Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 327 Hidden Dragon Crisis

In the hall of Hidden Dragon Mountain, there was a tense atmosphere.

One side is the Xuepeng Guard led by Xuepeng, while the other side is crippled. The two sides are facing each other across the black dragon's coffin, which seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

The leader, Black Dragon, just died, and now Xuepeng and the cripple are fighting again at the slightest disagreement, and they are sandwiched between the two sides. The jackal and Phoenix now feel a terrible headache and don't know what to do.

Xue Peng held two guns in his hand, and a pair of box cannons pointed directly at the cripple opposite him, his eyes flashed with raging flames of hatred, wishing to burn the cripple to death.

The cripple showed an unhurried expression, playing with a dagger in his hand. This flying knife was also his most powerful flying knife stunt at the beginning, and his shots were always worthwhile.

Behind the Xuepeng, stood the black bear, and a group of members of the Xuepeng Guard, each with a box cannon, facing the cripple with a murderous look.

The cripple was the only one on the side, standing there alone, which seemed to be in stark contrast to the crowd of Xue Peng on the opposite side.

In the open space next to the two sides, the one-eyed vulture and Qingluan dressed in black stood behind the jackal and the phoenix, watching the situation of both sides nervously.

"You are crippled, you have to pay with blood, today is your death date." Xue Peng gritted his molars, the muscles on his face were tense due to anger, and his fingers had already slowly tapped the trigger.

The cripple still had that unhurried expression, he put the dagger in his palm, looked at it unhurriedly, and smiled, "Xue Peng, maybe you should be called the boy of the Wu family, do you really think Is it a sure thing to win?"

Xue Peng heard the words and sneered, "I'm a cripple, don't lie to me, I, Xue Peng, have been in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, your tricks are useless."

"Really, well, then, I'll show you what it means to be disappointed. Who told you that you won't die until you reach the Yellow River." The cripple flipped his fingers, and the dagger disappeared. With a snap of his fingers, he suddenly shouted towards Xue Peng, "Do it."

Xue Peng was stunned for a moment, he didn't know who the cripple would let him do it, because he was all members of the Xue Peng Guard, and there was no one else at all.

But when he was in a daze, a gun was suddenly pushed against his temple. The cold feeling made him want to turn his head to look, but he was stopped by the gun.

At the same time, more than half of the members of the Xuepeng guard suddenly turned their guns, pointed at those who were loyal to the Xuepeng, and shouted, "Don't move."

With a crash, the Xuepeng guard split into two halves in an instant, and then the two guns faced each other. In the blink of an eye, they became opponents who could exchange fire at any time.

The man limped up to Xue Peng, and looked at him with a half-smile, "Xue Peng, how about it, I told you not to be too arrogant, or you will regret it."

Xue Peng snorted coldly, then looked at the black bear who was still pointing a gun at his forehead, and shouted, "Black bear, you are the cripple's subordinate."

"Brother Xuepeng, this is arranged by the head of the Black Dragon. Brother, there is nothing you can do about it. Don't blame me." .”

Only then did Xue Peng understand that the black dragon had been wary of him from the very beginning, even though he was loyal to him and went through life and death countless times, he still couldn't get him to talk to him.

Thinking of all the painstaking efforts he had put in for Heilong and Hidden Dragon Mountain over the years, he suddenly felt a little discouraged, and he shouted violently, "If you are lame, please give grandpa a good time, and grandpa will find you in the next life to repay the debt." Hatred of blood."

The cripple put the dagger on Xuepeng's carotid artery with a murderous look, then smiled sinisterly and said, "Don't worry, cutting grass and roots is my usual habit, this time I won't leave any harm."

Xue Peng closed his eyes, he understood that now that he has lost a complete defeat, there is no point in resisting.

The sudden turn of the situation exceeded the expectations of Jackal and Phoenix. They didn't expect that the big brother Heilong had such a skill that he could turn the cripple into victory in an instant. Seeing that the cripple wanted to kill Xuepeng, he hurriedly shouted, "Uncle Ren , don’t kill Uncle Peng, they are all from Hidden Dragon Mountain, we can’t kill each other.”

"My own person, keeping this kid is the biggest threat to me. I can't keep him." The cripple snorted, as if he didn't want to buy it.

At this moment, a shrill gunshot suddenly sounded from the position of the gate of the village, which sounded very clearly in the silent night.

Everyone in the hall was stunned, and no one knew what happened.

The jackal shouted towards the door of the hall, "What happened to the gate of the village?"

But no one responded outside the hall, as if there was no one there.

Jackal's heart sank, suddenly a bad omen flashed, and he shouted to Yan Luo's guards beside him, "Go out and have a look."

Four or five members of Yan Luo's guard responded, and then rushed towards the entrance of the hall.

As soon as the wooden door of the hall was pushed open, a machine gun rang out on the opposite wall, and the bullets swept like whips, knocking down all the little guys who hadn't figured out the situation, and there was no chance to shoot.

"It's a devil's crooked machine gun!"

The jackal reacted in an instant. He heard the model of the machine gun that was fired just now, and was taken aback, "Although there are a few crooked machine guns in Canglong Mountain, they are all arranged on several checkpoints. There are two Czech machine guns."

"not good!"

With a flash in his heart, the jackal thought of a possibility. He didn't care about anything else, so he jumped at Fenghuang, threw her to the ground, and at the same time shouted at the rest of the people, "Hidden, it's the devils who came up."

Almost at the same time as his voice sounded, the crooked machine guns on the wall outside the wall rang out together, and there were twenty or thirty shots fired, and the bullets whizzed towards the hall with a dazzling arc of light.

The bullet tore the paper on the window in an instant and shot into the hall. The silver bullets buzzed in the hall, sawdust flying, and all kinds of things shattered.

The jackal's voice saved the lives of many people. Many people escaped the devil's machine gun fire in time because they were mentally prepared in advance, and rolled under the base of the wall or behind the table or pillar.

But even so, more than a dozen people were hit by machine guns and fell to the ground. Even Caique, one of the Eight Great Vajras of Canglong Mountain, was injured in his right leg and fell beside a pillar, moaning softly.

Phoenix broke free from the jackal's arm, then pulled out his own box cannon, leaned sideways behind a pillar, and shouted to the one-eyed vulture closest to the colorful bird, "One-eyed vulture, drag the colorful bird behind the cover."

The one-eyed vulture heard the call of the phoenix, but did not take any action, but looked at the phoenix and the jackal with a gun and laughed.

The jackal roared angrily, "One-eyed vulture, listen to the third master, save Caique quickly."

"Yes, the second leader." With a smile, the one-eyed vulture responded, but quickly raised the box cannon in his hand, and pointed it at Caique who fell not far away.

With a "bang" gunshot, Caique's head jerked backwards, and then fell backwards. A bullet hole appeared on his forehead, and his eyes were wide open unwillingly before dying.


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