Fairy Road

Chapter 95

The woman in the painting held out a sword, Wang Hao could not avoid it, and the tip of the sword finally came to Wang Hao's chest.In desperation, Wang Hao could only condense all the energy in his body on his right fist, and punched hard on the blade of the blue light long sword, the woman's blue light long sword was suddenly full of blue light , the sword's momentum is also slightly lowered.Just within a few centimeters, Wang Hao kicked his legs, and his feet actually stepped on the blade of the green light.

The woman in the painting is still without any human fireworks, her long sleeves are rolled up, her sword blade is turned upside down, and Wang Hao is immediately forced down.Wang Hao frowned in the air, and immediately threw several punches at the long sword. The vitality contained in each punch was beyond the ability of ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks to resist.At this time, Wang Hao can be said to have played a real fire.

The punches always hit the sword body, but the long sword can easily dissolve the majestic energy contained in the fist every time after the blue light flows.Wang Hao was still sweating on his forehead at this time: If it continues like this, it will be a losing situation!

However, what Wang Hao didn't know was that Yue Bufan, who was standing not far away, holding a simple picture scroll in his clothes, was already pale at this time, and his right hand holding the picture scroll had even started to shake slightly. For Yue Bufan, controlling this magical weapon is also an extremely energy-consuming thing.

A long-sleeved fluttering, holding a long sword, the sword is fierce, and it kills with every move.A man in white clothes was torn, and with his bare hands, he kept punching in the air. Each punch was able to slightly drag the sword's momentum, so that he could take the opportunity to avoid the long sword's assassination.The time for a cup of tea passed, and Wang Hao finally felt that the Yuanli in his body was not functioning properly, and his complexion changed drastically.Ever since the golden elixir in his body changed and he practiced the ancient demon scriptures, there has been no shortage of energy.The weapon spirit in this painting is really powerful, it is worthy of being a divine weapon!

bang bang bang!After hitting three punches in a row, Wang Hao took the opportunity to take out three "Shengyuan Pills" and stuffed them into his mouth. The energy in his body suddenly surged, and he continued to hit the long sword with three more punches.

At this time, a sudden change occurred, and the blue light long sword was shattered under Wang Hao's fist wind, and then the woman in the painting also turned into a cloud of green smoke and returned to the simple picture scroll.On the other hand, Yue Bufan had a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes showed more fighting intent.Staring at Wang Hao, he said: "Wang Dao is friendly and profound Yuanli, with my late Yuanying cultivation base and this artifact, it is really surprising that your Yuanli has not been exhausted!" After finishing speaking , Flipping his right hand, put the simple picture scroll into the storage bag, cupped his hands towards Wang Hao and said: "This battle, Yuemou admits defeat! But, after the recruitment of relatives is over, Yuemou still wants to ask Wang Daoyou for advice."

When Wang Hao heard that Yue Bufan was going to challenge himself after the wedding, his expression froze, and he smiled wryly: "I will accompany you!" After speaking, his eyes sparkled, and he looked at Prince Rong.

Prince Rong also looked at Wang Hao with a smile at this time. After all, this young man in white gave him too many surprises. If this person can become the emperor's son-in-law, the strength of the empire will rise to an unprecedented level in the near future. the height of.The cultivation of this white-clothed boy is already so astonishing, and coupled with his youth, he can be said to be an unexplored genius in the world of cultivation.Even the term "genius" is not enough for this young man, because the two great geniuses in the world of comprehension - "Weiyang Sect" Qisheng and "Taiqingmen" Yue Bufan were defeated by this person.

Prince Rong looked at Wang Hao with a smile, which made Wang Hao feel uncomfortable. Wang Hao even felt that in the eyes of Prince Rong, he seemed to have become a peerless magic weapon...

"Um... I don't know which fellow Taoist will come to challenge." Wang Hao really couldn't bear Prince Rong's gaze, and said to the people sitting on the stage.

No answer!

Prince Rong glanced sideways at the Taiqing Sect disciples, then stood up, laughed and said, "Your Wang Daoyou's strength is amazing! Hahahaha, I want to make an exception and personally announce it for you. The last two promotion places are Wang Er and your friend, uh...what's his name? By the way, let him also come on stage."

Wang Hao immediately showed joy, while Hong Sheng flew onto the ring impatiently, clasped his fists at Prince Rong and said, "I'm Hong Sheng. Thank you, my lord, for your success!"

"Successful? Hahahaha, speaking of perfecting, I think you should thank your friends around you. If he hadn't stood up for you, this promotion quota would definitely not be given to you. Although the previous [-] promoted monks were all Only win two games, this king will announce his promotion, but there is no rule in the competition, if you win two games, you will definitely be able to advance. If this king is not happy, you will win eight of the last ten games, and you will still not be allowed to advance Next round!" After Prince Rong finished speaking, he gave Wang Hao a meaningful smile, which meant: I only let your friend advance to the next round because of your face, so don't let me be promoted in the retest. The king is disappointed!

In Wang Hao's eyes, he felt that Prince Rong suddenly gave him a ambiguous smile, his whole body went numb, he cupped his hands towards the top of the ring, and then flew away from the ring, standing beside Lin Qier.Hong Sheng bowed his hands to Prince Rong again with a face full of joy, and then turned around and flew down the ring.

