Fairy Road

Chapter 786

After comprehending the true meaning of reincarnation, Wang Hao's Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, which was originally integrated into his physical body, was stripped out of his physical body again like rebirth from Nirvana.At this time, the extremely powerful coercion exuded from the Six Paths of Samsara gold plate was not what Wang Hao looked like when he owned the gold plate at all!

"It seems that with the treasure of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Golden Plate in his hand, before he understands the true meaning of reincarnation, it may be difficult to exert even one-tenth of the power of the treasure! Now, the elder of the Xieyue Pavilion has resorted to the Four Seasons The supernatural power of reincarnation, the true meaning of reincarnation, actually made me understand the true meaning of reincarnation, and in this way, the six reincarnation gold plate also began to exert its true power." Wang Hao thought with satisfaction, and then with a thought, the six reincarnation above his head The gold plate, with a flash of silver light, immediately submerged into his own body again.

"Friend Daoist, what you have in your hand is a treasure of reincarnation?" At this time, the middle-aged scribe not only showed admiration on his face, but even called Wang Hao from "Friends of Daoist" to "Friends of Daoism". Nian Scholar already completely regards Wang Hao as an existence of the same level as himself.

Wang Hao nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the treasure in my hand is really a treasure of reincarnation. However, this treasure has been integrated into my body, because I have not really comprehended the true meaning of reincarnation. During the discussion with the seniors, the true meaning of reincarnation in the four seasons reincarnation magical powers of the seniors has completely inspired the true meaning of reincarnation contained in this treasure, and I have benefited a lot and learned a lot from it! So, this time I have such an opportunity , I really want to thank you, senior!" When Wang Hao said this, he actually bowed to the middle-aged scribe, thanking the middle-aged scribe for his inspiration.Of course, the demeanor shown by the middle-aged scribe during the fight with Wang Hao also made Wang Hao admire.If the middle-aged scholar was like the elder Heiyan, Wang Hao probably wouldn't have had so many verbal exchanges with him!

The middle-aged scribe smiled bitterly and said: "Friend Daoist, you are too modest. This is the first time I have met a peerless genius like you. It can be said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. In the process, I have a deep understanding, and I have gained a lot of experience at this moment. From now on, I will retreat for a hundred years to comprehend what I have gained today. If there is a breakthrough in the future, I will all thank my fellow Taoists!" said the middle-aged scribe. Then, he actually bowed to Wang Hao in return, and then his figure gradually faded on the ring.

The oblique moon old man was also smiling endlessly in front of the crystal mirror. The heart of cultivating immortals shown by Wang Hao and the middle-aged scribes was completely unmatched by monks like Elder Heiyan.Only with an open mind can one go further on the path of cultivation.At this moment, the old man Xie Yue already regarded Wang Hao as the best candidate to enter the small world of Xie Yue!

But that Elder Feng's face at this moment is as gloomy as water. The comprehension ability that Wang Hao showed on the ring just now greatly shocked this powerful elder in the Xieyue Pavilion.Moreover, although the coercion of the six reincarnation golden plates only appeared on the crystal mirror, its coercion was as real as it was, making Elder Feng's Taoist heart start to tremble slightly.

"What kind of treasure is this? It can have such an impact on my Dao Heart just by looking at it through the crystal mirror. If it is not eliminated, it must be Zhu Qing's greatest enemy!" The murderous intent appeared around Elder Feng's body, and countless cracks appeared on the surrounding rocks...

So far, Wang Hao and the three of them have completely passed the second round of checkpoints in the Oblique Moon Cave.Zhu Qing passed this level most easily. After all, he had a jade pendant made by the ancestors of the Zhu clan in his hands, which was comparable to a full-strength attack by a peak master in the mid-stage of the gods. Among the next few levels, I was able to pass smoothly!As for Jiangnan, it is extremely difficult. This is also related to Jiangnan being a casual cultivator. However, Jiangnan's firm Taoism in this test also shows that this child will still have some potential in the future. Unlimited potential.

As for Wang Hao, in this level, he continued to show his talent like a monster.Under the attack of the four seasons reincarnation magical powers of the true meaning of reincarnation, not only comprehended the true meaning of reincarnation, but even reactivated the six-path reincarnation gold plate that was originally integrated into the body, and at this moment can fully arouse the full power of the six-path reincarnation gold plate able.This kind of talent probably shocked all the cultivators of the Xieyue Pavilion who were paying attention to the ring at the moment.

The third level is opened.The person who guards this level is the most murderous elder in the Xieyue Pavilion.This elder's name is Killing God!Of course, killing gods is not this person's destiny.Because of his murderous intent, which is unprecedented in the past, and what he cultivates is the way of killing, and the dead souls in his hands are even more countless. Over time, his real name has been replaced by the more appropriate name of Killing God.

