Fairy Road

Chapter 572 The Graveyard of the Gods

The dark intention struck, and Wang Hao couldn't help shivering. Looking around, the hall was completely dark.What made Wang Hao even more mad was that it was difficult for even the divine consciousness to enter the hall.

"Wang Hao, this temple is so weird, it's hard for me to get into it!" Huo Ling'er said in surprise at this time.Wang Hao nodded slightly, and with a thought, the six reincarnation gold plates had already appeared on top of his head.

After stepping out, Wang Hao's figure has already entered the bronze hall.Boom boom boom, as Wang Hao's figure entered, the huge door of the bronze hall slowly closed again.

As the door of the main hall was closed again, Wang Hao's figure was already submerged in darkness and dead silence.Lost all ignorance, this is what Wang Hao felt at this time.Only the faint blue light that bloomed from the six reincarnation golden disks can make Wang Hao's surrounding Zhangxu, have a little light.

My spiritual consciousness can't be expanded, and even the specific shape of this hall is hard to understand, so I am asked to look for that innate spiritual treasure in this way?Wang Hao secretly sighed in his heart, deep in Wang Hao's heart, he already recognized at this moment that the innate spirit treasures every time this fantasy city is opened must be in this hall.

However, Wang Hao did not expect that if there was that innate spiritual treasure in this hall, then how unlucky the other monks would be.

At this time, Huo Ling'er reminded Wang Hao again: "Wang Hao, since the direction is difficult to distinguish, it's better to keep moving forward!" walk around.Every step Wang Hao took was extremely careful and frightening. I am afraid this is the portrayal of Wang Hao at this moment.

"It's just, why did the feeling of summoning outside the hall completely disappear after I entered the hall?" Wang Hao was more depressed about this matter at this time.The feeling of summoning was like a great secret. Wang Hao originally thought that he could solve it directly after entering the hall.But the truth was beyond Wang Hao's expectation.

After walking about a hundred steps, Wang Hao followed the faint blue light on the gold plate of six reincarnations, and found this strange small bronze door.It is said to be a small door, but it is actually only relative to the main entrance of the main hall.However, this door has a bit of weirdness.Because, its shape is actually like an ordinary door horizontally, narrow at the top and bottom, and wide at the middle!


Finally there is light!Wang Hao was overjoyed, his figure flickered, and he walked through the small door.As soon as he entered the small gate, Wang Hao was stunned by the scene in front of him...

It is still a large hall with a radius of thousands of feet, and the height of the hall is hundreds of feet. Moreover, in the mid-air, there are actually countless bronze coffins hanging.There is a faint light shining on the bronze coffin, each bronze coffin has a series of simple and simple patterns, and some even have some strange characters.

"What a weird place!" Wang Hao secretly exclaimed in his heart, but at this time, Huo Ling'er exclaimed: "How is it possible? How is this possible?"

"Huh?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously, waiting for Huo Linger's explanation.However, Huo Ling'er was obviously greatly stimulated, and after a while, not a single word reached Wang Hao's ears.Wang Hao could only continue to ask: "Huo Linger, what's going on? Why are you so shocked?"

"Wang Hao!" Huo Ling'er screamed, "Do you know where this is?" "Where is it?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously, "Isn't this the third illusion in the fantasy city?" "The third illusion? "Huo Ling'er suddenly lowered her voice, pondered for a moment, and then said with lingering fear, "Maybe I was too excited, and I forgot that this is the third illusion in the illusion city!"

"Hehehe, Huo Ling'er, it seems that you have seen such a scene before?" Wang Hao asked with a smile.Huo Ling'er was silent again, and after a long time, she finally said slowly: "I really didn't expect that the third illusion in this fantasy city could actually transform into a hidden place like the cemetery of the gods. It's really... really... .Alas... just now, I almost scared me to death!"

"The cemetery of the gods?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously, "What kind of place is that, why have I never heard of it?" What a terrifying place for monks in the late stage of Xu to be frightened into such a situation!

"Wang Hao, don't say that you haven't heard of it. Even in the entire Great Desolate World, there are probably no more than ten people who know about this cemetery of the gods!" I was rescued, so for a period of time, I have been following Yan Zu's side all the time, just now I went to the cemetery of the gods with Yan Zu, and the scene at that time was exactly the same as what you see now!"

