Fairy Road

Chapter 63

Facing the blissfully happy old man who was full of smiles but full of murderous intentions, Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he thought to himself: The ten-nation alliance really covers the sky among the ten countries of cultivation. No matter which sect's monks in the ten countries are He can be dispatched at will, and now that he is wanted by the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance, it seems that the future life will be really difficult!

"I don't know what you are thinking about? If you don't want to do it, you will hand over the treasure map to the old man, and then you will be a self-proclaimed cultivation base. The old man will send you to the cultivation alliance. How about you justify it?" With a smile on his face, he spoke eloquently. Although his mouth was full of nonsense, his tone was full of strange temptations.

Sure enough, Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness was loose and his mind was confused, so he wanted to take out the treasure map left by the light ghost from the sky-filling ring and hand it over to the old man of bliss.Suddenly, Yinjian Qishuang yelled sharply, and Wang Hao just woke up: "Wang Hao! This person just performed a magic skill similar to the magic sound of the soul, and you just lost your mind and almost caused a catastrophe!"

Wang Hao was already covered in cold sweat at this time, but the blissful old man said with a regretful face: "I didn't expect you, fellow daoist, to have some ability to be able to easily escape from the old man's blissful sound. No wonder The Elder Bai of the Cultivation Alliance is also jealous of you! However, today you met this old man, but you were destined to become a blind medicine in the old man's alchemy. Ha ha ha ha ha..." The old man of bliss said loudly With a strange smile, a pair of skinny big hands suddenly stretched out from the long sleeves, and then with a thought, a strange-shaped magic weapon appeared on the right hand.

This alien magic weapon looked like a giant yang puppet, and it was so lifelike that it made Wang Hao feel extremely sick.When meeting such a person, Wang Hao naturally didn't want to talk to him. He raised his hand and sacrificed the Weeping Frost Sword. The silver sword immediately turned into a silver dragon and circled above Wang Hao's head, as agile as a nine-day dragon.During the past few days, Qishuang has continuously absorbed the aura of heaven and earth in the sky-replenishing ring, which not only healed the injuries he suffered, but also made a lot of progress in cultivation.

"Elder Yinjian's Weeping Frost Sword!" After seeing the Weeping Frost Sword, the old man of Ji Le immediately beamed with joy, and said in surprise: "It really is you, it seems that the message sent by the disciples of this old man is not bad at all!" , The strange-shaped magic weapon suddenly shone with light, like a heavenly soldier.As soon as it was sacrificed, it swept towards Wang Hao, and the shadows of the sticks were overwhelming, trying to submerge Wang Hao.

Wang Hao drew the sword formula with his right hand, and the Weeping Frost Sword struck out like a dragon swimming around. Surrounding the strange-shaped magic weapon, it continuously exuded shocking sword energy, and the sword energy cut through the strange-shaped magic weapon, but the strange-shaped magic weapon was not seen at all. With a damaged appearance and full of spiritual changes, he collided fiercely with the Weeping Frost Sword, and the Weeping Frost Sword was immediately knocked back into Wang Hao's hands, and at the same time, an annoyed voice came to Wang Hao's ears: " His nainai, this magic weapon is actually blessed with countless filthy auras, my sword body can't touch it, just a little touch, the whole sword body's energy seems to be a little out of order. Wang Hao, this blissful old man is an old monster in the late Yuanying period, and this magic weapon is so weird, it seems that if you don't use the fairy technique taught to you by Senior Chen, it will be difficult to escape today!"

"Immortal art? Mr. Chen just taught me the magic formula for using the immortal art, but you don't know how to use it without the aura of immortal spirit in the cultivation world. Even if I want to follow the example, just learn Chen Laoxuan shot a shot, and I'm afraid he won't be able to display that kind of power, so he must not use that move until it is a last resort." Wang Hao quickly sent a voice message to Qishuang, but his figure was already changing constantly, dodging With the attack of the alien magic weapon, fortunately, that alien magic weapon is extremely majestic in shape and unparalleled in power, but it is slightly inferior to other top-grade magic weapons in terms of speed.

Seeing Wang Hao taking back the Weeping Frost Sword and avoiding it again and again, Old Man Ji Le looked up and smiled and said, "Elder Bai described the bravery that Fellow Daoist described, which made me prepare a lot, but I didn't expect that meeting is not as good as being famous!" , Another magic weapon was spit out from the mouth, it was actually a cone-shaped magic weapon, small in size, but extremely fast, as soon as it was sacrificed by the old man of bliss, it shot towards Wang Hao with a whoosh sound.

At this time, Wang Hao had no choice but to hold Qishuang in his hand and pull out sword flowers with his right hand. Each sword flower was composed of nine sword qi, and they floated towards the cone-shaped magic weapon, while his own The body shape is still constantly changing, avoiding the attack of the alien magic weapon.

Chi Chi thought about it for a few times, after being attacked by dozens of sword qi, the cone-shaped magic weapon was really weakened, and it looked sluggish. The shape-shaped magic weapon was sucked in his hand, but his body moved directly towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao's complexion changed, and dozens of sword qi swayed out again, and the sword qi scattered on the old man of bliss like drizzle. As expected of a monk in the late Yuanying period, the old man of bliss directly ignored the dozens of weeping frost sword qi, but the place where the sword qi was struck on his body emitted a little red light, which should be due to the top-grade defensive magic weapon hidden on his body.

