Fairy Road

Chapter 34 Spirit Sword Sect

Three days later, in Wuyou Valley, Ziyan and Fang Rou saw Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing off together. After some exhortations, Ziyan took out two top-quality spiritual weapons and handed them to Wang Hao, saying: "Sister Qingqing has already condensed the golden core, I have already sacrificed the magic ring of amorous feelings given by Master Leng. And you have not formed the alchemy yet, and you have no usable spiritual weapons, so these two spiritual weapons will be given to you for self-defense." Wang Hao was not polite, and the result Looking carefully, it turned out to be a small green knife and a small blue shield, which perfectly complement each other when attacking and defending.After Wang Hao thanked Ziyan, he and Ye Qingqing flew out of the valley. Ziyan and Fang Rou looked at the backs of the two, their eyes filled with mist.

Zi Yan looked at the two black spots that were gradually disappearing in the distance, and murmured: I really hope to leave with you...

A few miles outside the city of Luzhou, Anhui Province, a man, a woman and two young girls suddenly flew down from midair. The man was about fifteen or sixteen years old, dressed in white, with a resolute look on his face.And that girl has a graceful figure and a beautiful face.After the two fell into shape, they walked on the official road to Luzhou City like ordinary passers-by.These two people are exactly Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing.

Although they knew that after Han Fei escaped from Leng Qiuyue last time, the possibility of staying in the Han family in Luzhou City was very slim, but the two decided to go to the Han family first to find out, after all, where is the specific location of the Yin Yang sect of the demon school The two didn't know about it, and even if they knew the location, they didn't dare to go there rashly. After all, the Yin Yang Sect is considered a big school of magic, and there must be masters in the Nascent Soul stage in the sect. .

Soon, the two entered Luzhou City. Ye Qingqing shouted that things were right and people were wrong, and the circles of his eyes turned red, and Wang Hao also thought that he came here with his father on his back to join the Ye family more than a year ago. situation.

Along the way, it was easy to find the location of the Han family. The dilapidated scene of the gate was naturally as expected by Wang Hao and the two of them. They entered the house and searched, but they returned in vain, so they decided to look for the Yin first. Yangzong's sect is located.

Before leaving Xuantianzong, Ye Qingqing also found out the approximate location of Yinyangzong's gate, which is about a thousand miles away to the south of Luzhou City.The two of them shuttled among the crowds on Luzhou City Main Street, and when they were about to leave the city gate, they flew their imperial weapons. The journey of more than a thousand miles took only three or four hours to arrive.

Although Luzhou City is considered a relatively small state capital among the eight states of Anhui, the city has a population of one million people, so the streets are full of people coming and going, which is a lively scene.Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing walked side by side, suddenly the two of them had a thought at the same time, and their spiritual consciousness communicated with each other: "There is the breath of a cultivator!" "Well, and it seems to be hiding behind, following us all the way."

"Let's pretend not to know, and we'll talk about it when we get out of the city."

So the two quickened their pace, and soon came to a sparsely populated place outside the city.Wang Hao winked at Ye Qingqing, and the two of them turned into white light at the same time, hiding their figures on a thousand-year-old tree, and restrained their breath at the same time.

Sure enough, soon a few black-clothed monks sneaked up to the place where Wang Hao and the two were hiding with dazed expressions. The leader was a black-faced monk from the early foundation establishment period.

The black-faced monk also said to the other monks with a blank expression: "These two are indeed high-ranking monks, and it seems that they may be related to that incident, so quickly send a message to the elders in the sect so that they can prepare early. "

The black-faced monk spoke, and a Qi-refining period monk responded behind him, and then took out a communication jade slip, and activated the formula, and the jade slip flew away immediately.

Seeing that the jade slip had been sent out, the black-faced monk calmed down a bit and said, "Let's go back to the city and continue to wait to see if there are any other suspicious characters!" After speaking, he led several disciples in the Qi refining period towards the direction of the city go.

Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing saw that these monks had gone far away, they acquainted each other with wry smiles and said: "It seems like a false alarm, these monks are not targeting us, they just regard us as another group of people."

"That's right! But it's better to have fewer incidents when we come out for revenge this time!" Wang Hao said seriously.

"That's natural." After Ye Qingqing finished speaking, he sacrificed the magic weapon, the ring of passion, Wang Hao also jumped on it, and Ye Qingqing rushed away through the air as soon as he urged him with his strength.

A hundred miles away from Luzhou City, there is a small sect called Lingjian Sect.Inside the sect, a long-bearded old man stared solemnly at the several blood words written on the high wall of the sect: within three days, offer all the spirit stones, otherwise, your entire sect will be destroyed!At this time, a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage hurried to the old Taoist Changxu, bowed and said, "Sovereign Master, the disciples in Luzhou City discovered two very suspicious monks, coming towards our Spirit Sword Sect!"

The long-bearded old Taoist grimaced, and ordered: All disciples in the foundation establishment period, get ready!

