Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 323 Ghost in Heart

In the middle of the night on the third day, all the guests who came to the birthday banquet suddenly received a message from Minoru, asking them to gather in the hall of Hidden Dragon Mountain, saying that they had something important to announce.

The guests didn't know what to do, so they had to rush to the hall of Hidden Dragon Mountain under the guidance of Xiao Luo, ready to see what was important after they passed.

In the past few days, their life has been difficult, because although they eat and drink, they can't leave Hidden Dragon Mountain, which makes them very unhappy.

Most of these people are the head of some hilltops. Although they are not as powerful as the big hills like Canglong Mountain and Qingmakan, they still have a lot of things to do. After being out for so many days, it is estimated that there must be a lot of things accumulated in the family. It needs to be dealt with.

Therefore, the guests quickly gathered in the hall.

Today's hall is no longer the birthday banquet of the black dragon, but has become a mourning hall, with white curtains everywhere, and white gauze covering the lanterns, which looks very gloomy.

As soon as I entered the gate of the hall, I saw a mourning hall built at the innermost part of the hall. In the middle was the rank of the black dragon, and behind the rank was a thick thirteen-round coffin, which was painted several times inside and outside. It's just sitting on the coffin, but there are no nails on it.

Because the murderer has not been found out, the black dragon cannot be buried yet, so the coffin cannot be nailed up, so that the museum can be opened at any time to examine the corpse.

People walked into the hall one after another, stood in the open space in front of the mourning hall, chatting in low voices, guessing what Hidden Dragon Mountain would say next.

Luo Xiao walked in from outside the hall with the special operations team, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. He has become the focus of people's attention during this period of time, and almost everything is related to him, so people can't help it. Pay attention to him.

"Look, that's Luo Xiao. It is said that the head of the Black Dragon died at his hands." Someone whispered to those who didn't know.

"That's right, it is said that he used steel needles to impale the big boss to death one by one." Some people said more and more outrageous, "I heard that more than 1000 needles were inserted, and the black dragon big boss is almost like a colander."

"Nonsense, I heard that the big head was strangled to death with a rope." Someone gestured with the rope strangled posture, "Click once and you will be out of breath."

Luo Xiao couldn't help laughing when he heard people's various explanations, these people are too good at making up things.

A member of the Special Forces couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a low voice, "Captain, when did you become undefeated in the East, and you even practiced the Sunflower Book."

"Get lost, why are you joining in the fun?" Luo Xiao glared at him angrily, and scolded with a smile, "When is this, you are still talking nonsense."

The special forces members knew that Luo Xiao wasn't really angry, so they didn't care, but were secretly happy.

Walking into the hall, the people who were originally surrounded by the entrance of the hall immediately moved out of the way, as if they were afraid that Luo Xiao would talk to them, so a passage was immediately vacated from the entrance of the hall to the coffin.

Luo Xiao sighed in his heart, "It seems that these people are afraid of getting into trouble. People are so realistic. When it comes to the critical moment, they reveal their human nature."

But he didn't mean to blame these people, because this is human nature, and there is nothing to blame.

From the passageway shown by the people, Luo Xiao walked to the mourning hall, raised his head and looked inside the mourning hall.

In the huge mourning hall, there is a solitary coffin parked. In front of the coffin is the spiritual seat of the black dragon. On a spiritual tablet, there is a line of black characters written, the spiritual seat of the master of the black dragon.

No one knows what Black Dragon's real name is, so everyone can only use his nickname of Black Dragon, but this is not important to Black Dragon anymore.

"The head of the family, life is like a bubble, death is not a relief?" Luo Xiao took three sticks of incense from the table next to him, lit them on the candles on the table, and then inserted them into the incense burner, saying silently in his heart, "I hope You go all the way, I will definitely find out your hatred, and give you justice."

After burning incense, Luo Xiao retreated to the side and made way, there were still many people behind him who wanted to offer incense to Heilong.

Sure enough, he backed away, and other people dared to come over to offer incense to the black dragon. For a while, there was an endless stream of people, and cigarettes were lingering in front of the coffin.

At this time, there was a commotion at the entrance of the hall. People turned their heads and found that it was the second leader of the jackal and the third leader of the phoenix of Canglongshan, followed by the eight kings of Canglongshan, such as the one-eyed vulture, the owl, and Qingluan. old man.

These people are all in plain white, with filial piety for the black dragon, and one of them is very special, obviously limping on one leg, with a shawl and long hair, about 60 years old, but a pair of eyes leaking murderous looks, which makes people I was a little apprehensive when I saw it.

"Isn't this a cripple?" There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and some elderly people recognized this guy with a very vicious reputation at a glance.

Back then, before Heilong went to Hidden Dragon Mountain, the head of the family at that time was named Laizi, who had a great reputation for viciousness within a hundred miles. He once slaughtered three mountain villages at one time.

Many elderly people remember that the cripple was killed in the encirclement and suppression by the government army, and his body was still displayed on the top of Tieling city for a month. Those who were in charge of the family knew this.

However, it is really unbelievable that this murderer reappeared today.

"It seems that something big is going to happen in Hidden Dragon Mountain." Many people had this idea in their minds, and they had already begun to regret coming to this muddy water.

Jackal and others came to stand in front of the coffin, he and Fenghuang looked at the cripple who stood in the middle, and bowed their heads respectfully to him, "Uncle Ren, please offer incense to elder brother."

People have no objection to Hidden Dragon Mountain's doing this, because the cripple is said to be the earliest master of Hidden Dragon Mountain, earlier than Heilong, and jackals and others should be respectful.

The cripple did not refuse, but walked up to the Black Dragon Spirit, grabbed a handful of incense and lit it in the brazier, held it in his hand, and muttered, "Old man, I didn't expect you to leave before me, This is really unpredictable, if there are any difficulties or shortcomings over there, just tell me, and it’s okay to have a dream.”

The cripple muttered for a long time, then put the incense in the incense burner, turned around and looked at Xue Peng with a sneer on his face, "Xue Peng, I didn't expect that we meet again."

With a cold face, Xue Peng snorted, "Your surname, I didn't expect you to be alive?"

"You are not dead, how could I die? Back then I promised Heilong that I would not show up in front of people as long as he lived for one day. Now I can finally show upright." The crippled man said arrogantly, "I know you still remember that time Wu Family Village's blood debt, I'm standing here, come and get it if you have the ability."


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