Fairy Road

Chapter 8 Pure Yang Linggen

"The spiritual roots of the five elements, the three spiritual roots of gold, water, wood, and fire. Unqualified!" A young man in yellow trembled slightly and turned to leave.

"The spiritual roots of the five elements, the two spiritual roots of fire and earth. Excellent! Let's stand behind the 'Tiantian Bi'." A girl in red was ecstatic when she heard this, and the Xuantian Sect disciple who led her to the test also let out a long sigh of relief.

About an hour later, more than 70 teenagers have completed the test, and only a few people passed the test.Soon it was Wan Qianqiu's turn, and he saw his lips slightly curled up, walked over confidently, and stood at the place where the moonlight projection of "Tongtianbi" was.A drop of blood flew out and splashed on the "Tiantian Bi".

"Tong Tian Bi" suddenly showed a color of black gold, and there was no other color. Seeing this, Wan Feng smiled grimly at Wang Hao.

"Very good! Five-element spiritual root, golden spiritual root. There is no one in a thousand! Come, stand behind the old man, and after the test, the old man will lead you to meet the supreme teacher."

"Yes!" Wan Qianqiu bowed deeply to the three elders, then stood behind the three elders, sneered and Chao Wang Hao looked over.Then a few teenagers were tested, but none of them reached the qualified standard.It was Wang Hao's turn to go to the test. Leng Qiuyue patted Wang Hao's shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, just let it be!" "Yes." Wang Hao replied softly.

"Hey, so what if you don't go with the flow, you are born with a spiritual root, can you still change your life against the sky?" At some point, Wan Feng stood next to Wang Hao again, Wang Hao ignored him and went straight to "Tongtianbi" walked.

"Huh? No response? How is it possible!" Wang Hao stood in the projection, pricked his finger, and blood flew out, but the "Tiantianbi" was as dark as before, without any color. "It's really weird, why didn't you respond? Don't you have a spiritual root? No, how can you cultivate to the peak of Qi refining without a spiritual root! Strange thing, strange thing!" The thinnest elder among the three elders shook his head, " Go down and wait!"

Seeing this, Wan Feng smiled speculatively: "Junior Sister Leng, I'm afraid the 'Lengyue Sword' will change hands again this time!" .

Hearing that the elder asked him to go down and wait, Wang Hao wanted to walk out of the jade projection.Suddenly, the "Tongtian Bi" seemed to rise like a red sun, reflecting the entire Tongtian Peak like daytime.The three elders looked at the strange shape in the jade with trembling, and shouted wildly: "Pure Yang spiritual root! Pure Yang spiritual root! A few days ago, my Zong just recruited a disciple with pure Yin spiritual root, and today he unexpectedly returned A pure yang spirit root came. Could it be that God blesses my Xuantian sect? Hahahahahaha, hurry up, kid, go with the old man to see the supreme teacher. By the way, who recommended you to come here, I want I report to the Supreme Headmaster, a heavy reward!"

At this time, Leng Qiuyue's face was already as bright as a peach blossom.But Wan Feng had a gloomy and dead face and stopped talking.

"How is it possible!? How could his spiritual root be better than mine? Originally, in this test, I could have attracted the attention of Xuantianzong with the golden spiritual root, and even been cultivated as a core disciple. It completely covered up my brilliance, I don't accept it!" Wan Qianqiu stared at Wang Hao viciously, with a thousand turns in his heart.After Wang Hao noticed it, he also stared back fiercely, thinking: "This person's eyes are so vicious, from now on in Xuantianzong, we must beware of being tricked by villains."

"Wan Feng, where's 'Sentimental Ring'?" Leng Qiuyue said loudly.Wan Feng took out a pink bracelet from the storage bag as if his flesh had been cut off. The bracelet was filled with aura, and it was obvious at a glance that it was extraordinary.

"Okay, Wang Hao, you go with Elder Liu!" Leng Qiuyue said loudly to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao responded loudly: "Okay!"

"Elder Lin, Elder Xu, please wait for the test to continue. I will take Wang Hao to meet the supreme teacher first." Elder Liu clasped his fists at the other two elders, pulled Wang Hao up, and flew away.

"Wan Qianqiu, you wait here for the two elders, and after the test is over, follow the arrangements of the two elders!" Elder Liu disappeared, but the sound transmission reached Wan Qianqiu's ears.That Wan Qianqiu clenched his fists with anger, his lips turned purple.At this time, Wan Feng came to his side, and said in a low voice: "Calm down! Let the boy surnamed Wang be proud for a few days, uncle will definitely find a chance to vent your anger on you!"

"En, uncle. You must let this kid have some accidents, otherwise, my nephew will be crushed by him all the time, and he will never recover!"

"Don't worry, let's not talk about this matter for now, you wait patiently. When you meet with the head teacher, you must not be greedy."

"Well, nephew knows!"

Wang Hao was taken outside a large hall by Elder Liu, Elder Liu said loudly to the hall: "Liu Tianwei asks to see the Supreme Master!"

"What's the matter?" A gentle voice came from the hall.

"Congratulations to Master Master! Today I tested the spiritual root, and there is actually a disciple with a pure yang spiritual root!"

"Oh? That's true! But the boy standing beside you?"

"It's this one!"

"Very good, bring him in." The door of the main hall opened slowly.

Wang Hao followed Elder Liu into the main hall, and saw a middle-aged scribe sitting in the middle of the main hall. His face was white and beardless, his eyes were slightly closed, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a mist of water.

"Wang Hao, come and pay respects to the supreme teacher of our sect!" Elder Liu said.

"Disciple Wang Hao, pay homage to the Headmaster!"

