Fairy Road

Chapter 425 Strong Attack

The Nether Ghost King surrounded Ye Qingqing with the Nether Willow Fire. Rao Ye Qingqing sacrificed a top-quality defensive artifact before the Nether Willow's Fire approached him, but he still couldn't stop the Nether Willow's Fire from continuously invading. The defensive top-grade artifact that the monks dreamed of has gradually become defective under the constant devouring of the ghost fire. It seems that in a short time, this top-grade artifact will be eroded by the ghost fire. Ashes, when the time comes, Ye Qingqing's life will naturally be taken away by this ghostly will-o'-the-wisp.

Of course, the Nether Ghost King didn't care about Ye Qingqing's life at all, but wanted to kill Wang Hao. In his eyes, the saint's life was not even comparable to Wang Hao's.Because, just now, the noise made by the Butianhuan made the Nether Ghost King frightened. If Wang Hao really absorbed the energy made by the Butianhuan, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to take it when he really faces Wang Hao. The upper hand.

Therefore, the Nether Ghost King chose to sneak attack without hesitation.Taking advantage of the moment when Wang Hao was still healing the saint, he brought his ghost fire to the extreme, and the fire rained all over the sky, turning the entire space into green.Seeing that the rain of fire was about to fall on Wang Hao and the saint.

At this critical moment, with a scolding voice, Zi Yan flew up to Wang Hao and the saint, and blocked the three of them with a magic weapon in the shape of a purple gauze that she got from somewhere.

"Huh? A magic weapon in the lower realm! Hahahaha, what a deadly old man!" The Nether Ghost King was also slightly taken aback by Ziyan who suddenly came over, but after seeing clearly that he had sacrificed a top-grade magic weapon in the lower realm , I couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear, this girl from the demon clan is so naive, even if the best artifact can't stop the old man's ghost fire, she actually uses a magic weapon from the lower realm to resist it!

Sure enough, before the Nether Ghost Fire came to the Zisha, its power made the Zisha turn into a bit of purple mist and disappear in front of Ziyan.At this time, Ye Qingqing saw Ziyan's actions, and immediately screamed: "Senior Sister Ziyan!!!!" At this time, Ye Qingqing naturally didn't want Wang Hao to be hit by the ghost fire, but he also didn't want Ziyan to sacrifice. For herself, she would rather be able to get rid of the control of the ghost fire and appear above Ziyan's position at this time.

Zi Yan also knew that her behavior was no different from a praying man's arms being used as a cart. Seeing that the top magic weapon she sacrificed was turned into ashes, her beautiful eyes were slightly closed, as if she was going to die peacefully.

"Senior Sister Ziyan!" Ye Qingqing yelled again.

The Nether Ghost King also said coldly at this time: "It's really beyond self-control!" As he spoke, his arms trembled, pushing the Nether Ghost Fire to the extreme, and the green light of the Nether Ghost Fire suddenly became more intense.

"Hmph! You should be the one who overestimated himself!" A clear voice suddenly sounded, making both Ye Qingqing and Ziyan happy, but the Nether Ghost King suddenly changed color.

"Brother Wang Hao!" Ye Qingqing shouted excitedly, although the purple cigarette holder did not speak, but the expression showed that her heart was also extremely excited at this time.

"Ghost King of the Netherworld, you are pressing every step of the way, and you are deceiving too much. Today, you will leave your life here!" Wang Hao said, his figure rose violently, and a ruddy white light in his hand was like a bolt of lightning. Follow the Nether Ghost King to kill the past.At this time, what Wang Hao sacrificed was not a top-grade artifact. At the current level, Wang Hao finally understood why the Nether Ghost King did not use any magic weapon when he fought with people.

Because, in the realm of the Nether Ghost King, any magic weapon is impossible to compare with his comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth. When this ghost fire comes out, it can burn all magic weapons to ashes.

And when Wang Hao came into contact with the Void Transformation Realm, because of the fusion of the sky-replenishing ring, what he comprehended was a kind of mellow and incomparably powerful power. This creature is the nemesis of this ghostly ghost fire!A ray of white brilliance came to Ye Qingqing's side, and with a light circle, it turned the ghostly ghost fire that surrounded Ye Qingqing and kept burning the top-grade artifacts around Ye Qingqing into ashes.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo between heaven and earth.

