Fairy Road

Chapter 541

Chapter 540

Young Master Long Kong stared at the direction where the Purple Emperor disappeared, the look on his face became more and more gloomy, he clenched his hands tightly, and said bitterly, "Zi Emperor! You don't give me such a good deal!" For the face of my Long family, it seems that I have to report this matter to my ancestors, I am afraid that it is time for you to move the position of the law enforcement elder of your alliance!" Mr. Longkong said, his figure suddenly disappeared. It made a flash of lightning and disappeared above the misty sea.

At this time, Wang Hao had already flown with the Purple Emperor, at least thousands of miles away. It was simply difficult to judge the Purple Emperor's cultivation based on Wang Hao's cognition.It must be, Wang Hao has never seen a cultivation level above the Void Transformation Realm, and this Purple Emperor must have a cultivation level above the Void Transformation Realm!

"Boy, you are lucky this time. You have met such an easy-talking alliance law enforcement elder as the old master. If you encounter those evil stars who are utterly merciless, I am afraid that your life at this moment is already at an end!" Zi The Emperor sneered and said, "You know, sneaking into this Great Desolate World, even intending to avoid warming and nurturing the cornerstone of the Great Desolate World, is a big taboo in my Great Desolate World, and the reason why we set up this Great Desolate Law Enforcement Elders Group is that In order to prevent such behavior from happening to you,"

Wang Hao was very depressed at this time. Among the heavens and the world, not only did Mr. Longkong not tell himself that he would spend 100 years to warm up the cornerstone of the prehistoric world after entering this prehistoric world, even that Tu Ming didn't mention this matter to himself at all.Hearing Zidi's words at this time, Wang Hao felt even more annoyed, and said to himself: If you hadn't meddled in other people's business, I'm afraid I would have entered Long's house at this moment and started to devote myself to cultivation.Besides, the reason why you show mercy to my subordinates is probably mostly due to my relationship with the young master of the Long Family.If it is said that you are kind and soft, I am afraid that only ghosts will believe it.

Seeing Wang Hao's expression, Zidi could also guess in his heart that Wang Hao was constantly slandering him.However, Zidi is in a good mood at this moment, after all, as long as he finds a monk who has sneaked into the Great Desolate World, and takes him to the extreme of the Desolation, let him warm up the cornerstone of the Desolation.Zidi will get some generous rewards from the Honghuang Law Enforcement Elders Group. Thinking of how easy this reward came, Zidi's face suddenly showed a smile like a spring breeze.

Just imagine, it is even more difficult to enter this great wild world from other interfaces.First of all, it is necessary to meet the basic requirement of cultivating to reach the realm of transforming the void.It is such a basic requirement that makes it difficult for hundreds of millions of monks in other interfaces to meet.In other planes where the aura is thin, which monks who have reached this level of cultivation are not amazing people? Since they are already standing at the pinnacle of the entire interface, how many people would be willing to come here? Become an existence like an ant.

Putting these aside, even if there is a monk like Wang Hao who must enter the Great Desolate World for some reason, he must be cautious.Most of these people have experienced strong winds and waves, and they are cautious in everything. Even a powerful figure in the prehistoric law enforcement elders like Zidi may not be able to capture these people easily.

As a result, there have been no new foreign monks in this Great Desolate World for hundreds of years. Therefore, the task of nurturing the cornerstone of the Prehistoric Desolation has been handed over to the elders of the Prehistoric Law Enforcement Elders Group one by one. .Now, Zidi actually caught a foreign monk, which is a shocking joy to the elders of Honghuang Law Enforcement.

Along the way, Wang Hao has been silent all the time, while the Purple Emperor has a look of joy, and even made a few words to tease Wang Hao, Wang Hao was extremely depressed, and every time Zi Yan said something, Directly stare coldly at each other.After a long time, Zidi never talked to Wang Hao again.

After flying for about three hours, he finally flew away from the vast sea, and pieces of green mountains began to come into Wang Hao's eyes.These green hills are lush and lush, and the rich aura in them is almost to the extreme.Among them, even the aura in the form of dewdrops like the substance is formed.

Wang Hao's heart moved, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that the legendary aura of the wilderness is not successful? It really is very strong. I just don't know how good the aura of the wilderness is. Since the creation of the ancestors, there are only so many of them in total, and they all stayed in this great world. Therefore, the monks in this great world are born to be much stronger than monks from other planes. I don’t know if I Come to this Great Desolate World, do you have the luck to see the aura of the Desolation!"

