Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 117 The Land of Chaos

"'s scary!"

Standing at the gate of the city, the Honda Squadron Leader of the 29rd Squadron of the [-]th Regiment of the Second Division of the Japanese Army stood in the gate hole of the North City Gate with a saber in his hand, staring dumbfounded at the situation on the opposite street. Forget to talk!

This scene was too terrifying. A living man covered in flames screamed and bumped into the east and west. Wherever he touched, he immediately burned, as if he was a napalm bomb!

Although the Japanese soldiers are very fierce, they are also living people. They also have fears, and they are even more superstitious than ordinary people, and they value the soul more. Situation in hell.

For a moment, not only the squadron leader Honda was speechless, but even the soldiers under him were dripping with cold sweat, and the arms holding the rifles were trembling uncontrollably!

"Shoot and end his misery!"

Suddenly, the squadron leader Honda uttered a cry, and the sword in his hand was drawn out of its sheath, reaching the front, his eyes were a little red!

Even if he knows that the person facing him is his subordinate, but still shoots at him, even the Japanese who are cold-blooded and cruel by nature will not feel good!

However, the machine gun didn't fire for a while, and the two machine gunners seemed a little unbearable. They didn't press the trigger for a long time, and they were still hesitating!

"Baga, coward!" Honda rushed over, and one of them gave a big ear scratch, and blood was seen on the corners of the mouths of the two of them, and then cursed, "This is an order, shoot immediately!"

Hearing the soldier screaming in pain, the two machine gunners gritted their teeth and finally pulled the trigger. The woodpecker sound of the Type [-] heavy machine gun sounded, and a string of bullets trailing arcs flew across the sky. It penetrated into the body of the Japanese soldier.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the soldiers fell to the ground, leaving only crackling and burning corpses!

The squadron leader Honda swung his saber violently and shouted loudly, "Charge, kill all the Chinese people!" After finishing speaking, he took the lead and charged forward!

At this moment, the Japanese who was stimulated by the man just now seemed to be transformed into a beast, and rushed towards the streets and alleys in Fengtian City with blood red eyes!

Of course, Luo Xiao didn't see this scene!

With Jiang Dahai and two snipers behind him, he led the special forces supporting Tang Shaofeng to quickly break away from the battle, and then retreated along an alley to Fengtian City.As for what to do next, he hasn't figured it out yet!

Things happened so fast, he hadn't planned what to do next, and the Japanese's big plan had already begun to be implemented, which caught him a little off guard.

According to his estimation, the Japanese's big plan will take at least three days to start, but this time he underestimated the madness in the Japanese bones, just like the Americans underestimated the madness of the Japanese in launching the Pearl Harbor attack!

Luo Xiao is also a human being, not a god, so he sometimes makes mistakes!

When the Japanese launched a sneak attack at the North Gate, he was still studying the enemy's situation in an inn not far from Shanhe Tea House. The sudden gunshot made him feel that things had changed, and it probably exceeded his expectations!

Therefore, Luo Xiao immediately summoned the special forces team, on the one hand, sent people to the place where the gunfire sounded to inquire, and on the other hand made everyone ready to fight at any time!

Not long after the special forces set off, gunshots rang out in other places in Fengtian City, and the gunshots became more and more intense, which made Luo Xiao feel heavier and heavier!

Soon, the special forces sent to inquire about the news sent back a message through the walkie-talkie, reporting everything they saw.

Luo Xiao immediately understood that the Japanese must have launched a big plan in advance and launched an invasion of China!

September [-], September [-], Luo Xiao talked about it several times, and couldn't help but lament that although he tried his best to stop it, he only delayed the time to launch the incident, instead of preventing and eliminating it!

This also allowed Luo Xiao to see clearly the face and nature of the Japanese, knowing that they would not give up their nature of expansion and aggression!

"Little devil, it seems that you guys are ruthless. Well, if you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself. In the future, I will make you regret the wrong decision you made today!" Luo Xiao secretly made up his mind.

Seeing the captain's silence, those special forces members were all anxious, they didn't know what to do next, so they winked at Sun Donglian, asking him to come over and ask Luo Xiao what to do next!

The Japanese launched a full-scale attack on Fengtian, so at this time Fengtian City has fallen into chaos. Although there are certain disadvantages for Luo Xiao and the others, there are more advantages!

When the Japanese fought with the Northeast Army, the control in the city would inevitably be weakened, so it would be much easier for Luo Xiao and the others to act!

Luo Xiao knew that a part of the Northeast Army would spontaneously fight against the Japanese, but the order from the upper echelon would be issued soon, and it was definitely a non-resistance policy!

At that time, the top leaders of the Northeast Army will abandon Fengtian and withdraw to the Pingjin area of ​​Guannei. At that time, the Northeast Army will have no leader, and there will be a split, allowing the Japanese to get Fengtian at their fingertips!

"The Northeast Army withdrew from Fengtian, and the Japanese were not able to gain a firm foothold. At such an opportunity, I can do something!" Luo Xiao thought in his heart!

Fengtian is an important city in the three eastern provinces, with well-developed transportation and prosperous economy. It has the largest and most advanced Fengtian arsenal in Asia, and there are mines nearby, which can provide a large amount of iron ore. These are the necessary resources for the arsenal.

If you can win Toyota, you can speed up the construction of the arsenal. By then, the army armed with a large number of advanced weapons will become a nightmare for the Japanese!

Take Fengtian, you must take Fengtian, Luo Xiao repeated it again in his heart!

Of course, he also knows that taking Fengtian is not so easy. You must know that there are tens of thousands of Northeast Army stationed here, and there are also elite troops of the Japanese Kwantung Army. The Northeast Army will swarm in, and no one knows whether the Northeast Army will make trouble!

Therefore, Luo Xiao must plan carefully and strive to win Fengtian safely!

Winning Fengtian is a big matter, it cannot be decided overnight, and his top priority is to support those Northeast Army troops who are still desperately resisting, and these people are likely to join his team in the future and become his capable generals!

The Huya special team and the Dragon Wing team together only have two thousand fighters. Even if they are equipped with the most advanced weapons, they are still too weak in front of an army of tens of thousands. Heavy weapons, not to mention artillery and armored units, these weaknesses will undoubtedly be exposed in group battles!

Special Forces members are real people, not Transformers, let alone Superman. It is possible to have one enemy, three enemies, five enemies, but one enemy, one hundred enemies, thousand, that can only appear in fantasy and fairy tales!


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