Fairy Road

Chapter 583

() "Elder Datou?" All the Keqing elders present trembled slightly when they heard Huo Ling'er address Zhu Rong Zhenjun, and said in their hearts: "This little girl, this time I'm afraid I will be killed by Zhu Rong." Destroying the flowers with hot hands. Although this little girl seems to have a late-stage Chongxu cultivation, Zhu Rong Zhenjun was a powerful late-stage Chongxu who shocked the entire prehistoric world ten thousand years ago. During these ten thousand years, After cultivating in the Long family, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. It is more than enough to deal with this little girl!"

Just when almost all the elders of Ke Qing cast their pitying eyes on Huo Ling'er, Wang Hao showed a slight smile in his eyes: "Zhenjun Zhurong is full of fire, and he seems to be a master at playing with fire." , but, when he meets Huo Linger who is born with a fire spirit, will he play with fire?" After exchanging a sly look with Huo Linger.Zhurong Zhenjun stood in the middle of the hall with his teeth bared.

"Girl baby is quite courageous, but it seems that you are also in the late stage of Chongxu cultivation. If I fight against you, I am not bullying the weak!" Zhenjun Zhu Rong spoke in an extremely slow tone at this time, as if he was choosing his words carefully. "However, the old man wants to put his ugly words in front. Since it is a competition, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. So, girl, you have to think carefully!"

The guest elders who counted Zhu Rong’s breath, seeing the tone of Zhu Rong’s speech at this time, secretly said in their hearts: “It seems that Zhu Rong, this old fellow, is going to kill that little girl. But, this The little girl has a good skin, so it's a pity that the old guy Zhu Rong will burn her body to powder like this!"

Although these Ke Qing elders felt sorry for Huo Ling'er in their hearts, when they thought about the resentment in their hearts just now, their hearts suddenly hardened!

"Think clearly?" Huo Ling'er smiled slightly, and said, "There is no need for this. Since it is a fight, it is inevitable that there will be times when you miss! Don't worry, even if you lose me, Elder Datou, I will not have Half a complaint!"

Another big-headed elder directly hooked Zhu Rong’s real fire. Although Zhu Rong is short and has a big head, he is extremely taboo about others directly speaking of his two shortcomings. Huo Ling'er blindly mentioned that she had already decided in her heart to teach this little girl a good lesson.

"Huh! Girl, make a move!" Zhu Rong Zhenjun said, surrounded by dozens of small flames, these flames have different colors, but they are extremely spiritual hovering around Zhu Rong Zhenjun's physical body , orderly, no sense of chaos!

"Hehehehe, okay, then I'll stop being disrespectful!" Huo Ling'er said, a pair of small hands as white as jade turned up slightly, and two sparks the size of soybeans appeared in her hands.This kind of fire is faltering and dying, giving people a feeling of being extremely weak, and even I feel pitiful.

"Shh..." The Ke Qing elders who were on the sidelines all began to hiss, and some even couldn't help but sneered in a low voice, "This girl really doesn't know how to live or die, actually in front of the old monster Zhu Rong Playing with fire, hahahaha, is really asking for death!"

Among all the people present, only four of them did not underestimate the two bean flames in Huo Linger's hand.Among these four people, naturally Wang Hao and Long Kong are two people who knew the details of Huo Linger, and Long Tian was even more surprised. He stared at the flame in Huo Linger's hand, and there was an extra trace in his eyes. fanaticism.

And the last person was of course Zhu Rong, who was standing opposite Huo Ling'er, at this time, Zhu Rong's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he muttered to himself: "Impossible, impossible. How is this... how is this possible? Innate Spirit Fire, could this be the legendary Innate Spirit Fire? However, this Innate Spirit Fire can only be condensed by monks with the body of the Innate Fire Spirit. Little girl, is it the legendary congenital fire spirit?"

Just when Zhenjun Zhu Rong's heart was shaking, Huo Ling'er smiled coquettishly, and flipping his hands, the two soybean-sized flames shot towards Zhu Rong with a whoosh. "Hahahaha!" Finally, several Keqing elders couldn't help laughing. In their eyes, Huo Linger's behavior was like a three-year-old child holding a wooden dagger in his hand. , like stabbing a brave general.

However, along with the laughter of the elders of Keqing, it was Zhenjun Zhu Rong's stern roar. After the roar, the surroundings of Zhenjun Zhu Rong's body were suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​flames. The temperature also rose a lot in an instant.

"The sea of ​​fire is boundless! This... this is the most powerful supernatural power of the old monster Zhu Rong. Why would he use such supernatural power at this time? Could it be that he really wants to burn this little girl to ashes in front of the Patriarch! "Seeing that Master Zhu Rong used his most reliable supernatural powers as soon as he came up, the elders of Keqing who didn't know what to do, were all startled and uncertain.

