Fairy Road

Chapter 52 Dog bites dog

The Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword and Nether Ghost Claw were about to kill Wang Hao at the same time, Wang Hao felt cold, and secretly said: It's over.Then he mustered all the energy in his body, wanting to compete against it.All of a sudden, he felt his body sank, and the Weeping Frost Sword actually threw himself down, and then two consecutive swords pierced the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword and the Nether Ghost Claw respectively.

The Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword was stabbed by the Weeping Frost Sword, and the nine skulls screamed in unison, and then turned around, and the Weeping Frost Sword also appeared to be in disorder for a while, and then the Weeping Frost Sword A sword pierced the Nether Ghost Claw, and the Nether Ghost Claw disappeared immediately, and the Weeping Frost Sword immediately lost its aura and fell to the ground.

Only the Weeping Frost Sword Spirit, who had been cultivated in the early stage of Yuanying, and the two masters in the middle stage of Yuanying fought resolutely. The injuries suffered were extremely serious, and they returned to Wang Hao's sky-replenishing ring all at once, and the sword body couldn't help trembling , frantically absorbing the aura in this sky-replenishing ring.

And Wang Hao left the Weeping Shuang Sword at this time, and the magic weapon green bamboo was also swallowed by the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword, so he could only fly in the air by himself.In less than two breaths, he was overtaken by two Nascent Soul mid-stage masters.

Wang Hao stopped abruptly, and raised his eyes to look at the two people who were chasing him all the way.Bai Zhanyuan looked at Wang Hao and laughed repeatedly, while Ge Song yelled strangely: "It turns out that you are a nasty doll, but you have a good talent, and you have cultivated to the Golden Core Stage at such an age. Old Man Fan captured you alive, but he can use your good flesh and blood to refine a few batches of high-quality panacea, hahahahaha!"

Bai Zhanyuan was also yin and said: "Elder Ge, this kid belongs to you, how about the Weeping Frost Sword?"

"The Weeping Frost Sword belongs to you?" Ge Song rolled his eyes strangely and said, "Elder Bai, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? This Weeping Frost Sword has already been cultivated into a sword spirit, how can this boy's physical body compare to it!"

Bai Zhanyuan didn't wrinkle, and said: "Then Elder Ge is talking about how to deal with the Weeping Shuang Sword?"

Ge Song's complexion changed, and he exclaimed: "You have cultivated to the peak of the middle stage of Nascent Soul?"

"That's right, the late Nascent Soul that can break through at any time!" Bai Zhanyuan sneered.

Ge Song suddenly laughed and said: "Elder Bai's cultivation speed is really envious of this old man. Since ancient times, the cultivation world has always respected the strong. It is not easy for this old man with the Weeping Frost Sword to compete with Elder Bai. However, the old man has worked hard all the way Come on, Elder Bai can't let the old man go for nothing?"

Bai Zhanyuan sneered and said, "Since Elder Ge is so sensible, how about giving you all the contents of the storage bag in addition to giving you the boy's body?"

Ge Song's face changed slightly, and he said calmly: "What good things can this little Jindan stage monk have in his storage bag? It's okay not to! If Elder Bai is too bullying, the old man will fight for his life, and he will You have to argue with Elder Bai!" After speaking, he opened his mouth and spat out the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword.

Bai Zhanyuan pondered for a moment and said: "You and I are both elders of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance, so don't fight and kill at every turn. In this way, I don't take the Weeping Frost Sword for nothing, how about compensating you for [-] middle-grade spirit stones?"

These 100 middle-grade spirit stones are 100 million low-grade spirit stones. Since he is a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, these 100 million low-grade spirit stones are not a small fortune.Hearing that Bai Zhanyuan said that he would compensate him with [-] million low-grade spirit stones, Ge Song immediately said with a smile on his face: "Elder Bai is really generous, so it's a deal! Get rid of this kid first!" After speaking, it was cao Holding the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword to kill Wang Hao, Bai Zhanyuan also took out a small silver hammer-shaped magic weapon and threw it at Wang Hao.

At this time, Wang Hao had no way to retreat, so he could only bite the bullet and throw his wrecking fist at the two magic weapons.

Suddenly, the situation on the field changed suddenly, the small silver hammer suddenly turned its direction in mid-air, and threw it at Ge Song quickly. The small silver hammer, but it was too late, the small silver hammer was extremely fast, like a silver lightning, it hit Ge Song's chest in an instant.

That Ge Song's face turned ashes immediately, a mouthful of blood spattered out, and his thin body was immediately sent flying tens of feet away. Before the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword hit Wang Hao's body, the sword trembled and moved towards the Bai Zhanyuan killed him.

When Bai Zhanyuan saw the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword slashing towards him, he sneered, and then spit out a small dark green net from his mouth.But Bai Zhanyuan's body was violent, he had already chased after Ge Song, and the silver hammer hammered out again.

At this time, Ge Song found that his natal magic weapon, the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword, which he had worked so hard to refine for hundreds of years, was covered by Bai Zhanyuan's small green net, and he couldn't communicate with him. The silver hammer made a sneak attack, and the body was seriously injured, so he could only grit his teeth and turn around to escape.

But how could Bai Zhanyuan let this person go so easily, the energy in his body was activated, and the silver hammer suddenly burst into silver light, and suddenly hit Ge Song's back, Ge Song was knocked down immediately, and his body actually fell towards the ground.Bai Zhanyuan's expression froze, and he stared at the falling body with burning eyes. Sure enough, the body burst open suddenly while it was still falling, and a half-foot-sized villain fled towards the north in panic.Bai Zhanyuan sneered, took out a long purple needle from the storage bag, flicked his right index finger, and stabbed at the villain.

After a breath, the villain let out a scream, and was stabbed in the forehead by the long purple needle, black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth immediately, and he died of exhaustion.And the Nine Ghosts Chasing Soul Sword that was covered by the small dark green net also stopped struggling, and was caught lifelessly by the small net.

With a wave of his big hand, Bai Zhanyuan grabbed a few magic weapons and Ge Song's storage bag in his hands, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly his body shivered, and he chased after Wang Hao.

At this moment, Wang Hao had escaped for nearly a hundred miles, but the distance of nearly a hundred miles was equivalent to no distance in the eyes of the strong in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.In just a few breaths, Wang Hao was blocked by Bai Zhanyuan again in a mountainside.

"Hahahaha, in front of the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage, do you, a little Golden Core Stage, have a chance to escape?" Bai Zhanyuan sneered and said, "Okay, boy, I'll give you a chance. The fallen Elder Silver Sword The process tells me that I will consider leaving your soul behind and give you a chance to be reincarnated!"

With a firm face, Wang Hao said loudly, "No comment! Do it!" After speaking, the Weeping Frost Sword appeared in his hand again.

"Huh? Qishuang, Qishuang, you are really loyal enough, you have been hurt like this, and you still want to stand up for this kid, it seems that I can only kill this kid, and then refine you! "After Bai Zhanyuan finished speaking, a small silver hammer whizzed and smashed towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao waved his right hand, and the Weeping Frost Sword drew a silver light, which collided with the small silver hammer.

With a sound of "ding", Qishuang's sword trembled and rolled back, the sword trembled unceasingly, while the small silver hammer continued to roar towards Wang Hao, and it was about to hit the top of Wang Hao's head ...

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