Fairy Road

Chapter 4 Sky Mending Ring

When a crescent moon climbed up the branch, Wang Hao started his daily practice as usual.The eleventh level of Qi Refining has made Wang Hao's senses extremely sensitive. At this time, Wang Hao can clearly understand all the movements within a radius of [-] feet, even the sound of mice rustling in the kitchen just now. The sound of the wings of the sparrows on the branches could not escape Wang Hao's feeling.

This may be the divine consciousness. I heard from my father that after the tenth level of Qi refining, the divine consciousness will be produced. The divine consciousness can penetrate all things, and the scope of the divine consciousness will continue to expand according to the growth of the cultivation base.

Once again, the five hearts turned to the sky, and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.Wang Hao felt that his ability to absorb spiritual energy had become quite amazing since the last breakthrough, but in recent days he felt that this amazing absorption speed was slowly returning to normal.According to the color of the warm jade on his body gradually becoming lighter, Wang Hao deduced that it might be because the effect of the warm jade was gradually weakening.

After two hours passed, the aura absorbed in the dantian had reached saturation. Wang Hao took out the magical warm jade after finishing his work. Looking at it now, the warm jade had become as white as snow.Wang Hao was about to put Nuanyu away, but suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Hao was awakened by a soft voice: "Child, wake up!" Wang Hao rubbed his eyes, only to see a hazy figure in white facing him. For some reason, Wang Hao naturally felt the presence of the person in front of him. There is an inseparable connection with oneself.

Wang Hao was about to ask.The white figure spoke again: "Son, I don't know what name your father Wang Ping gave you. But I know that when you saw me, something happened to your father. I wanted you to To be an ordinary person and to live happily, now it seems that all this is an extravagant wish. Sigh... Wang Ping, Wang Ping, why are you bothering?" The white figure seemed a little sad when he said this.

"Are you?—Mother?" Wang Hao asked tremblingly.

"Mother? Hehe, yes, but I can only be regarded as an incompetent mother. What you see now is just a piece of divine consciousness I left in the sky-replenishing ring, and the true essence I injected into the sky-replenishing ring is now It should also be completely absorbed by you. My child, this spiritual consciousness cannot persist for too long, now you must firmly remember what I said."

"En!" Wang Hao nodded, desperately opened his eyes wide to look at the white figure, but he couldn't see his mother's face clearly.

"Since you have absorbed that true essence, you should have reached the peak of the Qi refining period now, so work hard and continue to practice. But you must remember: don't try to find your incompetent mother, never! Because I am in The world you live in is unimaginable and even more unattainable. Your father should have been sealed by now, otherwise the energy of the sky-replenishing ring would not be activated. Back then I warned him more than once not to try to find me, but he just wouldn’t Listen, you will end up like this. If you want to save your father, you must cultivate to the extreme state that this world can accommodate, and then you can release his seal. However, even if the seal is lifted, for him, It's not a lucky thing either. Child, that piece of warm jade is called Butian Ring, it's related to a big secret, you must keep it well. Practice hard and forget about your mother..." The white figure faded away.

"Mother!!!!!!!" The white figure gradually disappeared amid Wang Hao's screams. Wang Hao hugged his head in pain, screaming loudly until he woke up from the dream.

"Such a dream seems real!" Wang Hao murmured, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Huh? Who is this who came to the Ye family to spy on? Such a powerful spiritual sense is like standing across from me and looking at me. I don't know what kind of person he is. Such a powerful spiritual sense, deliberately let People with low cultivation bases noticed that it seems to have the meaning of showing off!" Wang Hao just woke up from the dream when he felt that a terrifying cultivation base came to the Ye family.

This unusually powerful divine sense swept over again, and Wang Hao couldn't help but break out in cold sweat again.Recalling the illusory dream just now, he couldn't help laughing bitterly: Judging from the current growth rate of his cultivation, he really saw his mother just now, but what he saw just now was just a strand of her divine consciousness.

"If my mother really lives in this world, it will be difficult and dangerous, and I want to find her!" Wang Hao made up his mind.At this moment, Ye Buhuan's voice came from the courtyard of Ye Mansion: "I don't know where an expert is coming to my Ye Mansion, why don't you show up and see him?" Wang Hao hurriedly got up and jumped out of the room.

"Jie Jie...Brother Ye, Han came here late at night, you should know why?" A coercion enveloped the entire Ye family from midair, Wang Hao felt his knees soften, and almost knelt down.This person claimed to be surnamed Han, and it seemed that he was the Patriarch of the Han family in the Foundation Establishment Period, and his cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Period was astonishing.Wang Hao straightened his figure, thinking to himself.

At this time, a gray figure appeared in the sky above Ye Mansion. The person who came was a white-haired old man with a gloomy face, two broom brows wrinkled together, and his eyes were staring at Ye standing in the courtyard of Ye Mansion. unhappy.