After leaving the sea and entering the land, the monks gradually grew in size.Most of these people are alone, floating alone.The long sleeves are elegant, giving people a very free and easy feeling.The cultivation of these monks, the lowest ones are all in the middle stage of the Void Transformation Realm, and there are almost no monks like Wang Hao in the early stages of the Void Transformation Realm.

Thinking about it, the monks in this prehistoric world were born with the cultivation base of the early stage of the realm of emptiness, coupled with the extremely strong spiritual energy in these four places, no matter how poor their qualifications, they might enter the realm of emptiness The mid-term is also inevitable.

"If it comes to cultivating immortals, this is a paradise for cultivators!" Wang Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Just like the heavens and myriad worlds, for some cultivation resources, they often have to fight, which really violates the word "cultivating immortals." However, if this Great Desolate World did not have such a strong aura, I am afraid that the monks here would not be so chic!"

Almost every tens of miles, Wang Hao and Zidi would meet one or two monks, and these monks would come from floating in the first place. , However, after seeing Zidi's trace, they immediately showed a very respectful expression. Some monks stopped directly and saluted Zidi slightly, and waited until Zidi left. move on.

Zidi obviously enjoyed the respect these monks had for him, and looked at Wang Hao with a proud expression from time to time. Seeing that Wang Hao still had a cold face, he smiled and said to Wang Hao: "Boy, the old man knows you Feeling wronged in my heart, after all, with your cultivation level, you can be regarded as a top existence in the barren land of the heavens and worlds, and coupled with the thinness of spiritual energy there, you must have suffered a lot if you want to cultivate to the state of transforming the void. In this way, the old man promises you, if you can warm and nourish the cornerstone of the great wilderness for a hundred years at the extreme point of the wilderness, how about accepting you as a disciple?"

After Zidi said this, he was also secretly proud, waiting for Wang Hao to readily agree, but he didn't expect that Wang Hao seemed to have turned a deaf ear to it, and was not interested in the fact that he wanted to accept him as a disciple. look.This time, Zidi's anger was immediately aroused.

"Boy, you are so ignorant of flattery. Do you know that as an old man, any young monk in this prehistoric world would not do anything to worship him. If the old man didn't pity you, you thought you would With your pure yang spiritual root, the old man will be tempted to accept you as an apprentice?" Although Zidi said so, he was still quite interested in Wang Hao in his heart, after all, Wang Hao not only had the pure yang spiritual root. The top-grade aptitude of cultivation is the ability to cultivate to the realm of emptiness in all the heavens and myriad worlds.Such a young man with great potential, it is impossible for Zidi not to be tempted at all!

"Could it be that just because of your high status, I want to worship under your sect?" Wang Hao suddenly asked back. Wang Hao was not completely indifferent to Zidi's proposal, but he thought of staying in the prehistoric pole for hundreds of years. At that time, Wang Hao was furious.

"If you don't want me to go to that prehistoric pole, I can consider it..." Wang Hao continued. "Stop! Stop! You don't need to say anything, the old man has no blessing to accept you as an apprentice, let's just let it go!" Zidi's face turned black immediately, and he directly interrupted Wang Hao's words.Although he took Wang Hao to the prehistoric polar region to warm up the prehistoric cornerstone, the reward Zidi received was not enough to make Zidi go crazy.However, the reward is also somewhat tempting.In addition to the identity of the Purple Emperor, it is impossible to directly include Wang Hao in the gate wall for personal gain, instead of going to the prehistoric extreme.

Seeing that hope was shattered again, Wang Hao snorted coldly and became silent again.At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in the distance, and Zidi raised his eyebrows slightly.There was also a trace of curiosity on Wang Hao's face. Although he met many monks along the way, it was the first time he had come in groups like this!

"It turns out to be Senior Zidi, the Dongfang family is very polite!" Soon a clear voice came, followed by a young man in his early twenties. , wearing a tall red hat on his head, its shape is neither fish nor fowl.Behind him, followed by eight old men, the breath of these eight people is extremely quiet, and they also look like an ancient well without waves in front of Zidi.

"Dongfang Shuo!" Wang Hao's heart was already disturbed at this time, he never thought that he would meet this person when he first entered this great desolate world.

Is it true that enemies don't get together!Wang Hao thought depressingly that he just didn't know if this person would recognize him. After all, one of this person's clones in the fairy world was beheaded by me!

(The chapter of the Great Desolate World has already begun, I hope you all hurry up and collect it! Friends who read the book just need to register a Zongheng account, and then click the Add to Favorites button on the book page!)

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