Fairy Road

Chapter 41

Just when the strange man in black was about to kill Wang Hao on the spot with his palm, Zi Yan's aura suddenly changed drastically, and a shocking force emanated from Zi Yan, the strange man in black suddenly raised his head and exclaimed: "The monster family!"

"That's right! Let go of the person in your hands, or I will destroy the Yuandan myself, and all the monks here will be turned into ashes, including you!" Zi Yan said coldly.

The hazy face of the weird man in black suddenly distorted, and after a few breaths, he said ferociously: "I didn't expect that there would be an ancient monster race in the little Xuantian Sect. It's really surprising!" Wang Hao threw it at Zi Yan, and when Wang Hao left his hand, he spit out the power in his hand, and rushed along the tendons in Wang Hao's body, trying to detect the storage space in Wang Hao's body, but it was still in vain. Back, and the tendons in Wang Hao's body were smashed by the majestic Yuan force, and they were instantly shattered like powder.

Ziyan caught Wang Hao, only to find that Wang Hao's breath of life was gradually weakening, and the tendons in his body were already shattered beyond repair.Zi Yan burst into tears immediately, and screamed: "None of you can escape today!"

"Really? This deity is here, and you don't even have a chance to explode your Yuandan!" The black-clothed weirdo suddenly disappeared, and after a thousandth breath, he appeared in front of Ziyan, pointing at Ziyan Poke down.

"Thief dare!" Suddenly a thick voice came from mid-air, and then several golden feather-shaped magic weapons shot towards the strange man in black.Before the strange man in black poked his finger, the feathered magic weapon was already behind him, so he could only scream strangely, and hit the feathered magic weapon with his backhand palm.

Puchi, puchi, puchi... Thinking of it several times, the strange man in black screamed again and again, his body retreated violently, his body was full of energy, and countless palm shadows, finger shadows, and leg shadows rushed towards the midair.And in the palm of his hand, there are several golden feathers inserted impressively, still shining with golden light.

All the attacks made by the black-clothed grotesque in an instant disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea. Immediately after mid-air, a thin man stepped down, his eyes were shining, staring at the black-clothed grotesque, he said: "The thief is so bold, Do you know that the one you offended was my monster princess!"

The strange man in black stared at the thin man, and after a long time he smiled and said: "Princess of the Yaozu, you Yaozu avoided the world as early as 1000 years ago, are you going to meddle in the affairs of my holy religion?" A feather nailed to his hand was pulled out, and the golden feather had just been pulled out, and it turned into a golden gas and dispersed with the wind. The black-clothed strange man looked at the golden gas flying away, and continued in his mouth. Said: "Golden Winged Roc, you are only a late Nascent Soul..."

At this time, the thin man walked to Ziyan's side and bowed, "Princess, after receiving the princess's call for help, His Majesty the Demon Emperor sent his subordinates and the other six great saints to come to the rescue. His subordinates were the fastest , so one person came first, presumably the other six sages should be able to arrive soon." After speaking, he turned his strange eyes at the strange man in black and said, "What? Could it be that the Nascent Soul of my monster race will take care of you as a human in the later stage? Isn’t it more than enough in the late Nascent Soul stage? If it’s not enough, I’ll have six other Nascent Soul stage masters from the Yaozu race, I don’t know if you can handle it alone! As for the ants standing behind you, you won’t be so stupid as to think How can they help you!" After finishing speaking, the vitality of the whole body was agitated, and a majestic and incomparable magic power circulated in the body.

The weird man in black snorted coldly when he saw this, but he didn't reply.Ziyan suddenly said coldly: "Uncle Dapeng, kill this person!"

The thin man's body shook, and seeing Zi Yan's despairing eyes, he bowed and said, "I obey!" After speaking, he rushed towards the strange man in black.

Seeing the skinny man coming towards him, the strange man in black laughed strangely and said, "I don't have the same knowledge as you monsters today!" , unexpectedly summoned a burst of energy, wrapped Ye Qingqing who had fainted on the ground under his body, and said with a strange smile: "Taking away a woman with pure yin roots this time, in front of the Holy Master, can be regarded as taking away It's over."

Seeing that the strange man in black snatched Ye Qingqing away, Ziyan said sharply: "Uncle Dapeng, we must keep this person and save that woman!" Hearing this, the thin man immediately grew a pair of huge golden wings , with a slight flap of the wings, the person turned into a golden light and chased after him.

But Ziyan didn't care about anything else, she just looked down at Wang Hao whose muscles and veins had been smashed all over, with tears in her eyes.At this time, all the invading enemies have retreated, and even Wan Feng and others are gone, leaving only Fang Rou who is unconscious on the ground wearing obscene clothes, and Wang Hao who is still alive in his arms.

Ziyan's line of tears slid down her beautiful face, and every drop fell on Wang Hao's gloomy face.

Zi Yan gently stroked the tears off Wang Hao's face with both hands, and then slowly bent down, her cherry lips parted slightly, and then it was printed on Wang Hao's tightly closed mouth, and with a thrust of her sweet tongue, Wang Hao His lips parted, and a dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the purple cigarette holder.

Suddenly, counting anxious voices came from mid-air. "Princess, absolutely not!" "Princess, wait a minute!" "Princess, don't do stupid things!"