"Oh, what are these coffins in the cemetery of the gods?" Wang Hao asked.

"The corpse of the innate gods!" Huo Ling'er took a long breath and said, "When the Great Desolate World first appeared, there were innate gods who were born together with this great world. These innate gods were born with powerful Strength, when it comes to innate spiritual treasures, are countless!"

"Since these innate gods are so powerful, why do they still die?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously. "Yes!" After Huo Ling'er sighed, she said just now: "This has always been a mystery. There were at least tens of thousands of innate gods in the Great Desolate World back then, but suddenly in a very short period of time, only There were only a few people, but the others were all beheaded, and their bodies were also stored in the cemetery of the gods."

"Back then, Yan Zu was one of the few innate gods who survived. Therefore, his old man has been looking for the reason why these innate gods were suddenly killed collectively! So this cemetery of the gods became Yan. The place where Yan Zu often went to investigate, and I followed Yan Zu once!" Huo Ling'er continued.

"Hehe, Huo Ling'er, although the corpses in the cemetery of the gods belong to those powerful innate creatures, you don't need to be so surprised when you see this cemetery!" Wang Hao said with a light smile, now that he knows This is just an illusion in the fantasy city, Wang Hao is a little more relaxed and a little less dignified.

"You don't know something!" Huo Ling'er said in a deep voice, "This cemetery of the gods is easy to enter and difficult to exit. What kind of cultivation was Yan Zu back then, and he also had the innate spiritual treasure and the six reincarnation gold plates in his hand. Getting out of the cemetery of the gods will take hundreds of years of cultivation, and it is difficult for a late-stage monk like me to get out of it, so when I first saw the cemetery of the gods, It's going to be so stressful!"

"Hehe, then there is no need to continue to be nervous now, but I really want to know, is there any innate spirit treasure in this third illusion?" Wang Hao asked with a smile.

"Of course there is no congenital spiritual treasure. The third illusion only appears for you alone. When you escape from the third illusion, you will be able to reach the hidden treasure in the illusion city! Therefore, Wang Hao, the best thing you can do now The most important thing is to break this third illusion as quickly as possible, otherwise those disciples from the aristocratic family will get there first!" Huo Ling'er said.

"So that's it!" Wang Hao nodded, then raised his head to look at the coffin in mid-air, and muttered in his mouth: "How can I get rid of this kind of illusion!" When he had no clue, a slight change occurred in a coffin directly above Wang Hao's head.

At this time, the coffin lid that was originally tightly seamed was gradually loosening a little bit. However, this loosening was a subtle thing that neither Wang Hao nor Huo Linger had noticed. Tell Wang Hao not to worry, calm down, and slowly participate in this method of breaking the illusion.

Half a day later, Wang Hao was still looking at the coffins full of heads in a daze, and his heart was already very anxious. Could it be possible for me to fly up and lift those coffins to find out what's going on!Thinking of this, Wang Hao's body suddenly rose, and he came to the coffin directly above his head. However, this coffin happened to be the one whose coffin lid moved slightly just now. As soon as Wang Hao stepped on the coffin lid, Immediately, he was sucked directly into the coffin by a strong suction force.

Boom, boom, boom, Wang Hao just felt that his physical body was completely involuntary at this moment, and where his eyes could see, there were only patches of dazzling light.I don't know how long it took before Wang Haofang was able to see what he saw a little bit.

Here, it was actually a quaint manor. The plants in the manor looked dead for a long time, and the thatched hut behind the manor was so decayed that it was about to collapse.

Wang Hao couldn't help being surprised. At this time, a voice suddenly reached Wang Hao's ears. Although it was also a woman's voice, it obviously didn't come from Huo Linger's mouth.

"Hehehehehe, very good, you are very good! You can actually break the chain of battles outside this bronze temple, and come to this bronze temple, you are the first monk to come in for tens of thousands of years!" The voice sounded suddenly , so that Wang Hao couldn't help but look around, but he didn't find a monk!

"Hahahahaha, you don't need to look for it anymore, the old body has long since disappeared, and what is talking to you at this moment is just a trace of remnant soul left in the coffin..."

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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