Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 347 Rat Hunting Plan

It was late at night, and the Huxiaoling base also fell into silence.

The Huxiaoling base is completely militarized. It is not allowed to walk around at night, and at 10:30 in the evening, it enters the light control time, and the soldiers' dormitories turn off the lights on time to sleep.

Of course, special departments such as the headquarters and the monitoring department are not within this scope. These places are often lit 24 hours a day, and people can be seen coming in and out.

The monitoring department is divided into six departments, including a daily control room for daily monitoring, a data computer room for data control, and an anti-monitoring room for monitoring and anti-monitoring.

Since the establishment of the base in Huxiaoling, the Huya Special Warfare Brigade has established an anti-monitoring room, which is mainly responsible for monitoring the surroundings of the base and preventing enemy spies from using the radio to communicate.Especially after the establishment of the laboratory, preventing the leakage of confidential information has become a top priority.

The anti-monitoring room in Huxiaoling is very advanced because the military factory provides a large number of modern monitoring equipment. The latest type of radio station equipped by the Japanese army can not only intercept the information sent by the radio station, but also simulate the frequency to send false information.

To put it simply, the equipment in the anti-monitoring room can use the same frequency as the enemy's radio station to send false information, and the enemy's radio station can also receive the false information sent to them, so they think it is the information sent by their own people.

As for code-breaking, even if there is no code book, those multi-function code-breaking machines can decipher any code in this era.

The technology that is nearly a hundred years ahead is definitely an insurmountable gap.

"Section Chief, this signal has appeared for the No. 11 time." Putting a piece of information in front of Li Hongtao, the staff quickly returned to their positions and continued to concentrate on their work.

Li Hongbo is about 27 or [-] years old this year, but he is a veteran who has worked in this industry for ten years and has a lot of experience. He and the anti-surveillance team he led in the base were nicknamed "Firewall".

With a pair of sword eyebrows, piercing eyes, and a not-so-thick beard, Li Hongtao looks very handsome, but maybe he has been in this industry for a long time. He doesn't talk much, and often looks lost in frowning most of the time.

Opening the file, Li Hongtao carefully browsed the relevant records, while analyzing them in his mind.

The signal of this radio station was only discovered recently, but it has been in frequent contact with the outside world within a week, and it has been contacted no less than eleven times, and each time the frequency is different.

In addition, this signal is very peculiar. Every time it moves, it seems to be in constant motion, making it difficult for people to determine its position.

Of course, this couldn't help Li Hongtao and the others. Three days ago, they had already deciphered the characteristics of the other party's code and the changing rules of the sending frequency. As for the scope of activities, they had already locked down the approximate area.

Originally, at this level, the network could already be closed, but he received Yan Beifeng's order to closely monitor the radio station, but don't act rashly, and wait for the order from above.

Li Hongtao was very strange. He didn't know what Commissar Yan was thinking about, but he could only stand by and send someone to monitor the frequency 24 hours a day.

As a result, just now, this radio station was active again.

Although the new frequency was changed, Li Hongtao and the others had known this frequency in advance through deciphering, and set up nets in advance to wait for the prey to come.

"The equipment is confirmed, the list is as follows: ak47 submachine gun, imitation Mosingan sniper rifle, wheeled armored personnel carrier..., whether to enable the No. [-] intelligence point to transmit detailed data, please instruct?" Li Hongtao read out this paragraph in a low voice, and then called out stood up.

The staff next to him were a little confused by Li Hongtao's actions. Their section chief has always been calm, and even if the fire burned his eyebrows, he could remain calm and calm. He didn't expect such a big reaction this time.

Li Hongtao said in a deep voice, "Order Surveillance No. [-] and Surveillance No. [-] to track the location of this station with all their strength, and make sure to find out the area where he is."

Seeing that he was so nervous, the staff knew that the matter this time must be more serious, so no one dared to delay, and immediately took their positions, and began to manipulate the instruments to track the location of the radio signal.

Li Hongtao's face was very serious. He stood behind the soldier operating the instrument, closely watching the data constantly flashing on the screen, not daring to be careless or lax.

The information this time is really astonishing. The first batch of weapons and equipment data just confirmed by the laboratory has been leaked. This is an incredible event.

If the devils are allowed to obtain the detailed data parameters of these weapons, then they can manufacture the same weapons, and it will definitely be very bad news for all the anti-Japanese forces.

Thinking of this, Li Hongtao couldn't sit still, he immediately called Yan Beifeng.

It was so late, Yan Beifeng hadn't rested yet, and was working overtime in the headquarters. Seeing that it was Li Hongtao calling, he couldn't help smiling and said to Luo Xiao beside him, "Look, it's a call from the anti-monitoring room. Li Hongtao and the others There must have been a major discovery."

Luo Xiao nodded, and then said, "Well, I think the fish started to bite."

"Then let's go and have a look." Yan Beifeng stood up, grabbed his military overcoat, and walked out with Luo Xiao.

In the anti-monitoring room, Li Hongtao sat in front of the instrument, personally operated and tracked the signal of that radio station, and drew a line on the map with a pen in his right hand, which seemed to be the trajectory of the opponent's radio station.

That line is jumping in the Huxiaoling mountain forest, its direction is left and right, it seems that there is no rule to follow at all, and it is really difficult to determine its position.

Li Hongtao looked solemn, and seemed to have concentrated all his energy. Although he didn't even look at him, the pen in his hand drew the trajectory of movement accurately.

"Area No. 1041, the area is about three square kilometers. The mobile express is [-]pstc." As Li Hongtao reported the data one by one, other tracking staff also adjusted their instruments to ensure the most accurate tracking of the radio signal.

The door of the room was pushed open, Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng walked in from the outside, saw Li Hongtao was busy, they went to Li Hongtao's side, quietly watching him busy.

Li Hongtao was highly concentrated. While watching the constantly beating instrument in front of him, his mind seemed to be on the ground, moving along with it.

He is almost familiar with the terrain of Huxiao Ridge now, and he can restore the topography of any place by closing his eyes, so he can track the opponent's movement in time and accurately.

During this follow-up, Li Hongtao found that the latent agent was moving very fast, and he barely kept up with it, and almost lost it several times.


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