Fairy Road

Chapter 91

"Shoot!" Wang Hao glanced at the man in black in front of him, and the Weeping Frost Sword hovered above his head like a pocket silver dragon!

"Another top-grade magic weapon!" The monks in the audience exclaimed.

The man in black had no expression on his face, and with a move of his right hand, the small red sword turned into a red light and attacked Wang Hao!

There was a sneer on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth, and the Weeping Shuang Sword, which was full of aura, suddenly swelled several times on the top of his head, really like a white dragon from the Nine Heavens, galloping up, and heading towards the little red sword with murderous aura.

The man in black had already seen the extraordinaryness of the Weeping Shuang Sword at this time, a trace of caution was on his expressionless face, and his murderous intent was even stronger. He saw that before the two magic weapons met, he turned into a black Yan, like a ghost, slapped Wang Hao's chest. Wang Hao snorted coldly, and the energy in his dantian, which was so thick that it was almost substantial, immediately flowed to his right arm. He clenched his fist and struck out.There was a loud bang, and the man in black let out a muffled grunt. He was knocked flying several feet away like a sandbag, and crashed onto the ring.

Until this moment, the two magic weapons met. The red sword was already dimmed due to the serious injury of its owner. When it touched the blade of the Weeping Frost Sword, it bounced back like an electric shock and fell on the body of the man in black. beside.

There was an uproar in the arena!

"What kind of cultivation level is this person? That black-clothed cultivator Yuanying's initial cultivation level is no match for him. It's really shocking!"

"Today is really an eye-opener. The strength of this golden core stage monk is too powerful..."

"What kind of cultivator at the golden core stage! This person must have hidden his cultivation. It looks like he might be in the late Yuanying stage, otherwise it would be impossible to seriously injure the man in black with a single punch."

The monks below the ring were discussing a lot, and the 13 people sitting above the ring were also secretly startled, especially that Prince Rong, with a dignified expression, staring at Wang Hao, secretly guessing in his heart which sect this person is from. Disciple se, who is not very young, actually has such a powerful cultivation base.I just hit that punch, even if I am myself, I am afraid that I will not dare to force it... Thinking of this, Prince Rong looked excited, and murmured: "If this person can become the son-in-law of my Great Yan Kingdom, then It can be used by my royal family in the future, but the origin of this son is unknown and needs to be investigated carefully." The four royal family priests beside Prince Rong couldn't help being moved at this moment, and they asked each other via voice transmission that Wang Hao just used it. What kind of supernatural power is boxing? As a result, one of the priests who had traveled around the world thought about it for a long time and thought of the mysterious supernatural power "Great Destruction Fist". As soon as he said it, he was scoffed at by the other three.Mysterious supernatural powers?Will it be that powerful?The priest thought about it, so he stopped talking, just stared at the young man in white on the ring, secretly lost in thought.

Of the eight people from the Taiqing Sect, under the veil at the moment, there were a few who were moved by Wang Hao's earth-shattering punch just now, but one of them seemed to be more excited at the moment, with his hands clenched. Tightly hold the armrest of the pear-blossom wooden chair, and lean forward slightly. Although you can't see the expression of the person behind the veil, you can tell from his body posture that this person, at this moment, is very excited at regular intervals...

Lin Qier and Hong Sheng in the audience were even more excited. Lin Qier was already clapping her hands and waving towards Wang Hao, while Hong Sheng had a trace of regret on his face, but he was still grinning wide. Zui sincerely thanked Wang Hao for standing up for himself.

The man in black came here alone, so several Foundation Establishment Stage disciples from the royal family stepped forward and carried him off the ring, and a special person was in charge of checking his injuries.

After the man in black went down, both Hong Sheng and Lin Qier thought that Wang Hao would also fly off the ring. After all, the reason why Wang Hao went to the ring to shoot was because the man in black killed Hong Sheng.However, Wang Hao has been standing on the ring and has no intention of coming down.

Hong Sheng's face was filled with doubts, and Lin Qi'er muttered even more: "It turns out that men are all the same. When you see a beautiful girl, you can't walk..."

Wang Hao looked around the audience with a little smile on his face.But this smile looked so glaring in the eyes of the audience. Several monks who were eager to try, actually gave up the idea of ​​going on stage under Wang Hao's smile.

Everyone is holding the same idea in their minds at the moment: this person is unfathomable, and this No. 30 spot can be given to him, but fortunately there is still the last spot to compete for.

Sure enough, after half a cup of tea, there were still no monks on stage to challenge. Prince Rong finally let the Golden Core Stage monks behind him announce that Wang Hao had qualified for the next round.

After registering his name and place of origin, the golden core monk of the royal family made a "please come down" gesture towards Wang Hao, but Wang Hao smiled and didn't seem to want to go down at all.

The Jindanqi cultivator became anxious immediately, and said, "You have already obtained the qualification for promotion, why are you still here?" The audience was also extremely quiet at this time, waiting for Wang Hao's answer.

