Fairy Road

Chapter 721 The Second Primordial Spirit

In the endless void, a pale monk flew rapidly.Although the monk's face was extremely pale, there was a look of surprise on his face!This cultivator is Yang Shuo who has collected a large amount of primordial aura in the valley.Under the temptation of a large amount of primordial aura, Yang Shuo still chose to swallow this amazing treasure to himself!

The amount of primordial aura collected by Yang Shuo is large enough that Yang Shuo no longer needs to worry about the lack of primordial aura in his cultivation from now on!In order to monopolize this primordial aura, Yang Shuo paid a lot. On the one hand, after Yang Shuo collected all the primordial aura in the valley, he directly used the treasure that could instantly transport him tens of thousands of miles away.On the other hand, Yang Shuo naturally knew in his heart that super monks like Wang Hao and Li Qi would not easily believe that they would not be greedy in front of Chongbao, and would naturally leave soul imprints on themselves, etc. Something that can track itself.Therefore, Yang Shuo prepared a second backup!

This second backup is actually Yang Shuo's reliance on daring to monopolize all the primordial aura.At this time, Yang Shuo showed a determined look on his face, and then he took out a talisman that was shining with colorful light, and then he began to recite a long paragraph of obscure incantations incessantly!After a few breaths, a monk with exactly the same appearance and body as Yang Shuo appeared beside Yang Shuo!

Here is Yang Shuo's greatest reliance—the Great Avatar Talisman. With this Great Avatar Talisman, Yang Shuo has the ability to transfer all the soul imprints left by Wang Hao and others on him to that place that is similar to his own aura. On top of the exact same clone, and then let the clone separate from himself, it will naturally attract all the attention of Wang Hao and others to the clone.At that time, even if they find out that this is just a clone, it will be too late, and if they want to chase themselves, they will have more than enough energy but not enough energy.

"Hahahaha, even if you are all monks who have mastered the law of time, you are still as stupid as pigs in front of me. After I absorb a large amount of primordial aura, not only will you be able to control time soon, but you will even be able to reach a higher level." At that time, even if I meet these people again, it will be like killing chickens, hahahahaha!" Yang Shuo felt extremely complacent, and then he tapped the clone beside him with his right hand and said, "Go!" He flew towards the north rapidly, while Yang Shuo sneered and flew towards the southwest rapidly.

At the same time, Wang Hao, who was only thousands of miles away from Yang Shuo, instantly felt the change in Yang Shuo! "Huh? The soul imprint I left on Yang Shuo seems to have been transferred by Yang Shuo to another person, but this person's aura is exactly the same as Yang Shuo's! It seems that Yang Shuo must have used something Special means, deliberately trying to confuse me!" Wang Hao thought to himself, "The aura with the imprint of the soul is flying towards the north at a rapid speed. It's hard for me to judge where the real Yang Shuo is flying now. However, it can be concluded that the one bearing the imprint of my soul is definitely not the real Yang Shuo! North! Then I will chase south!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao flew towards the south wind without any hesitation. past!

The distance of thousands of miles is not far away, and Wang Hao's speed is obviously much faster than Yang Shuo's.Soon, Wang Hao's spiritual sense detected a familiar aura in front of him: "Hahahaha, it really is Yang Shuo, this guy actually made a clone, let the clone do the opposite, to confuse me, Fortunately, I wasn't fooled! This Yang Shuo's cultivation is not as good as mine. At this moment, my spiritual sense has just spotted him, and he probably hasn't spotted me yet. I don't need to rush to kill him now, Li Qizhuke Those people must have left marks on Yang Shuo, I want to see if these people have the means to find Yang Shuo!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately hid his breath, and his figure gradually faded away. Go, after slowing down, follow Yang Shuo far away.

After a cup of tea, Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness suddenly burst, and four powerful auras flew across the sky. Wang Hao's heart moved, and he said to himself: "Sure enough, these people's skills are also extraordinary. They can actually distinguish Yang Shuo Humph! Now I am hiding my aura, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight! Yang Shuo is naturally no match for these people, and the four of them will naturally not be as united as I have seen, etc. After obtaining a large amount of primordial aura, these four people will definitely turn against each other, fight against each other, and even fight to kill you! At that time, it will be my best chance to snatch the primordial aura!"

When Wang Hao thought of this, he immediately adjusted his aura to the weakest. Even Wang Hao couldn't sense his own aura. He just used a faint sense of consciousness to slightly explore Yang Shuo in front of him!

