Fairy Road

Chapter 39

The Yinyang Sect's Qiyun Mountain back mountain is full of Yinyang outer disciples living here. Compared with other places in Qiyun Mountain, the spiritual energy here is much thinner. After all, the place with abundant spiritual energy is reserved for the elders and core disciples of the sect to build. Dongfu.

Wang Hao held the black-faced disciple of the Yin Yang Sect in his right hand, and flew to the back of Qiyun Mountain with Ye Qingqing. When he spat out his energy, the black-faced man screamed and begged for mercy.Wang Hao said coldly: "Point out the exact location!" The black-faced man tremblingly pointed to a valley. In that valley, Wang Hao quickly chased after him with the black-faced disciple.

Ye Qingqing's Golden Core Stage cultivator was really fast. When Wang Hao came to the valley, Ye Qingqing's sharp sword was already on Han Fei's neck, and a group of Han family members knelt in the valley.

"Old thief Han, when you killed my father and younger brother, did you ever think that today will happen?" Ye Qingqing said with a distorted face and gritted teeth.

"Hehe..." Han Fei said with a sad smile: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Today Han fell into your hands. If you want to kill or cut him, you will do it! But that day, you were rescued by Leng Qiuyue." Let's go, I should be worshiping under the Xuantian Sect, Xuantian Sect is the righteous sect, so it should not be possible to do anything to Han's family?"

"Let your family go? Hmph! Did you ever let my family go? My younger brother Ye Kai died at your hands when he was only 13 years old. Now you want me to let your family go?" Ye Qingqing The more he said, the more grief and indignation became, the hand holding the sword kept trembling, and his pink face was also ferocious and terrifying!

"Okay, okay! What a righteous disciple, this old man will not let you go even if he turns into a ghost!" Han Fei yelled frantically, and he was about to explode after speaking!

Seeing this, Ye Qingqing shook off Han Fei's head with a shake of her right hand, and said to herself, "Turn into a ghost? You won't even be given the chance to be a ghost!" After stabbing dozens of swords, flesh and blood flew like rain.

The black-clothed disciple of the Yin Yang Sect who was caught in mid-air was trembling with fright, while the members of the Han family were all full of anger. One of the children who was only about five or six years old stood up with angry eyes, and looked at Ye Qingqing shouted: "Evil woman, you killed grandpa, I will definitely avenge grandpa in the future!" A middle-aged woman quickly pulled him into her arms and tightly covered his little mouth.

Ye Qingqing stopped the sword in her hand, stared at the child with red eyes, and said darkly: "Then I will kill you now, and you will have no future..." As he spoke, he raised his long sword and was about to strike .

The middle-aged woman holding the boy in her arms cried out: "Senior, spare me! If you want to kill me, kill me!" Ye Qingqing was expressionless, as if he didn't hear the woman's cries at all, and stretched out his sword... …

"Qingqing!" Seeing that Ye Qingqing's expression was dull, and he wanted to raise his sword to kill the boy, Wang Hao shouted loudly, "Stop!"

Ye Qingqing was taken aback for a moment, turned her head and said to Wang Hao: "Then how can the life of old thief Han be worth the lives of my father and younger brother?"

Wang Hao frowned and said, "Enough, that's just a child!"

Ye Qingqing actually showed a smile, and held out a sword as before.

The sword was like a frightened bird, and he handed it to the boy in one breath. The boy stared at Ye Qingqing without fear, his face still full of anger.Wang Hao's heart sank, and he thought: The journey of cultivating immortals is really scary every step of the way, if you are not careful, you will fall into the devil's way!Flipping his left palm, a burst of Weeping Frost Sword Qi was about to come out, trying to knock Ye Qingqing's long sword into the air.

Unexpectedly, before Wang Hao released his sword energy, Ye Qingqing suddenly shot out with a backhand sword. The black-clothed disciple of the Yin Yang Sect held in Wang Hao's right hand screamed, a big hole was pierced through his chest, and he died instantly!

Ye Qingqing's eyes turned red, and she turned into a fright, flying towards the outside of the valley.

In the Xuantian Sect, the three elders of the Xuantian Sect had already been exhausted by the black-clothed monster, and their life was worse than death. As a powder, even the magic weapon storage bag was smashed to pieces.Then there was a long howl: "Not one disciple of the Xuantian Sect will be left behind!" After speaking, he gave a strange smile, flew to the side of Yin Changtian, the lord of the Yin Yang Sect, and said with a big grin, "Suddenly the voice was transmitted to this deity, what happened?" Yin Changtian took out the yin and yang mirror with a strange complexion and said to the strange man in black: "Please look, my lord!" In the yin and yang mirror, it came out that Wang Hao killed Yin Yang with a sword in the Yin Yang sect The picture of more than a dozen disciples in the foundation establishment period of Zongzong!

