Fairy Road

Chapter 50

The envoy of the law enforcement team closest to the people in Hidden Sword Villa saw Wang Hao swinging the silver long sword, and suddenly a strange sword energy like a silver dragon came towards him, and suddenly felt a sense of inexplicable fear in his heart Sheng Sheng couldn't help being horrified, since he broke through to the late Golden Core Stage, he had never felt this way when facing a Golden Core Stage monk.

"This person is not simple!" After the law enforcement envoy made this judgment, he let go of the magic weapon in his hand and faced the sword energy. When he entered, the shield suddenly rose to a height of three meters, erected in front of him.

Sure enough, as soon as the magic weapon sacrificed by the Jindan late-stage law enforcement envoy came into contact with the sword qi, it slammed and flew a distance of several tens of feet, and the sword qi hit the sword qi unabated. The big black shield, the black light of the big black shield immediately won a big victory, and it actually confronted that sword aura, but, in less than a breath, the big black shield exploded, and the silver dragon-like sword aura seemed to be unaffected at all Similarly, it pierced the chest of the Jindan Late Law Envoy, and immediately, blood gushed out crazily.The remaining five Jindan stage masters in mid-air suddenly looked extremely ugly. After all, the person who was seriously injured by the boy in white just now was the captain of this team of law enforcement envoys, and his cultivation level was also six. The most profound among people.

But these Jindan stage monks are not Yi Yi's generation. They were taken aback for a moment, and then they each sacrificed their magic weapons and greeted Wang Hao frantically.But the captain of the law enforcement team who was seriously injured by Wang Hao's sword energy wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiled coldly, and looked at the person in the Hidden Sword Villa again.

When Wang Hao saw those five people sacrificed magic weapons at the same time and attacked him, he also secretly groaned in his heart.As soon as he gritted his teeth, he threw the Weeping Frost Sword out.The Weeping Frost Sword has long been cultivated into a sword spirit, full of spirituality, and it was like a silver dragon soaring nine days, shuttling in mid-air, and hit the five magic weapons one by one in an instant, two of which were of poor quality The magic weapon was directly smashed, and the other three also looked like they had lost their aura after being hit back.

Seeing the power of the Weeping Shuang Sword, Wang Hao was overjoyed, but unexpectedly, there was a scream from the other side of the hidden sword villa. Wang Hao swept his consciousness and found that the law enforcement envoy of Jindan late stage was already a general The owner of the Hidden Sword Villa was killed, and his right hand was already raised above the head of the little girl named Qi'er.There was no fear in the girl's clear eyes, Wang Hao couldn't bear it, and he couldn't care less about the five Golden Core masters staring at him. As soon as Yuan Li was attracted, he controlled the Weeping Frost Sword towards the right hand of the late Golden Core law enforcement envoy. Cut off the arm!

However, as soon as the Weeping Frost Sword left the body, the five golden elixir masters rushed towards Wang Hao at the same time like a tacit understanding, and two of them still sacrificed their magic weapons and directly greeted Wang Hao's head , The other three actually used their magical powers, and three different magical powers attacked Wang Hao alone. Suddenly, Wang Hao felt as if the whole world was going to be turned upside down.Without thinking too much, he hastily dodged to avoid the two magic weapons, but the punch, finger, and kick of the other three were already unavoidable, they could only fight recklessly.

Wang Hao summoned up the vigorous vitality in his body, and the eighth form of the Great Destruction Fist "Breaking the Sky" was blatantly blasted out, colliding with the strong vitality generated by the punch, finger, and kick of the three people.

The four masters of the golden elixir each use their supernatural powers and fight recklessly with the energy in their bodies. What a spectacle at this time!When that destructive punch collided with the supernatural powers of the other three golden elixir, the turbulent energy generated an explosion that fully pushed the four of them back by a distance of tens of feet, while the hidden swords on the ground below them The disciples with low cultivation bases in the villa actually had blood gushing from their mouths, and they fell to the ground, slumped.

