuantianzong. It's really not that easy.However, this little guy in front of him must be dealt with.Thinking of this, Qin Chong sneered, and used the Xuantian Palm, one of the 36 magical powers of the Xuantian School. It is clear that he disdains to use magic weapons to win, but wants to fight head-to-head with Wang Hao to see whose strength is stronger.

Wang Hao, whose cultivation base had climbed to the Golden Core stage, was naturally not to be outdone, and with a whistling sound of the Great Destruction Fist, he collided fiercely with the Xuantian Palm.Qin Chong's body swayed, but Wang Hao took a step back. It seems that in terms of the depth of Yuanli, Qin Chong is still superior.

Wang Hao performed the first six forms of the Great Destruction Fist one after another with a serious face, and the power was immediately overwhelming, but Qin Chong stopped rushing forward and made the Xuantian Palm so that it was watertight.Air explosions appeared continuously in mid-air, and the sound of explosions was endless. Compared with this one, those competitions just now are really nothing.

However, Lu Qiuyan on the rostrum shook his head and said to himself: "Wang Hao doesn't look like a Jindanqi, but he has Jindanqi's cultivation. It's strange, strange... "Wan Feng next to him just took back his family's Zijin sword, and said with a proud face at this time: "Wang Hao's origin is unknown, he must have taken the elixir to improve his cultivation, and over time, his flaws will inevitably show up." of."

Zhao Han shook his head and said, "Maybe it's some kind of secret method. Have you ever heard of a medicine that can directly improve one's cultivation from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Golden Core Stage?"

Wan Feng blushed, and retorted: "I have never heard of the secret method that can raise the foundation stage to the golden core stage!" Lu Qiuyan saw the two arguing, and laughed aloud: "The world of cultivation is full of wonders, you There is no need for the two to argue, just watch carefully."

On the field, Wang Hao had used up all the first six forms of destructive punches, and Qin Chong easily took them one by one.Wang Hao immediately stood up like a bow, and suddenly used the seventh form of the Great Destruction Fist - breaking the ground!As soon as this move is used, there will be a lot of commotion on the side of the base building camp. After all, they are both disciples of the Xuantian Sect. It is very rare to use the first six forms of the Great Destruction Fist completely, and no one can use the seventh form. After all, the Great Destruction Fist requires an extremely abundant source of energy as a foundation to fully exert its power. Powerful!

"Okay! Break the ground!" Qin Chong also instructed how powerful this move is. With a change of his palms, he also used the ultimate move in Xuantian's palm. Suddenly, the square flew sand and rocks, the sun and the moon were dark, and the two moves collided. Everyone felt The surrounding air is about to be evacuated.

Teng Teng Teng, Wang Hao took another three steps back, and Qin Chong finally took a step back this time.

"That's right, boy! Come again!" Qin Chong said and slapped him again.

In the meantime, Wang Hao gave a soft shout, his body hovered in mid-air, his right fist was raised high, and a very strong cyclone was formed in the air, and it rushed towards Qin Chong.

"Break the sky!" Finally, some of the foundation-building disciples couldn't help exclaiming, and the second-generation elders who watched the battle also nodded and said: "It seems that the eighth move of the Great Destruction Fist can be used in the early stage of Jindan. This kid's comprehension of the Xuantian Nine Transformations Art is not so deep!"

"Puchi!" The cyclone actually directly dispersed Xuantian Palm's palm wind, and roared straight to Qin Chong's face. The cyclone collided in one place!

With a snort, Qin Chong's long sleeves spread apart like butterflies. Qin Chong also let out a muffled snort, but he didn't take a step back. Wang Hao here didn't look like he was at a disadvantage.

"Qin Chong has made a big mistake this time, but he has suffered a lot!" Zhao Han said to Lu Qiuyan with a smile.Lu Qiuyan nodded his head and said: "This Great Destruction Fist was created by an elder of my Xuantian Sect. It is more powerful than the other 35 supernatural powers. However, to use all of these nine moves, it requires a late-stage Jindan master." Strength, so there are not many people who practice this kind of supernatural power. After all, most monks in the late Jindan stage are still working hard on their own magic weapons, but they rarely pay attention to these supernatural powers. But this Wang Hao With the cultivation base of Jindan early stage, it is really a genius to be able to use the eighth form of the Great Destruction Fist!"

"That's right! When this kid first joined the sect, he tested the astonishing pure Yang spiritual root. I didn't expect to improve his cultivation to such a level in a short period of time. It's really amazing!"

However, Wang Hao, who used the eighth form of the Great Destruction Fist, was anxious at the moment. With the help of Chen Tuan, Wang Hao was able to continuously transport the Yuan power into Wang Hao's body with the help of the sky-filling ring, so that Wang Hao was able to push the big sword into Wang Hao's body. He used all nine moves of Destroying Fist. Now without this help, it is Wang Hao's limit to be able to use the eighth move only with his own strength.And although Qin Zhong over there seemed to be suffering because of being too big, it seemed that his combat power was not affected at all, but his fighting spirit was high.

"Boy, find out all the other tricks, otherwise there will be no chance soon!" Qin Zhong's handsome face is now extremely hideous and terrifying, which shows how angry he is inside.

Seeing Qin Chong's panic-stricken look, Wang Hao smiled wryly in his heart. It seems that it would be extremely difficult to defeat this person today.After all, it is barely enough for the energy in my body to support me to fight with the spirit weapon, and it is even more impossible to fight head-to-head with the destructive fist that consumes extremely energy.What's more terrible is that he has reached the point where he has no spiritual weapons to use. He doesn't have the Zijin sword and the soul-inducing bell. It can be said that he is at the end of his rope.

This side is secretly calculating, but there Qin Chong recklessly used the Xuantian palm to slam Wang Hao at Wang Hao again. Wang Hao could only dodge non-stop, and sometimes his body was swept by the palm wind. It hurt like a knife.

Ye Qingqing's face was already pale with anxiety, and she looked at Wang Hao who was clumsy everywhere on the field, feeling regretful in her heart.And Zi Yan's beautiful face shrouded in water vapor over there also showed anxiety, Fang Rou even chopped off her little feet and said, "Why doesn't Junior Brother Wang Hao stop fighting back!"

"Boy! It seems that you are exhausted. Hahahaha, let me see how long you can last!" After Qin Chong finished speaking, he kept slapping Wang Hao with his palms, and Wang Hao was immediately enveloped In the shadow of a palm.

Finally, with a bang, Wang Hao's left shoulder was hit hard by the palm wind, and his body flew several feet away like a meteor. A bloody arrow shot out, and his face suddenly turned pale!

Is this going to lose?Wang Hao was unwilling to think that the little remaining energy in his body was already extremely chaotic.

"Hahahaha..." Qin Chong laughed wildly, flew towards Wang Hao, and said in his mouth, "It is a talent to be able to persist under my hands for such a long time. Unfortunately, starting today, the short-term Talented people will become permanent waste." As soon as the words fell, the figure flew to Wang Hao's side.

Ye Qingqing, Zi Yan, and Fang Rou all knew about the quarrel between Wang Hao and Qin Zhong, and when they saw Qin Zhong flying to Wang Hao's side, they knew something was wrong, so the three of them flew up together, and scolded: "Stop! "

But Qin Chong raised his foot towards Wang Hao's chest without hesitation, and wanted to step on it fiercely!

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