When the strange man in black saw it, his blurred face distorted in an instant and said: "This boy is really a talent to be created. If he is in the holy religion, he will be cultivated emphatically. What a pity! What a pity! It's a pity that you killed the third son, otherwise Even the deity has the idea of ​​accepting you as a disciple!" After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves and said, "Leave this to you to deal with, and I will go and kill this son now!" Yin Changtian hurriedly said: "My lord , The picture coming from the yin and yang mirror has already happened an hour ago. If the Lord goes now, it is impossible to catch this person in all likelihood, so it is better to sit here and wait..."

"Huh? There is some truth to what you said." The black-clothed weirdo thought for a moment, and suddenly grabbed a purple-clothed man and asked, "The Xuantian Sect is a pawn placed by my Holy Cult." The man in purple hurriedly said, "My lord, there are two people!" "Okay, send a message to let them come to see me!" "Obey!"

On the main hall of the Xuantian Sect, three disciples of the Xuantian Sect in the foundation period were fighting with three disciples of the Yinyang Sect. Suddenly, one of the disciples of the Xuantian Sect sneered with a strange expression, and with a sword, he fell The head of his fellow sect was cut off, and then another Xuantian Sect disciple was cut off in half with a sword.Then, with a grinning grin, he flew out of the palace.

In the back mountain, a pretty female disciple of Xuantian Sect and two other female disciples were running away in a panic. Suddenly, the pretty female disciple killed the other two female disciples with one palm.Then, it turned into a red light and flew away.

Soon, the two disciples of the Xuantian Sect, a man and a woman, knelt down at the feet of the strange man in black, and said in unison: "Sacred disciple Ma Chao, Mo Chou has seen the Lord!"

"Very good! I would like to ask you, the two of you have come to Xuantianzong for two years, have you ever met the person in the mirror?" Then he put the yin and yang mirror in front of the two of them.The two were stunned for a moment, and said at the same time: "My lord, this person's name is Wang Hao, and he is very famous in Xuantianzong, so we naturally know each other."

"Okay, then the deity asks you, does this person want to make good friends in the sect?"

"My lord, this person is very close to the three female disciples of Xuantianzong, Zi Yan, Ye Qingqing, and Fang Rou," Mo Chou said.

"Okay, you two take ten deacons in purple clothes to look for these three people, if they are not dead, then catch them alive and come to see me!" "Obey!"

At this time, Ziyan and Fang Rou retreated while fighting, and they had already retreated to a valley in the back mountain of Xuantian Peak, but they were surrounded by four purple-clothed deacons, one of them said with a sinister smile: "Everyone Brother, these two girls are pretty at birth, why don't we brothers enjoy it first and then deal with it?" The other three men in purple laughed in unison after hearing this.

In order to protect Fang Rou, Zi Yan had already run out of fuel, but now seeing these four men in purple walking towards her with sinister smiles, she felt like she was about to explode her golden core.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from above the valley: "The lord has an order, quickly capture these two women and bring them to meet the lord!" Several deacons in purple clothes captured Zi Yan and Fang Rou and left quickly.

Right in front of the Xuantian Sect's sect with mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood, there was a black-clothed strange man sitting upright, while Zi Yan and Fang Rou were locked in Yuanli and fell to the ground. "You two are on good terms with Wang Hao?" asked the weird man in black.

Zi Yan and Fang Rou both looked angry and did not reply! "Huh? Didn't answer the deity's question! Okay, come on, bring the woman in yellow first, the deity is going to suck up his yin, hahahahaha!" As he spoke, he pointed at Fang Rou, and the two of them A man in purple drove Fang Rou in front of the strange man in black.The strange man in black tore off Fang Rou's yellow coat, revealing the moon-white lewd clothes inside. Fang Rou was startled and angry, and passed out with a groan.

Zi Yan bit her lip, and suddenly said loudly: "We are indeed on good terms with Wang Hao!" The black-clothed weirdo turned around with a grin and said, "Then send a sound transmission jade slip to Wang Hao, and tell him to return to the sect as soon as possible!"

Ziyan's complexion changed, she suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "Don't even think about it!"

"Hahahahaha..." The weird man in black let out a long laugh, then embraced Fang Rou's delicate body in his arms, and walked around Fang Rou's body with a pair of big hands wantonly, but said to himself: "What a beautiful woman!" What a great furnace! I am going to make an exception today, and show all the disciples the Sacred Religion’s double rest secret method, and then I will teach you how to transform all the yin of the furnace into your own cultivation. Hahahaha, but, it's a pity for this good stove, after using it, the deity will disappear, not to mention the jade, and even the soul will disappear, and you will never be reborn forever, hahahahahaha!" As he said, he wanted to put Fang Rou torn off her obscene clothes.

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