Fairy Road

Chapter 44 Accident

After bidding farewell to Fang Rou, Wang Hao went to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest alone again... But this time, unlike the last time, it was only the cultivation base of the initial stage of foundation establishment, which followed suit.Now Wang Hao is already at the peak of the late foundation establishment period, which is infinitely close to the Jindan period. In addition, the light ghost and the silver sword weeping frost in the sky-replenishing ring have made great progress. Even if Chen Tuan is still sleepy, Wang Hao It also flew directly into the boundless forest.

"Quack... If I meet those three lion demons again this time, I will dig out their Nascent Souls and drink them!" The monster probably rushed out of the sky-filling ring long ago.

When Qishuang heard that the light ghost was going to drink with the Nascent Soul monster, he trembled in fright. He was going to beg Wang Hao to let him go out to get some air, but at this time he was too scared to speak out!

Wang Hao flew all the way to the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and encountered some low-level monsters along the way, but none of the monsters above the middle stage of foundation establishment appeared, and even the monsters at the early stage of foundation establishment were extremely numerous. It looked rare, there were only a few of them, and Wang Hao killed them easily by himself. Guang Gui beat his chest and stamped his feet anxiously in the sky-filling ring, and said, "Nainai, why are there no golden core stage monsters?"

Hearing Guang Gui's complaint, Wang Hao smiled wryly and said, "It's not because I knew you were coming, so I was so frightened that I moved!" Let’s go to the old lion’s lair, today we’re going to attack the yellow dragon!” After speaking, he seemed to think of the scene of killing the three lions, and laughed wildly excitedly.

"Huh? Late foundation establishment!" Wang Hao's consciousness moved, and he felt a monster in the late foundation establishment rushing madly towards this side.The light ghost in the sky-filling ring asked excitedly: "Wang Hao, what's the matter?" Wang Hao smiled wryly and said, "It's a monster in the late stage of foundation establishment."

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a Lightning Leopard at the late stage of Foundation Establishment quickly ran towards Wang Hao. After discovering Wang Hao, he ran with his head buried in his head, without any intention of slowing down.

Wang Hao's heart skipped a beat: The speed of this Lightning Leopard can be said to be the fastest among monsters of the same level. Now it is running away in a hurry. It seems that there will be powerful enemies chasing and killing it regularly.With this in mind, he clenched his right fist and slashed at the Lightning Leopard with a destructive punch. The wind howled in the fist, like a dragon and a tiger, but the Lightning Leopard seemed to have no time to take care of everything, as if it was only thinking about running for its life. run wildly.

With a sound of "Peng", the Lightning Leopard was blown several feet away by the wind, not only did it not resist, it didn't even dodge.Wang Hao frowned, looking at the Lightning Leopard on the ground in front of him whose aura had weakened, his consciousness continued to extend forward. At this time, Wang Hao's consciousness could already be released several miles away, but when Wang Hao's consciousness just released Within three miles, another divine sense slammed into Wang Hao's divine sense. Wang Hao's divine sense collapsed for a while, followed by a slight burst of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Wang Hao said calmly: "Golden Core Stage... I don't know what kind of monster it is?" The light ghost in the sky-filling ring was shocked when Wang Hao said the word "Golden Core Stage" : "Lead it over, I'll deal with it!" Wang Hao nodded slightly, and the powerful divine sense of the Jindan stage had swept over Wang Hao unscrupulously at this time, Wang Hao continued to move forward with a sneer at the corner of his mouth fly away.

The distance of several miles is naturally within a blink of an eye, but what makes Wang Hao extremely different is that the owner of the Jindan stage consciousness is not a monster, but a one-eyed man in black.

The one-eyed man saw Wang Hao rushing forward without fear of death even though his consciousness was destroyed, the corner of his mouth suddenly sneered, stared at Wang Hao and said coldly: "Where did the boy come from, but he has a good face!" Courage! Since you dare to come, you must have a lot of support, hahahaha." After speaking, he laughed wildly, and there was already a red long knife in his right hand.

Wang Hao stared at the man, and said calmly: "Who are you? You are supposed to hunt monsters here, why do you want to face human monks with swords?"

The one-eyed man was stunned, then smiled and said, "Don't pretend to be stupid, you brat, didn't you come here for that thing? Since you're here, save your life!" After finishing speaking, the red long knife turned into a flame The sword light slashed at Wang Hao's head.

When the sword light was still a foot away from Wang Hao's head, suddenly a thin and strange arm stretched out from Wang Hao's body, and grabbed the sword light in his hand. The crimson long knife was blocked, and the sword light disappeared immediately .A one-legged, one-armed monster was holding the red long knife and looking at it for a while, and then put the blade of the long knife in his mouth, and began to chew it.

The one-eyed man saw that the light ghost actually chewed the magic weapon he had worked so hard to refine in his mouth like a delicacy, he was horrified, the magic weapon of his life was damaged, and blood gushed out of his mouth, he didn't dare to think about it, he turned his head and ran away.Unexpectedly, seeing that the one-eyed man wanted to escape, the light ghost kept the red long knife aside, stretched out his one arm, and the skinny one arm came to the top of the one-eyed man as if teleporting, and brought it in front of him .

Light Ghost looked at the one-eyed man who had already been scared out of his wits, and screamed strangely: "Come here for that thing? Tell me, what kind of thing is there in this Ten Thousand Beast Forest?"

At this moment, the one-eyed man was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he trembled and said: "Senior, the villain just knows that the elder brought me here to find the bad luck of the three Nascent Soul stage lions, and he wanted to snatch one of the lions. As for what it is, the villain really doesn’t know. Oh... Also, it’s not my Huanxi Sect who came to snatch that thing, but the monks from the Rakshasa Sect and Wanhua Valley also came here In the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts. Right now, the elders of several sects are confronting the three lion monsters, and we disciples are just pretending to kill some low-level monster beasts and getting some monster cores in exchange for spirit stones. "After the one-eyed man finished speaking, there was cold sweat on his cheeks, and his one-eyed eyes were full of horror.

After Guanggui listened, Quack laughed strangely: "Are there three sects here... It seems that this lion demon has got a good thing... Hahahaha, here comes the good show!" After finishing speaking, the one-armed As soon as he stretched out, a strange hand was inserted into the dantian of the one-eyed man, and a bright golden elixir was grabbed out by the light ghost. The one-eyed man let out a scream, and died immediately.And the light ghost laughed wildly and sent the golden elixir into his mouth.

Wang Hao couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw the bloody actions of the light ghost.Light Ghost squinted at Wang Hao and said, "Why, don't you like it? You know, devouring is the innate supernatural power of my beast, Light Ghost. If I don't devour others, how can I improve my cultivation level? It doesn't matter if you don't like it, anyway. After helping you this time, we will go our separate ways and have nothing to do with each other!" After finishing speaking, the light ghost snorted coldly, then licked his lips and said, "If I didn't know that you have the sacred object of my god world on you, I wouldn't have Just swallow you up?" After speaking, he smiled sinisterly at Wang Hao, revealing a mouth full of white teeth!

Wang Hao shivered suddenly, and asked with a wry smile, "How do we plan now?"

Guang Gui swung his head and said, "Of course, let's join in the fun. Three lion monsters plus three elders of the sect, how many soul babies should there be..." After speaking, he licked his lips again, and swished into the In the ring of mending the sky.

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