Fairy Road

Chapter 73

A few miles away from the "Wanbao Pavilion", a magnificent but introverted house is the residence of the Seventh Prince of Wu.At this time, Wang Hao and the three followed the Seventh Prince, who was like a gentleman, and slowly walked into the house. Of course, at this time, among the three, Hong Sheng had already walked in front, while Wang Hao was leading Lin Qi. Er's soft and boneless little hands walked behind Hong Sheng silently, so low-key that people could see at a glance that the two behind Hong Sheng must be looking forward to Hong Sheng's leadership.

Along the way, the Seventh Prince introduced Suhang City to Hong Sheng with great interest, which made Hong Sheng want to shake his fat body three times with excitement.However, Wang Hao followed behind, looking at the unpredictable seventh prince from time to time, and kept thinking about what kind of situation it would be like to go here.

Soon, he came to the residence of Sun Zhe, the Seventh Prince of Wu.As soon as they entered the living room, Wang Hao and the three found that someone was already waiting in the living room.As soon as he entered the door, Hong Sheng saw the person waiting in the living room, he smiled and greeted him, walked up to the person, bowed and saluted, and then said: "I really didn't expect that in Wu Kingdom, What a blessing to meet Mr. Gongsun by chance!" The person in front of Hong Sheng was pale and beardless, wearing a moon-white gown, about 50 or [-] years old, seeing Hong Sheng salute, he lifted him up, and said Said: "Third Highness, there is no need to be polite!"

At this time, Sun Zhe, the Seventh Prince of the Wu Kingdom, laughed loudly and said: "Brother Hong, this is not a coincidence! Mr. Gongsun discovered your whereabouts as soon as you entered the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and specially asked Xiao Wang to come forward I'm going to ask you to come over for a talk! Come! Sit down and talk first!"

Sun Zhe greeted everyone who was seated, and just now started talking with Hong Sheng.

Wang Hao listened to the conversation of the three in silence, but when Hong Sheng introduced himself as a good friend he had just met in Hunan, he got up and said hello to Mr. Sun Zhe and Mr. Gongsun, and then stopped talking Listening to the conversation of the three, Wang Hao quickly understood the reason why Sun Zhe invited Hong Sheng to come here, and he was a little bit more settled in his heart.

It turned out that Sun Zhe, the Seventh Prince of Wu, didn't recognize Wang Hao's identity, but gave the purple dagger as a gift to Hong Sheng on purpose.Mr. Gongsun was originally an aide of the King of Hunan, and he knew the state of Xiang very well. He knew that although Hong Sheng, the third prince of Xiang, was not a prince, he was very popular with the Lord.Now in the Wu Kingdom, the seven princes are all cultivating their own power and want to gain an advantage in the future battle for succession. Therefore, when Sun Zhe meets Hong Sheng, he will naturally not give up this opportunity easily.Although Xiang State is small, if it can gain the support of this country, it will have a considerable advantage in the battle for the heir apparent.

After Sun Zhe said what he meant, he directly told Hong Sheng that if Hong Sheng was willing to help in the battle for the heir apparent, he would help Hong Sheng, and in the near future, he would get the seat of the King of Hunan.

After Sun Zhe finished speaking, Gongsun Kang also fanned the flames beside him.Hong Sheng lowered his fat head and pondered for a long time.In the meantime, he even sent a voice transmission to Wang Hao to ask his opinion, but Wang Hao just told him that this is his own business, and everything is up to him.So after Hong Sheng pondered for a long time, Fang made up his mind and agreed to Sun Zhe's request.The two parties agreed that when they needed the other party's help, they would contact each other through the Yinchuan Yujian.Of course, all of this must first be based on the fact that Hong Sheng became the king of Hunan.

Sun Zhe asked where Hong Sheng and his party were going. Before Wang Hao could transmit his voice, Hong Sheng told Sun Zhe with a roll of his eyes that he wanted to travel around the world, so he dragged his best friend Wang Er with him. Go forward together.

After some agreement, Sun Zhe invited Hong Sheng to live in the mansion for a period of time, so that he could take Hong Sheng for a stroll in the place of fireworks in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Hong Sheng was excited to agree, but in the end Still under Lin Qier's angry eyes, he told Sun Zhe against his will that he had never had such a hobby, and he still hoped to go on the road as soon as possible.Sun Zhe didn't force it either, he just said that he must stay to attend the dinner tonight, so that he can fulfill the friendship of the landlord.In this way, Hong Sheng naturally couldn't evade it, so he agreed, but said that he must continue on his way tomorrow morning.Sun Zhe also agreed with a smile.

In the evening, Sun Zhe ordered people to invite Hong Sheng and the three to the back garden. Eight tables were set up for the dinner. It seemed that these people who attended the banquet should be close staff members of the Seventh Prince's residence.Otherwise, it would be a taboo in the royal family for the prince of one country to openly win over the prince of another country in the mansion!

After the banquet began, Sun Zhe naturally introduced Hong Sheng solemnly, and told many staff members that the third prince of Hunan was not only deeply loved by the king of Hunan, but he had also cultivated to the late stage of Jindan. He was really a young man talent.