Wang Hao turned to Prince Rong unhurriedly and said: "The friend who traveled here with me just now, won two consecutive victories, and can be promoted according to common sense. I was defeated in the competition. I have fought three times in a row, and the consumption of each game has to be brought into the next game. How is this fair? Therefore, I, Wang Er, would like to stay in this ring today and wait for a while The heroes of the world are still fighting on wheels, and I will take them one by one, just for one thing: if Wang is still standing on this stage before dark, I hope my friend can get the last qualification to advance. If Wang After being defeated, I would rather give up my promotion quota! How about it?"

After saying these words, Prince Rong's expression turned extremely ugly. After all, after Hong Sheng defeated Xiao Mu, he should really announce that he was promoted, but considering his identity in Xiang country, this made him fight for the third place. In this way, it was indeed his own mistake.It's just that the monk named Wang Er in front of him is very unreasonable in his words, and his request is even more arrogant. If he agrees easily, wouldn't he lose the dignity of the royal family?Thinking of this, Prince Rong suddenly sneered and said, "Wang Er, I appreciate your courage, but in this way, although it is fair to your friend, it is unfair to many monks in the audience. So , this website can’t agree to you!” After finishing speaking, he looked towards the bottom of the ring, and suddenly many monks showed joy on their faces, but Prince Rong changed the subject again, “If I refuse to you, it’s really It seems unfair to your friend... How about this, Wang Er, you just said that you are willing to accept the challenge of all the monks in the audience, so are you willing to include those of us who have done what we did on the stage?" As soon as these words came out, Someone below the ring suddenly gloated, the people sitting on this stage were at the middle stage of Yuanying at the worst, Prince Rong's move was too ruthless, hahahaha.

Everyone thought that Wang Hao would refuse, but unexpectedly, Wang Hao looked at Prince Rong with a calm smile, and said, "Just follow what the prince said!"

What?Is this person crazy? He dared to agree to Prince Rong's request? It's a shame!There were already whispers in the audience.

yes!I think this person's self-cultivation is also very ordinary. He just defeated the man in black. It is very likely that he used some kind of secret technique to instantly improve his cultivation.

What this brother said is very likely...

There were different opinions in the audience, only Hong Sheng and Lin Qier were clenching their fists nervously at the moment, staring at Wang Hao who was dressed in white on the stage, their heartbeats were also a little faster at the moment, Lin Qier also stopped talking at the moment, just He stared at Wang Hao on the stage with wide eyes.

"Okay!" Seeing that Wang Hao actually agreed, Prince Rong said with a smile: "Sure enough, a boy born from a hero since ancient times, Wang Er, now there are still three or four hours before dark, I hope your decision is not impulsive, hahahaha Haha..." Prince Rong laughed wildly, then stopped suddenly, and said to everyone in the audience: "The next step is up to you, do you want to fight for the last spot? Or do you want to give up directly? The power is in your own hands.!"

As soon as Prince Rong finished speaking, there was a yin and yang voice from the audience: "Where can I wait for you noble people on the stage to make a move, Xiaosheng can clean up this ignorant kid, let him and his That fat-headed and big-eared friend returned to that barbarian land early. Quack quack quack quack quack..." With the sound of weird laughter, a man in a light yellow gown, with a white face and beardless eyes, actually had a little charming color The youth flew onto the ring.

Wang Hao frowned, snorted coldly, and the Weeping Shuang sword swelled several times in an instant like a tacit understanding, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the place where the man was standing.Unexpectedly, the cultivator actually made an extremely charming gesture towards Wang Hao but made everyone present want to vomit. He actually imitated the woman and gave Wang Hao a blessing, and said in his mouth: "Wu Zhencang come to learn!" After finishing speaking, he smiled charmingly at Wang Hao again, and Wang Hao suddenly felt sick. At this moment, two dazzling golden lights shot out from Wu Zhencang's hands, and went straight to Wang Hao's eyes.Wang Hao felt disgusted just now, but he relaxed his consciousness, but Jianling Qishuang had already noticed it, and before Wang Hao could control it, the sword flashed and slashed fiercely on the two golden lights.

There were two "ding ding" sounds, it turned out to be two golden embroidery needles, which had been cut into four by the Weeping Frost Sword and fell on the ring, Wu Zhencang's expression changed suddenly, and there were many palaces in his hand Fan, slapped towards Wang Hao fiercely.

Wang Hao was already alert at this moment, and seeing that the Yuan power coming from the palace fan did not fluctuate much, he already knew in his heart that nine out of ten of the Yuan power coming from the palace fan contained poisonous gas that eroded the monk's Yuanshen, so, Immediately, he struck out a fist wind to disperse the energy, and with a finger of his right hand, the Weeping Frost Sword came to the top of Wu Zhencang's head like a dragon exploring the sea, and slashed fiercely towards the top of his head...

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