Wang Hao saw that the old man of bliss was able to forcibly resist the Weeping Shuang Sword Qi, and he couldn't help being horrified. With his left hand, he used the ninth form of the Great Destruction Fist to Shatter the Void, and with his right hand, the Weeping Shuang Sword used all the skills that Weeping Shuang had just cultivated in the Sky Mending Ring. The sword energy is completely released, but the figure explodes and walks away.

How could the old man of bliss let Wang Hao get away so easily, he stretched out his big skinny hand with a sneer, and grabbed Wang Hao by the head.All the Weeping Frost Sword Qi and the Qi Explosion formed by the Great Destruction Fist collapsed invisible under the grasp of the Blissful Old Man.

Wang Hao is already inevitable!

At this moment, a ray of red light came from a distance, and within a hundredth of a breath, it flashed several miles away and came to Wang Hao. Behind the red light, there were several figures chasing after him. Come on, Bai Zhanyuan was among them, and he was still yelling to this side: "Fellow Daoist Bliss, quickly help us intercept this person!"

Hearing the words, the old man Ji Le turned around immediately, and slammed his palm fiercely towards the red light.The red glow was blocked by the palm wind of the old man of bliss, and there was a slight pause, and then the red light won a big victory, defeating the palm wind of the old man of bliss, and continued his fleeing trend.And the moment the old man of bliss was defeated, his face turned cold, and he sacrificed the alien magic weapon, and put it across Hongmang's path.Sure enough, the moment the red light touched the alien magic weapon, the red light shook slightly, and then dissipated, and a man in blue shirt appeared next to Wang Hao with a blank expression.

After a short breath, many Nascent Soul stage monks chasing up from behind already surrounded the man in green shirt and Wang Hao. Among these Nascent Soul stage monks, the two old men who were strangely dressed as poisonous cultivators were already missing. Ninth, he was severely injured or even killed on the spot by the man in the blue shirt during the fight just now.

The only ones surrounding Wang Hao and the man in the green shirt were Bai Zhanyuan, the other two elders of the Cultivation Alliance, and the masked man in the dark whose identity had never been known.Then there is the blissful old man with the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul.

When Bai Zhanyuan saw Wang Hao and the man in the green shirt surrounded, he chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that today I could kill two birds with one stone. One of you was injured by the poison of the two poisonous cultivators, and the other was mere alone. It's really amazing." People are so excited! Fellow Daoist Bliss, this time your contribution is the greatest, and when Bai returns to the alliance, you will definitely report it according to the truth." The old man of Bliss laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist Bai is joking, I am Bliss Zong has been acting under the banner of the alliance, and everything he does is just what he does."

The other two elders in the Cultivation Alliance were all excited at this time, and said together: "Let's do it together, it's not too late to capture them first!" After speaking, they sacrificed the two long swords, one Yin and one Yang Come out and kill the man in the green shirt!And Bai Zhanyuan and the masked man in black also killed the man in the green shirt at the same time.

Only the old man Ji Le stared at Wang Hao with a sneer, and he was not in a hurry to make a move, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.At this time, Wang Hao's thoughts were full of thoughts: It seems that the man in the blue shirt is already injured, and he will be killed by Bai Zhanyuan and others in a short time, but the old man of bliss is blocking his way. The only way he can do now is to Only by joining hands with this man in green shirt can he find a chance of survival.Thinking of this, Wang Hao showed determination, and the silver sword Weeping Shuang suddenly burst out while the sword was moving gently, and slashed fiercely at one of the two elders in the cultivation alliance.

Seeing Wang Hao's sudden attack, the old man of Ji Le's expression also changed. The strange-shaped magic weapon suddenly shot towards Wang Hao, but Wang Hao's body followed the Weeping Frost Sword and killed the elder of the Cultivation Alliance like a thunderbolt.

The elder of the Cultivation Alliance was concentrating on dealing with the man in the green shirt at the moment, when he saw Wang Hao suddenly attacking him, he was startled, and immediately recalled the Yang Sword in his hand to contend with the Weeping Shuang Sword.

The situation on the court turned slightly at this moment. Seeing Wang Hao suddenly attacking the elder Yang Jian of the Cultivation Alliance, the man in green shirt understood, the red glow in his hand flashed, and he would lose the Yin sword supported by Yang Jian in one fell swoop. It was crushed, and the red light appeared in front of Elder Yinjian as if teleporting. Elder Yinjian was not in a hurry to resist, but before he could even make a scream, his body was smashed into pieces by the red light. Even the Nascent Soul was destroyed!

Such a terrifying magic weapon immediately made everyone on the field slightly absent-minded.Elder Yangjian's Yang Sword had already collided with the Weeping Shuang Sword, and the Yang Sword trembled slightly, but it was not the enemy of Weeping Shuang. arm cut off.

There is absolutely no possibility of changing eunuchs in this book, and I hope that fellow Taoists can support and collect this book!If there are any remaining tickets, please also throw them at Lao Shi, thank you!

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