Naturally, everyone praised it again, after drinking for three rounds.The scene couldn't be controlled anymore, and everyone started talking in groups of three or four.However, Wang Hao sat with Lin Qier, sipping lightly, paying attention to the cultivation and conversation of these people with his spiritual consciousness.

In the entire back garden, there are hundreds of monks, and these monks are basically at the Golden Core Stage or above. Among them, there is an old man sitting next to Sun Zhe, who actually has the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Stage.Wang Hao couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. The strength of Wu's cultivation world is really great. There are so many disciples above the golden core stage under the sect of only one prince, which can be compared with the large sects in the ten kingdoms of cultivation. up.

A cultivator sitting next to Wang Hao saw that Wang Hao was speechless at this time, and actually took the initiative to talk.In words, the current form of the Wu royal family is stated.It turned out that there were seven princes in Wu, and only the third prince was the most loved by the lord, and he was sent by the lord to practice in the Weiyang Sacred Church. The other six princes seemed to have absolutely no chance to get their hands on the throne.However, these three princes unexpectedly died in an accident during an experience of cultivating ten countries. Now the other six princes have a chance, and they all start to move around. Everyone is developing themselves crazily The forces want to win the final struggle.When this person said this, Wang Hao understood it in his heart, and at the same time he was shocked, thinking: Could it be that the person he killed in the Spirit Sword Sect was the third prince of Wu?

Wang Hao was shocked in his heart, but he kept dealing with the monk beside him.After the monk drank a few glasses of wine, he talked more. After a while, he talked about how powerful the Weiyang Sacred Church of Wu State was, and how powerful it was when it confronted the Taiqing Sect of Yan State without losing the wind.When something happened later, when it came to the famous magic weapons and supernatural powers of the top ten Nascent Soul stage masters in the Wu Kingdom Palace, Wang Haojun just smiled and said nothing, but silently remembered it in his heart.

Just when everyone was full of food and wine, Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness suddenly felt several powerful auras coming towards the palace, he was alerted in his heart, and transmitted the sound to Hong Sheng, Hong Sheng already knew it at this time .

Not only that, there were already dozens of people on the wine table who sensed that a powerful monk was coming towards the palace, and they all stood up immediately, and some even took the magic weapon in the storage bag.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, several powerful breaths came to the sky above the back garden of the Seventh Prince. The leader was wearing a purple-gold cloak and full of beards, and the monks behind him were all masters at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. The two of them had already entered the initial stage of Nascent Soul.

Seeing the man wearing the purple-gold cloak, Sun Zhe, the Seventh Prince's son, immediately became angry and shouted: "Sun Jing, what do you mean by bringing a large number of monks to my place late at night?"

Wang Hao looked at the person whom Sun Zhe called Sun Jing, and saw that although this person was only at the middle stage of the golden core, but there was a hint of danger emanating from his body, Wang Hao frowned, secretly guarding in his heart.At this time, a thin monk next to him whispered: "This man is the second prince of Wu, and he has always been the enemy of my seventh master!"

Hearing Sun Zhe's scolding, the second prince, Sun Jin, sneered and said: "Lao Qi, you have done a good job yourself, do you need my second brother to remind you? Then let me ask you, you are going to show off in the back garden tonight." Banquet, who are you inviting?"

Sun Zhe's face changed, and then he said loudly: "Who am I inviting to the banquet? Do I need to ask you for instructions?"

After hearing this, Sun Jin laughed wildly, then pointed at Sun Zhe and said, "You are so brave, you dare to entertain the princes of other countries in your own home, don't tell me you want to secretly inform other countries, intending to rebel!"

When Wang Hao and Hong Sheng heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. Hong Sheng sent a voice transmission to Wang Hao: "What should I do, master?" Wang Hao replied in a deep voice: "Waiting for opportunities, but my identity must not be revealed!"

At this moment, Sun Zhe's complexion suddenly turned pale. When he invited Hong Sheng this time, he thought that no one would know his identity except the most caring staff in his family. In the ears of Sun Jin, the second emperor's son.Now that he is riding a tiger, Sun Zhe can only grit his teeth secretly, and said angrily: "What a big hat, second child, I will explain this to my father tomorrow, so you don't need to meddle in my own business!"

"Oh? Explain to the father? I don't think it is necessary..." Sun Jin said with a sneer, "the father, the third child has already asked for an order to bring you to question, hahahaha, I am here this time , I want to take your criminal evidence first, the prince of Xiang country, so that you can be irrefutable in front of the father!" After speaking, he waved his big hand, and the several monks behind him were all full of energy, and one after another Get the magic weapon out of the storage bag and get ready to go.

And the monks on Sun Zhe's side also made preparations for a fierce battle under Sun Zhe's order.Although Sun Zhe looked pale, he still did not forget to comfort Hong Sheng: "Brother Hong, don't panic, tomorrow I will explain clearly to my father, and I will never embarrass Brother Hong!" Can nod helplessly, but in his heart he is planning how to escape from this place of right and wrong.After all, I definitely don't want to get involved in the fight between the princes of Wu.

This book is about to enter the first small climax, I hope all fellow Taoists can collect it, thank you!

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