Fairy Road

Chapter 99 The old enemy

The venue is still the same venue, but it has been expanded several times. Eight huge arenas appeared on the venue, and the rostrum was set up on a high platform in the north. Among the dozen or so people sitting on the rostrum, except yesterday's Among the disciples of the Taiqing Sect and Prince Rong, there are two more old men with white beard and hair, who seem to be enshrined in the royal family. In addition, sitting between the two old men is a beautiful woman with a peach blossom face , is the little princess of the Great Yan Empire.

Hong Sheng raised his head and stared blankly at the beautiful woman on the stage. He clenched his big hands tightly, showing the tension in his heart.At this moment, Lin Qi'er opened her eyes wide and kept looking at the little princess on the stage, her little mouth was tightly pursed, not knowing what was going on in her heart!

At this moment, Wang Hao also stared blankly at the little princess on the stage, then lowered his head, thinking of another beautiful face in his heart.Why do they look so alike... Wang Hao was puzzled. At this moment, with the sound of a gong, a man in police suit appeared on the ring nearest to the rostrum with a wooden box in his hand.Then, the man said loudly: "Today is the day of the re-examination. The 32 monks who were promoted yesterday, please come to the stage and draw a bamboo stick each. The number on the bamboo stick is your number."

As soon as the strong man finished speaking, dozens of figures appeared on the ring, and they pulled out a bamboo stick from the wooden box one after another.Then, two beautiful women recorded the numbers and names they extracted one by one.Hong Sheng got No.13, while Wang Hao got No.18.And these two numbers are destined to be unable to meet for the time being, because the re-examination rules divide the 32 monks into two groups, each with 16 monks.The rules of the match are: monk No. 15 against monk No. 21, monk No. [-] against monk No. [-], and so on.Based on this calculation, Hong Sheng should have drawn the No. [-] cultivator in the first round, while Wang Hao's opponent was No. [-] cultivator.

After a lottery, all the monks have determined their opponents, and the next step is to fight with the home team according to the rules set by the conference.Meeting each other on a narrow road, only by defeating the opponent, will there be a chance to win the favor of the little princess.If you don't have enough monks, lose the battle, and fail to enter the top four, even if the little princess is interested in you, she is not qualified to be the son-in-law of the Great Yan Emperor.Because, in the realm of comprehension, strength is the best proof of oneself!

The competition began soon. There were sixteen competitions in the first round. Since there were only eight arenas, there would be two pairs of monks competing in each arena. Hong Sheng was assigned to the third arena, while Wang Hao It was assigned to the seventh arena.Fortunately, the time of the competition between the two is staggered.Hong Sheng is the first match in the third arena, while Wang Hao is the second match in the seventh arena.Therefore, the three of them first came to the side of the third arena.

"In the first competition, No. 16 monk Ouyang Fang wants to face No. [-] monk Hong Sheng, please come to the ring!" The person in charge of the competition is a military officer of the Dayan royal family. Judging by his clothes, he should be of high grade look.

After Hong Sheng heard his name being read out, he turned his head and nodded slightly towards Wang Hao and Lin Qier, and flew onto the ring.Before going to the ring, Wang Hao naturally gave Hong Sheng several "Sheng Yuan Pills".

Wang Hao originally didn't want to participate in this marriage recruitment conference, but his apprentice fell in love with the little princess of the Great Yan Empire at first sight, but he was seriously injured in the first test.By mistake, the two entered the retest at the same time, so Wang Hao decided to fight all the way by himself, maybe he could help Hong Sheng in the competition.Unexpectedly, the two were divided into two groups in the lottery. It seems that they will not be able to meet before entering the semi-finals.After entering the semi-finals, how the competition should be conducted is still unknown.Therefore, Wang Hao is constantly thinking in his heart: should he just give up now, or fight all the way to the top four?If he gave up, Hong Sheng would have to face three opponents after entering the semi-finals, and if he also entered the semi-finals, Hong Sheng's opponents would only be two.However, the headache now is whether Hong Sheng can enter the semi-finals is still unknown!

It's better to take one step at a time. If Hong Sheng is defeated, I will just give up!Thinking of this, Wang Hao just felt relieved.At this moment, the two people on the stage were already fighting.

Today's competition is obviously more intense than yesterday's. After all, if you are not careful now, you will face the end of being eliminated directly.

Ouyang Fangxiang, Hong Sheng's opponent, was also at the late Jindan stage.Surprisingly, the magic weapon he controlled was actually a small dark green sword, fighting with Hong Sheng's "Black Jade Sword" in mid-air, two green lights flying up and down, making people dazzled.