The girl named Qi'er also let out a muffled snort, and the white-bearded old man who was hugging her both took several steps back, and finally couldn't hold back, and fell to the ground.But fortunately, the Weeping Frost Excalibur was so powerful that it actually cut off the right arm of the Jindan late-stage law enforcement envoy, and the sword swam around the man's body like a dragon, constantly shooting out violently. An incomparably sharp sword spirit.And the Jindan late-stage law enforcement envoy used almost all the magic weapons in the storage bag, but still screamed again and again. Finally, Qishuang stopped the attack, and the Jindan late-stage The law enforcement envoy also stopped, and after a few breaths, countless small blood holes appeared on his body, and blood gushed out, even the golden core energy in his body spurted out through the small blood holes .Soon, Jindan's late-stage law enforcement envoy had a gloomy complexion, fell to the ground, and died.The Weeping Frost Sword swung its tail proudly, and headed towards the other five Golden Core masters. At this time, after Wang Hao fought with those five Golden Core Stages, he was already seriously injured. The trick made Wang Hao's energy in his body far exceed those of the golden elixir stage law enforcement envoys, but after all, any monk who has cultivated to the golden elixir stage has not practiced the advanced skills of his own sect, and is five against one. Gaining the upper hand, Wang Hao could only keep flying to avoid the attacks of several people.

However, when the Weeping Frost Sword returned to Wang Hao's hands again, the five monks immediately stopped chasing Wang Hao. A hesitant expression appeared on his face.When the remaining five Jindan stage law enforcement members looked hesitant, Qishuang here sent a voice transmission to Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, if you don't tell them to kill them all, you will never get a foothold in the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation in the future." Now, it may even harm your sect!" Wang Hao knew that Qishuang's original master had a very high status in the ten-nation alliance, and he should have a better understanding of the inside story of the alliance, so after hearing what Qishuang said, his face turned pale. Yi Ning didn't hesitate any longer, and the Weeping Shuang Sword shot again, directly killing the five people.

Unexpectedly, when the five golden core law enforcement disciples saw Wang Hao releasing the silver sword again, they turned around and ran away without hesitation, because the five of them fled in five different directions, but they couldn't kill them at the same time.

With a stabbing sound, the head of one of the Jindan Law Enforcement disciples flew high, and the blood from the neck spurted up a foot high.Two and the other four people have escaped hundreds of feet away.

Wang Hao frowned, and took out four weeping frost sword qi from his right hand, and shot them at the four people respectively. Although this sword qi could not kill them in one fell swoop when the Jindan stage masters were prepared, but It can play a role in preventing them from escaping, so that the Weeping Frost Sword will have enough time to kill them.

Sure enough, under the obstruction of the sword energy, the four of them really slowed down, trying to avoid or resist the sword energy.In this short period of time, the Weeping Frost Sword cut off two Golden Core monks into the dust again.So there are only two people left.Wang Hao sent out two sword qi again according to the gourd drawing, and the two Jindan stage monks were already scared to death, but they were taken out by the magic weapon in the storage bag.However, it was only able to withstand the sword energy, but it still couldn't stop the Weeping Shuang Sword from chasing and killing them.

The silver sword crossed the sky, and its trajectory was so weird that the remaining two Golden Core stage masters didn't know why. One of the Golden Core stage law enforcement disciples froze in place, as if he would give up even trying to escape.

Seeing this situation, Wang Hao just felt a little more at ease. After all, if he killed the alliance's law enforcement disciples and caused trouble for the master, it is really not a scene that Wang Hao would like to see.

Seeing that Wang Hao had killed four Jindan stage law enforcement disciples, the remaining two were also in a situation where they must die.People in Hidden Sword Villa all cast grateful glances at Wang Hao, and the girl named Qi'er was also looking at Wang Hao with tears on her face but also admiration on her face.

Just when all this was about to end when the last two Jindan stage masters were beheaded, an unusually tyrannical divine sense swept over, and the Qishuang sword turned and returned to Wang Hao's hands again, and an anxious voice was also at the same time. It reached Wang Hao's ears: "The person here is a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, let's go!"

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