Fairy Road

Chapter 6 Xuan Tianzong

More than a thousand miles south of Luzhou, Anhui Province, there is a Qiyun Mountain Range, which stretches for more than 300 miles, and there is a peak in it, which is rarely visited by people.On this day, suddenly an old man in gray came here staggeringly.In a place surrounded by clouds and mist, he took out a black and white two-color token, and the token immediately emitted black and white shimmers.Gradually, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, revealing a cave.

This gray-clothed old man is Han Fei, the head of the Han family. Although he escaped with his life last night, he was also seriously injured by Leng Qiuyue's "soul-chasing shuttle".Trembling all the way, he didn't even dare to go back to his old nest, and rushed to the demonic power he was attached to - Yin Yangzong overnight.

Soon, Han Fei was taken to a tall cave by a disciple in black.Three old men in black were sitting among them. The old man in the middle had a square face and a wide mouth. When he saw Han Fei kneeling on the ground, he said coldly: "I am in a hurry like a bereaved dog. It seems that this trip not only failed, but also almost lost my sex." Fate, such a 'talent', I am afraid that I, Yin Yangzong, will not be blessed!"

"The villain is guilty, the villain is guilty... It's just that Fang Hufa didn't know that the girl from the Ye family had nowhere to escape, but her master just happened to appear, making the little one come to naught!"

"Oh, it seems that the girl's master has some background?" The old man surnamed Fang raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I've had some contacts with that girl's father these years, but I didn't know that girl worshiped under Xuantianzong." Han Fei deliberately emphasized his tone when he said "Xuantianzong", as if he wanted to tell The three people in front of me who can kill themselves at any time: It's not that I'm not strong enough, but that the enemy is too powerful.

"Xuantianzong!" Sure enough, the three protectors couldn't help being moved when they heard these three people.The old man surnamed Fang said again: "Do you know who is the Xuantian Sect?"

"It's a woman in her thirties who calls herself Leng Qiuyue!"

"Hmph!" The old man surnamed Fang shook his right hand suddenly, and the teacup in his hand instantly turned into powder, "It's this woman again! Well, since you met this person, you have nothing to do with it. If you step back for now, Zongli has already You have arranged a mountain for the Han family. You can place your family on that mountain, and you can also go to the Chuan Gong Hall to get the practice method for self-cultivation. But remember, you must not leave without authorization. Waiting for Zongli's dispatch."

"Follow the law!" Han Fei wiped the cold sweat off his face, and retreated calmly.

After Han Fei left, the protector surnamed Fang said viciously: "What a Leng Qiuyue, you killed my disciple last time. This time, I robbed the person with the Yin spirit root that the elders in my sect liked, and waited for the sect master to leave the gate." Afterwards, the old man will ask for his order to become a sect, and personally take the life of this lowly servant girl!"

Xuantian Sect, as the head of the four righteous sects of the Anhui Kingdom, is located on the Xuantian Peak in the extreme north of the Anhui Kingdom.The mountain of Xuantian Peak is steep, except for the south cliff where there is only a steep path leading to the top of the mountain, the other three sides are like cutting with knives and axes.

During this day, a black spot on the hillside to the south of Xuantian Peak gradually grew larger, and gradually three people could be seen standing on a Zhangxu sword.Looking carefully, it was Leng Qiuyue and the other three who came from Luzhou.

From Luzhou to Xuantianzong, the journey is thousands of miles away. If Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing are on their feet, it may take at least three to five days to get there.Fortunately, that Leng Qiuyue broke through to the mid-Golden Core stage half a year ago, and as long as the disciples of Xuantian Sect can break through to the mid-Golden Core stage, the head of Xuantianzong will bestow a magic weapon.What was given to Leng Qiuyue was a well-known medium-grade magic weapon in Xuantian Sect, called "Leng Yue Sword", which happened to coincide with Leng Qiuyue's name.With this mid-grade magic weapon "Lengyue Sword", Leng Qiuyue can carry two people flying with their swords at the same time. In this way, in just half a day, the three of them came to Xuantian Peak.

Having nothing to do along the way, Leng Qiuyue also explained some doubts about the cultivation world to the two juniors that they didn't know about.For example, the level of weapons:

In the world of self-cultivation, weapons are divided into four classes, which are spiritual weapons, magic weapons, divine weapons, and fairy weapons.And these fourth-class weapons are further subdivided into the ultimate grade and the upper, middle and lower palace four grades.In today's comprehension world, the ultimate magic weapon is considered the top weapon.I am afraid that there are not many artifacts to be found in the entire comprehension world, and immortal artifacts only exist in legends.For example, Leng Qiuyue's "Lengyue Sword" is a middle-grade magic weapon, while Xuantianzong's Zhenzong soldier is a low-grade magic weapon.

