Fairy Road

Chapter 766 Pick me up 3 tricks

Wang Hao's strange sword energy instantly made the wretched old man's pouch lose his aura, and the wretched old man's complexion changed drastically. In addition, the strong man's giant ax was easily collected by Wang Hao. Such means, already It is beyond the scope of early monks of the gods.The wretched old man and the brawny man ran away from a distance, staring at Wang Hao, the brawny man shouted: "You are not an early stage monk of the gods, but you pretend to be an early stage monk of the gods to deceive us, what is your intention?"

Wang Hao couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "How do you know that I'm not an early-stage cultivator of the Heavenly God, but I am an early-stage cultivator of the Celestial God? The monster can only blame you for your inferior methods, and you are not my opponent, hahahahahaha!" He continued to fight with Wang Hao, but he was afraid of the treasure in Wang Hao's hands. After a while, he said in a low voice, "If you give me back my giant axe, I will give up and stop fighting with you." Wang Hao Immediately smiled and said: "It seems that now is not the time for you to make a condition, haha, I have not decided whether to let you go now, how dare you ask me to return your axe?"

The wretched old man and the strong man immediately changed their expressions when they heard Wang Hao's words. They knew that with Wang Hao's means, if they really wanted to keep the two of them, they would take their lives , is not impossible.At this time, the faces of the small group of monks were filled with expressions of excitement.You know, this wretched old man and the strong man are famous for cutting the diameter of the strong man. Both of them are god-level masters. so weak.

The wretched old man and the strong man looked at each other, and they were ready to flee far away. The strong man didn't want to take the giant ax any more. At this moment, several extremely powerful breaths descended on the sky among.Wang Hao looked up, and several young monks in fancy clothes slowly appeared in the sky. , because of the downwind fluctuations in energy, these young monks looked down. Among them, the leader of a monk was about 30 years old, with a calm complexion and a great demeanor.Seeing this pair of people, the wretched old man and the strong man were immediately overjoyed, and the wretched old man shouted: "Young Master Feng, please help me to save this old man's life!"

Only then did Wang Hao realize that this wretched old man and one of the young monks in the team were old acquaintances, and this pair of monks really made Wang Hao sigh, because, judging from the aura, all of the monks of the same name were very familiar. He is a cultivator at the level of the gods, and the monk in his 30s who is the leader has surpassed the existence of the early days of the gods, and is a monk in the middle stage of the gods.Such a lineup, probably placed in some continents, is enough to sweep the continents.

The person called Mr. Feng is actually the leader of the mid-stage cultivator of the gods. Hearing the words of the wretched old man, a trace of disdain appeared on Mr. Feng's face. It seems that Mr. Feng is disdainful towards the wretched old man. expression, but in the end, Mr. Feng still stopped in his tracks. He and the six people behind him slowly descended to the front of the wretched old man. Mr. Feng asked, "Who wants to kill you, and why did he want to kill you?"

The wretched old man immediately pointed at Wang Hao and said: "It's that kid who wants to kill me because he has a few good treasures in his hand, Mr. Feng, for the sake of the old man who worked for you, I still hope Save this old man!" In fact, the reason why this wretched old man knew Mr. Feng was because Mr. Feng was looking for an elixir, and this elixir was extremely rare. In the middle of the day, he got this elixir unintentionally, so he dedicated it to this Young Master Feng, thus establishing a relationship with Young Master Feng.

Mr. Feng frowned slightly, glanced at Wang Hao, glanced at a group of monks behind Wang Hao, and immediately frowned and asked, "I ask you, why did you kill you!" The wretched old man trembled slightly, After a long time, he said slowly: "It's because, it's because I covet the treasure in the hands of the pair of monks, so..."

Mr. Feng waved his hand and said: "Okay, I understand, I saved you this time, and there is no relationship between you and me!" Then he turned to Wang Hao and said, "You don't need to interfere in this matter. !Walk!"

"Huh? Just let me go like that? This Mr. Feng is really arrogant!" Wang Hao thought to himself, sneered, and said, "Mr. Feng, since you know that this person ended up like this because he coveted other people's treasures , do you want me to let him go easily?"

"Presumptuous!" Before Mr. Feng said anything, a tall young monk behind Mr. Feng yelled at Wang Hao, "Do you know who you are talking to now, be careful with your tone, otherwise, Let you die immediately!" "You really can be arrogant!" Wang Hao sneered in his heart, since he cultivated, these people are probably the most arrogant group of monks he has encountered. "I don't care who it is, I only recognize one word, Li. If this person wants to kill people and seize treasures, I will kill him to prevent him from harming others again!"

"You! Courting death!" said the tall young man, flipped his right hand, and a golden light shot from his right hand towards Wang Hao's face in an instant. Wang Hao sneered, and the strange sword energy teleported Appearing in mid-air, with a ding sound, they met the golden light, and the two treasures returned to their respective owners' hands at the same time.Wang Hao's face remained unchanged, with a sneer on his face, while the tall young man's face was ashen. Obviously, the attack failed this time, which greatly damaged his face.

"Bastard, you dare to fight back. Do you know who we are?" The tall young man shouted with livid complexion. At this time, the leader of this group, the monk called Mr. Feng, waved his hand suddenly, The tall young man said: "Enough is enough, don't be ashamed!"

The tall young man froze immediately, nodding his head again and again, not daring to say anything more.Mr. Feng then looked at Wang Hao coldly, and said, "You mean, you are not going to give me this face?"