"Well, not bad..." The middle-aged scholar waved his right hand lightly, and Wang Hao felt imprisoned, unable to salute. "There is no need to be too polite. People who cultivate the Tao do as they please, and the etiquette in the world is fine. Since you are a pure yang spiritual root, you will naturally become a core disciple of our sect and enjoy boundless superior treatment. This sect will give you a gift now." It is located in a valley called 'Fearless Valley'. In addition, you will be given the supreme mental method of our sect 'Xuantian Nine Changes'. When you break through to the foundation building stage, there are still 36 great supernatural powers for you to practice in the sect. But You have to keep in mind that if you are my disciple of Xuantianzong, it is fine to fight with others, if there is any act of betraying Xuantianzong, this sect will definitely take your life with your own hands, you can remember it!"

"Disciple remembers." Wang Hao replied respectfully.

"Just remember, who introduced you to the sect?" "Returning to the Supreme Master, it is Master Leng Qiuyue!" "Oh? It's Qiuyue again, very good, very good! Elder Liu, you will use this top-grade magic weapon' Huan Lingshuo' to Qiuyue, it is regarded as a reward from the sect for recommending talents to her." As he spoke, his right hand trembled slightly, and a blue light rushed towards Elder Liu.

"Wang Hao, since you have already worshiped my Xuantianzong, this sect will call for you the eight second-generation disciples who have the highest cultivation level of my Xuantianzong, and you choose one to worship under him. However, Leng Qiuyue has accepted You can choose Ye Qingqing from the pure yin spirit root as your disciple." Speaking of this, Xuan Tianzi, the head teacher of Xuantian Sect, moved his lips slightly, and he did not know what kind of secret technique he was using. It seemed that he was summoning those Second generation disciple.

Sure enough, before the time for half a stick of incense, disciples of the second generation of Xuantianzong came to visit the head teacher one after another, after the seven people gathered.Xuan Tianzi said loudly: "My Xuantian Sect has been favored by heaven, and has given two disciples of our sect with excellent spiritual roots in succession. Ye Qingqing with pure yin spiritual roots has already worshiped under Leng Qiuyue's sect. Today, this disciple with pure yang spiritual roots However, Wang Hao didn't have a teacher. I called you here today to choose a master for Wang Hao. Wang Hao, these seven people are the second generation disciples of my Xuantian Sect. Together with that Leng Qiuyue, they are called "Xuan Heaven's Eight Immortals'. I will introduce you one by one later, and you can choose one to worship!"

"Thank you, Master Master, for making it perfect!" Wang Hao was overjoyed: This Xuantian Sect is indeed an authentic Taoist sect, and Master Master's handling of affairs is impeccable.

Seeing Wang Hao's happy face, the Emperor Xuan smiled and pointed at the bearded elder who was the oldest among the seven, and said, "The number one immortal in Xuantian is named Lu Qiuyan. He is at the peak of Jindan late stage and is good at earth-type supernatural powers." Then Xuantian The Son of Heaven pointed to a bearded man and said, "Xuantian's Second Immortal, named Zhao Han. In the late stage of Jindan, he is good at metal-type supernatural powers."

The Third Immortal of Xuantian is a black-faced scribe named Li Qiujian, who is also a late-stage Golden Core cultivator, and is good at earth-type supernatural powers.

Xuantian's Fourth Immortal is actually Wan Feng that Wang Hao knows, this Wan Feng is a mid-Gold Core cultivation base, and is good at wood-type supernatural powers.

The Fifth Immortal of Xuantian is a stunning Taoist nun named Chen Yuzhen, who is a late-stage Golden Core cultivator and is good at water-type supernatural powers.

The Sixth Immortal of Xuantian is a white-clothed scribe, handsome and suave, named Bai Moyang, a mid-Gold Core cultivator, and good at fire-type supernatural powers.

The Seventh Immortal of Xuantian is the Leng Qiuyue who did not come, she has a mid-term Golden Core cultivation and is good at metal-type supernatural powers.

The Eighth Immortal of Xuantian is also a woman, with red clothes and red trousers and red hair, her name is Zixuan, she is at the early stage of Jindan, and she is good at fire-type supernatural powers.

"Wang Hao, you have met these seven people one by one. I wonder who you would like to worship?" Xuan Tianzi looked at the dazzled Wang Hao and said, "If you can't decide, how about this sect choose one for you?"

Wang Hao was afraid that Emperor Xuan would allow him to worship under Na Wanfeng's sect, so he hurriedly said: "My lord, the disciple has a choice in his heart!"

"Oh? Who to choose?"

Wang Hao stepped in front of Chen Yuzhen in a few steps, and said: "I am willing to worship under Chen Yuzhen's senior." After saying that, he bowed his head.

"Okay, you have your own opinion, that's very good! Yuzhen, Wang Hao volunteered to join your sect, you must be good at teaching, and he will shine brilliantly for my Xuantianzong at the 'Ten Thousand Immortals Conference'."

"Disciple knows!" Chen Yuzhen stretched out his hand to help Wang Hao up and said, "Since you have chosen me, I will not let you down."

"Okay, it's over here, you can go back to your residences." After Xuan Tianzi finished speaking, he saw a flash of silver light and disappeared.

"Congratulations, Senior Sister!" "Congratulations, Senior Sister!" After Xuantianzong left, several other people stepped forward to congratulate.Na Wanfeng said: "Junior Sister Yuzhen is lucky to have such a good apprentice. He will definitely win the first prize for Junior Sister at the 'Xuantian Conference' and win the best magic weapon." After finishing speaking, he stared at Wang Hao and sneered twice, Fly away.

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