Fairy Road

Chapter 54 Young Lady, Follow It

Shouzhou City, a small city on the border of Anhui, is only a few miles around, and has a population of only [-].This day, a young boy and a girl walked by the southern city gate. The boy was dressed in white and had a resolute face. He was holding a red-clothed girl with bright eyes in his right hand. The girl's eyes were extremely agile, and she kept looking around. .However, if you look closely, the girl's eyes seem to be a little red and swollen, like after crying a lot.

These two people are Wang Hao and Qi'er, a girl from Cangjian Villa.

A few days ago, after Wang Hao learned the breath-changing technique taught by Chen Tuan, he took Qi'er who came out of the sky-filling ring all the way to the north. This day, he finally came to the Kingdom of Wan border.

At the beginning, Qi'er was always crying, but after Wang Hao's persuasion, coupled with her young age and many novel things along the way, she gradually forgot the pain of family ruin and death.

Originally, Wang Hao planned to fly towards the north with Yujian, but Chen Tuan suggested that Wang Hao should not rush on the road, and pay more attention to the squares and markets in some cities along the way to see if he could collect some medicine refining pills. Medicines, after all, the alchemy method and some alchemy recipes that I taught Wang Hao, in the current cultivation world, are all heaven-defying pills that can cause bloody storms.If Wang Hao can really refine these pills, it will definitely be of great help to his own cultivation.Moreover, in order to obtain the exercises and magic weapons left by Sun Xingjun on Penglai Xiandao, the cultivation level at the early stage of Golden Core is definitely not enough. It's the early stage of Yuanying, that's when you have some confidence in getting the skills.

That's why Wang Hao only flies with his sword when there are few people on the road or when the mountain road is rough and difficult. At other times, he walks slowly with Qi'er like a worldly person.

"Big Brother, I want to have a good meal when I enter the city. These days, I just eat some wild fruits every day. I really can't bear it." Qi'er said looking at the gate of Shouzhou City.

Now, Wang Hao, who has changed his appearance and aura with a secret method, said with a smile: "Well! I haven't eaten food in the world for a long time, let's go, let's find the best restaurant and have a big meal!"

When Qi'er heard Wang Hao say the last four words, she jumped up happily, clapped her little hands and said, "Great! Great!"

The two walked around the city for a while, and finally found a restaurant with a good business, and walked in.As soon as the waiter saw the visitor, he immediately greeted the guest with a smile and said: "Please come inside, please." Then he took Wang Hao and the two to a seat by the window on the second floor and sat down, and then asked: "I don't know what the two are?" What would you like to eat?"

Wang Hao was taken aback by Xiao Er's question. After all, he hadn't eaten in the secular world for almost two years.On the contrary, Qi'er smiled and replied: "You can just give us whatever is delicious!" After speaking, she actually took out a low-grade spirit stone from the storage bag and threw it on the little second hand.

The waiter in the store saw that the girl shot was a low-grade spirit stone, and he smiled all over his face: "Young eyes are clumsy, I didn't expect the two of you to be fairy elders, you really deserve to die. You two, please go to the private room inside. Chiefs usually don't dine in this lobby." After speaking, he bowed and asked Wang Hao and his wife to move over.

In this restaurant, the waiter of this shop likes to receive people who are cultivators the most.After all, ordinary cultivators spend money generously, and don’t care about gold and silver at all. Some cultivators even use spirit stones as gold and silver directly, and the waiter in the shop is more willing. After all, even if they take It is very difficult to exchange more gold and silver for spirit stones.

Seeing Xiaoer being so attentive, Wang Hao smiled and said, "There's no need to change places, hurry up and prepare meals."

The waiter didn't know how many customers he had to meet in a day, so he naturally saw that Wang Hao should be the dominant one among the two. When Wang Hao opened his mouth, the waiter immediately ran happily to prepare meals.

As soon as the waiter left, Wang Hao felt a wave of spiritual consciousness sweeping across the restaurant, and then four foundation-building monks in black came up to the second floor, and one of them held a portrait in his hand.As soon as he went upstairs, he looked towards Wang Hao and Qi'er.

At this time, Wang Hao's cultivation was only at the twelfth level of the Qi refining period, and Qi'er was only at the eleventh level of the Qi refining period.The few foundation-building monks glanced at Wang Hao and the two, but did not continue to pay attention.Instead, he smiled and went upstairs to the elegant seat. It seems that he came to this restaurant because he wanted to taste the food and drink in the secular world. After all, cultivators rarely have the opportunity to feast on food on weekdays.

Before the food and wine were served, Wang Hao swept his consciousness and heard the conversations of those monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"Brother Zhang Ping, the mission sent by this sect is said to be an instruction from the Cultivation Alliance. I don't know what kind of person actually provoked the Cultivation Alliance to issue this arrest warrant?"

"Hey... I am also riding a tiger, looking for suspicious people with wanted warrants every day, but I am very afraid of encountering this evil star! Do you know that this person can easily kill even a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, I really don’t know what’s the use of Zongmen sending us out to inspect!”

"What! This person is so powerful, Brother Zhang Ping, I advise you to put on a show, and don't really look for this person!"

"Yeah, I'm not that stupid! Stop talking, bro, come on, let's have a few drinks today!"

Hearing this, Wang Hao secretly smiled and said: It seems that these people are most likely looking for him, but the Cultivation Alliance even sent out these small fish and shrimp, which is really ridiculous.While Wang Hao was thinking to himself, Qi'er suddenly burst out laughing, then pointed to a fat young man who was going up the stairs and said in a young voice: "Brother, look, this person really looks like a meatball!"

Qi'er's voice was very low, but it didn't seem to escape the fat young man's ears. A sharp gaze shot out from the young man's eyes that were squeezed to the point where there was only a slit left, and shot directly at Qi'er's face.Wang Hao swept his consciousness, and thought: This person is actually a cultivator at the Golden Core stage!

Qi'er was uncomfortable being stared at by the fat young man's eyes, she turned her mouth and shouted at the man: "Hey! You are really interesting, why do you keep staring at him?"

The fat young man's face suddenly trembled, and he laughed and said, "The little girl is so cute. I don't know which family she is from. I don't have a betrothed family. How about letting my brother accept you?" Looking at Qier.

When Qi'er heard this obscene voice, she trembled all over, and hid behind Wang Hao in fright.

Seeing this, the obese young man sat on the seat opposite Wang Hao, and said with a smirk, "My little brother, this girl is your sister, and I want to discuss with you. How about a girl betrothing me?" After speaking, she looked as if her saliva was about to flow out.

Wang Hao said calmly: "That depends on whether my sister is willing!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Qi'er and continued, "If she is willing, I naturally have nothing to say."

Hearing this, the obese young man stared at Qi'er with dazed eyes and said, "Miss, are you—will you?"

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