Before she finished speaking, six strangely dressed men and women knelt down beside Zi Yan, the leader of which was a white-haired old woman holding a snake stick. The old woman fell to the ground and shouted: "The princess must not do this What a fool! Once you send out the Yuan Dan, you will not only lose your qualification to inherit the Demon Emperor's position, princess, but your lifespan will also change from ten thousand years to just five hundred years. Such a stupid thing must not be done!"

Ziyan raised her body and said with a sad smile: "Father deduced the secrets back then, and calculated that there was an unavoidable disaster in my life, and the person who can resolve my disaster is in this Xuantian Sect. So when I was young So I worshiped under the Xuantian Sect. It has been almost ten years now, but I still haven't met anyone who can solve my disaster. But... I have met a love catastrophe. This man is this person. Yan'er can't extricate herself, if you don't save this person, Yan'er's eternal life in this world will be meaningless. Granny Teng Snake, you have watched Yan'er grow up since you were young, don't you understand Yan'er's character ?"

After hearing this, the white-haired old woman trembled with excitement, and after thinking for a long time, she stopped the snake stick and said: "Princess, I promise to bring this person back to my demon clan, and ask my demon clan's Huichun master to heal him how?"

Zi Yan smiled bitterly and said: "This person's life is on the verge of death, besides, the emperor has ordered that people who are not in my clan are not allowed to enter the forbidden area of ​​our clan, how could Yan'er not know... Mother-in-law, don't say too much It's gone." After speaking, he bent down to Wang Hao again.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky stirred wildly, and countless lightning struck down.Finally, after a huge lightning flashed by, a crack appeared in the space, and a person walked out of the crack, wearing a crown and a black robe, with a majestic expression on his face, and his eyes looked at the purple lying on Wang Hao's body like a substance. Yan frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "Girl Ziyan, are you ready to bear all the consequences for doing such a rebellious thing?"

Zi Yan's delicate body was shocked, but she didn't dare to look up, but she said with tears in her eyes, "Yan'er is willing to bear all the responsibility!" After finishing speaking, she opened her cherry lips, and a dazzling golden bead rolled out. into Wang Hao's mouth.As soon as the golden beads left Zi Yan's body, Zi Yan's delicate body shook, and she fainted on Wang Hao.

The man in the black robe and the crown sighed, and said: "Take the princess back to the monster clan quickly, and tell her to stop chasing and killing that person. Meddling in worldly affairs." After speaking, his figure gradually faded away.

Wang Hao felt like he was in a dream at this time, and the dream was hell, where countless karmic fires were burning, and the pain was so painful that he would rather die.

Cramping, skinning, bone grinding, and other criminal laws, Wang Hao has tasted one by one, but the more cruel the criminal law, the more it aroused Wang Hao's desire to survive.

If you want to become a fairy in this life, you will repay your parents' kindness.In this life, I want to become a fairy, but I will end the hatred in the world!

Suddenly streams of coolness emanated from the sky-replenishing ring on his chest and flowed into Wang Hao's limbs, but these coolnesses were no longer enough to rescue Wang Hao from hell, but only temporarily saved Wang Hao's life.

After a long time, Wang Hao's body was still unable to move. Wang Hao kept struggling and shouting, but he still couldn't get rid of this hellish nightmare.

Suddenly, a round of red sun rose in the boundless darkness of hell, burning all the ugly things in hell.

Wang Hao smiled knowingly at the red sun, and the red sun unexpectedly slid into Wang Hao's body.Immediately, all the [-] pores in Wang Hao's body opened, continuously releasing the stale qi in his body.

Gradually, Wang Hao opened his eyes, and a pair of eyes full of resentment, anxiety, helplessness but suddenly surprised and gentle were staring at him.Wang Hao was overjoyed, and shouted: "Senior Sister Ziyan..." Suddenly, a faint sadness flashed across his eyes and said, "Junior Brother Wang, you finally woke up." As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.This time Wang Hao saw the delicate face of the woman in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Senior Sister Fang, has the enemy retreated yet?" Fang Rou nodded with tears in her eyes, "When I woke up, I only saw the corpses of my classmates all over the floor. Oh my god, they are all dyed red by blood." As he spoke, tears welled up and he choked up, "I... I searched for a long time, but... I didn't find Senior Sister Ziyan, and even Sister Qingqing disappeared... I I was so worried that something might happen to them. I searched the entire sect, but I didn't find their bodies. Later, I had to go back to the place where I found you at the beginning. Seeing that you are not as painful as it was at the beginning, I I was a little relieved, sitting next to you, only to find that someone next to you left a jade slip, and after I looked at it, I realized that it was left by Senior Sister Ziyan." After finishing speaking, Fang Rou handed over a white jade slip Cried out in Wang Hao's hand, Wang Hao poured his spiritual consciousness into the jade slip, and the words left by Ziyan were clearly transmitted to Wang Hao's mind: Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Fang, the enemy is already here! Retreat, I hope you can find the suzerain and all the masters and uncles safely.Junior Sister Ye was captured by the man in black, Zi Yan was incompetent and failed to save her, don't blame her!Zi Yan has already returned to her family, and she may never see her again in this life.I can only hope that you can avenge my Xuantianzong's deep revenge and rescue Qingqing girl... There is no fate in this life, and we will meet again in the next life.purple smoke.

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