Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 332 Hidden Dragon Crisis

"Impossible. If that's the case, they don't need to do that. They can kill us on the mountain. It's so clean and easy to be noticed." Gongji Ling shook his head, he felt that the matter was not that simple.

While the two of them were discussing, some leaders arrived one after another. In such a short time, there were no less than four, no.

Everyone was talking about it, not knowing what it meant.

Just when people were staring at the pile of stones in a daze, a group of Japanese soldiers in black and gray special forces uniforms suddenly stood up behind the stones, each with a German submachine gun in their hands, and the guns were pointed at those who were in charge.

Old Wei from Bailangchuan and Datou Gongjiling were at the front. They saw the ghost appearing suddenly with sharp eyes, and then let out a loud roar, and their bodies fell off the horse, "It's a devil, move quickly."

People heard that it was a devil, and scattered in all directions with a sound of coaxing.Each dodges towards dodging.

At the same time, the submachine gun in the hands of Aokiro from Nobunaga's Second Squadron rang out, and the bullets easily shot through the chests of the two men, causing them to fall off the horse.

The submachine guns of the other special attack team members also started firing. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen of them were hit by bullets and fell to the mountain road. .

As soon as the gunshot rang out here, the Japanese soldiers ambushing in other places also received the signal. They got up from their respective shelters, shouted and rushed towards the mountain road while holding the [-] cover. There is only a place not far from both sides of the mountain road.

Hiding behind the rocks, the masters couldn't help complaining repeatedly. While shooting at the devil, they used their brains to see if there was any way to escape from the devil's encirclement.

But the devil's encirclement is very tight. The devils of the two squadrons and the members of Nobunaga's special attack team formed a large long bag with a length of one kilometer and a width of more than 100 meters, enclosing all these people in it. Wherever you go out, you will be blocked by fierce firepower.

Under the step-by-step tightening of the devils, the positions of these masters were constantly shrinking, and they were quickly squeezed into a small area and surrounded by groups.

Seeing those Japanese soldiers rushing forward shouting and holding rifles with bayonets attached, the hearts of these masters were shaken, and I guess I might not be spared this time.

If it weren't for the hope of capturing these people alive, and the Japanese soldiers didn't use grenades and artillery, I'm afraid these people would have suffered more casualties, and the entire army might have been wiped out.

But even so, they knew they couldn't last much longer.

Aokiro held a German submachine gun in his hand, shadowed behind a protruding rock, and shouted loudly, "The leader of the opposite side, as long as you can put down your weapons, the Kwantung Army of Japan can guarantee your safety. I hope you can Think it over."

A sneer sounded from the crowd, and someone shouted loudly, "Son of a son of a bitch, come on, grandpa will die at worst, and he will be a good man again in 20 years."

"I hope everyone can think about it carefully. After all, a person has only one life. If you die, you will lose everything."

The other side began to be silent, and some people showed signs of activity, and it seemed that they did not want to die.

Finally, after half a minute of silence, someone came out from the shadows and walked towards the Japanese with a gun in his hand.

"Dog traitor, shame on the Chinese people." Someone cursed behind his back, and raised his gun and knocked him down.

This angered the Japanese soldiers. They fired both light and heavy machine guns, causing rubble to fly in the hiding place of these people, and they were suppressed so that they could not lift their heads.

"I'll say it again, as long as you agree to lay down your arms and promise not to fight against the Japanese army from now on, we can let you go."

This time, there were more people involved in mental activities, and finally four people stood up, pointed guns at the others, and then retreated towards the devil.

Under the eyes of the devil's light and heavy machine guns and Japanese soldiers, no one fired, allowing that person to retreat in front of the Japanese smoothly.

After taking pistols from them, several Japanese soldiers led them down, seemingly without abuse.

The minds of the remaining family members began to fluctuate. Seeing that they had nothing to do, these people naturally wanted to ask for a chance to survive. Whoever was alive would seek death by himself.

In this way, more and more people came out from the dark and walked towards the Japanese. After a while, more than a dozen people passed by.

In this way, there are thirty or forty people left. These people are all passionate or have hatred against devils, so they didn't move.

"How is it, Major Aokirou, are there enough people?" Hejiu, the squadron leader of the Fourth Squadron of the First Brigade of the 18th Independent Mixed Brigade, asked him in a low voice, "These people on the opposite side seem determined. Fight to the end with the Kwantung Army."

Aokiro nodded slightly, but he suddenly remembered something that Captain Hikaru Fujita had entrusted to him, so he shouted loudly, "Which of you is Luo Xiao?"

The crowd looked at each other, and after a while someone shouted, "We don't have Luo Xiao here."

"Then, there is no need for you to live anymore." Aokiro shouted coldly, and then waved his arm, "Let's get rid of them." He Jiu heard this, stretched out his hand and pulled out his command knife, pointed forward, and then hoarsely shouted, "Charge!"

The light and heavy machine guns rang out again, and at the same time, the [-]-type grenades fired from the grenade also roared, falling on those who were in charge.

"It seems that this time it's really over." Looking at the swarming Japanese soldiers, Gongjiling Datou and Bailangchuan Old Wei couldn't help but look desperate.

Just when they were about to make the final desperate blow, there was a strange sound in the sky, it sounded like thunder, and it was rapidly approaching.

"What the hell?"

Not only those who were in charge were attracted, but even the Japanese soldiers temporarily stopped attacking and looked up at the location where the movement came from the sky.

In the night sky, the roaring sound became louder and closer, and gradually approached not far from the top of people's heads. The trembling buzz made people feel like their hearts were being shaken.

Finally, under the attention of many people on the ground, the dark cloud above the head was torn apart by a dazzling light, and then fell into the crowd below.

The brightness of that light was a bit stronger than that of Japanese searchlights. All the people under the light couldn't open their eyes, and they stretched out their hands and stood in front of their eyebrows to dodge.

The roar suddenly increased, and at the same time a huge black shadow appeared behind the light, quickly pressing down from the sky.


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