"It turned out to be Brother Han Fei. It is rumored that Brother Han has broken through to the foundation-building stage. It seems that this statement is true." Ye Buhuan cried inwardly: I just sent someone to send a letter of resignation during the day, and this person became aggressive at night It seems that this matter is very difficult to resolve.

"That's right, the old man just broke through to the foundation-building stage last month. I was happy in my heart, but I unexpectedly received a letter from your Ye family to resign the engagement. It's so embarrassing. Even though you, Ye Buhuan, can be regarded as a respectable person in Luzhou City , but you have to know that you are nothing more than an ant in front of the powerhouses of the foundation building stage! Hehe... the old man came here tonight to see what the Ye family can do to keep this girl Ye Qingqing!" After finishing speaking, Yin cast a gloomy glance at Ye Qingqing who was standing beside Ye Kai.

"Old man, is the Foundation Establishment period amazing? You don't even want to touch a single hair of my sister!" Ye Kai shouted loudly.

"What a stubborn baby, slap your mouth!" Before the words finished, there were only two "papa", Ye Kai's cheeks were already black and purple, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

The cultivation base in the foundation building period is indeed astonishing.

"Brother!" Ye Qingqing screamed and fell on Ye Kai.

So fast!Wang Hao was startled. If he were himself, it would be difficult to escape. Not knowing how Ye Kai was injured, Wang Hao rushed towards Ye Kai, only to find that Ye Kai was already unconscious.

"Brother Han is a senior in the Foundation Establishment Period, so why should he be as knowledgeable as the younger generation! Senior Han has some demands from the Ye family, and he should have obeyed them, but the marriage between the girls here must be voluntary. If you force it, it will become an act of robbery."

"Ye Buhuan, Ye Buhuan, you haven't changed after all these years, you are still so pedantic! Anyway, today I will be a bandit to let you understand that the strong will always be respected in this world, hahahaha..." Han Fei laughed loudly, and the momentum of his whole body became stronger and stronger with the laughter.

Many members of the Ye family's Qi refining period and two elders of the [-]th level of Qi refining also pulled out their spiritual weapons one after another, but it was very difficult for them to stand upright under the pressure of Han Fei.

Ye Buhuan knew that he couldn't be good tonight, so he shouted: "Then Ye will be an expert in the foundation building stage today!" As he spoke, he winked at Wang Hao, and then took out the bag from the storage bag. A green long sword, the sword is shining brightly, and it is a good spiritual weapon at a glance.

"Huh? High-grade spiritual weapon! It seems that Ye Buhuan has a very rich family background, but unfortunately everything you have today will change owners, hahahaha!" Han Fei said with his hands slightly together, and actually used real yuan Transformed into a long sword half a foot wide, and slashed at Ye Buhuan fiercely!

In the darkness, there was another roar. Dozens of people in black jumped into the Ye family courtyard from all directions, and immediately surrounded the elders of the Ye family and Wang Hao tightly.

"Do it!" The leader, an old man in black, waved his hand, "Don't hurt the little girl of the Ye family, and leave no one behind!"

Suddenly, everyone was fighting in one place.The men in black from the Han family were obviously high-level figures, and soon two members of the Ye family with poor cultivation were killed by spiritual weapons.

"Qingqing, protect Ye Kai!" Wang Hao yelled, took out the soul-inducing bell from the storage bag, and calculated how to deal with the man in black who was running towards him.

With a "bang", the Bishui sword in Ye Buhuan's hand was blown away by Han Fei's true essence transformed into a ghost head knife, and he was also vomiting blood, looking seriously injured.

Wang Hao stared at the man in black who was running towards him, without any fear in his heart, his eyes were all around, and he took out the soul-inducing bell with his right hand and slammed it at him fiercely.With the previous experience, Wang Hao has already learned how to use the soul-inducing bell. Before the bell reached the elder, Wang Hao urged the formula, and the soul-inducing bell suddenly made a piercing sound.

The man in black suddenly heard the ear-piercing ringtone, his mind was shaken, as if he had been stabbed severely by a needle in his consciousness, he couldn't help but lose his mind. Suddenly, the old face bloomed.

The man in black came rushing to him with the peak of Qi refining. He thought that he would be able to catch these dolls easily, but he didn't expect that he suffered a big loss as soon as he came up.The disfigured elder screamed angrily, and stabbed at Wang Hao viciously with the long red sword in his hand.

At this time, Wang Hao had taken back the soul-inducing bell, and his father's small azure blue item was still in his luggage. Since he had no other weapons to resist the long sword, he flew backwards to avoid the long sword.The man in black screamed strangely, and the long sword in his hand turned into a rainbow of surprise, and shot towards Wang Hao's heart again.

At this time, Wang Hao's cultivation level was almost the same as that of the man in black. When he saw the long sword flying, he didn't panic.Sure enough, the long sword flew into Wang Hao's hands obediently.

The man in black was horrified when he saw Wang Hao easily put away his middle-grade spiritual weapon. He kept urging the magic formula, but found that the spiritual weapon had lost contact with him, so he couldn't help screaming strangely: "This kid is Foundation building period!"

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