Wang Hao nodded and said: "That's right, I can't let these two people go just because of your words!" "Okay!" Mr. Feng nodded with a sneer and said, "It seems that you are not from Mingyang City. Cultivator, this place is not far from Mingyang City. You should have heard of the name Xieyue Pavilion. I am Mr. Feng among the four princes in Xieyue Pavilion. I will not bully others. Today, I understand clearly Let me tell you, I’m sure about this old man. However, I think you have seen a rough road, so I can give you a chance. As long as you can accept my three tricks, I will not accept this matter. Intervene again!"

"Well, three moves, the three moves of the monks in the mid-stage of the gods!" Wang Hao was slightly startled, and then said: "Okay, I will follow your words, but if I can take your three moves, I hope you, Mr. Feng, will not break your promise !" Wang Hao is still quite confident about the three moves of ordinary monks in the mid-stage of the gods, but at this moment, this Mr. Feng is a monk in the Xieyue Pavilion, so he must have something unique.However, the purpose of Wang Hao's trip is to join the Xieyue Pavilion, defeat the young heroes in the Xieyue Pavilion, and finally obtain the qualification to enter the Xiaoyue Small World. It is also possible to feel the depth of the monks in the oblique moon pavilion in advance.

"This kid actually agreed, hahahahaha, he actually agreed to Master Jiefeng's three moves, hahahaha, the old man is saved this time, Master Feng's cultivation is as high as the sky, don't say three moves, I'm afraid it's just one move, this kid can't expose it Come down!" The wretched old man was ecstatic when he heard that Wang Hao actually agreed.

Even the monks behind Mr. Feng all looked sideways, and the tall young man showed a complacent expression from the corner of his eyes. These people were extremely afraid of their senior brother Feng in their hearts.You know, not to mention the ordinary disciples in the Xieyue Pavilion, even the other three of the most outstanding four young masters in the Xieyue Pavilion are quite afraid of Mr. Feng.It is said that this time the sect's Millennium Grand Competition has finally entered the place in the oblique moon small world, and this Mr. Feng is even the most popular candidate.

Of course, Wang Hao is not aware of Mr. Feng's status in the Xieyue Pavilion, but from Mr. Feng's aura, it can be seen that this person is indeed an extremely dangerous person.

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Feng nodded and smiled, "Since you agreed to take my three moves, then you can rest assured. As long as you can accept my three moves, I will turn around and leave immediately, don't worry about it." Nosy business between you!" Wang Hao nodded and said: "Okay, then please do it!"

"Okay, take the move!" Young Master Feng said, the aura on his body suddenly shot up into the sky, making the six early-stage monks behind him unable to stand steadily, and they all retreated behind him.Wang Hao couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, and secretly said: "The disciples in the Xieyue Pavilion are really powerful, but if I want to enter the Xiaoyue's small world, I have to defeat these people one by one!" Mr. Feng's momentum is compelling , there was a smile on his face, and seals formed one after another in his hands, and then he said slowly: "The first move, the thousand Buddha seal!"

Before the words fell, Mr. Feng's two palms turned into countless palm prints, which slowly gathered in the air. For a moment, it seemed that only Mr. Feng's palm prints were left in the whole world.The palm print moved with a bang, and quickly moved towards the position where Wang Hao was. Wang Hao suddenly felt awe-inspiring, and the strange sword energy in his hand was instantly in front of him, forming a strange sword energy formation. In the formation, countless sword qi began to strangle.

Countless palm prints entered the great formation of sword qi, and then they were strangled by the sword qi of the great formation of sword qi. For a while, one ebbed and flowed, and the sword qi in the great sword qi formation gradually became weaker.And those palm prints seemed to be endless, constantly impacting the sword energy formation, causing the sword energy in the sword energy formation to gradually disintegrate.Once the sword energy in the sword energy formation disintegrates, the entire sword energy formation will also disintegrate.If the formation collapses, Wang Hao will be injured by the palm print.

Wang Hao also knew in his heart that his sword qi formation seemed unable to block the Thousand Buddha Seal of Mr. Feng, and immediately, the six reincarnation gold plates were sent directly, and a reincarnation power was instantly blessed into the sword qi formation .The sword qi in the sword qi array was instantly shaken, and then the sword qi spread all over the place, and continued to strangle those palm prints.

This lasted for at least half an hour, and the Thousand Buddha Seal gradually disappeared, and the sword energy array Wang Hao sacrificed was completely exhausted, and there was no more sword energy in it. In an instant, it turned into a strange black sword energy and flew back to Wang Hao's hand.

Mr. Feng began to look dignified at this time. This Thousand Buddha Seal is the most proud magical power of Mr. Feng. He once used the Thousand Buddha Seal to kill a mid-stage cultivator of the gods. He did not expect to use the Thousand Buddha Seal today. None of the cultivators in the early days of Tianshen were defeated, but he used a strange formation to crack the Thousand Buddha Seal.However, Young Master Feng felt relieved very quickly, this Thousand Buddha Seal is about continuous attacks, consuming the enemy's strength.It just so happens that such attacks are easily restrained by the big formation, and it can only be regarded as a coincidence that the opponent can crack his Thousand Buddha Seal.

When Mr. Feng thought of this, he suddenly had a decision in his heart. For the second move, he would use a thunderous blow to directly blast this strange young monk opposite him into powder.

And after Wang Hao took this move from Mr. Feng, he was also secretly startled. He didn't expect Mr. Feng's first move to be so difficult. Wouldn't the second and third moves be even more terrible.Thinking of this, Wang Hao secretly groaned in his heart. It is too difficult to defeat this person and enter the small world of the oblique moon!

Recently, I took a look on Baidu and found that as soon as Lao Shi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. , Alas... I am really speechless.I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap...a ​​chapter only costs a few cents...)

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