Wang Hao lived with his father since he was a child, and rarely had contact with outsiders. In addition, his father was reticent and always reluctant to let him practice. Naturally, he knew little about the situation in the cultivation world, and Ye Qingqing There are only a general understanding of many things.During this trip, Leng Qiuyue narrated the situation in the cultivation world, and the two of them forgot the fear of flying across the sky for the first time.

Ye Qingqing was very excited when she heard that Xuantianzong had an artifact. After all, the stronger Xuantianzong was, the more hope she had for revenge.

Seeing that Wang Hao and Wang Hao listened intently, Leng Qiuyue briefly explained the division of forces in the cultivation world to them.After knowing that Xuantianzong had one of the best positions in the Anhui Kingdom, the spirits of the two couldn't help being lifted.Later, when they heard that a cultivation country like Wan Kingdom was only a drop in the ocean in the entire cultivation world, the two couldn't help but sigh.

I don't know what kind of cultivation to achieve to stand at the pinnacle of the entire cultivation?Wang Hao pondered, and then secretly made up his mind: No matter how difficult and dangerous the path of cultivation is, I will go on. For the sake of my parents, I will never back down.

If you want to improve your cultivation, you must first join a cultivation sect. Now Wang Hao followed Leng Qiuyue to Xuantianzong.Wang Hao was also worried in his heart, wondering if he could join Xuantianzong.So Wang Hao saw the right time and asked Leng Qiuyue about joining Xuantianzong.

Leng Qiuyue seemed to know that Wang Hao wanted to ask, so she told him directly that because Ye Qingqing had already worshiped under her sect, and because she broke through to the middle stage of Jindan, her disciples could join the Xuantian Sect directly without the test, but Wang Hao needed it. Participate in the entrance test held on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival in August. Only after passing the test can you join Xuantian Sect and become its ordinary disciple.And if you want to make a difference in the sect, you must become a core disciple through your own efforts.

Leng Qiuyue seemed to appreciate Wang Hao quite a bit, and told Wang Hao the content of the entry test.It turns out that two conditions are required to join Xuantianzong: one is to reach the tenth level of Qi Refining; this is naturally satisfied by Wang Hao.The second requirement is more special, that is, a little blood of the person to be tested is needed, and this drop of blood is dripped into a special instrument for testing spiritual roots.Only those with relatively excellent spiritual roots have the opportunity to join Xuantianzong, because excellent spiritual roots determine your achievements in improving your cultivation in the future.

"Senior, don't you know what kind of spiritual root is excellent?" Wang Hao asked puzzled.

"There are five kinds of spiritual roots, heaven, earth, yin, yang, and the five elements. Among them, the four spiritual roots of heaven, earth, yin and yang are the most outstanding, and there is no one in a million. The five elements' spiritual roots are relatively common. If you have one of the five elements, It is also very good. If all five elements are available, it is the worst spiritual root. And the minimum standard for the selection of disciples in this sect is that the five elements have no more than three spiritual roots."

"Master, do you know what kind of spiritual root this disciple is?" Ye Qingqing asked.

"Your spiritual root is quite special. When I accepted you as a disciple, I found out that your spiritual root is unique, but as a teacher, I just had a guess in my heart, and I have to wait for the internal test to confirm it! You can rest assured that your spiritual root It is definitely not an ordinary five-element spirit root."

Hearing what Leng Qiuyue said, Ye Qingqing also breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Hao was also secretly worried, not knowing what kind of spiritual root he was, and hoped that he would not be too bad!

The mountain guard disciples of Xuantianzong were all in awe of Leng Qiuyue, and when they saw Leng Qiuyue coming with two swords, they hurriedly opened the mountain guard formation.After entering Xuantianzong, the two of Wang Hao were taken to a secluded valley by Leng Qiuyue.

"This is my residence, Lengyue Valley, and there are no outsiders around. Wang Hao, you can meditate here, and Qingqing, you can follow me to the elder hall of the sect to test the spiritual root." Leng Qiuyue always handles things neatly, Wang Hao and Wang Hao naturally dare not have any objections.

After Leng Qiuyue left, Wang Hao began to look at the scenery around the valley: he saw that the valley was surrounded by mist and fruit trees became forests.The spring water is gurgling, and birds fly by from time to time, just like a fairyland scene.

This is the life a cultivator should have!Wang Hao thought in his heart: Cultivating in such a place with abundant aura and picturesque scenery, it is naturally much faster to enter the realm than in the secular world.

Although his father was missing, Wang Hao knew in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Yin Yangzong, but had more to do with his mother.But with his current level of cultivation, thinking of finding his parents is nothing but a dream.It's better to calm down and practice hard, that's the right way.

Then, first of all, you have to join Xuantianzong.Wang Hao clenched his fists and looked towards the sky at the top of the valley.

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