The expression on the face of the Nether Ghost King suddenly became extremely ugly, and the scene he was worried about finally became a reality. Wang Hao, who had absorbed the energy of the sky-filling ring, really had a skyrocketing cultivation base, already faintly surpassing himself. Moreover, the law of heaven and earth he comprehends is the power of light that just restrains his ghost fire. It seems that if he fights against Wang Hao, he has no chance of winning now.

Whoosh, the Nether Ghost King saw the opportunity very quickly, and after realizing that he was invincible to Wang Hao, he directly turned into a black shadow, and disappeared in front of Wang Hao all of a sudden.

"Huh? Want to run?" Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, and his hands continued to form a series of ruddy seal knots. Suddenly, the whole world was filled with ruddy light. Wang Hao stood between the sky and the earth, as if The whole world is controlled by him, he is the sky, and in this world, he is the ruler.

"The Sky-Mending Realm!" Wang Hao roared, and used a magical power he realized after absorbing the energy of the Sky-Bending Ring. But it made Wang Hao, the most powerful supernatural power in Wang Hao's hands.

At this time, Wang Hao has completely changed the space he is in into the space that the sky ring used to be. In this space, everyone will become Wang Hao's palm, and no one can escape from Wang Hao. hunted down.Because, in this space, Wang Hao is the ruler.

"Ah!!!!" Sure enough, after a breath, there was the scream of the Nether Ghost King, and then the figure of the Nether Ghost King appeared in front of Wang Hao and the others again.At this time, the Nether Ghost King had become extremely embarrassed, and he didn't have the appearance of controlling the world just now.

"Wang Hao, you actually have your own space. You haven't entered the realm of emptiness. How did you do it? Even the ghost emperor of my ghost world has just cultivated his own space, and you definitely don't It may have such a realm!" The Nether Ghost King dared not roar.

"Hmph! How can there be so much nonsense, today is your death date for the ghost king of the ghost world. As for the ghost king of the ghost world, I will naturally not let him have an easy life!" Wang Hao said loudly, and with a wave of his right hand, a ray of light It turned into a sharp sword and attacked the Nether Ghost King's neck.

"No! Wang Hao, you can't kill me!" Realizing that he couldn't resist Wang Hao's attack, the Nether Ghost King shouted hysterically, "I know the ghost king's conspiracy. If you kill me, you won't know about it. In the end, you will all die in the hands of the Ghost Emperor!!!!"

"Huh? The conspiracy of the Ghost King!" Wang Hao narrowed his eyes, lowered his hands slightly, and the light that turned into a sharp sword floated above the head of the Nether Ghost King, "Okay, if you honestly will If you tell all the schemes of the Ghost Emperor, I may consider to spare your life!"

"Okay, let me say, if you can spare my life, I am willing to say anything!" The Nether Ghost King begged for mercy. At this moment, the Nether Ghost King's complexion changed suddenly, and a golden light flashed in his right hand. The dazzling light came to Wang Hao's eyes in an instant.

With a sound of "ding", Wang Hao closed his eyes, and the golden light hit Wang Hao's eyelids, making a very crisp sound! "Hmph, I really don't repent!" Wang Hao said angrily, and then he pressed his hands, and the head of the Nether Ghost King instantly left his neck under the sharp sword released by Wang Hao!

However, a monk who touches the Void Transformation Realm cannot die immediately even if his body is damaged. The headless body of the Nether Ghost King instantly turns into a large group of ghost fires and hits the barriers around the space!

How could it be possible for Wang Hao to let him escape so easily, a streak of pale white light suddenly came out from his hands, wrapping the Nether Ghost King tightly, and after a few breaths, finally there was a scream, and immediately, Green The will-o'-the-wisp finally completely disappeared in front of everyone.

(The book "Xian Dao Xing" has already broken through 100 million words. This is Lao Shi's first novel, and there are many childish places. With persistence, the number of clicks finally broke through [-]. Although this is a Insignificant achievement, but for Lao Shi, it is quite satisfied. Soon the whole novel will enter the most exciting stage, I hope you will collect it a lot, support Lao Shi, thank you!)

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