Fairy Road

Chapter 755

Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren were joined by Wang Hao, and their momentum was like a rainbow. The two kept attacking Donglin Soul, almost giving up defense!Wang Hao, on the other hand, counteracted all the attacks of Donglin Soul head-on by himself, and he was able to fight against Donglin Soul in equal battle without losing too much of a disadvantage! "Hahahaha, Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, I didn't expect you to be so vigorous when you first entered the stage of God!" "Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Nanhua, you should trust my vision! I have already seen it, brother Wang Hao, It will definitely bring us surprises!" Although Ximen Jian said so at this time, he still felt that all this was too risky and lucky in his heart.If he were to choose again, he might not dare to take such a risk.

Several hours later, Donglin Soul was already in a desperate situation.Obviously, the combination of three early-stage Celestial masters can really suppress a mid-stage Celestial master.In addition, Wang Hao had just entered the early stage of the gods at this time, and he had the strength to surpass most of the masters in the early stage of the gods, which immediately made Donglin feel ashamed.

Finally, under the continuous attacks of Wang Hao and the three of them, Dong Lin's soul was unable to parry, and was hit by the three of them at the same time, and the physical body was instantly torn apart.However, even if the body of a monk at the level of a god is damaged, his soul still has the power to fight again.Dong Linhun roared ferociously, and kept screaming: "Bastard! Bastard! Ahhh, you actually killed my body. Little thief Wang Hao, don't be arrogant. You are in great pain! Hahahaha, do you know that the soul of the person you saved is not complete. At this moment, one-third of her soul is in the hands of the old man. As long as the old man has a thought, one-third of her The spirit will be gone, and when one-third of the spirit is gone, your friend will die immediately, hahahaha! Come on, Wang Hao kills the old man!"

"Old thief!" Wang Hao finally became furious. When he rescued Dongfang Ying, he saw that Dongfang Ying was not unusual at all. He never thought that one-third of Dongfang Ying's soul would be controlled by Donglin soul, but at this moment Donglin Hun said it himself, there is a [-]% chance that this matter is true, "Old thief, if you dare to hurt my friend, I will definitely make your Donglin clan be buried with her!" At this time , Wang Hao also knew that in the realm of comprehension, not only the strong are respected, but also ruthless!

"That's right, Dong Lin Hun, if you dare to do something stupid, the entire Dong Lin clan will have to pay for your stupidity!" Ximen Jian also said coldly at this time. "Hahahaha, the old man is already in danger at the moment, do you still care about that? Nothing is more important than life, Wang Hao, you think clearly, if you continue to attack the old man, the old man will immediately let the third The soul will be destroyed immediately!" Dong Linhun's soul laughed wildly in the air. [

At this time, Wang Hao was silent, and with a flash of his figure, he came to Dongfang Ying's hiding place in an instant. "Wang Hao!" Dongfang Ying blushed slightly when she saw Wang Hao. , Wang Hao asked anxiously: "Dongfang Ying, is your spirit complete!?" Dongfang Ying's complexion darkened when she heard this, she pondered a little, and then said slowly: "Wang Hao, don't worry about whether my spirit is complete or not! , as long as you can leave this place safely!" Wang Hao said: "Dongfang Ying, you know that I came to this Donglin Continent after going through a lot of hardships this time, and the purpose is to save you back. Now you just need to answer my question. , is your spirit intact?"

Under Wang Hao's urging, Dongfang Ying said slowly: "One-third of my soul should be in the hands of the patriarch of the Donglin clan. Wang Hao, that person is as capable as the sky, you must not go to him !" Dongfang Ying didn't know at this time that Wang Hao had already achieved the body of a god, and the life and death of Donglin Soul was in Wang Hao's hands. "Okay, since that's the case, just wait here, don't worry, I'm sure of it!" After Wang Hao finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Dong Linhun's spirit again.

After communicating with Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren for a while, Wang Hao said to Dong Lin Hun in a deep voice: "Dong Lin Hun, I will give you a choice now. If you don't agree, we will not discuss anything!" Dong Lin Hun was stunned , A trace of anger flashed across his face. In this Donglin Continent, he had never been threatened like this before. However, at this moment, the situation was stronger than others, and he had no way not to obey Wang Hao's words.

"Give back one-third of the soul, and I will spare your death, but your cultivation must be sealed in the early days of the gods!" Wang Hao said slowly. "What! Seal my cultivation!" Dong Lin Hun said angrily, "That doesn't mean" Dong Lin Hun said halfway, he should know in his heart that he didn't have much bargaining power, and suddenly fell into deep thought.After a while, Donglin Soul said in a low voice: "The cultivation of the seal old man is fine, but you must ensure that my Donglin family can continue to stay in this Donglin Continent and not be bullied by the other two big families. If this cannot be done, the old man would rather die with jade and stone!"