How did they know that Zhenjun Zhu Rong was already complaining in his heart at this time, because just when he used such supernatural powers to counter Huo Ling'er's innate spiritual fire, a message came from the depths of his soul instantly. There were waves of trembling sensations.This is a kind of fear deep in the soul. The hundreds of flames that I have condensed for tens of thousands of years, in front of those two flames the size of soybeans, I have no courage to resist at all.

Sure enough, the sea of ​​flames that burst out from Zhenjun Zhurong's body not only did not have the slightest intention to move forward bravely and attack Huo Ling'er, on the contrary, when the two soybean-sized flames thrown by Huo Ling'er were about to approach, they began to slow down. Slowly shrink up.After the three breaths, to the astonishment of all the elders, the flames around Zhu Rong's body returned to Zhu Rong's body.At this time, Master Zhu Rong looked like a secular old man who had lost all his fireworks.

It's just that this secular old man's face is extremely panicked at the moment!Because, those two soybean-sized flames had already come before his eyes, and they were constantly circling around his body.In the eyes of outsiders, these two soybean-sized flames are really like a joke to Zhenjun Zhurong.

However, in the eyes of Zhenjun Zhu Rong, it is enough to cause his morals to collapse instantly, the flames in his body to disappear completely in an instant, and even his life will be directly destroyed.Beads of sweat, about the size of the flames, rolled down Zhenjun Zhu Rong's cheeks.

On the other hand, Huo Ling'er, who was standing delicately on the opposite side, had bright eyes, a smile on the corner of her mouth, and a slight pinch of her right hand, looking calm and calm.

At this time, those Ke Qing elders who watched the battle had just seen a clue.True Monarch Zhu Rong, this old monster, suffered a dark loss.What exactly were the two soybeans that the little girl sacrificed? They were so powerful that they not only made Zhu Rong, a monk who played with fire for the first time, extinguish the flames all over his body, but also made him As if facing a big enemy, he was trembling, as if his life was no longer in his hands.

"Elder Datou!" Huo Linger said suddenly at this time, "I think there should be no need to compete between you and me this time!" Huo Linger said, her right hand moved slightly, and the surrounding Zhu Rong The two flames around Zhenjun immediately returned to his hands.At this time, Zhenjun Zhurong had the opportunity to stretch out his sleeves to wipe the sweat on his cheeks. After he let out a long breath, he bowed to Huo Ling'er with a flushed face and said, "Girl's cultivation base, ghosts and gods don't care." Test, the old man is willing to admit defeat!"

"Hiss..." After hearing Zhenjun Zhu Rong's words, all the Keqing elders present were shocked: "This old monster has been in the prehistoric world for tens of thousands of years. He has been so respectful to others before. Unexpectedly, this time, he is actually so respectful to a little girl who looks only in her teens. What kind of background does this girl have?"

Huo Ling'er didn't have the slightest sense of pride, she saluted and said: "Elder Datou is absurd, there are probably no more than five people in the entire Great Desolate World who can cultivate the flames to the level of Elder Datou! "There is a big-headed elder saying that Zhu Rong's old face is even redder, and he doesn't care about being modest. After saluting to Huo Ling'er hastily again, he said to Long Tian: "Patriarch, the old man's skills are not as good as people's. You are laughing and generous, you don’t have the face to stay here anymore, you are temporarily resigning, and I hope you will forgive me!”

At this time, Longtian was still immersed in the two innate spiritual fires sacrificed by Huo Ling'er. After hearing what Zhenjun Zhu Rong said, he just said "En" and said a few words of comfort to Zhu Rong. Seeing the flash of fire, Zhu Rong Zhenjun had already disappeared in the hall, leaving only a trace of fireworks.

Quiet, extremely quiet!Everyone was immersed in Zhu Rong's sudden defeat.Until now, those Ke Qing elders who didn't know what to do are still secretly speculating in their hearts: Why did an old monster covered in fire and play with fire to the top of the prehistoric world, be so defeated in front of two sparks the size of soybeans? Frustrated...

I don't understand, and I still refuse to accept it more!Of course, at least [-]% of this dissatisfaction was aimed at Wang Hao.That woman was originally a strong person in the late stage of Chongxu, even if she defeated Zhenjun Zhurong, she could still be justified. After all, time and everything, mutual generation and mutual restraint, these people still understand.

It's just, you, a kid in the early stage of Condensation Void, how can you be on an equal footing with those of us who are strong in the continuation stage, and even make the Patriarch favor him?

Since we can't afford to mess with that little girl, then let's teach that kid a lesson!At this time, several Ke Qing elders had such thoughts in their hearts...

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)


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