Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 344 3 Women 1 Play

"Political Commissar Yan is right, the Yanhuang Legion welcomes you, Sister Phoenix!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Mo Yanran's face, and then she stretched out her arms towards Fenghuang, "I am Mo Yanran from the Weapons Research Institute."

Although Fenghuang sensed the hostility of the woman opposite her, since she stretched out her hand towards her, out of politeness, she had no choice but to reach out and hold Mo Yanran's palm, "You're welcome, Sister Yanran."

As soon as the palms came into contact, Fenghuang frowned, showing a slight pain, and at the same time bit his lips tightly.

As soon as he touched Mo Yanran's palm, Fenghuang felt a huge force coming from the opponent's hand, like a pair of pliers hitting his palm. Under the opponent's huge force, Fenghuang seemed to feel the pain in the metacarpal Moaning, as if it would be crushed at any moment.

"This woman has great strength!" Fenghuang also started practicing kung fu since she was a teenager, and it has been ten years now. At the beginning, she suffered a loss because she was caught off guard. , but Mo Yanran will not be able to do anything to her for a while.

Moreover, Mo Yanran just wanted to teach her a little lesson, she wouldn't hit hard, so her subordinates withdrew some strength, so the two fell into a stalemate for a while.

"Sister Yanran, you look so beautiful!"

"Phoenix sister, you are not bad either!"

"Each each other, hehe!"

The hands of the two people were tightly held together, and they didn't let go for a while. During this process, the two people were still praising each other hypocritically, as if they had hit it off after seeing each other intimately, but from the palms that were gradually protruding from the veins, you could see It turns out that two people are wrestling.

Sometimes women are very difficult to mess with once they become cautious!

After a long time, even Luo Xiao, a super nervous person, felt the strange atmosphere in the room. He asked strangely, "What's the matter, are you two okay?"

The two turned their heads almost at the same time and said in unison, "It's okay!" But their hands were still tightly held together.

Hearing that they were all right, Luo Xiao felt relieved. He stepped up to Yan Beifeng's side and was about to speak when the door was pushed open with a slam, and he broke into the room alone.

Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng looked up and found that it was Jiang Yulan who came.

Recently, Jiang Yulan has been mainly busy with logistics work. The bedding factory at the base has started operation, and a large amount of clothing and bedding are produced every day and distributed to the troops.

Having robbed so much gold from the devils, now Luo Xiao's Yanhuang Army is very rich, even if it is opened up, Yan Beifeng probably will be fine within three years.

However, Yan Beifeng will not be so extravagant. He spent all his money wisely, and he has already begun to prevent non-combat troops from carrying out logistics work such as land reclamation and weaving. The things produced meet many needs and greatly save the Yanhuang Army. .

If the military factory is also put into production in the future, it will save a fortune on weapons and ammunition, and then the Yanhuang Army can develop faster.

Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng's plan is to use the Huxiaoling base as the core, and then expand outwards, launch mass movements, and mobilize the enthusiasm of the general public, so as to form the greatest synergy.

The masses are the greatest source of strength. Without the masses of the people, any army will be a tree without roots, a fish without water, and it is not far from being finished.

Finally what to do, these Yan Beifeng are familiar with it, don't forget what he did back then, and what did the Huya Special Forces Brigade do?

The work team has been selected long ago, the participants have also undergone intensive training, and the troops in charge of protection have also been assigned, and they can start working after defeating the devil's sweep.

At that time, I believe that the work team is like a grain of tinder, which will ignite a raging fire wherever it is sprinkled, and the situation of starting a prairie fire is just around the corner.

Jiang Yulan is very talented in logistics, and she is also down-to-earth, which makes Yan Beifeng very pleased. He feels that he has picked up a treasure, which saves a lot of energy invisibly. Leave it to her and let her take charge.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yulan came to the headquarters when she was not in the factory. She probably heard the news of Luo Xiao's return.

Standing in the room, Jiang Yulan's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, even on the tip of her nose, and even her small face with healthy bronze skin was flushed from running, and her towering chest was constantly rising and falling due to breathing with.

"Jiang Yulan, why are you here? Is there something wrong with the quilt factory?" Yan Beifeng actually knew why Jiang Yulan had come, but he still had to pretend to be confused and asked her on purpose.

Jiang Yulan panted for a while, raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, then shook her head and said, "Commissar Yan, the clothing factory is fine, I heard that Brother Luo is back, I came to see him."

As soon as her words came out, two gazes fell on her, full of deep meaning. Naturally, it was Mo Yanran and Fenghuang who were fighting each other, and turned their attention to Jiang Yulan, temporarily relaxing the fight.

Luo Xiao chuckled, "What's so good about me, isn't it also a nose and two eyes."

Jiang Yulan took a step forward and looked Luo Xiao up and down. When she found that he was not injured, she was relieved, "Brother Luo, I am relieved that you are not injured."

"We're worried!" Mo Yanran and Fenghuang on the side murmured at the same time, but they didn't say anything out loud.At this time, the hands of the two people had already loosened, while Fenghuang put his hands behind his back and kept moving, it seemed that he had suffered a bit.

Yan Beifeng seemed to have noticed something, he had a strange look on his face, and then suddenly said, "Oh, I have something to do, I'm going to the secret base, Luo Xiao, let's chat." After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

"Hey, Old Goose—" Luo Xiao originally had some developmental ideas to tell him, but he didn't expect this kid to run faster than a rabbit, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was no other way, Luo Xiao had no choice but to make a decision and discuss it with him.

There was no Yan Beifeng in the room, only Luo Xiao and the three women were left, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

At this time, Luo Xiao also noticed that the expressions of the three women were a little strange, but he didn't know what happened, so he tentatively asked, "What's the matter with you, are you okay?"

Luo Xiao just asked casually, wanting to ease the atmosphere.

Mo Yanran suddenly laughed, she was the first to speak, and said, "There is something wrong, the simulation training system has been improved, I asked you to go and test it."

When Luo Xiao heard this, his brows were filled with joy, and he hurriedly asked, "Is that so, when will the test be?"

"See when you have time?" Mo Yanran was secretly delighted, but on the surface she pretended to be indifferent.

Sure enough, Luo Xiao fell for the trick, he stood up, and took the lead to walk towards the door, "Then let's do it now, I have time anytime."

Mo Yanran followed him and walked towards the door, when one foot had already stepped out of the door, she turned around and winked at the two of them triumphantly, as if to show off to them again.

Staring at Mo Yanran who was away with Luo Xiao, Jiang Yulan bit her lip, and suddenly said, "This man is so bad!"

"En." At some point, Fenghuang, who was standing side by side with her, also agreed in agreement.


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