Fairy Road

Chapter 402 The Peak Of The God Realm

Chapter [-]: The Peak of the God Realm

A generation of heroes, the Eastern God King, was finally turned into ashes. Wang Hao and the saint looked at each other. This glance was a look full of affection from the mother and son.Wang Hao smiled and said: "Mom, ever since I saw the phantom you left behind in the sky-filling ring, I have been practicing hard, and the purpose is for this day!"

The eyes of the Holy Mother were already filled with tears, and she knew in her heart that Wang Hao must have suffered a lot in the lower realms. Although he had the blessing of the sky-replenishing ring, he wanted to ascend to the God Realm in such a short period of time. To achieve the current achievements in the God Realm, and even save oneself from suffering in the God Realm, these are not something ordinary people can bear!

"Son, you succeeded!" The saint nodded and said.At this time, the King of the Central Gods was already standing aside, but endless surprise flashed on his face: This Wang Hao would be the child of a saint. Looking for the saint's child to deal with the saint, isn't this a dead end?

"Mother!" Wang Hao suddenly said in a deep voice, "Now that the God Realm is stable, can you tell me about my father?"

After the saint heard Wang Hao's words, her complexion darkened immediately. Wang Hao's father was the eternal pain in her heart.

The strange love made the seven-foot man still trapped in the fairy world, and the fairy world also used it as a threat, threatening the saint, not to make a move during the battle between the gods and the gods.

The saint told the whole story of the matter, and Wang Hao's beard and hair were all stretched out immediately.In the past, Wang Hao always thought that the fairyland was a supreme, quiet and inactive place, but unexpectedly, he revealed a sinister and cunning feeling everywhere.In addition, the Immortal God War is about to start, and Ziyan needs to go to the Immortal Yaochi if he wants to recover his memory. Therefore, Wang Hao's trip to the Immortal World has become an imperative thing this time.

However, after Wang Hao told the Holy Maiden the plan in her heart, the Holy Maiden strongly opposed Wang Hao leading the army of the God Realm to fight the army of the Immortal Realm.

"Son, do you know that a large number of high-level god kings have fallen due to the changes in my God Realm. The strength of the high-ranking gods in the God Realm is far inferior to that of the Immortal Realm. If you go to the battlefield of the Immortal God War alone, you will definitely have Great danger. After all, your identity is special, if the people in the fairy world know your identity, they will naturally use your father's life to force you to submit!" The saint said, her eyes revealed infinite love, making you Wang Hao couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.But Wang Hao soon recovered from his mother's warm eyes.

"Mother, the war between gods and gods is about to break out. As you said, a large number of high-ranking god kings in the God Realm have fallen. If I back down again, who in the God Realm can take on this burden?" Wang Hao said with eyebrows, " Besides, finding you and my father is my greatest wish, and now my wish has been fulfilled, so does mother want me to give up halfway?"

The saint stared at Wang Hao's resolute eyes, sighed for a long time, and said, "Actually, why don't I want to reunite with your father as soon as possible, but, do you know the strength of the fairy world. The Butian ring is a part of the God Realm Sacred objects, in the God Realm, all kinds of artifacts will be restrained by it, but in the Immortal Realm, although the Sky Mending Ring is powerful, it will definitely not be invincible like in the God Realm, child, you have to think clearly !"

Wang Hao secretly said in his heart: In life, you can do what you want or not. Even if you risk your life this time, you still have to go to the fairyland for a journey!Thinking of this, Wang Hao resolutely said: "Mother, I have made up my mind, I hope you can support me!" The saint stared at Wang Hao, and said with a wry smile: "Your temperament is very similar to your father, but like that Stubbornness, no matter what, if you really want to go to the battlefield of the Immortal God War, I will not stop you!"

"Thank you, mother!" Wang Hao said with a smile, "Don't worry, even if I can't lead the army of the gods and defeat the army of the fairy world, I'm afraid it will not be difficult to save my own life!"

The saintess smiled and nodded. The saintess is very clear about Wang Hao's strength now. Even if it is as powerful as the king of the gods, I am afraid that there is no way to get any benefits from fighting alone with Wang Hao. It is very likely that Wang Hao has the upper hand, so if Wang Hao only wants to save his life, it is really not a difficult problem.

Thinking of this, the saint's heart is also relieved a lot! "My child, a large number of high-ranking god kings in the God Realm have fallen, and they are already extremely weak and hard to return. However, it is still necessary to elect a new king of God Kings to lead the entire God Realm. I don't know if you have a suitable candidate in your mind, or , it is up to you to lead the entire God Realm!"

Hearing the thoughts of the saint, Wang Hao couldn't help shaking his head. Wang Hao has never had the slightest desire for power, and commanding the entire God Realm is not what Wang Hao wants.

"Mother, you still have to forgive me. It's really not what I want in my heart!" Wang Hao said with a smile, "It's better for the King of Gods to continue to lead the world of Gods!" The expression on his face has already completely won Wang Hao's trust in him, and, in the underground maze, without the help of the God King, it may be difficult for him to enter the last floor and obtain the heart of the God Realm!

The saint nodded. She didn't have much resentment towards the Central God King. After all, the last time the high-ranking God Kings attacked at the same time, it was also manipulated by the East God King. , and, when beheading the East God King and others, the Middle God King also put in a lot of effort!

"Okay, then the King of the Gods will continue to lead the God Realm!" The saint said, beckoning to the King of the Gods, "King of the Gods, please come here, we have something to discuss!"

After telling the Queen of the Central God about the result of the discussion between himself and Wang Hao, a grateful expression appeared on the face of the Central God King. Hao has done a lot of things, but he is already Wang Hao's servant, so Wang Hao's decision immediately surprised King Zhongshen.

Seeing the surprised expression on the face of King Zhongshen, Wang Hao smiled and tapped his right hand, and suddenly the consciousness of King Zhongshen seemed to be freed from some shackles, and became extremely clear. The imprint in my soul is already clear, and I will never be manipulated by Wang Hao again.However, in my heart now, I am more convinced of Wang Hao. Compared with the previous Eastern God King, such a magnanimous mind can be said to be the difference between heaven and earth!

"Wang Hao, thank you!" Zhongshen Wang didn't say too many words, a simple thank you already contained all the gratitude in his heart.Because he knows that some great kindness cannot be repaid with words, but needs to be repaid with his own behavior!At this time, King Zhongshen had already made up his mind in his heart. If Wang Hao needs to use his own for something in the future, even if he goes through fire and water, he will not hesitate to do so.

The saint also saw a clue from the grateful expression of the King of Gods, and secretly said in her heart: "It seems that this child is very mature, and it is really amazing that he can convince the King of Gods who has always been proud and arrogant. It's unexpected!"

The saint smiled and said to the king of the gods: "The battle of the gods is about to start, king of the gods, since you have regained your status as the king of the gods, I will leave the arrangements for this matter to you!" The saint said, and then Turning around, he said to Wang Hao, "Child, stay with me in the Holy Maiden Hall for a few days, and it won't be too late to leave when the battle of immortal gods begins!"

Wang Hao nodded and said: "It's natural!" Wang Hao also wanted to stay with his mother for a few more days, after all, the love between mother and child is hard to eliminate no matter what your status is.

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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