Fairy Road

Chapter 97

Four silver armored guards, four silver long swords, like four bolts of lightning, streaked across the night sky, and Wang Hao's figure was instantly cut into five parts.The monks watching the battle below let out a burst of exclamation, but soon became calm again.It turned out that what was cut by the long sword was just an afterimage left by Wang Hao, and his figure had already appeared in front of Senior Brother Lin.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!To get entangled with these four humanoid magic weapons, it is better to directly attack the owner of the control magic weapon!In fact, everyone understands this truth, but not everyone has the speed to avoid the siege of these four silver armored guards.However, Wang Hao's speed is definitely enough, because at this time a silver long sword has appeared under his feet.

Although the Weeping Frost Sword has not fully recovered its vitality at this time and cannot compete with the opponent's magic weapon, it can still be used as a flying sword.Brother Lin obviously didn't expect that Wang Hao's speed would suddenly soar. When he found that Wang Hao's majestic Yuanli attacking his eyes, it was too late to dodge.And the four silver-armored guards were several feet away from the two of them at this time, unable to rush to help.

It can only be head-to-head!Brother Lin's heart swelled, and he slapped it with his left hand, touching Wang Hao's fist.With a click, Brother Lin let out a scream, and his left palm was broken by Wang Hao!

Hiss... what a strong fist!The monks watching the battle were all amazed.

Wang Hao's offensive didn't stop at all, and he punched the opponent with a swift and incomparable punch.

Brother Lin was terrified at this moment, his left hand was broken, and he had lost his combat strength, and his right hand dared not fight Wang Hao head-on.With a thought, he quickly fled towards the direction of the four silver armored guards, wanting to use the strength of the silver armored guards to protect himself.No matter where Wang Hao allowed him to escape, the fist wind followed behind him like flowing fire, and slammed on Senior Brother Lin's back.

Puchi!A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Brother Lin's body froze for a moment. At this time, four silver armored guards had come to his side, attacking Wang Hao with four gleaming silver swords.

But in front of Wang Hao, there was a simple giant clock floating at this moment.With a bang, a substantial wave of Yuanli was sent out from the bell, hitting Senior Brother Lin and the four silver-armored guards.Since you want my life, then I will never show mercy!Otherwise, with a single thought, the one who might die is himself.At this time, Wang Hao already understood in his heart that in the world of cultivation, there is often no reason to speak of.Only strong strength is the last word!

With a bang, after the four silver armored guards were hit by the powerful wave of Yuanli, they were immediately shot out a distance of several miles like four silver birds, and even the silver long sword they held in their hands , is also broken inch by inch.

And Senior Brother Lin was even worse, with blood gushing from his mouth, and he fell towards the ground like a sandbag... At this moment, Senior Brother Lin's chest suddenly changed suddenly, and a destructive force spread from his chest out.

Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he withdrew his fist, jumping several feet away.At this time, a phantom condensed in front of Senior Brother Lin, and Senior Brother Lin was spraying blood profusely, his face was ashen ashes, and he seemed to have been severely injured.

What's this?Wang Hao was startled, and two cold lights shot out from his eyes, staring at the phantom that was gradually solidifying.Within a few breaths, the phantom finally turned into an old man with long beards. This old man looked like someone who had been in a high position for a long time, and his eyes were full of disdain for the world.

"The phantom that the Great Elder left in Senior Brother Lin's body was shocked. This kid is dead this time." The small-eyed cultivator who was with Senior Brother Lin murmured, and then flew up to the forest. Beside senior brother, he helped senior brother Lin who was still vomiting blood to sit down on a boulder.

The long-bearded old man squinted at the cultivator below him, and then sneered at Wang Hao: "You are not small, if you want to kill the core disciples of my clan, you will leave your life here today!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed the void with his right hand , Wang Hao felt that the air around him seemed to be condensed, and the vitality in his body could not be mobilized at all. He could only watch the skinny giant claw grabbing towards his Tianling.

"It's over, Wang Hao, this person seems to be at the stage of transformation into a god! We have absolutely no power to fight back!" The sword spirit Qishuang at the foot also realized the critical situation.

what to do?Can't wait to die like this!Wang Hao was thinking a lot in this flash, but he had no way to deal with it.Those big skinny hands were about to crush Wang Hao's Tianling Gai claws...

Suddenly, there was a cry of a crane in the air, and a huge crane wing appeared above Wang Hao's head, and it collided fiercely with such a skinny and big hand.

There was no sound, no energy fluctuations.But the monks around felt that the whole time seemed to have stopped, and the whole space seemed to be shattered!

When everyone was terrified, the long-bearded old man let out a long cry, and his figure turned into a black shadow and was entangled with another white figure.From time to time, the long-bearded old man shouted and cursed: "Who are you, why did you fight against me, you know what will happen if you offend me!" The white shadow didn't make any sound, just fought the long-bearded old man in a muffled voice. in one place.

