

"Keep shooting!"

The six 36-type heavy machine guns temporarily deployed by the devils fired together with [-] light machine guns with crooked handles. The entire passage was completely covered by machine gun bullets, and there were flying bullets everywhere, dragging in the air. There was a dazzling arc!

For a moment, the bunker where Cheng Tianlei and the others were hiding suddenly made a crackling sound as if the roof had been hit by a torrential rain!

These bunkers are all made of alloy shields developed and invented by Mo Yanran. The defense strength is amazing, much stronger than those sandbags!

But even such a strong alloy shield, under the baptism of the torrential machine gun bullets, some cracks appeared. Although it is not obvious for the time being, but after a long time, I am afraid it will not be able to support it!

Cheng Tianlei and the others hid behind the bunker, except for a few machine guns that were still shooting at the devils, the rest of them all hid behind alloy shields, avoiding the opponent's machine guns!

Although the light was dim, the devils couldn't see clearly what was going on here, but the machine guns that covered the entire passage left almost no dead spots for shooting, so Cheng Tianlei's team had to temporarily evade!

If you fight against the devils, with the firepower of the weapons in Cheng Tianlei's hands, they are not machine gunners who can't beat the devils, but then, Cheng Tianlei's thunder squad will definitely be damaged!

Cheng Tianlei didn't want to trade his brother's life for the devil's life, that's too worthless!

As for the way to deal with the devils, Cheng Tianlei already had it. Who told him to change the shotgun now, and the guys in his hand are very complete!

"Shoulder-fired missiles, knock off the devil's heavy machine gun!" Cheng Tianlei lay behind the alloy shield fortifications, and shouted at the soldiers around him while listening to the crash of machine gun bullets like rain hitting plantains.

Shoulder-mounted miniature missiles are Cheng Tianlei's trump card. These small treasures are absolutely powerful against armored troops, devil's planes, or light and heavy machine guns!

After listening to the order from the squad leader, the artillerymen who had been eager to try immediately put the shoulder-fired missile launcher on their shoulders, and then pointed the direction in the direction of the devil's light and heavy machine guns!


Following an order, two miniature missiles whizzed out, with a piercing sonic boom from the tail, and plunged into the group of devil's machine guns!

With the high speed at which the missile can catch up to the plane, at such a short distance, it can be said that one click here will arrive there, so the devils have no time to react, and the missile has already fallen into the group of devils' machine guns.

After a slight pause, a group of dazzling lights suddenly burst out from the other end of the passage, followed by an extremely strong shock wave sweeping from the other end of the passage, hitting Cheng Tianlei's fortifications like a tide!

The alloy shield fortification fastened together by special screws swayed in this powerful shock wave, making a creaking and moaning sound, as if it might fall apart at any time, but in the end it was supported safely, and no place fell off. !

After the shock wave passed, Cheng Tianlei got up from behind the fortifications, raised the night vision binoculars, and looked towards the devil's machine gun position on the opposite side. After seeing it, he couldn't help but gasped!

At the original location of the Devil's machine gun position, a deep pit with a size of three to four meters appeared. He couldn't see how deep it was from this position, but he could see that the edge of the big pit was full of gravel and mud. There are pieces of human body.

On the ground a little further away, machine gun parts were scattered all over the ground densely, including both light machine guns and heavy machine guns, and it seemed that many of them were damaged!

"Hey, this missile is so fucking powerful!" Cheng Tianlei couldn't help laughing when he heard the machine gun sounds that were obviously sparser on the devil's machine gun position, but then he was discouraged, "It's a pity, this time the geese instructor will give it to you." I got two of them, if there were more, I would definitely beat the little devil to pieces!"

Cheng Tianlei didn't know that Yan Beifeng also had his own difficulties. These shoulder-launched missiles were brought by the Huya Special Warfare Brigade from the original era. Aircraft, so there will not be too many missiles that can be allocated to each unit!

Of course, if the arsenal officially starts construction in the future and can produce these miniature missiles by itself, it will be a different matter!

Although he was not satisfied with the number of missiles that Yan Beifeng allocated to him, Cheng Tianlei was quite happy with the results of these two shoulder-fired missiles!

Two miniature missiles killed the devil's twenty or so light and heavy machine guns. These missiles are really powerful!

Most of the devil's light and heavy machine guns were killed, which immediately weakened their firepower. What's more, their morale was also greatly bruised, and they didn't launch an attack for a while!

Charge without light and heavy fire support and cover is almost like sending to death. Those Japanese soldiers are still very familiar with these principles!

The squadron leader whose light and heavy machine guns were killed was taken aback. He was quite surprised by the two bombs thrown by the opposite Chinese army just now (the shoulder-launched missiles were regarded as bombs thrown by the kid!).

It is small in size but powerful. If there are more weapons like this, it is estimated that this squadron of mine may be taken away by others!

The more the devil's squadron leader thought about it, the more uncertain he became. He hurriedly reported the situation to the Japanese Gendarmerie Captain Quan Yangjian.

After hearing this, Inuyang Kenwen pondered for a while before giving the order. He ordered the squadron leader to continue attacking, even if he was using people as a backup, he must break through the opponent's defense line and rush to the place Fujita Hikaru told him!

Massive wealth, not to mention a squadron, even if the entire Fengtian Gendarmerie is filled in it, he thinks it is worth it!

After receiving the order from Captain Inuyang Ken, the squadron leader was silent for a moment, and then pulled out the command knife at his waist, "I order, starting from the first team, attack in order, and launch a continuous onslaught!"

For a moment, the Japanese soldiers seemed to be mad, and rushed forward from the main passage. At the same time, the Japanese troops in other positions also gave up their entangled opponents and rushed to this area desperately, preparing to support the battle here. !

The battle, from the beginning of blooming everywhere, began to shift towards concentration!At the same time, Yan Beifeng, who noticed the change in the characteristics of the devil's attack, immediately adjusted his deployment, gathered his troops, moved closer to several key areas, and began to block the enemy with his superiority, buying time for Luo Xiao's side!

Both sides are racing against time, proceeding according to their respective steps!


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