After flying a hundred miles, Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing came to the vicinity of the Spirit Sword Sect. Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing immediately sensed the aura of several late-stage foundation-building monks hidden around them.

Ye Qingqing's complexion changed, and she said to Wang Hao: "There is something wrong here, be careful!" Wang Hao nodded, and looked towards the mountain with a solemn expression. Halfway up the mountain, there are actually a lot of houses. Came here because there is actually a small cultivation sect.

"Rush over with the fastest speed!" Wang Hao whispered to Ye Qingqing, and Ye Qingqing was just about to activate the amorous ring under his feet, but found that there were several late-stage foundation-building monks and generals dressed in black in front of him. Hao's way is blocked.

Ye Qingqing could only put away the magic weapon, the two of them stopped and were about to ask.Unexpectedly, several monks in the late stage of foundation establishment on the opposite side shouted loudly: "Set up the formation!" As soon as the voice fell, the figures of the several people kept changing, occupying various positions around Wang Hao and the two of them in one breath, and sacrificed at the same time. A long sword, several long swords were intertwined in the air to form a huge sword net, and immediately covered Wang Hao and the two of them.

Those long swords themselves are just low-grade spiritual weapons, but after they are interwoven into sword nets in the air, their quality has improved. device.

Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing were confused, seeing the sword net cover their heads and faces towards them, they had no choice but to sacrifice their spiritual weapons and magic weapons, and shot towards the sword net.

Those cultivators in the late stage of foundation establishment, seeing Ye Qingqing actually sacrificed a ring-shaped magic weapon, were startled that this woman was actually a master of the golden core stage, and immediately made a move with their right hand, the sword net disappeared, and the long sword returned to their hands, and they dared not fight with her. Ye Qingqing's magic weapon collided, but immediately after that, she threw out her long sword and kept changing the knots. Several long swords flew in mid-air like several dragons, but they didn't attack Wang Hao directly.

Wang Hao understood in his heart: these cultivators saw that Ye Qingqing was at the Golden Core stage and knew they were invincible, so they deliberately delayed and waited for help to arrive.Therefore, Wang Hao said loudly to Ye Qingqing: "Shoot the sword formation quickly!" Ye Qingqing nodded slightly, and the amorous ring was dazzled by the light, drifting towards those foundation-building monks.

At this moment, a powerful aura shot out from halfway up the mountain, and an old man with white beard shouted loudly: "You two are going to destroy my sect, what a big tone!" , a red long sword roared and went straight to the amorous ring, that red long sword is actually a magic weapon, it seems that this long-bearded old man is undoubtedly a master of Jindan stage.

The red long sword collided with the amorous ring, and the amorous ring was thrown back into Ye Qingqing's hand, but Ye Qingqing's expression remained unchanged. The amorous ring was not known for its strength, and it was smashed by the red long sword. Flying down is also normal, it's not that Amorous Ring lost to the red long sword in terms of rank.

It's just that the old Taoist saw that his red long sword knocked away the opponent's Fabao with one move, and with a proud sneer, he urged the long sword to kill Wang Hao and the two of them.Seeing this, the other monks in the foundation building period also urged their long swords to kill the generals.At this time, Wang Hao thought to himself: These people seem to be desperate when they come up, and they also talk about destroying the sect, so they must have mistaken us for enemies.But at this time, there is no hurry to distinguish, and the other party may find it hard to believe it.Thinking of this, he just took out the green knife-shaped spiritual weapon and counterattacked at the opponent's sword rain.

Ye Qingqing, however, was holding the smashed Amorous Ring in her hand, urging the magic formula, and the Amorous Ring flew out brilliantly again. During the flight, there were bursts of breathtaking sounds, and suddenly the long sword in mid-air included The red long sword faltered, it seems that the spiritual consciousness of the owner of the long sword was greatly hurt by the sound from the amorous ring.

Passionate ring, passionate but ruthless annoyed.The master who refined this magic weapon at the beginning meant to refine this magic weapon into a sharp weapon that specifically attacks the opponent's spiritual consciousness.How many ruthless people in the world are there, if they are sentient, they will be disturbed by this sentimental ring, it is really an extraordinary magic weapon.Because of this, Leng Qiuyue was so annoyed when Wan Feng defrauded this magic weapon.

Those long swords were only stagnant in the air for half a breath, but during this half breath, the owner of the sword was damaged and lost control of the long sword, and Wang Hao's green knife, Ding Ding Ding Ding, was smashed into the air continuously Four long swords, and the red long sword was also slammed by the amorous ring, and flew backwards towards the long-bearded old man.

Seeing this, the long-bearded old man became furious, and shouted: "Little thief, today the old man will try his best to protect my Spirit Sword Sect." After finishing speaking, the red long sword made another move, and in mid-air, Chang The sword actually rose to three or four feet in length against the wind, and it slammed down towards Ye Qingqing and Wang Hao.Ye Qingqing's expression also changed slightly at this time, she withdrew the amorous ring, pulled Wang Hao up and retreated a few feet, but the red long sword chased after the two of them relentlessly.

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