This kind of battle can already be seen clearly by those monks who watch the battle from time to time.The competition between the two peerless powerhouses also attracted several powerhouses hiding in Yanjing City, and in an instant, several extremely powerful auras came to the place where the two were fighting, but these auras were faintly visible, obviously just I wanted to see the excitement, but I didn't intend to make a move.

Then, from the palace, there were also two unusually powerful auras. It seemed that the battle between these two people had alarmed the royal family of the Dayan Empire.

At this moment, Wang Hao was covered in cold sweat, standing blankly in mid-air. Only now did he realize that the gap in realm would make him helpless when facing the enemy.Hey... My cultivation is still not enough!The exercises and supernatural powers in the ancient demon scriptures still need to be practiced early to at least be able to use them at will.But, who is this person who saved me?Among the people I know, there is really no one with such a powerful cultivation base.

The two figures, one black and one white, fought for dozens of rounds in an instant, and they seemed to be evenly matched. At this time, both of them began to be cautious, and the old man with long beard stopped talking.

At this time, a man in a dragon robe hiding at the side smiled and said to a man dressed as a Confucian scholar next to him, "Sir, who do you think will win between these two!"

The Confucian scholar said with a smile: "Your Majesty, according to Xiaosheng, that white figure is just a monk who has stepped into the stage of transformation with one foot, but the old man with long beard is really a monk in the stage of transformation. There is no need to compare, but what the old man with the long beard appears at this moment is just a phantom left by him on the younger generation. He should only be able to exert [-]% of his own strength, and it is impossible to persist for too long. Therefore, in the end, it should be that The men in white win. But..."

"But what?" the man in the dragon robe asked suspiciously.

"The aura of the man in white doesn't seem to be human!" Confucian scholar said, frowning.

"Huh? It doesn't look like a human being, so...could it be a monster race?"

"Your Majesty, this is just my guess. The monster race has not appeared in the cultivation world for a thousand years, so the possibility of it appearing here is not great!" Confucian scholar stared at the two figures and said in a deep thought.

"Hmph! If the monster race really dares to appear in this cultivation world again, I will definitely let them know what regret is!" After the man in the dragon robe finished speaking, he exuded a rushing aura, and he was actually longer than the one just now. The aura of the old man was even more astonishing.

The Confucian smiled wryly and shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I think even if this white-clothed man is a monster monk, it probably doesn't mean that the whole monster clan will re-enter the cultivation world. After all, back then..."

"Okay!" The Confucian scholar was interrupted by a man in a dragon robe before he finished speaking, "Leaving aside the matter of the monster clan, let's talk about the fact that the top ten wild families actually sent their children to participate in this recruitment How should we respond to this event?"

"This..." The Confucian scholar pondered for a long time before he said, "The power of the ten wild families is indeed extraordinary, but if the little princess is to marry into the wild family, I am afraid that it is not what His Majesty wants!"

"That's right! Of course, my daughter can't join the wild world!" The man in the dragon robe said, then gestured towards the Confucian scholar, motioning the Confucian scholar to look into the distance, and continued: " It seems that this trouble can be solved smoothly without us taking action." Confucian scholar followed the gestures and saw a faint figure, which came to the healing place where senior brother Lin was sitting.

Then, he pointed lightly at the back of senior brother Lin's head suddenly, his body shook suddenly, and then his body burst open, and a terrified villain fled towards the distance like an arrow.However, after only a few feet away, there was a scream, and he burst to death.

That faint figure then turned into a cloud of green smoke and fled towards the distance.

"Senior brother Lin!" Junior brother Zhang saw that senior brother Lin suddenly exploded and died, and even Yuanying was a colleague, he immediately screamed, stupidly, as if he couldn't believe the scene before him.

The long-bearded old man who was fighting with the white figure in mid-air also let out a sharp roar at this moment, and shouted: "Stop, thief, this old man will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!" After a shock, he chased after that faint shadow.

And that white figure stood high in the sky, solidified for a long time in the direction the long-bearded old man was chasing, and then disappeared in a flash.

All these changes happened in the blink of an eye. All the cultivators watching the battle were staring at the sky dumbfounded at the moment. , I don't even know how to die.

At this moment, Wang Hao flew back to Hong Sheng and Lin Qi'er with a puzzled look on his face, and the three of them who were traveling with Senior Brother Lin also flew towards the direction that the bearded old man was chasing.

In the hiding place, the aura of acquaintance gradually faded away, leaving only the man in the dragon robe and the Confucian scholar.The man in the dragon robe suddenly pointed at Wang Hao and asked, "What do you think of this boy?" The Confucian scholar frowned, and then said: "This boy is only a monk at the Jindan stage, but he can fight against a monk at the late Yuanying stage without falling behind. It's unpredictable!"

After hearing this, the person in the dragon robe had two brilliant lights in his eyes, and then disappeared in a flash!

(Old wet begging for collection!)

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