Fairy Road

Chapter 303 hunting monsters

After entering the area haunted by monsters of the fourth level of Shenbing, Wang Hao's journey was not so easy.The roads on both sides are often watched by monsters of the fourth level of Shenbing. Among them, the more vicious monsters rushed out and attacked Wang Hao, and Wang Hao relied on the top-grade artifact Wuhuo in his hand The fan continuously fanned out five fire dragons to block the attacks of these monsters.

Of course, the five fire dragons fanned out by the five fire fans could no longer directly kill the monsters of the fourth level of the magic weapon, but only caused some slight damage to these monsters.After all, although the five-fire fan is a top-grade artifact, Wang Hao's current cultivation is only at the peak of the second-level magic weapon, and he really cannot exert the true power of the five-fire fan.

Any high-level artifact must be used by its owner who has the strength to match it. For the top-grade artifact in Wang Hao's hand, the Five Fire Fan, if he wants to exert its full power, Wang Hao must at least cultivate to The level of god general.Today's Wang Hao is just using the power of the top-grade artifact to pretend to be a tiger.

Of course, just like Wang Hao, who had just ascended to the God Realm had the cultivation base of a high-grade artifact, but it was very rare.Minglang, who had been following Wang Hao all this time, also secretly thought at this time: What is the origin of this kid? It seems that he only has a second-level cultivation level of the Divine Weapon, so why does he have a high-grade divine weapon in his hand.From the looks of it, even in the realm of the fifth-level magical beast, with this high-grade artifact, this kid will not be killed by the magical beast.It seems that I need to act at the right time... Hehe... Thinking that I will soon and easily obtain a high-grade artifact, Qingming is very happy.

Of course, he had already figured out how to deal with the village chief Mingzheng, as long as he told the village chief that he and Wang Hao had encountered a beast, he could only protect himself and had no time to care about Wang Hao.Animal chaos in the God Realm does happen from time to time, monks below the level of a god general, as long as they encounter animal chaos, they will die.Even with the protection of monks at the level of a god general, it is difficult to save him.Unless, there is a God King beside him!

Along the way, Wang Hao kept using the five-fire fan to drive away the four-level monsters that attacked him. After these monsters were injured by the five-fire fan, they didn't dare to pester them, and they just lost their way. in the edge of the forest.Naturally, Wang Hao will not kill them all. After all, with his own strength, he said that he would kill all these four-level monsters. Even if he wanted to kill a four-level monster, it would take a lot of money. hands and feet!

Finally, after going through an extremely difficult road, Wang Hao entered the site where the monsters of the fifth level of the gods were infested. As soon as he entered this site, Wang Hao immediately felt a wave of extremely dangerous breaths rushing towards him .Wang Hao didn't dare to advance rashly, but chose to hide behind a boulder on both sides of the road.

Sit back and wait!This is the method Wang Hao learned in Yanhuang Continent.With his current strength, if he wanted to continue to move forward and disturb a large number of fifth-level magical beasts, the result could only be one word-death!

Mingming, who was hiding in the dark, saw that Wang Hao didn't move any further, but just hid in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to hunt and kill the fifth-level magic beast, and he immediately had a higher opinion of Wang Hao in his heart.However, Ming Lang laughed secretly in his heart: "It turns out that you are afraid of attracting too many fifth-level monsters, and you can't handle it by yourself. Then I will help you attract more. It is better to die in the mouth of monsters." It would be better to die in my hands. Hehehehe!" Thinking of this, Minglang's figure flickered, and he passed Wang Hao directly and flew forward.

At this time, Wang Hao didn't know that his whereabouts had been completely grasped by Qingming. Instead, he hid behind the boulder, confidently preparing to hunt and kill the fifth-level magic beast that was about to appear.Wang Hao's plan is: try not to use the sky-replenishing ring, after all, once such heaven-defying sacred objects of the gods are exposed, it is very likely to lead to the disaster of killing people.It would be best if he could solve the problem by relying on the five fire fans.If it doesn't work, then take out a top-grade artifact that I just obtained from the Butianhuan Treasure Pavilion a few days ago, and use the top-grade artifact to kill a monster that should be able to speak of the fifth level of the magic weapon.

As long as he can kill a fifth-level magic beast, he will be regarded as having completed Mingzheng's mission, so he can join Luoxia Village in a legitimate way, practice in Luoxia Village with peace of mind, and enter the central city as soon as possible.

Wang Hao was thinking to himself, at this time, a monster with the appearance of a black tiger suddenly appeared in the road, Wang Hao swept his consciousness, and immediately knew that it was a monster of the fifth level of the magic weapon beast.The monsters of the fifth level of the divine weapon, compared with the monsters of the fourth level of the divine weapon, do not know how many times stronger.Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​using the five fire fans, and took out the top-grade artifact, the God-killing Bow, from the sky-replenishing ring.

The God Extinguishing Bow has an extremely unique structure, it only has a bow but no arrows.If you want to use this bow to kill the enemy, you need to condense your own energy into a bow and arrow, and then shoot it out with the help of the god-killing bow.So as to achieve the purpose of killing the enemy.

After Wang Hao took out the Extinguishing Bow, it immediately caused a dark aura fluctuation.This slight wave of spiritual energy made the black tiger-like magical beast of the fifth level quickly wake up, its figure flashed, and it actually rushed directly from the road to the side Among the forest.Immediately, Wang Hao could only shake his head with a wry smile, and said in his heart: Not only is this fifth-level magical beast powerful, but it also has such a high level of alertness, it is really difficult to hunt it down!

After the black tiger disappeared into the forest, there was no trace of breath. Wang Hao waited for half an hour, but he never saw this fifth-level magical beast again.Just when Wang Hao was extremely disappointed, another fifth-level magical beast appeared in Wang Hao's field of vision.

This is a huge monster, its shape resembles a kind of animal in Yanhuang Continent——rhinoceros!But it looks more fierce than a rhinoceros.Wang Hao didn't know the name of this monster, but based on the aura, he could tell that this monster must have the fifth-level cultivation of the Divine Weapon.

After condensing the energy to form a bow and arrow, it is put on the God-killing Bow.With a bang, the Yuanli bow and arrow that had been blessed by the Extinguishing Bow immediately shot towards the rhinoceros-shaped magical beast at the fifth level, like a bolt of lightning.

The rhinoceros-shaped monster is obviously a monster that is not good at speed. After discovering the danger, it wanted to dodge it, but it was too late. With a puff, the Yuanli arrow from the Mie Shen Bow hit the monster at once. on the right leg.The monster roared angrily, and immediately, streams of blood gushed out from its right leg.

However, the injury to the right leg made the monster go crazy in an instant. After a roar, it ignored the injured leg and rushed towards the boulder where Wang Hao was. Wang Hao's position.Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he raised his bow and fired his arrows again.With a puff, the arrow actually hit the monster on the forehead. The monster immediately let out a miserable howl, and rolled on the ground continuously. The sound was so loud that the boulder where Wang Hao was hiding was cracked. open.

Wang Hao's complexion changed drastically, and his figure retreated rapidly.Sure enough, the monster that rolled several times on the ground stood up again, and rushed towards Wang Hao with red eyes.Wang Hao could only run quickly, towards the area where the fourth-level monsters of the Shenbing were infested.

Fortunately, this monster is not good at speed, and it was seriously injured, so it has been chasing behind Wang Hao, but it has been unable to catch up with Wang Hao.Along the way, the injuries caused caused countless fourth-level magical beasts to hide in the forest tremblingly, not daring to poke their heads out.

(Please collect it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!)

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