After Wang Hao heard this, he directly made eye contact with Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren. After getting their affirmation, Wang Hao just nodded and said, "Okay, I will agree to your request!" Dong Lin Hun was still unconvinced, and looked at Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren. After all, when Wang Hao left Donglin Continent, these two would be the masters of this continent!Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren looked at each other and smiled, and Fang Cai said seriously: "Dong Lin Hun, as long as the monks in your Dong Lin family keep themselves safe, we will naturally not embarrass them!"

Dong Linhun was relieved when he heard Ximen Jian talking to Nan Huaren. "Dong Lin Hun, don't resist!" At this time, Wang Hao said loudly, and then a blue light entered Dong Lin Hun's divine soul, and then the aura on Dong Lin Hun's body instantly weakened. At the same time, Donglin Soul threw out a purple jade bottle, and Wang Hao reached out to catch it, which should be one-third of Dongfang Ying's soul.

After everything was settled, the three of them let go of Dong Linhun's spirit directly, and Wang Hao then returned Dongfang Ying's spirit to Dongfang Ying's hands.Dongfang Ying's soul was intact, and seeing Wang Hao unscathed, she was immediately happy in her heart.A group of four people was sent to the Ximen family through the teleportation array again.At this moment, Wang Hao has become a guest of the Ximen family. All the monks of the Ximen family respect Wang Hao very much. Even several grandchildren of the elders want to marry Wang Hao. .Of course, they were all declined by Wang Hao one by one.After all, this Donglin Continent is not a place where Wang Hao wants to stay for a long time.

Now that Wang Hao has rescued Dongfang Ying, the next step is to go to the Mingchuan Continent.However, Wang Hao only knows the location of the Mingchuan Continent as a node in the void.At this moment, the most critical issue is that Wang Hao is already a monk at the level of a god, and there is no possibility of entering the void again.Unless Wang Hao breaks through again and reaches the same level as the Demon Lord, he will be able to enter the void.However, in a short period of time, it is almost impossible for Wang Hao to break through again, let alone reach the same level as Mozun.

Therefore, Wang Hao threw this question to Ximen Jian and Nan Huaren. However, these two people had never heard of a plane like Mingchuan Continent, so Ximen Jian told Wang Hao about a person named Chong In the Yuan Continent, it is said that there is a Jiuzhen Pavilion on the Chongyuan Continent. In the Jiuzhen Pavilion, there are maps of almost all the continents. As long as there is this map, then Wang Hao can find the location of the Mingchuan Continent. It is easy as pie.

Moreover, the Chongyuan Continent is not too far from the Donglin Continent. With Wang Hao's current cultivation base, he can reach it by flying at full strength for half a month.Wang Hao was ecstatic when he heard the words, but there was still a question, that is, did Dongfang Ying enter the void by herself to find those innate creatures?Or follow Wang Hao to the Chongyuan Continent.Wang Hao was also caught in a dilemma at this time.

On the one hand, with Dongfang Ying's cultivation base, although it is possible to enter the void, but in the void, not only is it impossible to help the innate creatures, but there will be a lot of danger.After all, those who are generally in the void are old monsters who have mastered the laws of time and space for many years. Existences like Dongfang Ying must be the weakest in the void, and they are in great danger!

However, it would be too troublesome for Wang Hao to take Dongfang Ying to the Chongyuan Continent. According to Ximenjian, the monks in the Chongyuan Continent also have the existence of gods, and in this continent, there are constant disputes , the monks inside are all bloodthirsty, maybe they will encounter some kind of danger.

Under the dilemma, Wang Hao finally chose to listen to Dongfang Ying's own opinion. As expected, Dongfang Ying really chose to advance and retreat with Wang Hao, and Wang Hao also smiled wryly in his heart.However, at this moment, I can't force Dongfang Ying to go to the void alone!It would be an even more unreliable solution to keep Dongfang Ying in the Donglin Continent.

Before leaving, Ximen Huan took out a gourd and said to Wang Hao, "Brother Wang Hao, there is a lot of primordial aura here, even if it's my brother's thanks to you!" This was naturally rejected by Wang Hao again , Wang Hao is most concerned about this thing at this time, it is better to leave these to Ximen Jian and others.

Wang Hao then took Dongfang Ying to beat Donglin Xing, and flew towards the Chongyuan Continent

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s vp chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... the truth is spoken.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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