"Well, this Yang Shuo stopped his figure, he must have been intercepted by Zhu Keliqi and others!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and his figure also stopped! "Huh? Yang Shuo's aura started to become messy. It seems that the four people are already attacking Yang Shuo at this moment! Yang Shuo's aura is starting to become weaker, and these four people should be about to succeed!" Wang Hao didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to detect the whereabouts of Zhu Ke and the other four. He could only judge the situation in the field based on the strength of Yang Shuo's aura!

"Although the aura is getting weaker and weaker, Yang Shuo's aura has never disappeared. It seems that Yang Shuo has some means to save his life. However, in front of the four super monks who have mastered the law of time, I am afraid that Yang Shuo I really can't hold on for too long!" Sure enough, Wang Hao could no longer detect Yang Shuo's aura in an instant!

"Huh? This Yang Shuo should have been beheaded by the four of Zhu Ke! It seems that the four guys who are thousands of miles away have already obtained a large amount of primordial aura in Yang Shuo's hands!" Wang Hao thought to himself, but, Wang Hao didn't release his consciousness to detect, he knew that as long as he releases his consciousness, these people will naturally find him!Wang Hao also expected that these people would definitely fight among themselves, so they stood still, as long as they made a move, there would definitely be energy fluctuations. At that time, it was Wang Hao's chance to make a move!

After a while, there was still no movement thousands of miles ahead, and Wang Hao was also slightly anxious. However, Wang Hao still did not release his consciousness, and after a while, there was still no movement. At this time, Wang Hao was already unable to restrain himself. Stopped, but at this moment, Wang Hao's consciousness suddenly felt a huge energy fluctuation thousands of miles ahead, Wang Hao was ecstatic, and instantly accelerated towards the front, at the same time, Wang Hao Hao's consciousness began to cautiously probe forward.

At this time, Zhu Ke, Li Qi and the others did exactly as Wang Hao expected. After the four of them joined hands to kill Yang Shuo and snatched a large amount of primordial aura contained in a gourd-shaped space treasure in Yang Shuo's hands. , finally because of the greed in their hearts, they started to do it!

When beheading Yang Shuo, this gourd-shaped treasure was snatched by Li Qi.When Li Qi and Zhu Ke came here, they were always vigilant in their hearts. After all, the three of Zhu Ke came together. Li Qi was also worried about the relationship between the three, so he snatched the gourd-shaped treasure. After that, immediately, it was proposed to evenly distribute these primordial auras.Zhu Ke and others also agreed in unison.

However, just when Li Qi poured out the primordial aura from the gourd-shaped treasure and prepared to distribute it, Zhu Ke, Yi Zijiang and Qingfeng Feng shot at Li Qi at the same time. Under the surprise attack, he was also caught off guard, and was severely injured by three people in an instant, and his cultivation base dropped to a great level.If it weren't for Li Qi's cultivation level, which was faintly above the three of them, I'm afraid this move would be enough to send him to hell!

Under Li Qi's serious injury, he no longer cared about the primordial spiritual energy. He knew that Zhu Ke and the three must have formed an alliance to deal with him together, so he immediately thought of running away.Which of the monks who have cultivated to this level does not have one or two supernatural powers to escape. This is also the reason why monks who have mastered the law of time are not easy to be beheaded.Li Qi fled thousands of miles away in an instant, and he could only envy the treasure in his heart, fleeing far away with endless regret and hatred.

However, just after Li Qi escaped, Zhu Ke changed his face again, grabbed the gourd containing the primordial aura in his hand, and said to Huang Feng: "Within three breaths, if you are sensible and leave voluntarily, I can do it." Think about it, save your life!" Huang Feng immediately became petrified, he didn't expect Zhu Ke to change his face so quickly, he could only turn around and say to Yi Zijiang behind him: "Friend Daoist Yi, I am extremely greedy at this time, I want to If you want to swallow the treasure alone, how about you and I joining forces and beheading this person, when the time comes, you will get most of the primordial spiritual energy?"

After saying these words, Yi Zijiang agreed with joy on his face, "Okay, then you and I will join hands and kill this person!" As he spoke, the breath in his body soared to the limit, and he struck out with a palm, whistling Like a landslide!

However, the target of Yi Zijiang's palm was not Zhu Ke, but the Qingfeng Peak, which was only a few feet away from him. There was a look of surprise on his face.At this time, Zhu Ke just laughed strangely, and said: "Hahahaha, what a joke, it is so stupid to say to my second soul that he wants to join forces to kill me, hahahahaha! **Feng , I gave you a chance, since you choose to stay, then give up your life!" Zhu Ke said, he greeted Yi Zijiang, and roared towards the ** peak!

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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