Killing God, in charge of the law enforcement hall in the Xieyue Pavilion, is the chief elder of the Law Enforcement Hall in the Xieyue Pavilion, and his cultivation base has entered the peak state of the middle stage of the gods ten thousand years ago.Not to mention the other elders in the Xieyue Pavilion, even the four elders of wind, rain, thunder and lightning often have to let them get three points!After all, Elder Killing God is the oldest existence in the Xieyue Pavilion, except for the old man Xieyue.

As soon as the killing god elder appeared on the ring, murderous intentions surged across the entire ring, and a rush of bloody aura soared to the sky immediately wrapped Wang Hao and the three of them tightly.Wang Hao and the three of them all had a look of shock on their faces. The elder in front of him was short in stature and unremarkable in appearance. If he was placed in a crowd, he would definitely be easily ignored by others.But if the disciples in the Xieyue Pavilion saw this person, I am afraid that none of them would not be frightened.

Almost every disciple in the Xieyue Pavilion will hear a legend about the Elder Killing God when they enter the Xieyue Pavilion.It is said that this killing elder, in the Mingyang Continent, became famous in the entire continent 3 years ago.Once again, a disciple of the Xieyue Pavilion went out to practice, was besieged by a master of a large sect, and finally fell.After the Elder Killing God learned about this, he left the Xieyue Pavilion single-handedly in a rage, and killed himself in the sect.

In one night, all the tens of thousands of disciples in that sect were massacred to death.Later, among the several sects that had good relations with this sect, some masters also came to help.And the Elder Killing God sat in front of the gate of that sect, killing one by one, one hundred and one hundred, causing the blood in the sect to soar into the sky, dyeing the entire sky red.It is rumored that since then, that sect has become a fierce place on Mingyang Continent.At night, monks who meet here will hear the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

It can be seen that the decisiveness of this killing god elder is probably the top existence in the entire Mingyang Continent, and even on countless cultivation planets.Not only externally, if the disciples in the Xieyue Pavilion violated the school rules, the elder Killing God would show no mercy.Once, a pair of disciples in the Xieyue Pavilion who went out to practice without any reason wiped out a sect. After the Elder of the Killing God found out about this, he actually did it himself, in front of countless monks from the Mingyang Continent. In front of him, kill these disciples one by one.

At that time, the masters of these disciples were also several elders in the Xieyue Pavilion, and they also pleaded in front of the elders of the killing gods, but the elders of the killing gods did not show favoritism at all. After killing these disciples, they actually went to the sect Door, after obtaining the consent of the oblique moon old man, punish these interceding elders one by one!

"Junior, this old man is the Chief Law Enforcement Elder in the Xieyue Pavilion. He is in charge of killing, and he is also practicing the way of killing. What you are facing now is a clone of the old man. Although it is a clone, it also inherits the old man's way of killing. Dao. So, in the next fight, don't expect the old man to hold back your hands." Having said this, the Elder Killing God clapped his hands, and a red long knife appeared in his right hand.

"What a murderous aura!" At this moment, Wang Hao's heart was also awe-inspiring. The appearance of this person completely surpassed the pressure put on him by the middle-aged scribes. The feeling of not running smoothly.You must know that this was not caused by the elder Killing God's attack, but the murderous aura emanating from his body, which naturally affected Wang Hao.

"Fight!" Wang Hao's heart was instantly filled with a strong fighting spirit, and with a move with his right hand, a milky white sword energy only a few feet long appeared in Wang Hao's hand. "Go!" Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Hao directly attacked the Elder Killing God.When Elder Killing God saw Wang Hao's strange sword energy again, his eyes lit up, and he let out a low growl. The red long knife in his hand was instantly mixed with bloody air, like a bolt of red lightning. Above Wang Hao's milky white strange sword energy.

There was a loud bang, and Wang Haochi's long and strange sword aura immediately shattered into pieces, disintegrated, and instantly turned into thousands of milky white sword auras. These thousands of milky white sword auras, like Like a little bit of starlight, it is actually condensed but not scattered.And the red light that the red long knife turned into was already beheaded in front of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's complexion changed slightly, and he slapped his waist with his right hand, and a khaki defensive mask appeared around Wang Hao's body.However, as soon as the khaki defensive mask appeared, it was stabbed by the red light and immediately collapsed. "What! The most powerful defensive treasure like the Earth Spirit Orb is actually hard to resist this person's attack. It seems that I am still too far behind him in terms of cultivation!" Wang Hao was shocked, and then the Six Paths of Reincarnation The golden plate abruptly stood between Wang Hao and Hongmang...

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