Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 134 Arrogant Lieutenant Mishima

The island country has a narrow territory and frequent natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanoes, so that they live in fear all the time, so these Japanese people have a sense of crisis in their bones, and they don't want to leave that place all the time!

The best way to leave the island country is to expand the territory and occupy more territories, so that you can live a better life!

Therefore, foreign aggression is a strategic policy formulated by the Japanese long ago, and generations of rulers have studied countermeasures around this issue!

From this song sung by the Japanese, you can hear their ambitions!


Just when the Japanese sang happily and even danced, a deafening slap resounded through the entire hall. The sound was so loud that the Japanese officer who was singing with his neck was startled. When it came to the neck, the singing was stuck there, so Xuan was not suffocated to death!

With a sound of swipe, people turned their attention to the table where Luo Xiao and the others were sitting, to see who was so bold to interrupt the Japanese singing!

Sun Dong was sitting by the table, with one hand on the table, glaring at the Japanese. He was the one who slapped the table at Luo Xiao's instruction just now, interrupting the Japanese singing!

"Several—" Wan Yuhai looked up and down several times, feeling that these members of the detective team were a bit unfamiliar, "Are you new to the detective team?"

Luo Xiao ignored Wan Yuhai, but stood up slowly, glanced at everyone in the hall, and then said calmly, "Fathers and folks, everyone is Chinese, so Yue Wumu's Man Jianghong should be able to sing Bar!"

"Yes!" Someone shouted in the crowd!

"Well, we can't let the little devils compete, let me start." Luo Xiao cleared his throat, and then sang loudly, "The place where you lean on the railing!"

The anger is rushing to the crown, and the rest is on the fence.

Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement.

Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon.

Don't wait any longer, the young head is white, empty and sad!

Jingkang shame is still not snowing; when will the courtiers hate it?

Drive a long car and cross the Helan Mountain.

Aspirations hungry for the Hulu meat, and laughed and thirst for the blood of the Huns.

Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que!

Everyone was united and sang in unison, the passionate voice resounded in the hall, the bang almost toppled the roof, the blood in the hearts of the people was ignited, each of them clenched their fists, their necks were red and they chanted loudly, It seems that the only way to express the emotions in my heart!

Several Japanese military officers looked at each other in blank dismay in the crowd. They had never been in such an embarrassing situation, and they could unite the Chinese people in the entire hall with just one song!

Who is this guy?

Full of doubts, Banjin Zhiyuan observed Luo Xiao, and saw that he was calm and calm, directing everyone to sing in unison, but when his eyes fell on him, he immediately reacted, sharp eyes Shooting suddenly, he confronted himself in the air!

As soon as the eyes met with Banjin Naoyuan, Luo Xiao couldn't help but feel awe in his heart. He realized that this Japanese was not so easy to deal with. Even in such an awkward atmosphere, he was still able to keep calm, and he couldn't see the innermost feelings from his eyes. A little emotion is like a bottomless deep spring, unpredictable!

"This is a difficult opponent!" Both of them thought so!

After a song, the process of the banquet resumed in the hall, but it seemed that the atmosphere had quietly changed, and it was developing towards an atmosphere that people hadn't expected!

After drinking for three rounds, Banjin Zhiyuan stood up holding his wine glass, walked slowly to the table where the security forces officer was sitting, raised his glass and bowed respectfully to them, "Several, this is Li Donghui, Commander of the Security Forces. your subordinates!"

"I am Tang Tianhao, the third regiment under the command of Brigadier Wang Yizhe of the [-]th Independent Brigade!" The battalion commander looked at Banjin Zhiyuan with his neck straightened, and reported his original number. , "Drinking with the Japanese, I am afraid that my mother will come out of the grave and kick my ass!"


A group of officers of the Security Force laughed in unison, but it sounded like admiration rather than laughter!

Banjin Zhiyuan still had a calm expression, and he was not irritated by Tang Tianhao's actions at all, but smiled, "Hehe, I heard that you are very skilled, and I wanted to compete with you, but I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that. If you can play tricks, then Banjin Zhiyuan will leave and don't disturb everyone's pleasure!" He drank his wine glass in one gulp, turned and walked towards his own table!

"Stop!" Tang Tianhao called to stop him from behind, then stood up from his seat and stared at him with big eyes, "What are you talking about, do you want to fuck with us?"

"Exactly, let's see if it's the Chinese kung fu that you Manchus boasted about, or our real Yamato samurai!" Itatsu Naoen still had a smile on his face, but his tone was full of provocation!

Tang Tianhao kicked over the chair beside him and unbuttoned his collar, "Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

Soon, an open space was cleared in the center of the hall, the tables were moved aside, and the ground was cleaned up!

Several Japanese officers stood to the east, while the officers of the security forces stood to the west; around them were guests who came to the banquet, forming a big circle, waiting to see the wonderful competition!

Luo Xiao and Sun Dong all squeezed to the front of the circle, waiting quietly!

For this kind of competition, Luo Xiao is a bit used to it, because this is also one of the Japanese's favorite tricks, he wants to see how these Japanese people's kung fu is!

With the development of the times, in Luo Xiao's era, real kung fu has become less and less. Most of them are fighting skills, Sanda, one-hit kills and other combat skills. Traditional martial arts are declining day by day, like Luo Xiao. This kind of master who combines fighting skills and traditional kung fu is already very rare, there are not many!

When both parties were ready, Itatsu Naoen took a look, and then waved his hand to indicate that Lieutenant Mishima next to him was the first to appear on the stage!

Mishima bowed at ninety degrees, then bent down and took off his leather boots, even his socks, and put them on the side, then loosened the buckle and walked into the arena!

First moved his back, then twisted his neck, and finally relaxed his legs, Mishima looked like he didn't take Tang Tianhao and the others seriously!

After relaxing his body, he raised his head and looked at Tang Tianhao and other officers of the public security army on the opposite side. Mishima stretched out his middle finger and gave them a hook, with a contemptuous expression, "You guys, let's go together!"


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