But what was surprising was that the winner was soon decided. Although Ouyang Fangxiang was also at the late stage of Jindan, the energy in his body was obviously far weaker than that of Hong Sheng, and it took less than a cup of tea. The light of his small dark green sword gradually dimmed, and after a few breaths, the light of the sword became weaker, and was finally hit by Hong Sheng's "Black Jade Sword" continuously, and flew back backwards. "Mo Yujian" also came to Ouyang Fangxiang like a shadow, the tip of the sword seemed to have a spirit, swallowing the sword light in front of him.Ouyang Fang wanted to look dark, and put the magic weapon back into the storage bag, which was an immediate surrender.

After entering the top [-], Hong Sheng immediately looked happy, and Wang Hao observed that the two monks on the ring he was going to compete with still had no winner, so he stayed where he was and waited for Hong Sheng. After flying down, he confessed to Hong Sheng: "If you can enter the semi-finals, I will naturally enter the semi-finals to help you!" After hearing this, Hong Sheng was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Master!" Wang Hao smiled and waved waved.Lin Qier sneered from the sidelines and said, "If you still want to enter the semi-finals, you will definitely lose in the next round!" Hong Sheng immediately turned pale, and shouted: "Little girl nainai, can you say something nice? "Hmph!" Lin Qi'er didn't put on any face, she just ignored and looked at the other ring.

Not long after the second competition on Hong Sheng's side of the ring began, there was a burst of exclamation from the seventh ring. A monk was thrown out of the ring by another monk. The competition was over and it was time for Wang Hao to enter the stage.

Wang Hao patted Lin Qier on the back and said, "You stay here to watch Hong Sheng's competition." After speaking, he moved and appeared on the ring more than ten feet away.

As soon as Wang Hao stepped into the ring, the monks who were watching the battle immediately shuddered. After all, Wang Hao's strength yesterday left a very deep impression on the monks watching the battle.Even Zhongyue Bufan of the Taiqing sect could defeat him, how many of the other 31 monks today are qualified to be his opponents?

"The second match in the seventh arena, No. 21 monk Mo Ziqi vs. No. 28 monk Wang Er!" After an official announced the names of the two sides, it was a long time before the monk named Mo Ziqi came to the stage.

The official was very puzzled, while the spectators in the audience showed expressions of no surprise at this situation. After all, when you meet Wang Er, you have to weigh whether you are qualified to be his opponent. If it is obviously self-inflicted humiliation, it is better to just give up!

After a few breaths, no one appeared on the ring, and the official of Yan State who presided over the competition could only announce with a puzzled face that the calm-looking Wang Er in front of him would directly advance to the next round.

Such a result was unexpected for Wang Hao, he shook his head with a wry smile, and flew off the ring.But Hong Sheng's second match was still not over.Although Hong Sheng and Lin Qier had been standing beside the third ring, they knew Wang Hao's situation well and saw Wang Hao approaching.Hong Sheng immediately grinned and said with a smile: "Master, you are very famous now, and you can defeat others without fighting. It's amazing!" Lin Qier also had a look of joy.

The three of them stood together and chatted for a few words.Soon, the competition here also had results.

It only took less than an hour for the top sixteen to be formed. The remaining sixteen monks only need to win two more games to successfully enter the top four and get the qualification to face the little princess directly.

The next round was [-] to [-]. Neither Hong Sheng nor Wang Hao's opponents were too strong. After some fighting, Hong Sheng finally knocked the monk off the ring.And Wang Hao ended the competition even more lightly.

The top eight are born, and those who stay are naturally strong!

These eight people will have four competitions, and these four competitions will all be arranged on the same arena.An official of the Great Yan Kingdom wearing a black official robe, holding a scroll in his hand, stepped onto the ring stage, announcing the situation and order of appearance of the eight players.

The first match was Hong Sheng's match against a general from the Great Yan Kingdom. This general was named Cao Peng, and like Hong Sheng, he was also at the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

In the second match, Liu Qingyun from Zhen Dao Sect played against a casual cultivator from Wu.

In the third match, the two sides were a bearded man at the peak of his golden core stage against a man in black with a long sword on his back.The strange attire of this man wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a long sword on his back aroused Wang Hao's interest. After learning that this man took "Jian" as his surname and was named "Dao Xin", he thought to himself: This man, in the In terms of swordsmanship, he must have a good cultivation base.

After the announcement of the list for the last match, Wang Hao's expression became extremely weird. It turned out that after the official of the Great Yan Kingdom announced the name of that person, Wang Hao knew that he had met his old enemy: Wan Kingdom The prince——Qin Chong.Qin Zhong didn't recognize Wang Hao because Wang Hao changed his appearance with a secret method. After all, Wang Hao didn't use the Weeping Frost Sword that revealed his identity in the two competitions just now.Qin Chong also did not watch yesterday's competition.

After the sound of the gong, the first competition for the top four is finally about to begin...

(For collection!)

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