Then, the Jindanqi monk beside Prince Rong announced that today's competition was over, and the retest will still be held here tomorrow.After speaking, they read out the list of the 32 monks who were promoted one by one. Wang Hao and others felt bored, so they prepared to turn around and leave. After all, the names of these people were very strange to them.

The three of them had just walked a few steps, when a name that Jin Danqi read made Wang Hao pause for a while.

"Qin Chong?" Wang Hao murmured, "Could it be Qin Chong from my Xuantian Sect?" Thinking of this, Wang Hao smiled, but he didn't care anymore. People are already defeated by themselves.

Hong Sheng got the chance to be promoted by accident, and was very happy. On the way back, he kept flattering Wang Hao.Lin Qi'er was walking with her head depressed, but she looked like she didn't care about Hong Sheng.

It was getting late, and after the three of them discussed it, they decided to find a restaurant to have some food and drink, which could be regarded as celebrating Hong Sheng's promotion. Although Lin Qier still had a stern face, she heard that she was going to eat The food and wine aroused the glutton in the little girl's belly, and her steps became much lighter.

The restaurant is not big, but it has its own characteristics. It serves all the special wine and dishes in Yanjing City. Wang Hao casually ordered a few dishes and ordered a jug of wine. The three of them began to enjoy the lake view below the restaurant. , while slowly tasting the food and wine.This situation is very satisfying.Because it was dinner time, the noise in the restaurant was the only shortcoming.

Among the many diners, there are also many monks.Among them was a table with four monks, all dressed as middle-aged scribes, talking about today's marriage competition while drinking.

"Come on! Brothers, let me congratulate Senior Brother Lin for advancing to the re-examination. I hope Senior Brother Lin will be able to embrace a beauty tomorrow and become the consort of the Great Yan Empire!" One of them had a mole the size of a fingernail on his face. As the monk said, he stood up, raised his glass, and drank it down.The others then drank the wine in their glasses.

"That's right! Brother Lin, you are the first among the 32 people to advance today, maybe you will be ranked first tomorrow!"

"What does it mean? That's a certain thing. Everyone knows Brother Lin's cultivation. Which one of the promoted monks has entered the late stage of Nascent Soul? Come on, Brother Lin, I will toast you again. In the future I also hope that Senior Brother Lin will help you a lot." The speaking monk's eyes were so small that there was only a slit left, and he was still smiling and toasting a burly monk.

The burly cultivator should be Senior Brother Lin they were talking about. He drank the wine in his glass with a smile and said slowly: "I observed the top [-] advanced cultivators carefully. Most of them are The cultivation of the golden core stage is not worth mentioning! However, I did not see the cultivation of the twelve monks who were promoted later. I only heard that there was a monk surnamed Wang who seemed to have fought several times in a row, and even The disciples of the Taiqing Sect have all attacked, but they still haven't defeated him, this person should not be underestimated!"

"What is the Taiqing Sect! We are the top ten wild families..."

"Junior Brother Zhang, drink. Don't talk too much!" Senior Brother Lin frowned and looked around.That junior brother Zhang knew that he had slipped his words, so he quickly sat down and drank his wine in suspense.

The monk with a mole on his face went on to say: "Brother Lin said just now that the monk surnamed Wang, my younger brother has heard about it from passers-by. I heard that the prince of the Yan Kingdom seems to be quite satisfied with this person. It is really not acceptable." Look down!"

"Hmph! Senior Brother Ma, do you still have any doubts about Senior Brother Lin's strength?" Junior Brother Zhang, who had just slipped his words just now, couldn't help but said again at this moment, "If we can meet that Wang tomorrow, Senior Brother Lin will definitely Let him know what 'there are mountains beyond mountains'!"

As the saying goes, wear thousands of times and wear them all, but flattery does not wear them.That Senior Brother Lin was photographed by this person's flattery, but he raised his wine glass in a fluttering manner, and the scene of himself embracing a beauty appeared in his heart.

At this moment, a disharmonious voice came over: "You really know how to brag! There is also 'there is a sky beyond the sky', the cow has been blown up to the sky by you, I am not ashamed!" It was a girl's voice, and the four of them followed Looking at the prestige, I saw two men and a woman sitting on the table near the window. Among them, the girl looked about [-] or [-] years old. She was a cute elf, but she was looking at them with a mocking expression at the moment.

"Where did you come from, you stinky girl, she's full of nonsense, let my brother teach you a lesson!" Seeing that Lin Qi'er looks very cute, the one named Zhang Shidi is very cute, and the two men beside him are only at the golden core stage. Then she walked towards Lin Qier with a smile all over her face.

The other three monks saw that the two men and one woman were not high-level, so they didn't care about it. They watched the junior brother Zhang walk towards the little girl with wine.

Seeing Junior Brother Zhang coming to her with a sinister smile on his face, the little girl leaned towards the man in white in fright.

"Get out!" A cold voice came from the man in white beside the girl.

(The plot is still unfolding slowly, and big scenes will follow soon, so bookmark it!)

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